some LaTeX tips: drafts, links, margins, pdflatex

More \LaTeX tips...

checking typographic style

managing margins

  • to adjust margins, use


    then play around with the 2.5cm value until it fits.

  • tips for fitting your text in the required size : LaTeX Tips n Tricks for Conference Paper


  • If you give LaTeX \cite{fred,joe,harry,min}, its default commands could give something like "[2,6,4,3]"; this looks awful. One can of course get the things in order by rearranging the keys in the \cite command, but who wants to do that sort of thing for no more improvement than "[2,3,4,6]"

    • The cite package sorts the numbers and detects consecutive sequences, so creating "[2-4,6]". The natbib package, with the numbers and sort&compress options, will do the same when working with its own numeric bibliography styles (plainnat.bst and unsrtnat.bst).

    • If you might need to make hyperreferences to your citations, cite isn't adequate. If you add the hypernat package:


      See for example

Useful draft tips

  • “LaTeX and Subversion”

    • set a keyword with ``svn propset svn:keywords "Id" index.tex `` so that every occurrence of

      System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 70); backlink

      Inline literal start-string without end-string.

    • use latex-svninfo for instance with

    • now at every commit $Id$ will be replaced by useful data that will show up in the foot of the page

    • for a reference on using keywords see

using pdfLaTeX

  • but... sites like arXiV use only plain LaTeX so that you should keep the 2 versions of your directives for better portability (see \ifpdf ...)

    • in particular arXiV rejects the microtype package

  • le package hyperref permet même de faire des références vers les différents chapitres.

  • PDfLaTeX ne permet pas d'inclure des eps pour cela il faut les convertir en pdf avec epstopdf ou le script suivant qui permet de convertir tous les .eps d'un dossier (à sauver et rendre executable):

    for f in $* ;do
        if echo "$f" | grep -i eps*   ; then
             epstopdf --nocompress $f
             echo "converting  $f to pdf ..."
        echo "$f is not a eps file, ignored"

    il suffit alors d'executer en console `` ./mon_script la-ou-ya-tout-mes-eps/*.eps ``

    System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 116); backlink

    Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.