Installation TeX
Some useful bits of \LaTeX
code accumulated over the years...
count number of words / compter le nombre de mots
Pour compter le nombre de mots et de caractères d'un document latex, il suffit d'installer deTeX et de lancer la simple ligne de commande
detex MonFichier.tex | wc -w
alternatively, you may use
pdftotext MonFichier.pdf - | wc -w
in TexShop there's a "Statistics..." interface to the same technique.
on MacOsX, to install appropriate tools, use MacPorts and
sudo port install detex sudo port install xpdf +a4 +with_poppler
including source code in a document with pretty printing
see documentation:
texdoc attachfile
referring to table or image
referring to table or image (and not to the bottom of it)
framed box
make a framed box around text (and configure space) :
\setlength\fboxsep{1pt} \setlength\fboxrule{0.5pt} \fbox{text}
convert a collection of JPGs to a pdf
\listfiles \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[active,graphics,tightpage]{preview} \begin{document} \includegraphics{pic1} \includegraphics{pic2} \includegraphics{pic3} \end{document}
for f in *.jpg ; do convert $f `basename $f .jpg`.pdf ; done
or `` slideshow.tex`` TeX file
___________________________________________________________ \pdfcatalog{/PageMode/FullScreen}\pdfcompresslevel=0 \pdfhorigin0pt\pdfvorigin0pt \def\process#1 {\setbox0\hbox{\pdfximage width 20cm {#1}% \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}% \pdfpagewidth=\wd0 \pdfpageheight=\ht0 \shipout\box0\par} \everypar{\setbox0\lastbox\process} \input dir \end ___________________________________________________________ Usage: ls *.jpg > dir pdftex slideshow
more fonts
on the mac, out of the box with i-installer
The gwTeX part of this distribution contains all the setup files you need to use a couple of fonts from your Mac. The setup has been created by Thomas A. Schmitz (he did the main work) and Adam Lindsay, hence the naming: gtamacfonts. To use these fonts with LaTeX, put e.g. the following in your file: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{gtamachoefler} Such a style file will make Hoefler Text the serif (roman) text font and Gill Sans the sans serif font. The following basic styles are available: gtamacbaskerville.sty gtamacdidot.sty gtamacgeorgia.sty gtamachoefler.sty There are more. See the manual for details. For the same effect using ConTeXt, enter e.g.: \usetypescriptfile[type-gtamacfonts] \usetypescript[Hoefler][ec] \setupbodyfont[Hoefler,12pt] Example documents and a manual can be found in the texmf.gwtex/doc/fonts/gtamacfonts subdirectory. To get the manual you can type "texdoc gtamacfonts" in a Terminal window.
Latin Modern
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern}
Installation TeX
Sous Un*x_like, utilisation de TeTeX :
Pour ajouter un package, copiez le à un endroit adéquat (voir ), puis faire
pour rafraichir l'arborisation des packetages connus par le moteur tex
Tex on MacOsX
!TexLive is the most recent /easy distribution. You may add new packages easilly in
(see a reference) or using the TexLive tool:tlmgr
to install :
wget unzip sudo installer -pkg MacTeX-2009.mpkg -target /
(check before on the correct name)
I had to set up a new source repository :
sudo tlmgr option location
to upgrade
sudo tlmgr update --self sudo tlmgr update --all