Posts about sciblog
- Using regex to filter an ISO8601 date
- homebrew cask : creating a new cask
- homebrew cask : updating an existing cask
- homebrew cask : updating mactex
- homebrew cask : updating an existing cask
- homebrew cask : updating an existing cask
- homebrew cask : updating an existing cask
- paramétrer l'e-mail à l'INT
- homebrew cask : updating an existing cask
- How Airplanes Fly: A Physical Description of Lift
- homebrew cask (level 1): correcting a pull request
- homebrew cask (level 0): contributing a new cask
- SparkleShare on a QNAP
- Meshnet
- Useful numbers
- updating to mactex (texlive for mac), version 2013
- dropping owncloud
- using tabs in vim
- upgrading owncloud to 5.0.0
- Completely disable quarantine of downloaded files
- shortcut to put the display to sleep
- setting some conventions common in Bibdesk (to work with bibtex, citeUlike)
- WP5 Year 2 report: contribution of CNRS-INT (Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone)
- How To Change Your Time Machine Backup Interval
- (re)moving lots of file containing a similar pattern
- WP4 report : NeuroTools support for the synthesis of random textured dynamical stimuli
- setting the umask to define default permissions for created files
- discover ports on MacOSX
- installing linux on imac hardware
- connecting a linux client to a QNAP's LDAP server
- installing Dovecot on QNAP
- István Orosz
- Make PDF files searchable and copyable
- using and re-using metadata in LaTeX
- racourci pour accéder à une page INIST
- rotating a video using ffmpeg
- Converting FLAC to AAC (or MP3 to OGG etc...)
- transition from movie15.sty to media9.sty
- managing defaults on MacOsX
- going back to simplicity: duckduckgo
- Type your paths directly
- how to leave iphoto
- installing Dovecot on MacOsX using HomeBrew
- Creating a bootable Debian USB flash drive on MacOsX
- Moving Time Machine to a New Hard Drive
- Doing a red-lined article file from two versions of a paper in LaTeX
- Stop Bonjour from broadcasting ssh and sftp
- Completely disable quarantine of downloaded files
- access spawn
- paramétrer l'e-mail à l'INT
- Tropique :-intervention Enghien
- installing Dovecot on debian
- Compiling pyglet on MacOsX
- computational and theoretical neuroscience
- mercurial & LaTeX
- using a versioning system
- scripting MoinMoin to get, change or rename pages
- Publications 2006-2010
- HomeBrew: compiling a python toolchain
- SpikeStream & Nemo
- Ermentrout : "Double or Nothing: Phosphenes and the periodic driving of cortex"
- Change User ID and Group ID in Snow Leopard
- Ubuntu 10.10 64bit AHCI hosted on a dell T3500
- pmset: selecting the sleep mode in Mac Os X
- handling processes in bash
- python in user space
- Finder Shortcuts in MacOsX
- inverting colors in MacOsX
- ubuntu : starting sshd at boot
- how to find stuff
- Caps Lock, what a useless key
- ignoring a folder in SVN
- Password-less logins with OpenSSH
- Instinct Paradise :-journée IMERA du 9 nov 2010
- wma to MP3
- installing Dovecot on MacOsX using MacPorts
- rsync to an alternate ssh port
- Marseille : bookmarks and tips
- installing python and its components
- Master M2 Sciences
- nous
- Émergence
- gmail Exchange ActiveSync
- bundling using py2app
- Journée de l'IFR 131 -Sciences du Cerveau et de la Cognition
- A neurocentric approach to Bayesian inference
- managing packages on MacOsX : testing HomeBrew
- shortcuts
- System Updates
- getting the PID from matlab
- running embarassingly parallel simulations on a multicore machine using bash loops
- distributed computing
- Pinna illusion
- compiling OpenCV on MacOSX 10.6
- latex within moinmoin
- installing SUMATRA
- NeuroCompMarseille 2010 Workshop
- Haïm Cohen : Tu Ne Laisseras Point Pleurer
- reStructuredText rst cheatsheet
- replacing text in files
- bibdesk + citeulike
- Richard Dawkins on our "queer" universe
- Comment créer et manipuler les données scientifiques : autour de Numpy
- using grin
- securing the server
- quelques blogs français de science
- The original eve
- contributing to the python community
- which or that?
- Journal Club : The good, the bad and the NOISE
- convert a bitmap image to a vectorized PDF using mkbitmap and potrace
- inkscape native
- some unix tips
- MoinMoin: howto install a new theme
- floating point magic
- Tips on Filesystems, security and al on mac os x
- duplicate files
- Impact Factor
- keyboard
- Deliverable M9-3: Workshop for definition of a detailed version of the V1 hypercolumn model
- Post-doctoral Position in Computational Neuroscience: "Functional, Large-scale Models of Visual Motion Perception"
- V1 hypercolumn Coordination Meeting, 20th - 21st Nov 2006