installing SUMATRA

installing SUMATRA


This post is certainly obsolete...


  • pysvn :

    • had to uninstall stuff from MacPorts

      sudo port uninstall --follow-dependents subversion
    • get pysvn

      • make :

        cd Source
        python backport
        Create the Makefile using python configure
    • install

      sudo rsync -av pysvn /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/6.2/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
      • pysvn 1.7.1 worked for me

  • mercurial

    sudo easy_install mercurial
  • django

    sudo easy_install django django_tagging

with hg

525  svn export ../sci/dyva/Motion/particles hg_particles
526  cd hg_particles/
527  hg init
528  hg add
529  hg commit
530  hg commit -m 'test'
531  echo $USER
532  vim .hgrc
533  vim ~/.hgrc
534  hg commit -m 'my first HG commit'
535  vim ~/.hgrc
536  ipython
537  ls
538  smt init sumatraTest_hg
539  smt info

with svn

 501  cd sci/dyva/Motion/particles/
 502  smt init -h
 503  smt init sumatraTest
 504  smt info
511  smt configure --simulator=python
 512  smt info
 513  smtweb &
 514  ls -a
 515  rm -fr .smt
 516  smt init sumatraTest
 517  smtweb &
 518  open
 519  touch fake.param
 520  smt run
 521  smt run -s python -m fake.param
 522  smt info
 523  smt configure -h
 524  smt configure -c diff
 525  smt info
 526  smt run -s python -m fake.param
 529  smt run -s python -m fake.param
 534  rm mat/dot.npy
 535  python fake.param
 536  ls
 537  smt help configure
 538  smt configure -d ./figures/
 539  smt info
 540  smt configure -s python -m
 541  smt run fake.param
 542  rm mat/dot.npy
 543  smt run fake.param
 544  ls figures/
 545  rm figures/dot_*
 546  smt run fake.param
 547  smt info
 548  smt configure -d ./figures
 549  smt info
 550  rm figures/dot_*png
 551  smt configure -d ./figures
 552  smt run fake.param
 553  smt comment "apparently, it is worth NaN shekels."
 554  smt tag codejam
 558  rm figures/dot_*png
 559  rm mat/dot.npy
 560  smt run --reason="test effect of a bigger dot" fake.param dot_size=0.1
 561  ls
 562  ls -al .smt/
 563  less .smt/simulation_records
 564  sqlite3 .smt/simulation_records