latex within moinmoin
installation d'après
pour s'adapter à ma distribution pdflatex, j'ai changé
1 # last arg must have %s in it! 2 latex_args = ("--interaction=nonstopmode -output-format dvi", "%s.tex")
dans le parser
sudo open -e ~/WebSites/moin/data/plugin/parser/
This post is certainly obsolete...
This is a red square:
\usepackage{graphics,color} %%end-prologue%% \newsavebox{\mysquare} \savebox{\mysquare}{\textcolor{red}{\rule{1in}{1in} } } \usebox{\mysquare}
% Math-mode symbol & verbatim \def\W#1#2{$#1{#2}$ &\tt\string#1\string{#2\string}} \def\X#1{$#1$ &\tt\string#1} \def\Y#1{$\big#1$ &\tt\string#1} \def\Z#1{\tt\string#1} % A non-floating table environment. \makeatletter \renewenvironment{table}% {\vskip\intextsep\parskip\z@ \vbox\bgroup\centering\def\@captype{table}}% {\egroup\vskip\intextsep} \makeatother % All the tables are \label'ed in case this document ever gets some % explanatory text written, however there are no \refs as yet. To save % LaTeX-ing the file twice we go: \renewcommand{\label}[1]{} %%end-prologue%% \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{*8l} \X\alpha &\X\theta &\X o &\X\tau \\ \X\beta &\X\vartheta &\X\pi &\X\upsilon \\ \X\gamma &\X\gamma &\X\varpi &\X\phi \\ \X\delta &\X\kappa &\X\rho &\X\varphi \\ \X\epsilon &\X\lambda &\X\varrho &\X\chi \\ \X\varepsilon &\X\mu &\X\sigma &\X\psi \\ \X\zeta &\X\nu &\X\varsigma &\X\omega \\ \X\eta &\X\xi \\ \\ \X\Gamma &\X\Lambda &\X\Sigma &\X\Psi \\ \X\Delta &\X\Xi &\X\Upsilon &\X\Omega \\ \X\Theta &\X\Pi &\X\Phi \end{tabular} \caption{Greek Letters}\label{greek} \end{table}
\begin{equation} x^3 =\int_{0}^{\infty} f(x,y) dy \end{equation}
et encore
$$x^3 =\int_{0}^{\infty} f(x,y) dy + c$$
Because people requested an easier way to enter latex, I've added the
possibility to write $ ... $ to obtain inline formulas. This is
equivalent to writing \$ ...\$
and has the same
single-line limitation (but everything else isn't really useful in
formulas anyway). In order to do this, install the inline\
parser add #format inline\_latex to your page (alternatively, configure
the default parser to be ``inline\_latex
). This parser accepts all regular
wiki syntax, but additionally the $ ... $' syntax. Additionally, the
``inline_latex` formatter supports $$....$$ style formulas (still limited
to a single line though!) which puts the formula into a paragraph on its
Note: in the nikola blog, this is directly accomplished by using ReST : \$\\lambda\$
= $lambda$