Extracting music from the screenshots of a Spotify playlist
In this post I'll try to show how from a screenshot obtained from a software like Spotify you can programmatically extract the tracks of the songs as well as the artists, to finally download them from the Internet.
I'll use the python programming language as well as different libraries that are available as open source.
Extracting images from source files¶
We start with a series of files in PNG format. They correspond to screenshots that you can easily obtain with your usual operating system, whether it is MacOS Windows. I received this from a friend to remind memories of a good party...
For this first step we use the pillow library that allows us to transform this image file into a numpy matrix:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
filename = 'raw/Capture d\'écran 2020-04-20 16.19.32.png'
img1 = np.array(Image.open(filename))
img1.shape=(2100, 3360, 4)
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 15))
The display of this image allows us to see that we will be able to extract an area of interest that will be the same for the other screenshots... It is easily found by hand and we will check below that it works for all the images.
These images are stored in a folder and we will use the glob library to extract them one by one.
l, r, t, b = 600, 1830, 280, 1850
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 15))
ax.imshow(img1[t:b, l:r, :]);
Let's now extract a binary image from that:
img = img1[t:b, l:r, :]
img = img.mean(axis=-1)
print(f'{img.min()=} {img.max()=}')
img = img < 128
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 15))
ax.imshow(img, cmap=plt.gray());
img.min()=81.75 img.max()=255.0
OCR: Extracting text from the images¶
The next step is to extract the text from the images we have loaded from our folder. For this, we will use an optical character recognition software aka OCR. A library developed by Google and which is entirely open source allows us to do this in a few lines.
The library expect black text on the white background :
(for more info, see https://towardsdatascience.com/create-simple-optical-character-recognition-ocr-with-python-6d90adb82bb8 )
%conda install -c conda-forge pytesseract
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done # All requested packages already installed. Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import pytesseract
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)
LC = text[:-1].replace('\n\n', '\n').split('\n')
print (text)
Baby Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub) Yesterday A Goood Sign It's Choade My Dear Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy) Give It to Me Suddenly Jealous Lies Pagan Dance Move Marilyn Extremely Bad Man Snake in Your Eyes A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From... Party Zute / Learning To Love Comedown Recently Played Heaven Scent Nexus Ariel Pink Sally Shapiro Swim Mountain Soft Hair Connan Mockasin Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle HOMESHAKE Drugdealer, Weyes Blood Soft Hair Arnaud Rebotini Mount Kimbie, Micachu Shintaro Sakamoto Did Virgo, Johanna The Orb, Alex Paterson LA Priest Parcels Crumb Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny Vitalic
Note that the library expects black text on the white background :
(see the image processing above to see how it was done).
We can see that the extracted text corresponds well to the first and then to the second column in the image.
We can now store this information in a pandas type table:
%conda install -c conda-forge pandas
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done # All requested packages already installed. Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
songs = []
import pandas as pd
songs = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['title', 'artist'])
for i in range(len(LC)//2):
songs.loc[i] = {'title':LC[i], 'artist':LC[i+len(LC)//2]}
title | artist | |
0 | Baby | Ariel Pink |
1 | Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub) | Sally Shapiro |
2 | Yesterday | Swim Mountain |
3 | A Goood Sign | Soft Hair |
4 | It's Choade My Dear | Connan Mockasin |
5 | Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy) | Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle |
6 | Give It to Me | HOMESHAKE |
7 | Suddenly | Drugdealer, Weyes Blood |
8 | Jealous Lies | Soft Hair |
9 | Pagan Dance Move | Arnaud Rebotini |
10 | Marilyn | Mount Kimbie, Micachu |
11 | Extremely Bad Man | Shintaro Sakamoto |
12 | Snake in Your Eyes | Did Virgo, Johanna |
13 | A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules... | The Orb, Alex Paterson |
14 | Party Zute / Learning To Love | LA Priest |
15 | Comedown | Parcels |
16 | Recently Played | Crumb |
17 | Heaven Scent | Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny |
18 | Nexus | Vitalic |
batch of images¶
Applying this on the set of screenshots, we have:
import glob
filenames = sorted(glob.glob('raw/*.png'))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(filenames)//2, 2, figsize=(21, 21))
for filename, ax in zip(filenames, axs.ravel()):
img1 = np.array(Image.open(filename))
l, r, t, b = 600, 1830, 280, 1850
if filename=="raw/Capture d'écran 2020-04-20 16.20.46.png": b = 800
img = img1[t:b, l:r, :]
img = img.mean(axis=-1)
#print(f'{img.min()=} {img.max()=}')
img = img < 128
ax.imshow(img, cmap=plt.gray());
So that the pandas files is constructed using:
cache_filename = 'songs.json'
import os
if not os.path.isfile(cache_filename):
import glob
import pandas as pd
songs = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['title', 'artist'])
i_song = 0
for filename in glob.glob('raw/*.png'):
img1 = np.array(Image.open(filename))
l, r, t, b = 600, 1830, 280, 1850
if filename=="raw/Capture d'écran 2020-04-20 16.20.46.png": b = 800
img = img1[t:b, l:r, :]
img = img.mean(axis=-1)
#print(f'{img.min()=} {img.max()=}')
img = img < 128
import pytesseract
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)
LC = text[:-1].replace('\n\n', '\n').split('\n')
for i in range(len(LC)//2):
songs.loc[i_song] = {'title':LC[i], 'artist':LC[i+len(LC)//2]}
i_song += 1
songs = pd.read_json(cache_filename)
title | artist | |
0 | Gimme Some | Weval |
1 | Nevada | Kerala Dust |
2 | Let It Change U | Laurent Garnier |
3 | The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog - Husban... | Metronomy |
4 | The Look | Agoria |
... | ... | ... |
210 | Lovework | Black Light Smoke |
211 | Jumbo | Underworld |
212 | Different from the Rest | In Flagranti |
213 | Down the Line (It Takes a Number) | Romare |
214 | Je T’aime | Romare |
215 rows × 2 columns
one more thing...¶
It's incredible how easy it is nowadays to do these operations! To be able to extract the information you wanted from an image so quickly was not imagniable a few years ago... This is one of the many advantages that emerge from the numerour existing collaborations in the fields of computer vision and artificial intelligence.
Can we go one step further and extract an audio file from this information?
A first step would be to try to find a URI from a search query containing the title and the artist. To do this, we will use the DuckDuckGo search engine, and use the DuckPy library to do this programmatically:
...searching on DuckDuckGo ...¶
%pip install duckpy
Requirement already satisfied: duckpy in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (3.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: httpx[http2]==0.14.* in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from duckpy) (0.14.3) Requirement already satisfied: beautifulsoup4>=4.9.1 in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from duckpy) (4.9.3) Requirement already satisfied: rfc3986[idna2008]<2,>=1.3 in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (1.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: certifi in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (2020.11.8) Requirement already satisfied: sniffio in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (1.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: httpcore==0.10.* in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (0.10.2) Requirement already satisfied: chardet==3.* in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (3.0.4) Requirement already satisfied: h2==3.*; extra == "http2" in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (3.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: soupsieve>1.2; python_version >= "3.0" in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from beautifulsoup4>=4.9.1->duckpy) (2.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: idna; extra == "idna2008" in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from rfc3986[idna2008]<2,>=1.3->httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (2.10) Requirement already satisfied: h11<0.10,>=0.8 in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from httpcore==0.10.*->httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (0.9.0) Requirement already satisfied: hyperframe<6,>=5.2.0 in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from h2==3.*; extra == "http2"->httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (5.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: hpack<4,>=3.0 in /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from h2==3.*; extra == "http2"->httpx[http2]==0.14.*->duckpy) (3.0.0) Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import time
songs_results = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['i_song', 'rank', 'title', 'url', 'description'])
cache_filename = 'songs_results.json'
import os
if os.path.isfile(cache_filename):
songs_results = pd.read_json(cache_filename)
for i_song in range(len(songs)):
if len(songs_results[songs_results['i_song']==i_song])==0:
artist = songs.loc[i_song]['artist']
title = songs.loc[i_song]['title']
if '...' in title: # cut last word
title = title.rsplit(' ', 1)[0]
print(f'{i_song} ----- {title} ({artist}) ')
search_pattern = f'{title} {artist} site:www.youtube.com -playlist'
from duckpy import Client
client = Client()
results = client.search(search_pattern)
print(f'{search_pattern=}, {len(results)=}')
time.sleep(10.) # graciously wait
if len(results) > 0:
for rank, result in enumerate(results):
result['rank'] = rank
result['i_song'] = i_song
songs_results = songs_results.append(result, ignore_index=True)
-------------------------------------------------- 0 ----- Gimme Some (Weval) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Gimme Some Weval site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 1 ----- Nevada (Kerala Dust) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Nevada Kerala Dust site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=7 -------------------------------------------------- 2 ----- Let It Change U (Laurent Garnier) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Let It Change U Laurent Garnier site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 3 ----- The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog - Husbands (Metronomy) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog - Husbands Metronomy site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=28 -------------------------------------------------- 4 ----- The Look (Agoria) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='The Look Agoria site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 5 ----- Million Miles (Siriusmo) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Million Miles Siriusmo site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 6 ----- Wow (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Wow The Chemical Brothers site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 7 ----- We've Got To Try (Par-T-One) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="We've Got To Try Par-T-One site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=27 -------------------------------------------------- 8 ----- I'm so Crazy - Radio F. Edit (The Limifianas, Anton Newco...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="I'm so Crazy - Radio F. Edit The Limifianas, Anton Newco... site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 9 ----- Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) - Arnaud (LCD Soundsystem, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) - Arnaud LCD Soundsystem, Soulwax site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 10 ----- Daft Punk Is Playing at My House - Soulwax Shibuya (Flavien Berger, Etienne Jaumet) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Daft Punk Is Playing at My House - Soulwax Shibuya Flavien Berger, Etienne Jaumet site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=26 -------------------------------------------------- 11 ----- Arco lris (New Order) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Arco lris New Order site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 12 ----- Blue Monday - 2016 Remaster (Marie Davidson, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Blue Monday - 2016 Remaster Marie Davidson, Soulwax site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 13 ----- Work It - Soulwax Remix (Who Da Funk, Jessica Eve) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Work It - Soulwax Remix Who Da Funk, Jessica Eve site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 14 ----- Shiny Disco Balls - Main Mix (Dubfire, Miss Kittin, Vince Cla...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Shiny Disco Balls - Main Mix Dubfire, Miss Kittin, Vince Cla... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 15 ----- Ride - Vince Clarke Remix (Amelie Lens) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Ride - Vince Clarke Remix Amelie Lens site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 16 ----- Little Robot (Maceo Plex) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Little Robot Maceo Plex site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 17 ----- Lonely Tribe (Tom Tom Club) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Lonely Tribe Tom Tom Club site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 18 ----- Wordy Rappinghood () -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Wordy Rappinghood site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 19 ----- My Offence (David Morales Epic Red (Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='My Offence (David Morales Epic Red Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 20 ----- Beam Me Up - Hercules and Love Affair Remix (Will Saul Presents CLOSE, Her...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Beam Me Up - Hercules and Love Affair Remix Will Saul Presents CLOSE, Her... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 21 ----- She Burns (Joe Goddard, Mara Carlyle) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='She Burns Joe Goddard, Mara Carlyle site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 22 ----- Invisible / Amenaza (Pional) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Invisible / Amenaza Pional site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 23 ----- Boney M Down (Lindstram, Prins Thomas) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Boney M Down Lindstram, Prins Thomas site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 24 ----- Nightclubbing (Grace Jones) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Nightclubbing Grace Jones site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 25 ----- Shoes (Tiga) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Shoes Tiga site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 26 ----- Drone Logic (Daniel Avery) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Drone Logic Daniel Avery site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=12 -------------------------------------------------- 27 ----- Atmosphrique (Metro Area) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Atmosphrique Metro Area site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 28 ----- Roche (Sébastien Tellier) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Roche Sébastien Tellier site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 29 ----- Overpowered (Réisin Murphy) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Overpowered Réisin Murphy site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 30 ----- Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top) (Rhythm Mode:D) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top) Rhythm Mode:D site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=24 -------------------------------------------------- 31 ----- Magojiro (In Flagranti) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Magojiro In Flagranti site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 32 ----- Le Troublant Acid (Kza) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Le Troublant Acid Kza site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 33 ----- Supernature (Cerrone) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Supernature Cerrone site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 34 ----- Independent Dancer (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Independent Dancer Kalabrese site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 35 ----- Bananenrauber (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Bananenrauber Kalabrese site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 36 ----- Not the Same Shoes (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Not the Same Shoes Kalabrese site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 37 ----- All Night (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='All Night Romare site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 38 ----- La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor (Vitalic) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor Vitalic site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 39 ----- Feeling for You (Cassius) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Feeling for You Cassius site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 40 ----- Tract for Valerie Solanas (Matmos) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Tract for Valerie Solanas Matmos site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 41 ----- Steam and Sequins for Larry Levan (Matmos) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Steam and Sequins for Larry Levan Matmos site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=0 -------------------------------------------------- 42 ----- My Step - Radio Edit (Little Dragon) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='My Step - Radio Edit Little Dragon site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 43 ----- Close to Paradise (Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Close to Paradise Soulwax site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 44 ----- We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue (Curtis Mayfield) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue Curtis Mayfield site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 45 ----- Just Kissed My Baby (The Meters) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Just Kissed My Baby The Meters site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 46 ----- Essential Ten (Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Essential Ten Soulwax site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=12 -------------------------------------------------- 47 ----- Blind - Radio Edit (Hercules & Love Affair) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Blind - Radio Edit Hercules & Love Affair site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 48 ----- Old Skool (Metronomy, Mix Master Mike) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Old Skool Metronomy, Mix Master Mike site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 49 ----- Raise Me Up (Hercules & Love Affair) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Raise Me Up Hercules & Love Affair site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 50 ----- Five Minutes (Her) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Five Minutes Her site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 51 ----- Square People (Weval) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Square People Weval site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=8 -------------------------------------------------- 52 ----- & 7-84 A (Alternate Version) (OGRE YOU ASSHOLE) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='& 7-84 A (Alternate Version) OGRE YOU ASSHOLE site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 53 ----- Even When The Water's Cold (Serge Gainsbourg) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="Even When The Water's Cold Serge Gainsbourg site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 54 ----- Sea, Sex And Sun (You Man, Jéréme Voisin) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Sea, Sex And Sun You Man, Jéréme Voisin site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 55 ----- When We Fall (Hollysiz) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='When We Fall Hollysiz site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 56 ----- Come Back To Me () -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Come Back To Me site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=29 -------------------------------------------------- 57 ----- Come Back To Me (Hollysiz) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Come Back To Me Hollysiz site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 58 ----- Black Day (Monolink) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Black Day Monolink site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 59 ----- Ice Ice Baby - Radio Edit (Vanilla Ice) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Ice Ice Baby - Radio Edit Vanilla Ice site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 60 ----- Magnificent Romeo (Basement Jaxx) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Magnificent Romeo Basement Jaxx site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=12 -------------------------------------------------- 61 ----- Dead Editors (Massive Attack, Roots Manuva) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Dead Editors Massive Attack, Roots Manuva site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 62 ----- Auf Dem Hof (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Auf Dem Hof Kalabrese site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 63 ----- Safe Changes (Talaboman) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Safe Changes Talaboman site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 64 ----- Samsa (Talaboman) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Samsa Talaboman site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 65 ----- Bike (Autechre) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Bike Autechre site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=8 -------------------------------------------------- 66 ----- Inside World (WhoMadeWho) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Inside World WhoMadeWho site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 67 ----- U Can't Touch This (MC Hammer) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="U Can't Touch This MC Hammer site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 68 ----- Raw Cuts #5 (Motor City Drum Ensemble) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Raw Cuts #5 Motor City Drum Ensemble site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 69 ----- Berlin feat. Miss Platnum (Modeselektor, Miss Platnum) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Berlin feat. Miss Platnum Modeselektor, Miss Platnum site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=9 -------------------------------------------------- 70 ----- Now | Need You (Donna Summer) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Now | Need You Donna Summer site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 71 ----- Wildness & Trees (Superlux) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Wildness & Trees Superlux site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 72 ----- Uyan Uyan (Ipek Ipekcioglu, Petra Nachtm...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Uyan Uyan Ipek Ipekcioglu, Petra Nachtm... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 73 ----- Nights Off (Siriusmo) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Nights Off Siriusmo site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 74 ----- Natural Disaster (Fischerspooner) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Natural Disaster Fischerspooner site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=7 -------------------------------------------------- 75 ----- House Of Jealous Lovers (The Rapture) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='House Of Jealous Lovers The Rapture site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 76 ----- You Gonna Want Me (Tiga) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='You Gonna Want Me Tiga site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 77 ----- Pleasure From The Bass (Tiga) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Pleasure From The Bass Tiga site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 78 ----- Crash Course (La Mverte, Yan Wagner) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Crash Course La Mverte, Yan Wagner site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=12 -------------------------------------------------- 79 ----- Kick the Habit - Amine Edge & Dance Remix (Pete Herbert, Danton Eeprom) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Kick the Habit - Amine Edge & Dance Remix Pete Herbert, Danton Eeprom site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 80 ----- Playa Maria - One Hand 'Cowboy' Remix (Balcazar, Sordo) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="Playa Maria - One Hand 'Cowboy' Remix Balcazar, Sordo site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 81 ----- Kick the Habit - 7" Version (Pete Herbert, Eva Jeanne) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Kick the Habit - 7" Version Pete Herbert, Eva Jeanne site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 82 ----- Rebirth - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Rebirth - Original Mix Balcazar & Sordo site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 83 ----- Raw Cuts #1 (Motor City Drum Ensemble) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Raw Cuts #1 Motor City Drum Ensemble site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 84 ----- Extended Dance Mix (Fujiya & Miyagi) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Extended Dance Mix Fujiya & Miyagi site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 85 ----- After Party - Marius & David Remix (dOP, Marius & David) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='After Party - Marius & David Remix dOP, Marius & David site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 86 ----- Allemaal allemaal (Fierce Ruling Diva, Bettien) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Allemaal allemaal Fierce Ruling Diva, Bettien site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 87 ----- Serotonin Rushes (Fujiya & Miyagi) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Serotonin Rushes Fujiya & Miyagi site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 88 ----- Deadly Valentine (Soulwax Remix) (Charlotte Gainsbourg, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Deadly Valentine (Soulwax Remix) Charlotte Gainsbourg, Soulwax site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 89 ----- I'm so Groovy (Future) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="I'm so Groovy Future site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 90 ----- Tribulations (LCD Soundsystem) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Tribulations LCD Soundsystem site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 91 ----- Galvanize (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Galvanize The Chemical Brothers site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 92 ----- Feelin’ Myself (will.i.am, Miley Cyrus, French ...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Feelin’ Myself will.i.am, Miley Cyrus, French ... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 93 ----- Toxic (Britney Spears) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Toxic Britney Spears site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 94 ----- Digitalism In Cairo (Digitalism) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Digitalism In Cairo Digitalism site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 95 ----- Baby (Ariel Pink) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Baby Ariel Pink site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 96 ----- Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub) (Sally Shapiro) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub) Sally Shapiro site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=24 -------------------------------------------------- 97 ----- Yesterday (Swim Mountain) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Yesterday Swim Mountain site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 98 ----- A Goood Sign (Soft Hair) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='A Goood Sign Soft Hair site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=24 -------------------------------------------------- 99 ----- It's Choade My Dear (Connan Mockasin) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="It's Choade My Dear Connan Mockasin site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 100 ----- Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy) (Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy) Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 101 ----- Give It to Me (HOMESHAKE) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Give It to Me HOMESHAKE site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 102 ----- Suddenly (Drugdealer, Weyes Blood) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Suddenly Drugdealer, Weyes Blood site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 103 ----- Jealous Lies (Soft Hair) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Jealous Lies Soft Hair site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 104 ----- Pagan Dance Move (Arnaud Rebotini) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Pagan Dance Move Arnaud Rebotini site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 105 ----- Marilyn (Mount Kimbie, Micachu) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Marilyn Mount Kimbie, Micachu site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=8 -------------------------------------------------- 106 ----- Extremely Bad Man (Shintaro Sakamoto) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Extremely Bad Man Shintaro Sakamoto site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 107 ----- Snake in Your Eyes (Did Virgo, Johanna) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Snake in Your Eyes Did Virgo, Johanna site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 108 ----- A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules (The Orb, Alex Paterson) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules The Orb, Alex Paterson site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=25 -------------------------------------------------- 109 ----- Party Zute / Learning To Love (LA Priest) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Party Zute / Learning To Love LA Priest site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 110 ----- Comedown (Parcels) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Comedown Parcels site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 111 ----- Recently Played (Crumb) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Recently Played Crumb site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 112 ----- Heaven Scent (Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Heaven Scent Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 113 ----- Nexus (Vitalic) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Nexus Vitalic site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 114 ----- Missing Channel (Gabriel Boni, Ramon R) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Missing Channel Gabriel Boni, Ramon R site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 115 ----- Destroyer (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Destroyer Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 116 ----- Let's Go Dancing (Tiga, Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="Let's Go Dancing Tiga, Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 117 ----- Fever - Tom Trago Remix (Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Fever - Tom Trago Remix Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 118 ----- Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 119 ----- Mouth to Mouth (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Mouth to Mouth Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 120 ----- Je T’aime (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Je T’aime Romare site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 121 ----- Who Loves You? (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Who Loves You? Romare site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 122 ----- Roots (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Roots Romare site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 123 ----- Cos-Ber-Zam Ne Noya - Daphni Mix (Daphni) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Cos-Ber-Zam Ne Noya - Daphni Mix Daphni site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 124 ----- Someone Like You (Etienne de Crécy) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Someone Like You Etienne de Crécy site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=10 -------------------------------------------------- 125 ----- Frank Sinatra (Miss Kittin, The Hacker) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Frank Sinatra Miss Kittin, The Hacker site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 126 ----- Painted Eyes (Hercules & Love Affair, Aerea ...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Painted Eyes Hercules & Love Affair, Aerea ... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 127 ----- Waiting For A Surprise - Original Mix (Red Axes, Abrao) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Waiting For A Surprise - Original Mix Red Axes, Abrao site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 128 ----- Happy House (The Juan Maclean) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Happy House The Juan Maclean site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 129 ----- Genius Of Love (Tom Tom Club) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Genius Of Love Tom Tom Club site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 130 ----- Love Tape (Tom Tom Club) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Love Tape Tom Tom Club site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 131 ----- Good Times (feat. Jeppe Kjellberg) - Smartphone (Michael Mayer, Jeppe Kjellberg) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Good Times (feat. Jeppe Kjellberg) - Smartphone Michael Mayer, Jeppe Kjellberg site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 132 ----- 1982 (Miss Kittin, The Hacker) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='1982 Miss Kittin, The Hacker site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 133 ----- Surf Smurf - Munk Version (Munk) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Surf Smurf - Munk Version Munk site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=12 -------------------------------------------------- 134 ----- Waiting For A Surprise - Kris Baha Remix (Red Axes) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Waiting For A Surprise - Kris Baha Remix Red Axes site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 135 ----- Situation - Hercules And Love Affair (Yazoo) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Situation - Hercules And Love Affair Yazoo site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 136 ----- A&E - Hercules and Love Affair Remix (Goldfrapp) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='A&E - Hercules and Love Affair Remix Goldfrapp site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 137 ----- Whispers - Hercules & Love Affair Mix (Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamon...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Whispers - Hercules & Love Affair Mix Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamon... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 138 ----- Get Yourself Together - Hercules & Love Affair (Chaz Jankel) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Get Yourself Together - Hercules & Love Affair Chaz Jankel site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=26 -------------------------------------------------- 139 ----- Silver Screen (Shower Scene) (Felix Da Housecat) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Silver Screen (Shower Scene) Felix Da Housecat site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 140 ----- Kids play (lan Pooley) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Kids play lan Pooley site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 141 ----- Nel (Amelie Lens) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Nel Amelie Lens site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 142 ----- Do You Feel The Same? (Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Do You Feel The Same? Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 143 ----- Manila - Ewan Pearson Mix (Seelenluft) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Manila - Ewan Pearson Mix Seelenluft site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 144 ----- Rose (WhoMadeWho) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Rose WhoMadeWho site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 145 ----- All U Writers (i) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='All U Writers i site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 146 ----- Dancin Wit My Baby - Darius Syrossian Remix (Angel Moraes, Darius Syrossian) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Dancin Wit My Baby - Darius Syrossian Remix Angel Moraes, Darius Syrossian site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 147 ----- Do It Again (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Do It Again The Chemical Brothers site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 148 ----- Pickles (Peaches) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Pickles Peaches site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 149 ----- Banana Brain (Die Antwoord) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Banana Brain Die Antwoord site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 150 ----- Synrise - Soulwax Remix (Goose, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Synrise - Soulwax Remix Goose, Soulwax site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 151 ----- Take a Walk - Original Mix (Bolz Bolz) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Take a Walk - Original Mix Bolz Bolz site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 152 ----- Let Me Back Up - Crookers Tetsujin Remix (Don Rimini) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Let Me Back Up - Crookers Tetsujin Remix Don Rimini site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 153 ----- Rise Above The Game (feat. Neysa Malone) - Original (Angel Moraes, Neysa Malone) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Rise Above The Game (feat. Neysa Malone) - Original Angel Moraes, Neysa Malone site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 154 ----- Hott! (Kiki) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Hott! Kiki site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 155 ----- It Looks Like Love (Goody Goody) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='It Looks Like Love Goody Goody site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 156 ----- Family (feat. Baxter Dury) (Etienne de Crécy, Baxter Dury) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Family (feat. Baxter Dury) Etienne de Crécy, Baxter Dury site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 157 ----- Drank & Drugs (Lil Kleine, Ronnie Flex) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Drank & Drugs Lil Kleine, Ronnie Flex site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=24 -------------------------------------------------- 158 ----- Pleasure Moon - DJ Version (Marcus Marr) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Pleasure Moon - DJ Version Marcus Marr site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 159 ----- Wanderland - Radio Edit (Hermanos Inglesos, meme) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Wanderland - Radio Edit Hermanos Inglesos, meme site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=0 -------------------------------------------------- 160 ----- Universe (Aquarius Heaven) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Universe Aquarius Heaven site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=10 -------------------------------------------------- 161 ----- SINGAPORE SWING (Shinichi Osawa, Paul Chambers) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='SINGAPORE SWING Shinichi Osawa, Paul Chambers site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 162 ----- Go (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Go The Chemical Brothers site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 163 ----- Stars - Rodion and Mammarella Mix (Visti & Meyland) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Stars - Rodion and Mammarella Mix Visti & Meyland site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 164 ----- Prescription (Kraak & Smaak, Eric Biddines) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Prescription Kraak & Smaak, Eric Biddines site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 165 ----- Bring It On - Par-T-One Remix (Playgroup, Par-T-One) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Bring It On - Par-T-One Remix Playgroup, Par-T-One site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 166 ----- Dancing Yeah (Yvi Slan) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Dancing Yeah Yvi Slan site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 167 ----- N.Y. So Hi (Eli Escobar) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='N.Y. So Hi Eli Escobar site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 168 ----- Grand Cru (Saschienne) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Grand Cru Saschienne site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=12 -------------------------------------------------- 169 ----- The Era Of The Leopard (Saschienne) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='The Era Of The Leopard Saschienne site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=25 -------------------------------------------------- 170 ----- Cheesecake (Gallary) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Cheesecake Gallary site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 171 ----- Best in The Class - Soulwax Remix (Late of the Pier, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Best in The Class - Soulwax Remix Late of the Pier, Soulwax site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 172 ----- Missing Channel (Gabriel Boni, Ramon R) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Missing Channel Gabriel Boni, Ramon R site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 173 ----- Destroyer (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Destroyer Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 174 ----- Let's Go Dancing (Tiga, Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="Let's Go Dancing Tiga, Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=18 -------------------------------------------------- 175 ----- Fever - Tom Trago Remix (Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Fever - Tom Trago Remix Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=11 -------------------------------------------------- 176 ----- Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix Audion site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 177 ----- Passagers (Canari) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Passagers Canari site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 178 ----- No Musik, No Life (Laurent Garnier) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='No Musik, No Life Laurent Garnier site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 179 ----- Born Slippy (Nuxx) (Underworld) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Born Slippy (Nuxx) Underworld site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 180 ----- Aleph (Gesaffelstein) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Aleph Gesaffelstein site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=7 -------------------------------------------------- 181 ----- Muchas (feat. Cola Boyy) (Myd, Cola Boyy) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Muchas (feat. Cola Boyy) Myd, Cola Boyy site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 182 ----- Go (Underground System) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Go Underground System site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 183 ----- Mink & Shoes - Original Mix (Psychemagik, Navid Izadi) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Mink & Shoes - Original Mix Psychemagik, Navid Izadi site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=12 -------------------------------------------------- 184 ----- Burning off My Clothes (Sworn Virgins) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Burning off My Clothes Sworn Virgins site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 185 ----- Just a Place - Greg Wilson & Che Wilson Remix (Underground System, Greg Wi...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Just a Place - Greg Wilson & Che Wilson Remix Underground System, Greg Wi... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=25 -------------------------------------------------- 186 ----- Bella Ciao - Leo Mas & Fabrice Parfum de Liberte? (Underground System) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Bella Ciao - Leo Mas & Fabrice Parfum de Liberte? Underground System site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=23 -------------------------------------------------- 187 ----- Rejoice (feat. Rouge Mary) (Hercules & Love Affair, Rouge ...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Rejoice (feat. Rouge Mary) Hercules & Love Affair, Rouge ... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 188 ----- Lies (feat. Gustaph) (Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Lies (feat. Gustaph) Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 189 ----- Hercules Theme 2014 (Hercules & Love Affair) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Hercules Theme 2014 Hercules & Love Affair site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 190 ----- My Offence (Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='My Offence Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 191 ----- Strut Your Techno Stuff feat. Carrie Ann (Fax Yourself) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Strut Your Techno Stuff feat. Carrie Ann Fax Yourself site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22 -------------------------------------------------- 192 ----- Feel Free (Jump Chico Slamm) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Feel Free Jump Chico Slamm site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 193 ----- Falling (Hercules & Love Affair, Shaun ...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Falling Hercules & Love Affair, Shaun ... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 194 ----- | Can't Wait (Hercules & Love Affair, Kim A...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern="| Can't Wait Hercules & Love Affair, Kim A... site:www.youtube.com -playlist", len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 195 ----- Lovely Head - Live in London (Goldfrapp) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Lovely Head - Live in London Goldfrapp site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 196 ----- Wedding Bells - Georgia Remix (Metronomy, Georgia) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Wedding Bells - Georgia Remix Metronomy, Georgia site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 197 ----- By Your Side (French 79, Sarah Rebecca) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='By Your Side French 79, Sarah Rebecca site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=17 -------------------------------------------------- 198 ----- Deep See Blue Song (Flavien Berger) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Deep See Blue Song Flavien Berger site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 199 ----- Never Look Back - Edit (Boris Brejcha) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Never Look Back - Edit Boris Brejcha site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=13 -------------------------------------------------- 200 ----- Kollera (Dusty Kid) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Kollera Dusty Kid site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=7 -------------------------------------------------- 201 ----- Calling For You - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Calling For You - Original Mix Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=16 -------------------------------------------------- 202 ----- 110 Stairs - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='110 Stairs - Original Mix Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 203 ----- Smalltown Boy (Arnaud Rebotini Remix) (Bronski Beat, Arnaud Rebotini) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Smalltown Boy (Arnaud Rebotini Remix) Bronski Beat, Arnaud Rebotini site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=15 -------------------------------------------------- 204 ----- Dark Planet (Boris Brejcha) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Dark Planet Boris Brejcha site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 205 ----- Hey You - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo, Newbie Nev...) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Hey You - Original Mix Balcazar & Sordo, Newbie Nev... site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 206 ----- Drop Me a Line (Midnight Magic) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Drop Me a Line Midnight Magic site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 207 ----- Yes, | Know (Daphni) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Yes, | Know Daphni site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 208 ----- One Life Stand (Hot Chip) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='One Life Stand Hot Chip site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=14 -------------------------------------------------- 209 ----- Bongos & Tambourines - Simple Symmetry Remix (Autarkic, Simple Symmetry) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Bongos & Tambourines - Simple Symmetry Remix Autarkic, Simple Symmetry site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=20 -------------------------------------------------- 210 ----- Lovework (Black Light Smoke) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Lovework Black Light Smoke site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=8 -------------------------------------------------- 211 ----- Jumbo (Underworld) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Jumbo Underworld site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=19 -------------------------------------------------- 212 ----- Different from the Rest (In Flagranti) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Different from the Rest In Flagranti site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=21 -------------------------------------------------- 213 ----- Down the Line (It Takes a Number) (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Down the Line (It Takes a Number) Romare site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=25 -------------------------------------------------- 214 ----- Je T’aime (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- search_pattern='Je T’aime Romare site:www.youtube.com -playlist', len(results)=22
i_song | rank | title | url | description | |
0 | 0 | 0 | Weval - Gimme Some - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXDhCBHu-S8 | Weval - Gimme Some 'Easier' EP A new EP from m... |
1 | 0 | 1 | Weval - Gimme Some - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8YCoutpCJ0 | Weval - Gimme Some. 322 просмотра 322 просмотра. |
2 | 0 | 2 | Weval - Gimme Some - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXqp-nu7H9c | Weval - Gimme Some. Music Gets Me High. Загруз... |
3 | 0 | 3 | WEVAL - GIMME SOME - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1J3b3PiOrQ | WEVAL - GIMME SOME No mates the video is OK. H... |
4 | 0 | 4 | Weval - Gimme Some / Carlos Ojeda - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFbP6Rn6OIE | Música: Weval - Gimme Some Coreografía y Baila... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3652 | 214 | 17 | FRANCIS CABREL je t'aimais je t'aime et je t'a... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVJDd36K0ls | Les Accords,( g d c em refrain; c am d c d c e... |
3653 | 214 | 18 | michel Sardou je t'aime, je t'aime - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykONfeFGP6Q | Michel Sardou je t'aime, je t'aime, un bon vie... |
3654 | 214 | 19 | Axel Tony - Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aim... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgL76dFKVEE | Francis Cabrel - Je t'aimais, je t'aime, je t'... |
3655 | 214 | 20 | Lara Fabian Je t'aime avec parole - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlUA4M-LpMw | Lara Fabian - Je T'aime Lyrics. Mücahit Elif I... |
3656 | 214 | 21 | Tuto Guitare #4 :Francis Cabrel - je t'aimais ... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R36oAlryEG8 | Salut salut, Me voici pour un quatrième tutori... |
3657 rows × 5 columns
... scoring heuristics ...¶
I was not completely happy with the raw search results, so I added some magical heuristics to select among all results:
i_song | rank | title | url | description | |
0 | 0 | 0 | Weval - Gimme Some - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXDhCBHu-S8 | Weval - Gimme Some 'Easier' EP A new EP from m... |
1 | 0 | 1 | Weval - Gimme Some - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8YCoutpCJ0 | Weval - Gimme Some. 322 просмотра 322 просмотра. |
2 | 0 | 2 | Weval - Gimme Some - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXqp-nu7H9c | Weval - Gimme Some. Music Gets Me High. Загруз... |
3 | 0 | 3 | WEVAL - GIMME SOME - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1J3b3PiOrQ | WEVAL - GIMME SOME No mates the video is OK. H... |
4 | 0 | 4 | Weval - Gimme Some / Carlos Ojeda - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFbP6Rn6OIE | Música: Weval - Gimme Some Coreografía y Baila... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3652 | 214 | 17 | FRANCIS CABREL je t'aimais je t'aime et je t'a... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVJDd36K0ls | Les Accords,( g d c em refrain; c am d c d c e... |
3653 | 214 | 18 | michel Sardou je t'aime, je t'aime - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykONfeFGP6Q | Michel Sardou je t'aime, je t'aime, un bon vie... |
3654 | 214 | 19 | Axel Tony - Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aim... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgL76dFKVEE | Francis Cabrel - Je t'aimais, je t'aime, je t'... |
3655 | 214 | 20 | Lara Fabian Je t'aime avec parole - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlUA4M-LpMw | Lara Fabian - Je T'aime Lyrics. Mücahit Elif I... |
3656 | 214 | 21 | Tuto Guitare #4 :Francis Cabrel - je t'aimais ... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R36oAlryEG8 | Salut salut, Me voici pour un quatrième tutori... |
3657 rows × 5 columns
songs_winner = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['i_song', 'score', 'title', 'url', 'description'])
for i_song in range(len(songs)):
if len(songs_results[songs_results['i_song']==i_song])>0:
song_results = songs_results[songs_results['i_song']==i_song].copy()
song_results['score'] = 0
for rank, result in enumerate(song_results.iterrows()):
song_results['score'] = int(1000 * (0.9) ** rank)
if songs.loc[i_song, 'title'] in song_results['title']:
song_results['score'] += 500
if songs.loc[i_song, 'artist'] in song_results['title']:
song_results['score'] += 500
if songs.loc[i_song, 'title'] in song_results['description']:
song_results['score'] += 200
if songs.loc[i_song, 'artist'] in song_results['description']:
song_results['score'] += 200
i_winner = song_results['score'].argmax()
songs_winner.loc[i_song] = song_results.iloc[song_results['score'].argmax()]
songs_winner['artist'] = songs['artist']
songs_winner['songtitle'] = songs['title']
from IPython.display import display, HTML
display(HTML(songs_winner[['i_song','score', 'title', 'artist', 'songtitle']].to_html()))
i_song | score | title | artist | songtitle | |
0 | 0 | 254 | Weval - Gimme Some - YouTube | Weval | Gimme Some |
1 | 1 | 531 | Kerala Dust - Nevada - YouTube | Kerala Dust | Nevada |
2 | 2 | 150 | Laurent Garnier | Boiler Room x Dekmantel DJ Set - YouTube | Laurent Garnier | Let It Change U |
3 | 3 | 58 | Laurent Garnier - The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog... - YouTube | Metronomy | The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog - Husbands R... |
4 | 4 | 166 | Most insane setting for a DJ set? - YouTube | Agoria | The Look |
5 | 5 | 121 | Million Miles - YouTube | Siriusmo | Million Miles |
6 | 6 | 282 | The Chemical Brothers - The Salmon Dance (Crookers WoW Mix) | The Chemical Brothers | Wow |
7 | 7 | 64 | We've Got To Try - YouTube | Par-T-One | We've Got To Try |
8 | 8 | 150 | I'm so Crazy (Radio F. Edit) - YouTube | The Limifianas, Anton Newco... | I'm so Crazy - Radio F. Edit |
9 | 9 | 98 | The Limiñanas - Istanbul is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe)... | LCD Soundsystem, Soulwax | Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) - Arnaud R... |
10 | 10 | 71 | Daft Punk Is Playing At My House (Soulwax Shibuya Mix) - YouTube | Flavien Berger, Etienne Jaumet | Daft Punk Is Playing at My House - Soulwax Shibuya ... |
11 | 11 | 98 | MC Arco lris --- Bonde Colorido ( canal da bibizinha bibizinha - YouTube | New Order | Arco lris |
12 | 12 | 121 | Blue Monday (2016 Remaster) - YouTube | Marie Davidson, Soulwax | Blue Monday - 2016 Remaster |
13 | 13 | 166 | Work It (Soulwax Remix) - YouTube | Who Da Funk, Jessica Eve | Work It - Soulwax Remix |
14 | 14 | 135 | Dubfire, Miss Kittin - Exit (Original Mix) [SCI+TEC] - YouTube | Dubfire, Miss Kittin, Vince Cla... | Shiny Disco Balls - Main Mix |
15 | 15 | 166 | Ride (Vince Clarke Remix) - YouTube | Amelie Lens | Ride - Vince Clarke Remix |
16 | 16 | 135 | Maceo Plex - Learning to fly - YouTube | Maceo Plex | Little Robot |
17 | 17 | 150 | TomTomClub.Com - YouTube | Tom Tom Club | Lonely Tribe |
18 | 18 | 109 | Tom Tom Club -- Wordy Rappinghood Video HQ - YouTube | Wordy Rappinghood | |
19 | 19 | 166 | 'My Offence' - Hercules & Love Affair - YouTube | Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle... | My Offence (David Morales Epic Red Zon... |
20 | 20 | 166 | Beam Me Up (Hercules and Love Affair Remix) - YouTube | Will Saul Presents CLOSE, Her... | Beam Me Up - Hercules and Love Affair Remix |
21 | 21 | 205 | Joe Goddard feat. Mara Carlyle - 'She Burns' (Official...) - YouTube | Joe Goddard, Mara Carlyle | She Burns |
22 | 22 | 254 | Pional - Invisible Amenaza (Extended Dub 12" Version) - YouTube | Pional | Invisible / Amenaza |
23 | 23 | 185 | Lindstrom & Prins Thomas - Boney M Down - YouTube | Lindstram, Prins Thomas | Boney M Down |
24 | 24 | 254 | GRACE JONES, IGGY POP Nightclubbing 270409 - YouTube | Grace Jones | Nightclubbing |
25 | 25 | 254 | Tiga // Shoes - YouTube | Tiga | Shoes |
26 | 26 | 313 | Daniel Avery - Drone Logic // 2013 // Acid/Acid... - YouTube | Daniel Avery | Drone Logic |
27 | 27 | 166 | Darshan Jesrani (Metro Area) Boiler Room Berlin x MELT! - YouTube | Metro Area | Atmosphrique |
28 | 28 | 166 | Sebastien Tellier - Roche - YouTube | Sébastien Tellier | Roche |
29 | 29 | 135 | Róisín Murphy - Overpowered (Official Video) - YouTube | Réisin Murphy | Overpowered |
30 | 30 | 88 | Rhythm Mode-D - Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top) - YouTube | Rhythm Mode:D | Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top) |
31 | 31 | 228 | IN FLAGRANTI - Magojiro - YouTube | In Flagranti | Magojiro |
32 | 32 | 205 | KZA - Le Troublant Acid - YouTube | Kza | Le Troublant Acid |
33 | 33 | 185 | Cerrone/Supernature (Full Album + Bonus Tracks) - YouTube | Cerrone | Supernature |
34 | 34 | 135 | Kalabrese - Independent Dancer - YouTube | Kalabrese | Independent Dancer |
35 | 35 | 282 | Kalabrese - Bananenräuber - (Original Mix) /Rumpelmusig/ - YouTube | Kalabrese | Bananenrauber |
36 | 36 | 185 | Not The Same Shoes - YouTube | Kalabrese | Not the Same Shoes |
37 | 37 | 205 | Romare - All Night (Live Session 1) - YouTube | Romare | All Night |
38 | 38 | 254 | Vitalic - La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor - YouTube | Vitalic | La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor |
39 | 39 | 348 | Cassius - Feeling for You (HQ) - YouTube | Cassius | Feeling for You |
40 | 40 | 135 | Tract for Valerie Solanas - YouTube | Matmos | Tract for Valerie Solanas |
42 | 42 | 228 | YouTube Music | Little Dragon | My Step - Radio Edit |
43 | 43 | 185 | Close to Paradise (Instrumental) - YouTube | Soulwax | Close to Paradise |
44 | 44 | 185 | Curtis Mayfield - We The People Who Are Darker Then Blue | Curtis Mayfield | We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue |
45 | 45 | 185 | The Meters - Just Kissed My Baby - YouTube | The Meters | Just Kissed My Baby |
46 | 46 | 313 | Soulwax / 2manydjs Essential Mix 2017 - YouTube | Soulwax | Essential Ten |
47 | 47 | 109 | Blind - YouTube | Hercules & Love Affair | Blind - Radio Edit |
48 | 48 | 98 | Old Skool - YouTube | Metronomy, Mix Master Mike | Old Skool |
49 | 49 | 185 | Hercules & Love Affair - Raise Me Up feat. Anohni (Hercules 2019...) | Hercules & Love Affair | Raise Me Up |
50 | 50 | 150 | Her - Five Minutes | A COLORS SHOW - YouTube | Her | Five Minutes |
51 | 51 | 478 | Weval - Square People (Live at Doornroosje) - YouTube | Weval | Square People |
52 | 52 | 254 | OGRE YOU ASSHOLE - また明日 (alternate version) - YouTube | OGRE YOU ASSHOLE | & 7-84 A (Alternate Version) |
53 | 53 | 109 | Even When The Water's Cold - YouTube | Serge Gainsbourg | Even When The Water's Cold |
54 | 54 | 121 | Serge Gainsbourg - Sea, Sex And Sun - YouTube | You Man, Jéréme Voisin | Sea, Sex And Sun |
55 | 55 | 166 | REACTION: BILLIE EILISH ALBUM when we all fall asleep, where do... | Hollysiz | When We Fall |
56 | 56 | 52 | URIAH HEEP - Come Back To Me - YouTube | Come Back To Me | |
57 | 57 | 282 | Hollysiz - Come Back To Me (Live HD) - YouTube | Hollysiz | Come Back To Me |
58 | 58 | 254 | Black Day - YouTube | Monolink | Black Day |
59 | 59 | 150 | Ice Ice Baby (Radio Edit) - YouTube | Vanilla Ice | Ice Ice Baby - Radio Edit |
60 | 60 | 313 | Basement Jaxx vs The Clash - Magnificent Romeo - YouTube | Basement Jaxx | Magnificent Romeo |
61 | 61 | 135 | SmokeLightMusic #002 — Dead Editors - YouTube | Massive Attack, Roots Manuva | Dead Editors |
62 | 62 | 185 | Kalabrese Auf dem Hof - YouTube | Kalabrese | Auf Dem Hof |
63 | 63 | 228 | YouTube Music | Talaboman | Safe Changes |
64 | 64 | 254 | Talaboman - Loser's Hymn - YouTube | Talaboman | Samsa |
65 | 65 | 478 | Autechre - Bike (1080p HD/HQ) - YouTube | Autechre | Bike |
66 | 66 | 348 | WhoMadeWho - Inside World (official video) - YouTube | WhoMadeWho | Inside World |
67 | 67 | 282 | MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This (Official Music Video) - YouTube | MC Hammer | U Can't Touch This |
68 | 68 | 282 | Motor City Drum Ensemble - Raw Cuts #5 - YouTube | Motor City Drum Ensemble | Raw Cuts #5 |
69 | 69 | 430 | Modeselektor feat. Miss Platnum - Berlin [official video] - YouTube | Modeselektor, Miss Platnum | Berlin feat. Miss Platnum |
70 | 70 | 166 | Donna Summer - Now I Need You - YouTube | Donna Summer | Now | Need You |
71 | 71 | 166 | Superlux - Wildness & Trees - YouTube | Superlux | Wildness & Trees |
72 | 72 | 185 | Ipek Ipekcioglu feat. Petra Nachtmanova: Uyan Uyan / Kater130 | Ipek Ipekcioglu, Petra Nachtm... | Uyan Uyan |
73 | 73 | 348 | Siriusmo - Nights Off - YouTube | Siriusmo | Nights Off |
74 | 74 | 531 | Fischerspooner: Natural Disaster - YouTube | Fischerspooner | Natural Disaster |
75 | 75 | 121 | The Rapture - House of Jealous Lovers (Original 12" Version) - 2002 | The Rapture | House Of Jealous Lovers |
76 | 76 | 121 | Tiga - You Gonna Want Me - YouTube | Tiga | You Gonna Want Me |
77 | 77 | 185 | Tiga - Pleasure From The Bass (Space Night Vol. 11) - YouTube | Tiga | Pleasure From The Bass |
78 | 78 | 313 | Crash Course - YouTube | La Mverte, Yan Wagner | Crash Course |
79 | 79 | 185 | Pete Herbert & Danton Eeprom "Kick The Habit" Amine Edge... | Pete Herbert, Danton Eeprom | Kick the Habit - Amine Edge & Dance Remix |
80 | 80 | 205 | Playa Maria (One Hand 'Cowboy' Remix) - YouTube | Balcazar, Sordo | Playa Maria - One Hand 'Cowboy' Remix |
81 | 81 | 135 | Kick the Habit (7" Version) (feat. Eva Jeanne) - YouTube | Pete Herbert, Eva Jeanne | Kick the Habit - 7" Version |
82 | 82 | 205 | Rebirth (Original Mix) - YouTube | Balcazar & Sordo | Rebirth - Original Mix |
83 | 83 | 205 | Motor CIty Drum Ensemble - Raw Cuts 001 - YouTube | Motor City Drum Ensemble | Raw Cuts #1 |
84 | 84 | 205 | Fujiya & Miyagi - Extended Dance Mix (Official Video) - YouTube | Fujiya & Miyagi | Extended Dance Mix |
85 | 85 | 121 | dOP - After Party (Marius & David Remix) - YouTube | dOP, Marius & David | After Party - Marius & David Remix |
86 | 86 | 150 | Allemaal allemaal (feat. Bettien) - YouTube | Fierce Ruling Diva, Bettien | Allemaal allemaal |
87 | 87 | 166 | Fujiya & Miyagi - Serotonin Rushes - YouTube | Fujiya & Miyagi | Serotonin Rushes |
88 | 88 | 121 | Charlotte Gainsbourg - Deadly Valentine (Soulwax Remix)... | Charlotte Gainsbourg, Soulwax | Deadly Valentine (Soulwax Remix) |
89 | 89 | 166 | I'm so Groovy - YouTube | Future | I'm so Groovy |
90 | 90 | 185 | Tribulations by LCD Soundsystem - YouTube | LCD Soundsystem | Tribulations |
91 | 91 | 109 | The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize [Official Music Video] - YouTube | The Chemical Brothers | Galvanize |
92 | 92 | 109 | will.i.am-Feelin' Myself (Clean Version) ft. Miley Cyrus, French... | will.i.am, Miley Cyrus, French ... | Feelin’ Myself |
93 | 93 | 150 | Britney Spears - Toxic (Official Music Video) - YouTube | Britney Spears | Toxic |
94 | 94 | 205 | DIGITALISM live "Digitalism in Cairo" at The El Rey in LA - YouTube | Digitalism | Digitalism In Cairo |
95 | 95 | 205 | Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Baby (ft. Dam Funk) - YouTube | Ariel Pink | Baby |
96 | 96 | 88 | sally shapiro - jackie junior (junior boys remix) - YouTube | Sally Shapiro | Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub) |
97 | 97 | 205 | Swim Mountain - Yesterday (The History of BMX - Unofficial Video) | Swim Mountain | Yesterday |
98 | 98 | 88 | Soft Hair - A Goood Sign - YouTube | Soft Hair | A Goood Sign |
99 | 99 | 135 | connan Mockasin - It's choade my dear - YouTube | Connan Mockasin | It's Choade My Dear |
100 | 100 | 98 | Men I Trust - Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy) - YouTube | Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle | Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy) |
101 | 101 | 254 | Homeshake - Give It To Me - YouTube | HOMESHAKE | Give It to Me |
102 | 102 | 150 | Drugdealer - Suddenly feat. Weyes Blood (Official Video) - YouTube | Drugdealer, Weyes Blood | Suddenly |
103 | 103 | 254 | Soft Hair - Jealous Lies - YouTube | Soft Hair | Jealous Lies |
104 | 104 | 254 | Arnaud Rebotini - Pagan Dance Move - YouTube | Arnaud Rebotini | Pagan Dance Move |
105 | 105 | 478 | Mount Kimbie - Marilyn ft. Micachu - YouTube | Mount Kimbie, Micachu | Marilyn |
106 | 106 | 121 | Shintaro Sakamoto - Extremely Bad Man - YouTube | Shintaro Sakamoto | Extremely Bad Man |
107 | 107 | 109 | Snake in Your Eyes (feat. Johanna) - YouTube | Did Virgo, Johanna | Snake in Your Eyes |
108 | 108 | 79 | (Full version) The Orb- A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That... | The Orb, Alex Paterson | A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From... |
109 | 109 | 205 | Party Zute / Learning To Love - YouTube | LA Priest | Party Zute / Learning To Love |
110 | 110 | 348 | Parcels - Comedown (Music Video with Lyrics) - YouTube | Parcels | Comedown |
111 | 111 | 254 | Crumb - Recently Played - YouTube | Crumb | Recently Played |
112 | 112 | 150 | Soulwax Ft. Chloe Sevigny - Heaven Scent - DEWEE016... - YouTube | Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny | Heaven Scent |
113 | 113 | 254 | SKETCH'ink MinD #2 Maxime Tiberghien - YouTube | Vitalic | Nexus |
114 | 114 | 185 | Gabriel Boni, Ramon R - Missing Channel (original mix) - YouTube | Gabriel Boni, Ramon R | Missing Channel |
115 | 115 | 228 | Destroyer - YouTube | Audion | Destroyer |
116 | 116 | 166 | Tiga vs Audion - Let's Go Dancing (Solomun Remix) - YouTube | Tiga, Audion | Let's Go Dancing |
117 | 117 | 348 | Tiga VS Audion - Fever (Tom Trago Remix) - YouTube | Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion | Fever - Tom Trago Remix |
118 | 118 | 254 | Audion - Mouth to Mouth (Dense & Pika Remix) - YouTube | Audion | Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix |
119 | 119 | 205 | Audion - Mouth to Mouth (Dense & Pika Remix) - YouTube | Audion | Mouth to Mouth |
120 | 120 | 109 | Romare - 'Je T'aime' - YouTube | Romare | Je T’aime |
121 | 121 | 205 | Romare - Love Song - YouTube | Romare | Who Loves You? |
122 | 122 | 348 | Romare - Roots (Unofficial Video) - YouTube | Romare | Roots |
123 | 123 | 150 | Cos-Ber-Zam Ne Noya (Daphni Mix) - YouTube | Daphni | Cos-Ber-Zam Ne Noya - Daphni Mix |
124 | 124 | 387 | Etienne de Crecy - Someone Like You - YouTube | Etienne de Crécy | Someone Like You |
125 | 125 | 205 | Miss Kittin & The Hacker - Frank Sinatra 2001 (Original Mix) | Miss Kittin, The Hacker | Frank Sinatra |
126 | 126 | 228 | Hercules and Love Affair - Painted Eyes @ Embassy (Argentina) [HQ] | Hercules & Love Affair, Aerea ... | Painted Eyes |
127 | 127 | 282 | Red Axes - Waiting for a Surprise (ft Abrao) - YouTube | Red Axes, Abrao | Waiting For A Surprise - Original Mix |
128 | 128 | 185 | The Juan Maclean - Happy House (Official Video) - YouTube | The Juan Maclean | Happy House |
129 | 129 | 185 | Tom Tom Club - Genius of love (Live: Stop Making...) - YouTube | Tom Tom Club | Genius Of Love |
130 | 130 | 121 | Tom Tom Club - Love to Love You Baby - Tom Tom Club Original... | Tom Tom Club | Love Tape |
131 | 131 | 282 | Michael Mayer feat. Jeppe Kjellberg - Good Times (Original Mix) | Michael Mayer, Jeppe Kjellberg | Good Times (feat. Jeppe Kjellberg) - Smartphone Ver... |
132 | 132 | 205 | MISS KITTIN & THE HACKER 1982 - YouTube | Miss Kittin, The Hacker | 1982 |
133 | 133 | 313 | Surf Smurf (Munk Version) - YouTube | Munk | Surf Smurf - Munk Version |
134 | 134 | 150 | Waiting For A Surprise (Kris Baha Remix) - YouTube | Red Axes | Waiting For A Surprise - Kris Baha Remix |
135 | 135 | 121 | Yazoo - Situation (Hercules & Love Affair) - YouTube | Yazoo | Situation - Hercules And Love Affair |
136 | 136 | 205 | Goldfrapp - A&E [Hercules & Love Affair Remix] - YouTube | Goldfrapp | A&E - Hercules and Love Affair Remix |
137 | 137 | 121 | Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamond - Whispers HQ - YouTube | Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamon... | Whispers - Hercules & Love Affair Mix |
138 | 138 | 71 | Chaz Jankel - Get Myself Together - YouTube | Chaz Jankel | Get Yourself Together - Hercules & Love Affair Hercb... |
139 | 139 | 135 | 17. Felix Da Housecat - Silver Screen (Shower Scene) - YouTube | Felix Da Housecat | Silver Screen (Shower Scene) |
140 | 140 | 135 | Ian Pooley - Kids Play (Stimming Remix) [Official Video] - YouTube | lan Pooley | Kids play |
141 | 141 | 254 | Nel (Original Mix) - YouTube | Amelie Lens | Nel |
142 | 142 | 166 | Hercules & Love Affair - "Do You Feel The Same?" (Official Video) | Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph | Do You Feel The Same? |
143 | 143 | 228 | Seelenluft - Manila (official Video) - YouTube | Seelenluft | Manila - Ewan Pearson Mix |
144 | 144 | 348 | Rose - YouTube | WhoMadeWho | Rose |
145 | 145 | 150 | Chk Chk Chk (!!!) - All U writers - YouTube | i | All U Writers |
146 | 146 | 166 | Angel Moraes - Dancin Wit My Baby (Darius Syrossian Remix) | Angel Moraes, Darius Syrossian | Dancin Wit My Baby - Darius Syrossian Remix |
147 | 147 | 121 | The Chemical Brothers - Do It Again (Official Music Video) - YouTube | The Chemical Brothers | Do It Again |
148 | 148 | 121 | 4. PICKLES / Rub Album Premiere- PEACHES - YouTube | Peaches | Pickles |
149 | 149 | 348 | DIE ANTWOORD - BANANA BRAIN (Official Video) - YouTube | Die Antwoord | Banana Brain |
150 | 150 | 348 | Synrise (Soulwax Remix) - YouTube | Goose, Soulwax | Synrise - Soulwax Remix |
151 | 151 | 348 | Bolz Bolz - Take A Walk - YouTube | Bolz Bolz | Take a Walk - Original Mix |
152 | 152 | 205 | Let Me Back Up (Crookers Tetsujin Remix) - YouTube | Don Rimini | Let Me Back Up - Crookers Tetsujin Remix |
153 | 153 | 98 | Angel Moraes, Neysa Malone Rise Above The Game Ben Malone Mix | Angel Moraes, Neysa Malone | Rise Above The Game (feat. Neysa Malone) - Original ... |
154 | 154 | 185 | Hott! - YouTube | Kiki | Hott! |
155 | 155 | 166 | Goody Goody - It Looks Like Love - YouTube | Goody Goody | It Looks Like Love |
156 | 156 | 166 | Etienne de Crécy with Baxter Dury - Family - YouTube | Etienne de Crécy, Baxter Dury | Family (feat. Baxter Dury) |
157 | 157 | 88 | Ronnie flex & lil kleine - Drank en Drugs Lyrics met audio - YouTube | Lil Kleine, Ronnie Flex | Drank & Drugs |
158 | 158 | 121 | Henry Saiz. Marcus Marr - Pleasure Moon (DJ Version) @Mamacas... | Marcus Marr | Pleasure Moon - DJ Version |
160 | 160 | 387 | Aquarius Heaven - Universe - YouTube | Aquarius Heaven | Universe |
161 | 161 | 228 | SHINICHI OSAWA / SINGAPORE SWING feat. PAUL CHAMBERS | Shinichi Osawa, Paul Chambers | SINGAPORE SWING |
162 | 162 | 150 | The Chemical Brothers - Go (Live at Glastonbury 2019) - YouTube | The Chemical Brothers | Go |
163 | 163 | 254 | Visti And Meyland- Stars (Rodion Mammarella Mix) - YouTube | Visti & Meyland | Stars - Rodion and Mammarella Mix |
164 | 164 | 185 | KRAAK & SMAAK - Prescription (ft. Eric Biddines) [Moods Remix] | Kraak & Smaak, Eric Biddines | Prescription |
165 | 165 | 150 | Bring It On - YouTube | Playgroup, Par-T-One | Bring It On - Par-T-One Remix |
166 | 166 | 109 | Dancing yeah - YouTube | Yvi Slan | Dancing Yeah |
167 | 167 | 166 | HOUSE: Eli Escobar - NY SO HI [Night People NYC] - YouTube | Eli Escobar | N.Y. So Hi |
168 | 168 | 313 | Saschienne - Grand Cru (Official Video) 'Unknown' Album - YouTube | Saschienne | Grand Cru |
169 | 169 | 79 | Deep House Covid Sessions / Pioneer XDJ RR - YouTube | Saschienne | The Era Of The Leopard |
170 | 170 | 98 | Gallary: Cheesecake - YouTube | Gallary | Cheesecake |
171 | 171 | 254 | Late Of The Pier - Best In The Class (Official Video) - YouTube | Late of the Pier, Soulwax | Best in The Class - Soulwax Remix |
172 | 172 | 185 | Gabriel Boni, Ramon R - Missing Channel (original mix) - YouTube | Gabriel Boni, Ramon R | Missing Channel |
173 | 173 | 228 | Destroyer - YouTube | Audion | Destroyer |
174 | 174 | 166 | Tiga vs Audion - Let's Go Dancing (Solomun Remix) - YouTube | Tiga, Audion | Let's Go Dancing |
175 | 175 | 348 | Tiga VS Audion - Fever (Tom Trago Remix) - YouTube | Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion | Fever - Tom Trago Remix |
176 | 176 | 254 | Audion - Mouth to Mouth (Dense & Pika Remix) - YouTube | Audion | Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix |
177 | 177 | 150 | Canari chanteur est la forme domestiquée du Serin des Canaries... | Canari | Passagers |
178 | 178 | 121 | Laurent Garnier - No Musik No Life - YouTube | Laurent Garnier | No Musik, No Life |
179 | 179 | 135 | Underworld - Born Slippy .NUXX - YouTube | Underworld | Born Slippy (Nuxx) |
180 | 180 | 531 | Gesaffelstein - Aleph (Full Album) - YouTube | Gesaffelstein | Aleph |
181 | 181 | 228 | Muchas (feat. Cola Boyy) - YouTube | Myd, Cola Boyy | Muchas (feat. Cola Boyy) |
182 | 182 | 98 | Underground System - Go (Official Video) - YouTube | Underground System | Go |
183 | 183 | 313 | Mink & Shoes (Original Mix) - YouTube | Psychemagik, Navid Izadi | Mink & Shoes - Original Mix |
184 | 184 | 150 | Sworn Virgins - Burning Off My Clothes - DEEWEE028 - YouTube | Sworn Virgins | Burning off My Clothes |
185 | 185 | 79 | Just a Place (Greg Wilson & Che Wilson Mix) - YouTube | Underground System, Greg Wi... | Just a Place - Greg Wilson & Che Wilson Remix |
186 | 186 | 98 | Underground System - Bella Ciao (Official Video) - YouTube | Underground System | Bella Ciao - Leo Mas & Fabrice Parfum de Liberte? MI... |
187 | 187 | 228 | YouTube Music | Rejoice (Original Mix) (feat. Rouge Mary) | Hercules & Love Affair, Rouge ... | Rejoice (feat. Rouge Mary) |
188 | 188 | 205 | Lies (feat. Gustaph) - YouTube | Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph | Lies (feat. Gustaph) |
189 | 189 | 185 | 'Hercules Theme 2014' - Hercules & Love Affair - YouTube | Hercules & Love Affair | Hercules Theme 2014 |
190 | 190 | 135 | 'My Offence' - Hercules & Love Affair - YouTube | Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle... | My Offence |
191 | 191 | 109 | Fax Yourself - Strut Your Techno Stuff feat. Carrie Ann (Original Mix) | Fax Yourself | Strut Your Techno Stuff feat. Carrie Ann |
192 | 192 | 185 | Jump Chico Slamm - Feel Free (Original Mix) - YouTube | Jump Chico Slamm | Feel Free |
193 | 193 | 150 | Blind - Hercules and Love Affair at Music Hall of Williamsburg Aug-2009 | Hercules & Love Affair, Shaun ... | Falling |
194 | 194 | 135 | Hercules & Love Affair - I Can't Wait - YouTube | Hercules & Love Affair, Kim A... | | Can't Wait |
195 | 195 | 185 | Goldfrapp - Lovely Head - Roundhouse, London, 27/3/17 - YouTube | Goldfrapp | Lovely Head - Live in London |
196 | 196 | 185 | Wedding Bells (Georgia Remix) - YouTube | Metronomy, Georgia | Wedding Bells - Georgia Remix |
197 | 197 | 185 | French 79 - By Your Side Ft. Sarah Rebecca... - YouTube | French 79, Sarah Rebecca | By Your Side |
198 | 198 | 228 | Flavien Berger - Deep See Blue Song (Live) Paris (Ground Control) | Flavien Berger | Deep See Blue Song |
199 | 199 | 282 | Boris Brejcha - Never Look Back - YouTube | Boris Brejcha | Never Look Back - Edit |
200 | 200 | 531 | Dusty Kid - Innu - YouTube | Dusty Kid | Kollera |
201 | 201 | 205 | Dance Spirit, Balcazar & Sordo, disCerN - Calling For You Feat... | Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit... | Calling For You - Original Mix |
202 | 202 | 254 | 110 Stairs (Original Mix) - YouTube | Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit | 110 Stairs - Original Mix |
203 | 203 | 228 | Smalltown Boy (Arnaud Rebotini Remix) - YouTube | Bronski Beat, Arnaud Rebotini | Smalltown Boy (Arnaud Rebotini Remix) |
204 | 204 | 254 | Boris Brejcha - Dark planet (Original Mix) - YouTube | Boris Brejcha | Dark Planet |
205 | 205 | 254 | Balcazar & Sordo feat Newbie Nerdz - Hey You (Original mix) | Balcazar & Sordo, Newbie Nev... | Hey You - Original Mix |
206 | 206 | 121 | Midnight Magic - Drop Me A Line (Offical Video) - YouTube | Midnight Magic | Drop Me a Line |
207 | 207 | 150 | YES YES YES YES YES - YouTube | Daphni | Yes, | Know |
208 | 208 | 254 | Hot Chip - One Life Stand (Album Version) - YouTube | Hot Chip | One Life Stand |
209 | 209 | 135 | Bongos & Tambourines (Simple Symmetry Remix) - YouTube | Autarkic, Simple Symmetry | Bongos & Tambourines - Simple Symmetry Remix |
210 | 210 | 478 | Lovework (DJ T. Remix) - YouTube | Black Light Smoke | Lovework |
211 | 211 | 150 | Jumbo - YouTube | Underworld | Jumbo |
212 | 212 | 121 | IN FLAGRANTI Different From The Rest EP - YouTube | In Flagranti | Different from the Rest |
213 | 213 | 79 | Romare - Down The Line (It Takes A Number) - YouTube | Romare | Down the Line (It Takes a Number) |
214 | 214 | 109 | Romare - 'Je T'aime' - YouTube | Romare | Je T’aime |
i_song | rank | title | url | description | |
215 | 11 | 0 | MC Arco lris --- Bonde Colorido ( canal da bib... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58AXI11zLRw | Mc Arco Iris 🌈 Alice Monteiro - Melhores Amiga... |
216 | 11 | 1 | LRİS EVRİM GEÇİRDİ! NEW BREKING LRIS EFSANE - ... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gigiAYIj2zg | NEW BREKING LRIS EFSANE | B37 Ark Tranformatio... |
217 | 11 | 2 | Danza de jóvenes de Templo Elim de la Barriada... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZk0CvnMB_E | Danza de jóvenes de Templo Elim de la Barriada... |
218 | 11 | 3 | O arco-lris mágicos - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEcGqkFjh8M | Se escreva no meu canal. Espero que goste Nome... |
219 | 11 | 4 | New Order - Crystal & Regret (Live Finsbury Pa... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srN4BpOWPJ4 | All rights reserved of the copyright holder, p... |
220 | 11 | 5 | Arco lris doble - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip7b3QIovpQ | Отмена. Месяц бесплатно. Arco lris doble. Will... |
221 | 11 | 6 | Fazendo balão arco lris - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgfHhp_o4lk | Fazendo balão arco lris. Marly Rodrigues. Загр... |
222 | 11 | 7 | El arco compuesto y para que sirve - Cronicas ... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2nGV2YHg1c | En este video vamos a ver para que sirve el ar... |
223 | 11 | 8 | MHW Iceborne | Novos Moves e Combos do ARCO / ... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCNvrf34nGo | Monster Hunter World | Bow - Arco Tutorial / G... |
224 | 11 | 9 | Otávio Arco_ĺris10 - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn0hqrvg3uDk2... | Otávio Arco_ĺris10. Otávio Arco_ĺris10. 6 подп... |
225 | 11 | 10 | MHW Iceborne - Builds de Bow / Arco Adaptativa... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d82Ea8oJZwY | Caçada Shara Ishvalda de Arco Divindade de Vel... |
226 | 11 | 11 | YORICK ARCO DE LUZ (1350 RP) NUEVA SKIN! - You... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o38r4F_iJg | New arclight yorick jungle spotlight | this sk... |
227 | 11 | 12 | ИСТОРИЯ МИРА - ЛОР МОДА The New Order - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ObVjtFdmRM | Hoi4 The New Order Heydrichs Germany! Mountain... |
228 | 11 | 13 | Arco-Íris Doloroso | As Meninas Superpoderosas... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePtB4V9hFwU | Oggy & Zig & Sharko Season 2 NEW BEST COMPILAT... |
229 | 11 | 14 | My Little Pony Corrida Arco-Íris #1 - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se8V8Zrilmk | Corra, pule e voe para restaurar as cores do m... |
230 | 11 | 15 | Arco-Flagellants And Repentia Superior Reveale... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6WTfy6sbAU | Следующее. Sisters of Battle - Arco-Flagellant... |
231 | 11 | 16 | FINAL FANTASY XV Os Sapos Lendários - Localiza... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P31ppRW-iA8 | Опубликовано: 8 дек. 2016 г. Os Sapos lendário... |
232 | 11 | 17 | Destiny 2: COMO CONSEGUIR ALIENTO DEL LEVIATAN... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P04oGdftlo | Aventura de arco exótico! Sala Oculta! Secreto... |
233 | 11 | 18 | New Order - Sunrise - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQfV-9tv6Ag | New Order SUNRISE Album "LOW LIFE", Track 04 F... |
234 | 11 | 19 | Ministério Arco Iris Mozambique - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvGaIr3Gpsc | Ministerio Arco Iris, Matola Rio 2010 - Englis... |
235 | 11 | 20 | LA VETA EN LOS ARCOS DE MADERA - Arquería Trad... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6fyramzu24 | "LONGBOW" EL ARCO DE ROBIN HOOD - Arquería Tra... |
236 | 11 | 21 | ESO Complete Psijic Order Guide (2020) | All R... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPJvUD9iIr8 | Heyo everyone! If you need help understanding ... |
237 | 11 | 22 | Skyrim - Dawnguard DLC: 'A New Order' Quest - ... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JhlDp0aHPE | How to find a Gyro for Sorine Jurard, in the '... |
Seems all good!
...one last thing: grabbing the audio?¶
In particular, we manage to extract the URI that we could find on the YouTube site :
%conda install -c conda-forge youtube-dl
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/cv added / updated specs: - youtube-dl The following packages will be downloaded: package | build ---------------------------|----------------- youtube-dl-2020.11.24 | py38h50d1736_0 2.3 MB conda-forge ------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 2.3 MB The following packages will be UPDATED: youtube-dl 2020.11.21.1-py38h50d1736_0 --> 2020.11.24-py38h50d1736_0 Downloading and Extracting Packages youtube-dl-2020.11.2 | 2.3 MB | ##################################### | 100% Preparing transaction: done Verifying transaction: done Executing transaction: done Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
From this information we just have to use the YouTube-DL library. As this one is written in python, we can also use its programming interface to finalize our program:
import os
for i_song in range(len(songs)):
artist = songs.loc[i_song]['artist']
title = songs.loc[i_song]['title']
print(f'{i_song} ----- {title} ({artist}) ')
import youtube_dl
filename = f"playlist/{i_song}_{artist}_{title}.{ext}"
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
# more options @ https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl#embedding-youtube-dl
ydl_opts = {
'extractaudio': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'outtmpl': filename,
'postprocessors': [{
'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
'preferredcodec': ext,
'preferredquality': '192',
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
-------------------------------------------------- 0 ----- Gimme Some (Weval) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] lXDhCBHu-S8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video lXDhCBHu-S8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/0_Weval_Gimme Some.opus [download] 100% of 4.94MiB in 00:11.91KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/0_Weval_Gimme Some.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 1 ----- Nevada (Kerala Dust) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 5KMlER4cZLc: Downloading webpage [youtube] 5KMlER4cZLc: Downloading embed webpage [youtube] 5KMlER4cZLc: Refetching age-gated info webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 5KMlER4cZLc because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/1_Kerala Dust_Nevada.opus [download] 100% of 6.11MiB in 00:10.61KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/1_Kerala Dust_Nevada.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 2 ----- Let It Change U (Laurent Garnier) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Bj8425Ma6F8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Bj8425Ma6F8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/2_Laurent Garnier_Let It Change U.opus [download] 100% of 45.06MiB in 01:16.00KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/2_Laurent Garnier_Let It Change U.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 3 ----- The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog - Husbands R... (Metronomy) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] BroPrOdJYI0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video BroPrOdJYI0 because of --no-playlist [youtube] BroPrOdJYI0: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 41 [download] Destination: playlist/3_Metronomy_The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog - Husbands R....opus [download] 100% of 6.55MiB in 00:271.15KiB/s ETA 00:000 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/3_Metronomy_The Rise & The Fall Of The Donkey Dog - Husbands R....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 4 ----- The Look (Agoria) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] GC0da5CjKBU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video GC0da5CjKBU because of --no-playlist [youtube] GC0da5CjKBU: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 14 [download] Destination: playlist/4_Agoria_The Look.opus [download] 100% of 1.87MiB in 00:171.44KiB/s ETA 00:0017 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/4_Agoria_The Look.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/4_Agoria_The Look.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 5 ----- Million Miles (Siriusmo) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] mbJOQoyu8ZQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mbJOQoyu8ZQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/5_Siriusmo_Million Miles.opus [download] 100% of 3.91MiB in 00:07.37KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/5_Siriusmo_Million Miles.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 6 ----- Wow (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] mebbApl3dWw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mebbApl3dWw because of --no-playlist [youtube] mebbApl3dWw: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 33 [download] Destination: playlist/6_The Chemical Brothers_Wow.opus [download] 100% of 4.62MiB in 09:019.74KiB/s ETA 00:0002 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/6_The Chemical Brothers_Wow.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 7 ----- We've Got To Try (Par-T-One) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] NBJ3XXDMxmk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video NBJ3XXDMxmk because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/7_Par-T-One_We've Got To Try.opus [download] 100% of 3.54MiB in 00:08.43KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/7_Par-T-One_We've Got To Try.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 8 ----- I'm so Crazy - Radio F. Edit (The Limifianas, Anton Newco...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 6BBNHWuoGqQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 6BBNHWuoGqQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/8_The Limifianas, Anton Newco..._I'm so Crazy - Radio F. Edit.opus [download] 100% of 3.53MiB in 00:08.51KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/8_The Limifianas, Anton Newco..._I'm so Crazy - Radio F. Edit.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 9 ----- Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) - Arnaud R... (LCD Soundsystem, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] YUBw9vskBIs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video YUBw9vskBIs because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/9_LCD Soundsystem, Soulwax_Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) - Arnaud R....opus [download] 100% of 3.54MiB in 00:08.54KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/9_LCD Soundsystem, Soulwax_Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) - Arnaud R....opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/9_LCD Soundsystem, Soulwax_Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) - Arnaud R....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 10 ----- Daft Punk Is Playing at My House - Soulwax Shibuya ... (Flavien Berger, Etienne Jaumet) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] DAyvaa0CeGg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video DAyvaa0CeGg because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/10_Flavien Berger, Etienne Jaumet_Daft Punk Is Playing at My House - Soulwax Shibuya ....opus [download] 100% of 6.47MiB in 00:31.44KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/10_Flavien Berger, Etienne Jaumet_Daft Punk Is Playing at My House - Soulwax Shibuya ....opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/10_Flavien Berger, Etienne Jaumet_Daft Punk Is Playing at My House - Soulwax Shibuya ....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 11 ----- Arco lris (New Order) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 58AXI11zLRw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 58AXI11zLRw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/11_New Order_Arco lris.opus [download] 100% of 2.70MiB in 01:31.38KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/11_New Order_Arco lris.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/11_New Order_Arco lris.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 12 ----- Blue Monday - 2016 Remaster (Marie Davidson, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] iOEJHNZpeck: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video iOEJHNZpeck because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/12_Marie Davidson, Soulwax_Blue Monday - 2016 Remaster.opus [download] 100% of 6.99MiB in 00:14.30KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/12_Marie Davidson, Soulwax_Blue Monday - 2016 Remaster.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 13 ----- Work It - Soulwax Remix (Who Da Funk, Jessica Eve) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 2tWEDtg6or4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 2tWEDtg6or4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/13_Who Da Funk, Jessica Eve_Work It - Soulwax Remix.opus [download] 100% of 4.53MiB in 01:55.47KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/13_Who Da Funk, Jessica Eve_Work It - Soulwax Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 14 ----- Shiny Disco Balls - Main Mix (Dubfire, Miss Kittin, Vince Cla...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] dem4qBwWVdY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video dem4qBwWVdY because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/14_Dubfire, Miss Kittin, Vince Cla..._Shiny Disco Balls - Main Mix.opus [download] 100% of 10.29MiB in 00:27.87KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/14_Dubfire, Miss Kittin, Vince Cla..._Shiny Disco Balls - Main Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 15 ----- Ride - Vince Clarke Remix (Amelie Lens) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] X4OVDYDGKPg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video X4OVDYDGKPg because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/15_Amelie Lens_Ride - Vince Clarke Remix.opus [download] 100% of 5.84MiB in 00:12.50KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/15_Amelie Lens_Ride - Vince Clarke Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 16 ----- Little Robot (Maceo Plex) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 81sOz9TTmko: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 81sOz9TTmko because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/16_Maceo Plex_Little Robot.opus [download] 100% of 7.94MiB in 00:37.09KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/16_Maceo Plex_Little Robot.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 17 ----- Lonely Tribe (Tom Tom Club) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube:tab] UCQxfxDn60zSyx5ymNUC41hQ: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: TomTomClub.Com - Home [youtube:tab] playlist TomTomClub.Com - Home: Downloading 3 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 3 [youtube:tab] PLwQ53nZF3MESqQZnhq7Sn1LCDJ2WkZ4Rb: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Music videos [youtube:tab] playlist Music videos: Downloading 48 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 48 [youtube] aCWCF19nUhA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video aCWCF19nUhA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus [download] 100% of 3.46MiB in 00:06.84KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 48 [youtube] V8f9QXftGs4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video V8f9QXftGs4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.46MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 48 [youtube] gfHz2CD3jqk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video gfHz2CD3jqk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.46MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 48 [youtube] 3HnGEjbLO2c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 3HnGEjbLO2c because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 5 of 48 [youtube] 4VSMr7K4qPs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 4VSMr7K4qPs because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 6 of 48 [youtube] SJUys65clN8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video SJUys65clN8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 7 of 48 [youtube] Y2gRIdgdc60: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Y2gRIdgdc60 because of --no-playlist [youtube] Y2gRIdgdc60: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 8 of 48 [youtube] 7GayMVRh66U: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 7GayMVRh66U because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 9 of 48 [youtube] xkuuFiLTW5Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xkuuFiLTW5Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 10 of 48 [youtube] 3FUNz93Wlks: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 3FUNz93Wlks because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 11 of 48 [youtube] KVF0yUeC2z0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video KVF0yUeC2z0 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 12 of 48 [youtube] eNTdHhBO2_o: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video eNTdHhBO2_o because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 13 of 48 [youtube] kBrYvSNU6tA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kBrYvSNU6tA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 14 of 48 [youtube] kosGzPHSNgM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kosGzPHSNgM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 15 of 48 [youtube] w7t7r-M_tP0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video w7t7r-M_tP0 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 16 of 48 [youtube] mm8lU-6XdxM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mm8lU-6XdxM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 17 of 48 [youtube] QYC-I2UJ2XQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video QYC-I2UJ2XQ because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 18 of 48 [youtube] X_fjVDOvSG0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video X_fjVDOvSG0 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 19 of 48 [youtube] IEg4IY_Dhuk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video IEg4IY_Dhuk because of --no-playlist [youtube] IEg4IY_Dhuk: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 20 of 48 [youtube] 3XJtjHkCxMk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 3XJtjHkCxMk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 21 of 48 [youtube] HtqLwrB5UiE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HtqLwrB5UiE because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 22 of 48 [youtube] uQqPkzaGQoM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video uQqPkzaGQoM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 23 of 48 [youtube] bKEp76nBg1o: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video bKEp76nBg1o because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 24 of 48 [youtube] WeEvjmI98Iw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video WeEvjmI98Iw because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 25 of 48 [youtube] io6yjlq1IiU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video io6yjlq1IiU because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 26 of 48 [youtube] TtCIRn7-2Yo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video TtCIRn7-2Yo because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 27 of 48 [youtube] Vbq1FZrxGLM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Vbq1FZrxGLM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 28 of 48 [youtube] WcSpdC7GCHE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video WcSpdC7GCHE because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 29 of 48 [youtube] 9FbXKUa5fmQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 9FbXKUa5fmQ because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 30 of 48 [youtube] VEb2xestw_Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video VEb2xestw_Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 31 of 48 [youtube] hkjy-PBQL-Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video hkjy-PBQL-Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 32 of 48 [youtube] yZ-zvGMMnlY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video yZ-zvGMMnlY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 33 of 48 [youtube] 19ny1fy7mOo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 19ny1fy7mOo because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 34 of 48 [youtube] KOQCTZcy_uk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video KOQCTZcy_uk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 35 of 48 [youtube] ALe6eA7MvP4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ALe6eA7MvP4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 36 of 48 [youtube] Z2ujrSwuAt4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Z2ujrSwuAt4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 37 of 48 [youtube] e42NE2I5OCc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video e42NE2I5OCc because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 38 of 48 [youtube] RanUX4SlL9I: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video RanUX4SlL9I because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 39 of 48 [youtube] yZwImocqq0Q: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video yZwImocqq0Q because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 40 of 48 [youtube] SjKp-3RCDFg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video SjKp-3RCDFg because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 41 of 48 [youtube] ICks4df9g1E: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ICks4df9g1E because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 42 of 48 [youtube] akz0ji5e91M: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video akz0ji5e91M because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 43 of 48 [youtube] boMUSB6TCUY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video boMUSB6TCUY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 44 of 48 [youtube] nFnj695yJD4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video nFnj695yJD4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 45 of 48 [youtube] Crv7WKmkNeY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Crv7WKmkNeY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 46 of 48 [youtube] yq8CBc4Tjbg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video yq8CBc4Tjbg because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 47 of 48 [youtube] bx8GIUnRDNY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video bx8GIUnRDNY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 48 of 48 [youtube] LHtW56KoWwE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video LHtW56KoWwE because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Music videos [download] Downloading video 2 of 3 [youtube:tab] TheTracdc: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: TomTomClub.Com - Playlists [youtube:tab] playlist TomTomClub.Com - Playlists: Downloading 10 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_nOwa6qb-7B4G2M-9IeZF91cCqs_UB1w8Q: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Mauro Ferrucci & Plaster Hands Remixes [youtube:tab] playlist Mauro Ferrucci & Plaster Hands Remixes: Downloading 2 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 2 [youtube] xllf-PKx8NU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xllf-PKx8NU because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 2 [youtube] kl4thzc-bt8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kl4thzc-bt8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Mauro Ferrucci & Plaster Hands Remixes [download] Downloading video 2 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_nd5S999GQ1f0JKznoaUAM11S-dsiMOdh8: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Genius Of Live [youtube:tab] playlist Genius Of Live: Downloading 23 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 23 [youtube] WVGHlH9aTpY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video WVGHlH9aTpY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 23 [youtube] gg9AxXz9QUw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video gg9AxXz9QUw because of --no-playlist [youtube] gg9AxXz9QUw: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 23 [youtube] TUg_fNepyWs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video TUg_fNepyWs because of --no-playlist [youtube] TUg_fNepyWs: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 23 [youtube] 62TlEvECstM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 62TlEvECstM because of --no-playlist [youtube] 62TlEvECstM: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 5 of 23 [youtube] HiRgLxIhcpY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HiRgLxIhcpY because of --no-playlist [youtube] HiRgLxIhcpY: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 6 of 23 [youtube] nH1IJDEsDZg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video nH1IJDEsDZg because of --no-playlist [youtube] nH1IJDEsDZg: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 7 of 23 [youtube] baqwt2xLM8Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video baqwt2xLM8Y because of --no-playlist [youtube] baqwt2xLM8Y: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 8 of 23 [youtube] nsBDCseX31A: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video nsBDCseX31A because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 9 of 23 [youtube] w-ZsUxD_tJM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video w-ZsUxD_tJM because of --no-playlist [youtube] w-ZsUxD_tJM: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 10 of 23 [youtube] tKmXGZcbHTo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video tKmXGZcbHTo because of --no-playlist [youtube] tKmXGZcbHTo: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 11 of 23 [youtube] MbTiUCTAnyk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MbTiUCTAnyk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 12 of 23 [youtube] WaZys_9gFOM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video WaZys_9gFOM because of --no-playlist [youtube] WaZys_9gFOM: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 13 of 23 [youtube] F8RdLT4KU_w: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video F8RdLT4KU_w because of --no-playlist [youtube] F8RdLT4KU_w: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 14 of 23 [youtube] CxUBN9AWEIQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video CxUBN9AWEIQ because of --no-playlist [youtube] CxUBN9AWEIQ: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 15 of 23 [youtube] DcpkhQoadPM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video DcpkhQoadPM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 16 of 23 [youtube] 2TjJ17HKf1I: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 2TjJ17HKf1I because of --no-playlist [youtube] 2TjJ17HKf1I: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 17 of 23 [youtube] UcqaCVCHgMc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video UcqaCVCHgMc because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 18 of 23 [youtube] 59Lxd-hVVHs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 59Lxd-hVVHs because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 19 of 23 [youtube] Ii1JZPbhiJA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Ii1JZPbhiJA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 20 of 23 [youtube] pXq9vzxnraU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video pXq9vzxnraU because of --no-playlist [youtube] pXq9vzxnraU: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 21 of 23 [youtube] yVuo06H4IWU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video yVuo06H4IWU because of --no-playlist [youtube] yVuo06H4IWU: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 22 of 23 [youtube] vOc_bPi-wOA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video vOc_bPi-wOA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 23 of 23 [youtube] qHr1bGj9k80: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video qHr1bGj9k80 because of --no-playlist [youtube] qHr1bGj9k80: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Genius Of Live [download] Downloading video 3 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_kgOxv21Dfb45_x-SOfEHfNsM7l0ipn0-s: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Wordy Rappinghood [youtube:tab] playlist Wordy Rappinghood: Downloading 8 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 8 [youtube] I2sPLzm5Wxc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video I2sPLzm5Wxc because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 8 [youtube] aCWCF19nUhA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video aCWCF19nUhA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 8 [youtube] X_fjVDOvSG0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video X_fjVDOvSG0 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 8 [youtube] pll08D09IJk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video pll08D09IJk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 5 of 8 [youtube] xkuuFiLTW5Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xkuuFiLTW5Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 6 of 8 [youtube] lPsZnyCLupQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video lPsZnyCLupQ because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 7 of 8 [youtube] kyxheNutz_8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kyxheNutz_8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 8 of 8 [youtube] NA9UvEL8w0s: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video NA9UvEL8w0s because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Wordy Rappinghood [download] Downloading video 4 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_lT1ghzV_-45f34EEZl0StvlVcDZ_xCcmI: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Tom Tom Club - Deluxe Edition [youtube:tab] playlist Tom Tom Club - Deluxe Edition: Downloading 26 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 26 [youtube] ucKoWVC1ROg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ucKoWVC1ROg because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 26 [youtube] aCWCF19nUhA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video aCWCF19nUhA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 26 [youtube] zrCXCzrbXlg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video zrCXCzrbXlg because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 26 [youtube] DbFPP2iDQAQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video DbFPP2iDQAQ because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 5 of 26 [youtube] xkuuFiLTW5Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xkuuFiLTW5Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 6 of 26 [youtube] KVF0yUeC2z0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video KVF0yUeC2z0 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 7 of 26 [youtube] as7BwaCARUM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video as7BwaCARUM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 8 of 26 [youtube] mm8lU-6XdxM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mm8lU-6XdxM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 9 of 26 [youtube] ker5CJ3irSM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ker5CJ3irSM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 10 of 26 [youtube] DPbZkifb0vw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video DPbZkifb0vw because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 11 of 26 [youtube] -NqCmAbaWk0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video -NqCmAbaWk0 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 12 of 26 [youtube] akz0ji5e91M: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video akz0ji5e91M because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 13 of 26 [youtube] VvPVYngAzmw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video VvPVYngAzmw because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 14 of 26 [youtube] HtULReMWQ24: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HtULReMWQ24 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 15 of 26 [youtube] ypTMDEvhMMs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ypTMDEvhMMs because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 16 of 26 [youtube] HtqLwrB5UiE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HtqLwrB5UiE because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 17 of 26 [youtube] TtCIRn7-2Yo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video TtCIRn7-2Yo because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 18 of 26 [youtube] uQqPkzaGQoM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video uQqPkzaGQoM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 19 of 26 [youtube] kBrYvSNU6tA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kBrYvSNU6tA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 20 of 26 [youtube] bKEp76nBg1o: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video bKEp76nBg1o because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 21 of 26 [youtube] hkjy-PBQL-Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video hkjy-PBQL-Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 22 of 26 [youtube] yZ-zvGMMnlY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video yZ-zvGMMnlY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 23 of 26 [youtube] udhgUY4fuW8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video udhgUY4fuW8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 24 of 26 [youtube] 4Ly5Nt7OaWY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 4Ly5Nt7OaWY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 25 of 26 [youtube] Q3Y4Z32bR9U: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Q3Y4Z32bR9U because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 26 of 26 [youtube] kosGzPHSNgM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kosGzPHSNgM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Tom Tom Club - Deluxe Edition [download] Downloading video 5 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_kcjow14dOR0VH1jOd2C4khrLIMWrgIv0M: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Downtown Rockers [youtube:tab] playlist Downtown Rockers: Downloading 5 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 5 [youtube] io6yjlq1IiU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video io6yjlq1IiU because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 5 [youtube] efF7DGWJKcA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video efF7DGWJKcA because of --no-playlist [youtube] efF7DGWJKcA: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 5 [youtube] p8YxuSuirg4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video p8YxuSuirg4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 5 [youtube] VEb2xestw_Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video VEb2xestw_Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 5 of 5 [youtube] TYo5xa8ISok: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video TYo5xa8ISok because of --no-playlist [youtube] TYo5xa8ISok: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Downtown Rockers [download] Downloading video 6 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_kHSuDGMzd7V0-JMVDvAqM4m8OooD2md-g: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Love to Love you Baby (Russ Danoff Mix) [youtube:tab] playlist Love to Love you Baby (Russ Danoff Mix): Downloading 3 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 3 [youtube] gn1wHh34uTY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video gn1wHh34uTY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 3 [youtube] 8UTvm_0TWOc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 8UTvm_0TWOc because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 3 [youtube] IBnJ6UAkxEg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video IBnJ6UAkxEg because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Love to Love you Baby (Russ Danoff Mix) [download] Downloading video 7 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_msoQWdW8HBCbaUYyP5L2GWNEoXH1Es5o0: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Love To Love You Baby [youtube:tab] playlist Love To Love You Baby: Downloading 2 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 2 [youtube] XlWj0N_z5hM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video XlWj0N_z5hM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 2 [youtube] 5hQJ0xe4p3c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 5hQJ0xe4p3c because of --no-playlist [youtube] 5hQJ0xe4p3c: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Love To Love You Baby [download] Downloading video 8 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_lPzmkFm6JozTEfD1EAXs3WodZ-CgcvfSE: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Giorgio Moroder Lounge Remixes Selection ONE [youtube:tab] playlist Giorgio Moroder Lounge Remixes Selection ONE: Downloading 6 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 6 [youtube] kqXkl_9DET8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kqXkl_9DET8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 6 [youtube] 72KYzSsLUWQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 72KYzSsLUWQ because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 6 [youtube] _rrC6YIyAX8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video _rrC6YIyAX8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 6 [youtube] TWabC9MXVkk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video TWabC9MXVkk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 5 of 6 [youtube] jRNaIhZvxYs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video jRNaIhZvxYs because of --no-playlist [youtube] jRNaIhZvxYs: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 6 of 6 [youtube] iUabmg5gdGM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video iUabmg5gdGM because of --no-playlist [youtube] iUabmg5gdGM: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Giorgio Moroder Lounge Remixes Selection ONE [download] Downloading video 9 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_n2DE6jFyBO-FsqzP5r1UN8LSnRqKQQzzk: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Love to Love You Baby (Tom Novy Remix) [youtube:tab] playlist Love to Love You Baby (Tom Novy Remix): Downloading 2 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 2 [youtube] 4VSMr7K4qPs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 4VSMr7K4qPs because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 2 [youtube] -IKYjCMR848: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video -IKYjCMR848 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Love to Love You Baby (Tom Novy Remix) [download] Downloading video 10 of 10 [youtube:tab] OLAK5uy_loHpydzgBp6CUayZw4BGJeIYOpRK1v0Jg: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Love to Love You Baby (Remixes) [youtube:tab] playlist Love to Love You Baby (Remixes): Downloading 4 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 4 [youtube] U5HVkxOXMSU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video U5HVkxOXMSU because of --no-playlist [youtube] U5HVkxOXMSU: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 4 [youtube] SvjlIzdh8RE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video SvjlIzdh8RE because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 4 [youtube] YsRbNOuG3K8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video YsRbNOuG3K8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 4 [youtube] kbG_U472qhg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video kbG_U472qhg because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: Love to Love You Baby (Remixes) [download] Finished downloading playlist: TomTomClub.Com - Playlists [download] Downloading video 3 of 3 [youtube:tab] TheTracdc: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: TomTomClub.Com - Videos [youtube:tab] Downloading page 1 [youtube:tab] playlist TomTomClub.Com - Videos: Downloading 55 videos [download] Downloading video 1 of 55 [youtube] UrRShgkdH_c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video UrRShgkdH_c because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 2 of 55 [youtube] xkuuFiLTW5Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xkuuFiLTW5Y because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 3 of 55 [youtube] 9FbXKUa5fmQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 9FbXKUa5fmQ because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 4 of 55 [youtube] vBpiqpl-H20: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video vBpiqpl-H20 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 5 of 55 [youtube] Swx_7L-cIPM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Swx_7L-cIPM because of --no-playlist [youtube] Swx_7L-cIPM: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 6 of 55 [youtube] nSLtJxlVrD4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video nSLtJxlVrD4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 7 of 55 [youtube] 3HnGEjbLO2c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 3HnGEjbLO2c because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 8 of 55 [youtube] 2nTPdQWx3wM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 2nTPdQWx3wM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 9 of 55 [youtube] LHtW56KoWwE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video LHtW56KoWwE because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 10 of 55 [youtube] V8f9QXftGs4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video V8f9QXftGs4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 11 of 55 [youtube] VZZV4k5J0Jg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video VZZV4k5J0Jg because of --no-playlist [youtube] VZZV4k5J0Jg: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 12 of 55 [youtube] -aouZb5PiWY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video -aouZb5PiWY because of --no-playlist [youtube] -aouZb5PiWY: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 13 of 55 [youtube] ADAOLK8SRoA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ADAOLK8SRoA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 14 of 55 [youtube] cSBu7m-rAcw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video cSBu7m-rAcw because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 15 of 55 [youtube] 6hHm9tfZE8c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 6hHm9tfZE8c because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 16 of 55 [youtube] ewwk48JHjUE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ewwk48JHjUE because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 17 of 55 [youtube] HQZto6h_FUU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HQZto6h_FUU because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 18 of 55 [youtube] yq8CBc4Tjbg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video yq8CBc4Tjbg because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 19 of 55 [youtube] SRDnm0ZOR8k: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video SRDnm0ZOR8k because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 20 of 55 [youtube] TlKQAXOohHc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video TlKQAXOohHc because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 21 of 55 [youtube] 3FUNz93Wlks: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 3FUNz93Wlks because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 22 of 55 [youtube] Sp39arfgmDI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Sp39arfgmDI because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 23 of 55 [youtube] AoOP-SRTTBM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video AoOP-SRTTBM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 24 of 55 [youtube] w7t7r-M_tP0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video w7t7r-M_tP0 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 25 of 55 [youtube] ReWcJLFiZVo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ReWcJLFiZVo because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 26 of 55 [youtube] U4GqIiitoIA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video U4GqIiitoIA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 27 of 55 [youtube] 3XJtjHkCxMk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 3XJtjHkCxMk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 28 of 55 [youtube] f38q249qyIc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video f38q249qyIc because of --no-playlist [youtube] f38q249qyIc: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 29 of 55 [youtube] 8Uxr7j80CNA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 8Uxr7j80CNA because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 30 of 55 [youtube] Y4Fsh9q8aRE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Y4Fsh9q8aRE because of --no-playlist [youtube] Y4Fsh9q8aRE: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 31 of 55 [youtube] SKZgOb-PjCM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video SKZgOb-PjCM because of --no-playlist [youtube] SKZgOb-PjCM: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 32 of 55 [youtube] dNvSS2BGiNg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video dNvSS2BGiNg because of --no-playlist [youtube] dNvSS2BGiNg: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 33 of 55 [youtube] NfqHipVQPk4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video NfqHipVQPk4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 34 of 55 [youtube] bXqwyEqYd6k: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video bXqwyEqYd6k because of --no-playlist [youtube] bXqwyEqYd6k: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 35 of 55 [youtube] Y2gRIdgdc60: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Y2gRIdgdc60 because of --no-playlist [youtube] Y2gRIdgdc60: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 36 of 55 [youtube] BBSQevkfOhI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video BBSQevkfOhI because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 37 of 55 [youtube] QF9uVIMPuXs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video QF9uVIMPuXs because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 38 of 55 [youtube] 5MiSslVr0zM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 5MiSslVr0zM because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 39 of 55 [youtube] M5ECtZLyxY4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video M5ECtZLyxY4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 40 of 55 [youtube] VV2xHPv0t4I: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video VV2xHPv0t4I because of --no-playlist [youtube] VV2xHPv0t4I: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 41 of 55 [youtube] ephPxOu0uDQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ephPxOu0uDQ because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 42 of 55 [youtube] gfHz2CD3jqk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video gfHz2CD3jqk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 43 of 55 [youtube] HF4OSsYKmMk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HF4OSsYKmMk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 44 of 55 [youtube] IEg4IY_Dhuk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video IEg4IY_Dhuk because of --no-playlist [youtube] IEg4IY_Dhuk: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 45 of 55 [youtube] boMUSB6TCUY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video boMUSB6TCUY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 46 of 55 [youtube] DU1M3Q_rk2s: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video DU1M3Q_rk2s because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 47 of 55 [youtube] UJlr3wXY1Ro: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video UJlr3wXY1Ro because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 48 of 55 [youtube] yZwImocqq0Q: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video yZwImocqq0Q because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 49 of 55 [youtube] KQbyktSRolo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video KQbyktSRolo because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 50 of 55 [youtube] KOQCTZcy_uk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video KOQCTZcy_uk because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 51 of 55 [youtube] AskanLYf8-8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video AskanLYf8-8 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 52 of 55 [youtube] Crv7WKmkNeY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Crv7WKmkNeY because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 53 of 55 [youtube] Q4QKnfUduH4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Q4QKnfUduH4 because of --no-playlist [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 54 of 55 [youtube] xE29QNdHSlg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xE29QNdHSlg because of --no-playlist [youtube] xE29QNdHSlg: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Downloading video 55 of 55 [youtube] MWB1NCLDnTs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MWB1NCLDnTs because of --no-playlist [youtube] MWB1NCLDnTs: Downloading MPD manifest [download] playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 3.43MiB [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/17_Tom Tom Club_Lonely Tribe.opus exists, skipping [download] Finished downloading playlist: TomTomClub.Com - Videos [download] Finished downloading playlist: TomTomClub.Com - Home -------------------------------------------------- 18 ----- Wordy Rappinghood () -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] _sLtZ1YhgdM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video _sLtZ1YhgdM because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/18__Wordy Rappinghood.opus [download] 100% of 3.70MiB in 00:06.49KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/18__Wordy Rappinghood.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 19 ----- My Offence (David Morales Epic Red Zon... (Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Qx9MlX_86aM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Qx9MlX_86aM because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/19_Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle..._My Offence (David Morales Epic Red Zon....opus [download] 100% of 3.04MiB in 00:06.55KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/19_Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle..._My Offence (David Morales Epic Red Zon....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 20 ----- Beam Me Up - Hercules and Love Affair Remix (Will Saul Presents CLOSE, Her...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] JVeydD83Xks: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video JVeydD83Xks because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/20_Will Saul Presents CLOSE, Her..._Beam Me Up - Hercules and Love Affair Remix.opus [download] 100% of 4.64MiB in 00:07.53KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/20_Will Saul Presents CLOSE, Her..._Beam Me Up - Hercules and Love Affair Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 21 ----- She Burns (Joe Goddard, Mara Carlyle) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] AJWi_q36STw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video AJWi_q36STw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/21_Joe Goddard, Mara Carlyle_She Burns.opus [download] 100% of 3.80MiB in 00:07.51KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/21_Joe Goddard, Mara Carlyle_She Burns.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 22 ----- Invisible / Amenaza (Pional) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] CSo4Zx4CJ8c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video CSo4Zx4CJ8c because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/22_Pional_Invisible / Amenaza.opus [download] 100% of 6.96MiB in 01:35.88KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/22_Pional_Invisible / Amenaza.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 23 ----- Boney M Down (Lindstram, Prins Thomas) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] gW8qt6xLo4Q: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video gW8qt6xLo4Q because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/23_Lindstram, Prins Thomas_Boney M Down.opus [download] 100% of 4.11MiB in 00:07.67KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/23_Lindstram, Prins Thomas_Boney M Down.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 24 ----- Nightclubbing (Grace Jones) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Zq_rot2g_Uc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Zq_rot2g_Uc because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/24_Grace Jones_Nightclubbing.opus [download] 100% of 2.00MiB in 00:03.21KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/24_Grace Jones_Nightclubbing.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 25 ----- Shoes (Tiga) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] lE2B8PfsvGk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video lE2B8PfsvGk because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/25_Tiga_Shoes.opus [download] 100% of 3.15MiB in 00:05.99KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/25_Tiga_Shoes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 26 ----- Drone Logic (Daniel Avery) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] fiytVLbH81U: Downloading webpage
ERROR: fiytVLbH81U: YouTube said: Unable to extract video data
-------------------------------------------------- 27 ----- Atmosphrique (Metro Area) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] N4FDj_Id4ec: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video N4FDj_Id4ec because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/27_Metro Area_Atmosphrique.opus [download] 100% of 34.82MiB in 05:11.10KiB/s ETA 00:0055 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/27_Metro Area_Atmosphrique.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 28 ----- Roche (Sébastien Tellier) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] T0k6rXkP3vI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video T0k6rXkP3vI because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/28_Sébastien Tellier_Roche.opus [download] 100% of 2.73MiB in 00:05.83KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/28_Sébastien Tellier_Roche.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/28_Sébastien Tellier_Roche.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 29 ----- Overpowered (Réisin Murphy) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ysIl0qMK1ps: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ysIl0qMK1ps because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/29_Réisin Murphy_Overpowered.opus [download] 100% of 3.95MiB in 00:07.58KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/29_Réisin Murphy_Overpowered.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 30 ----- Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top) (Rhythm Mode:D) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] CDvUdXEkJ4Q: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video CDvUdXEkJ4Q because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/30_Rhythm Mode:D_Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top).opus [download] 100% of 4.01MiB in 00:07.10KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/30_Rhythm Mode:D_Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top).opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/30_Rhythm Mode:D_Can You Feel It (Reach To The Top).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 31 ----- Magojiro (In Flagranti) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] uX4iuHNzt6c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video uX4iuHNzt6c because of --no-playlist [youtube] uX4iuHNzt6c: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 38 [download] Destination: playlist/31_In Flagranti_Magojiro.opus [download] 100% of 5.60MiB in 00:266.52KiB/s ETA 00:00:19 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/31_In Flagranti_Magojiro.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/31_In Flagranti_Magojiro.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 32 ----- Le Troublant Acid (Kza) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] -ht9O-z52Pg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video -ht9O-z52Pg because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/32_Kza_Le Troublant Acid.opus [download] 100% of 6.71MiB in 00:11.32KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/32_Kza_Le Troublant Acid.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 33 ----- Supernature (Cerrone) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] XyZNLEd08Bo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video XyZNLEd08Bo because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/33_Cerrone_Supernature.opus [download] 100% of 49.12MiB in 01:35.22KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/33_Cerrone_Supernature.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 34 ----- Independent Dancer (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] wnDgS8Hkni4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video wnDgS8Hkni4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/34_Kalabrese_Independent Dancer.opus [download] 100% of 4.97MiB in 00:10.06KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/34_Kalabrese_Independent Dancer.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 35 ----- Bananenrauber (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ko3BYWuwunQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ko3BYWuwunQ because of --no-playlist [youtube] ko3BYWuwunQ: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 59 [download] Destination: playlist/35_Kalabrese_Bananenrauber.opus [download] 100% of 8.37MiB in 07:226.42KiB/s ETA 00:00344:03 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/35_Kalabrese_Bananenrauber.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 36 ----- Not the Same Shoes (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 0JaRWEUMjz4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 0JaRWEUMjz4 because of --no-playlist [youtube] 0JaRWEUMjz4: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 47 [download] Destination: playlist/36_Kalabrese_Not the Same Shoes.opus [download] 100% of 6.73MiB in 00:311.31KiB/s ETA 00:00:29 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/36_Kalabrese_Not the Same Shoes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 37 ----- All Night (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] eSkt_mDw0Ws: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video eSkt_mDw0Ws because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/37_Romare_All Night.opus [download] 100% of 8.67MiB in 00:16.02KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/37_Romare_All Night.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 38 ----- La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor (Vitalic) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] mCUKIXZiCkU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mCUKIXZiCkU because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/38_Vitalic_La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor.opus [download] 100% of 3.29MiB in 00:06.11KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/38_Vitalic_La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 39 ----- Feeling for You (Cassius) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] MUrJoCU9eM4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MUrJoCU9eM4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/39_Cassius_Feeling for You.opus [download] 100% of 4.17MiB in 00:09.42KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/39_Cassius_Feeling for You.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 40 ----- Tract for Valerie Solanas (Matmos) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 1kNRjdxn-SA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 1kNRjdxn-SA because of --no-playlist [youtube] 1kNRjdxn-SA: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 32 [download] Destination: playlist/40_Matmos_Tract for Valerie Solanas.opus [download] 100% of 5.18MiB in 09:067.26KiB/s ETA 00:00459 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/40_Matmos_Tract for Valerie Solanas.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 41 ----- Steam and Sequins for Larry Levan (Matmos) -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 42 ----- My Step - Radio Edit (Little Dragon) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube:tab] Downloading just video n-akJx9gAoY because of --no-playlist [youtube] n-akJx9gAoY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video n-akJx9gAoY because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/42_Little Dragon_My Step - Radio Edit.opus [download] 100% of 3.63MiB in 00:08.90KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/42_Little Dragon_My Step - Radio Edit.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 43 ----- Close to Paradise (Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] FeuGx2xxN_E: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video FeuGx2xxN_E because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/43_Soulwax_Close to Paradise.opus [download] 100% of 7.47MiB in 00:36.68KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/43_Soulwax_Close to Paradise.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 44 ----- We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue (Curtis Mayfield) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] JbAZdCKvcPY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video JbAZdCKvcPY because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/44_Curtis Mayfield_We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue.opus [download] 100% of 6.20MiB in 00:11.67KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/44_Curtis Mayfield_We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 45 ----- Just Kissed My Baby (The Meters) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Ma8ABYwo1Ew: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Ma8ABYwo1Ew because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/45_The Meters_Just Kissed My Baby.opus [download] 100% of 4.49MiB in 00:08.54KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/45_The Meters_Just Kissed My Baby.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 46 ----- Essential Ten (Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] FWQu0D-oXg0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video FWQu0D-oXg0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/46_Soulwax_Essential Ten.opus [download] 100% of 54.45MiB in 01:41.17KiB/s ETA 00:0053 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/46_Soulwax_Essential Ten.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 47 ----- Blind - Radio Edit (Hercules & Love Affair) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ks-o0SROtk4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ks-o0SROtk4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/47_Hercules & Love Affair_Blind - Radio Edit.opus [download] 100% of 5.38MiB in 00:10.70KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/47_Hercules & Love Affair_Blind - Radio Edit.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 48 ----- Old Skool (Metronomy, Mix Master Mike) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] e7bS3SeUf8Q: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video e7bS3SeUf8Q because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/48_Metronomy, Mix Master Mike_Old Skool.opus [download] 100% of 5.19MiB in 01:34.47KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/48_Metronomy, Mix Master Mike_Old Skool.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 49 ----- Raise Me Up (Hercules & Love Affair) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] puVLy1uAcN8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video puVLy1uAcN8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/49_Hercules & Love Affair_Raise Me Up.opus [download] 100% of 7.40MiB in 00:14.02KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/49_Hercules & Love Affair_Raise Me Up.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 50 ----- Five Minutes (Her) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] lF3KWYpXWCA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video lF3KWYpXWCA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/50_Her_Five Minutes.opus [download] 100% of 3.59MiB in 00:06.78KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/50_Her_Five Minutes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 51 ----- Square People (Weval) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] l8hfyZ9mioA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video l8hfyZ9mioA because of --no-playlist [youtube] l8hfyZ9mioA: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 16 [download] Destination: playlist/51_Weval_Square People.opus [download] 100% of 1.64MiB in 00:218.31KiB/s ETA 00:0019 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/51_Weval_Square People.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 52 ----- & 7-84 A (Alternate Version) (OGRE YOU ASSHOLE) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ODonpOKZUVU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ODonpOKZUVU because of --no-playlist [youtube] ODonpOKZUVU: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 28 [download] Destination: playlist/52_OGRE YOU ASSHOLE_& 7-84 A (Alternate Version).opus [download] 100% of 4.16MiB in 07:209.96KiB/s ETA 00:00:33 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/52_OGRE YOU ASSHOLE_& 7-84 A (Alternate Version).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 53 ----- Even When The Water's Cold (Serge Gainsbourg) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 5KzKAkZJfGU: Downloading webpage [youtube] 5KzKAkZJfGU: Downloading embed webpage [youtube] 5KzKAkZJfGU: Refetching age-gated info webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 5KzKAkZJfGU because of --no-playlist
ERROR: This video is not available.
-------------------------------------------------- 54 ----- Sea, Sex And Sun (You Man, Jéréme Voisin) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] -lsVsg4wyk4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video -lsVsg4wyk4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/54_You Man, Jéréme Voisin_Sea, Sex And Sun.opus [download] 100% of 3.81MiB in 00:11.93KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/54_You Man, Jéréme Voisin_Sea, Sex And Sun.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 55 ----- When We Fall (Hollysiz) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] M5ux3qtfWU4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video M5ux3qtfWU4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/55_Hollysiz_When We Fall.opus [download] 100% of 18.22MiB in 01:12.04KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/55_Hollysiz_When We Fall.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 56 ----- Come Back To Me () -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] eyaT2Hk3sCc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video eyaT2Hk3sCc because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/56__Come Back To Me.opus [download] 100% of 4.23MiB in 00:10.14KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/56__Come Back To Me.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 57 ----- Come Back To Me (Hollysiz) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] YDiYSQKkHU0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video YDiYSQKkHU0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/57_Hollysiz_Come Back To Me.opus [download] 100% of 3.62MiB in 00:18.16KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/57_Hollysiz_Come Back To Me.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 58 ----- Black Day (Monolink) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] FTEOZbu-8yI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video FTEOZbu-8yI because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/58_Monolink_Black Day.opus [download] 100% of 6.23MiB in 01:02.69KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/58_Monolink_Black Day.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 59 ----- Ice Ice Baby - Radio Edit (Vanilla Ice) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] HSICfkI326k: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HSICfkI326k because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/59_Vanilla Ice_Ice Ice Baby - Radio Edit.opus [download] 100% of 3.58MiB in 00:10.39KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/59_Vanilla Ice_Ice Ice Baby - Radio Edit.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 60 ----- Magnificent Romeo (Basement Jaxx) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] bNulBH7XWag: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video bNulBH7XWag because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/60_Basement Jaxx_Magnificent Romeo.opus [download] 100% of 4.40MiB in 00:10.68KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/60_Basement Jaxx_Magnificent Romeo.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 61 ----- Dead Editors (Massive Attack, Roots Manuva) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] K-hllomEG8s: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video K-hllomEG8s because of --no-playlist [youtube] K-hllomEG8s: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 30 [download] Destination: playlist/61_Massive Attack, Roots Manuva_Dead Editors.opus [download] 100% of 4.41MiB in 04:356.05KiB/s ETA 00:00:36 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/61_Massive Attack, Roots Manuva_Dead Editors.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 62 ----- Auf Dem Hof (Kalabrese) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 1lsHMyCpceA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 1lsHMyCpceA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/62_Kalabrese_Auf Dem Hof.opus [download] 100% of 9.46MiB in 01:46.51KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/62_Kalabrese_Auf Dem Hof.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 63 ----- Safe Changes (Talaboman) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube:tab] Downloading just video FP_g3KckEnY because of --no-playlist [youtube] FP_g3KckEnY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video FP_g3KckEnY because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/63_Talaboman_Safe Changes.opus [download] 100% of 6.24MiB in 01:34.53KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/63_Talaboman_Safe Changes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 64 ----- Samsa (Talaboman) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] G4wm9T0FdMY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video G4wm9T0FdMY because of --no-playlist [youtube] G4wm9T0FdMY: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 53 [download] Destination: playlist/64_Talaboman_Samsa.opus [download] 100% of 8.27MiB in 01:228.15KiB/s ETA 00:00508 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/64_Talaboman_Samsa.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 65 ----- Bike (Autechre) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] mxXsp4D--NU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mxXsp4D--NU because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/65_Autechre_Bike.opus [download] 100% of 8.30MiB in 00:20.74KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/65_Autechre_Bike.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 66 ----- Inside World (WhoMadeWho) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] cLu-eKhV5_0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video cLu-eKhV5_0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/66_WhoMadeWho_Inside World.opus [download] 100% of 3.77MiB in 00:07.80KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/66_WhoMadeWho_Inside World.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 67 ----- U Can't Touch This (MC Hammer) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] otCpCn0l4Wo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video otCpCn0l4Wo because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/67_MC Hammer_U Can't Touch This.opus [download] 100% of 4.07MiB in 00:09.50KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/67_MC Hammer_U Can't Touch This.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 68 ----- Raw Cuts #5 (Motor City Drum Ensemble) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] nwfguYiQb8M: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video nwfguYiQb8M because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/68_Motor City Drum Ensemble_Raw Cuts #5.opus [download] 100% of 6.08MiB in 00:13.40KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/68_Motor City Drum Ensemble_Raw Cuts #5.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 69 ----- Berlin feat. Miss Platnum (Modeselektor, Miss Platnum) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] wltabZplWj8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video wltabZplWj8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/69_Modeselektor, Miss Platnum_Berlin feat. Miss Platnum.opus [download] 100% of 4.95MiB in 00:11.85KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/69_Modeselektor, Miss Platnum_Berlin feat. Miss Platnum.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 70 ----- Now | Need You (Donna Summer) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] tHjgZwRNR9c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video tHjgZwRNR9c because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/70_Donna Summer_Now | Need You.opus [download] 100% of 5.71MiB in 00:11.72KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/70_Donna Summer_Now | Need You.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 71 ----- Wildness & Trees (Superlux) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 21Y2Hi3oijw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 21Y2Hi3oijw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/71_Superlux_Wildness & Trees.opus [download] 100% of 4.23MiB in 00:10.33KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/71_Superlux_Wildness & Trees.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 72 ----- Uyan Uyan (Ipek Ipekcioglu, Petra Nachtm...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 9-ZsLSxWuhw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 9-ZsLSxWuhw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/72_Ipek Ipekcioglu, Petra Nachtm..._Uyan Uyan.opus [download] 100% of 4.63MiB in 00:09.18KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/72_Ipek Ipekcioglu, Petra Nachtm..._Uyan Uyan.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/72_Ipek Ipekcioglu, Petra Nachtm..._Uyan Uyan.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 73 ----- Nights Off (Siriusmo) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] rYxFr_ZXHcg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video rYxFr_ZXHcg because of --no-playlist [youtube] rYxFr_ZXHcg: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 17 [download] Destination: playlist/73_Siriusmo_Nights Off.opus [download] 100% of 2.45MiB in 00:294.44KiB/s ETA 00:00:25 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/73_Siriusmo_Nights Off.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/73_Siriusmo_Nights Off.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 74 ----- Natural Disaster (Fischerspooner) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] uzzs1k5RYhY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video uzzs1k5RYhY because of --no-playlist [youtube] uzzs1k5RYhY: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 38 [download] Destination: playlist/74_Fischerspooner_Natural Disaster.opus [download] 100% of 5.20MiB in 19:017.52KiB/s ETA 00:00553 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/74_Fischerspooner_Natural Disaster.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 75 ----- House Of Jealous Lovers (The Rapture) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] wvtSF6JYln8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video wvtSF6JYln8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/75_The Rapture_House Of Jealous Lovers.opus [download] 100% of 5.36MiB in 00:12.89KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/75_The Rapture_House Of Jealous Lovers.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 76 ----- You Gonna Want Me (Tiga) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] PtwxWe7jl_c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video PtwxWe7jl_c because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/76_Tiga_You Gonna Want Me.opus [download] 100% of 3.73MiB in 00:11.61KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/76_Tiga_You Gonna Want Me.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 77 ----- Pleasure From The Bass (Tiga) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] r2GLaYTyydI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video r2GLaYTyydI because of --no-playlist [youtube] r2GLaYTyydI: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 35 [download] Destination: playlist/77_Tiga_Pleasure From The Bass.opus [download] 100% of 5.22MiB in 00:400.09KiB/s ETA 00:0058 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/77_Tiga_Pleasure From The Bass.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 78 ----- Crash Course (La Mverte, Yan Wagner) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] vJmAunxsWMc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video vJmAunxsWMc because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/78_La Mverte, Yan Wagner_Crash Course.opus [download] 100% of 5.07MiB in 00:27.81KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/78_La Mverte, Yan Wagner_Crash Course.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 79 ----- Kick the Habit - Amine Edge & Dance Remix (Pete Herbert, Danton Eeprom) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ckjhF4fIqmA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ckjhF4fIqmA because of --no-playlist [youtube] ckjhF4fIqmA: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 34 [download] Destination: playlist/79_Pete Herbert, Danton Eeprom_Kick the Habit - Amine Edge & Dance Remix.opus [download] 100% of 5.08MiB in 00:360.24KiB/s ETA 00:0042 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/79_Pete Herbert, Danton Eeprom_Kick the Habit - Amine Edge & Dance Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 80 ----- Playa Maria - One Hand 'Cowboy' Remix (Balcazar, Sordo) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Cuor0wPzuwQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Cuor0wPzuwQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/80_Balcazar, Sordo_Playa Maria - One Hand 'Cowboy' Remix.opus [download] 100% of 6.02MiB in 00:12.09KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/80_Balcazar, Sordo_Playa Maria - One Hand 'Cowboy' Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 81 ----- Kick the Habit - 7" Version (Pete Herbert, Eva Jeanne) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] WT-VCJHV-XU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video WT-VCJHV-XU because of --no-playlist [youtube] WT-VCJHV-XU: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 23 [download] Destination: playlist/81_Pete Herbert, Eva Jeanne_Kick the Habit - 7" Version.opus [download] 100% of 3.78MiB in 00:209.46KiB/s ETA 00:0019 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/81_Pete Herbert, Eva Jeanne_Kick the Habit - 7" Version.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 82 ----- Rebirth - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] h6X4zkc8Ol8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video h6X4zkc8Ol8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/82_Balcazar & Sordo_Rebirth - Original Mix.opus [download] 100% of 7.04MiB in 01:54.48KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/82_Balcazar & Sordo_Rebirth - Original Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 83 ----- Raw Cuts #1 (Motor City Drum Ensemble) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] WebcHqVjnis: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video WebcHqVjnis because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/83_Motor City Drum Ensemble_Raw Cuts #1.opus [download] 100% of 4.37MiB in 00:11.33KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/83_Motor City Drum Ensemble_Raw Cuts #1.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 84 ----- Extended Dance Mix (Fujiya & Miyagi) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] fnxkNFbuJsE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video fnxkNFbuJsE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/84_Fujiya & Miyagi_Extended Dance Mix.opus [download] 100% of 5.76MiB in 00:11.71KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/84_Fujiya & Miyagi_Extended Dance Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 85 ----- After Party - Marius & David Remix (dOP, Marius & David) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 4o-DF8rJLb0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 4o-DF8rJLb0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/85_dOP, Marius & David_After Party - Marius & David Remix.opus [download] 100% of 7.07MiB in 00:18.81KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/85_dOP, Marius & David_After Party - Marius & David Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 86 ----- Allemaal allemaal (Fierce Ruling Diva, Bettien) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] PNjju8u_MI0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video PNjju8u_MI0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/86_Fierce Ruling Diva, Bettien_Allemaal allemaal.opus [download] 100% of 3.13MiB in 00:06.52KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/86_Fierce Ruling Diva, Bettien_Allemaal allemaal.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 87 ----- Serotonin Rushes (Fujiya & Miyagi) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 01vXD623q2w: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 01vXD623q2w because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/87_Fujiya & Miyagi_Serotonin Rushes.opus [download] 100% of 4.08MiB in 00:09.86KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/87_Fujiya & Miyagi_Serotonin Rushes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 88 ----- Deadly Valentine (Soulwax Remix) (Charlotte Gainsbourg, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] wISc326_7OM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video wISc326_7OM because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/88_Charlotte Gainsbourg, Soulwax_Deadly Valentine (Soulwax Remix).opus [download] 100% of 8.19MiB in 00:22.40KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/88_Charlotte Gainsbourg, Soulwax_Deadly Valentine (Soulwax Remix).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 89 ----- I'm so Groovy (Future) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Et3p39bsEtE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Et3p39bsEtE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/89_Future_I'm so Groovy.opus [download] 100% of 4.70MiB in 00:12.09KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/89_Future_I'm so Groovy.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 90 ----- Tribulations (LCD Soundsystem) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] A7NapIkIiIk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video A7NapIkIiIk because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/90_LCD Soundsystem_Tribulations.opus [download] 100% of 4.96MiB in 00:15.91KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/90_LCD Soundsystem_Tribulations.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 91 ----- Galvanize (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] jdDwxdqLyGg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video jdDwxdqLyGg because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/91_The Chemical Brothers_Galvanize.opus [download] 100% of 2.72MiB in 00:08.39KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/91_The Chemical Brothers_Galvanize.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 92 ----- Feelin’ Myself (will.i.am, Miley Cyrus, French ...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 88X2UqqkpV0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 88X2UqqkpV0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/92_will.i.am, Miley Cyrus, French ..._Feelin’ Myself.opus [download] 100% of 4.04MiB in 01:30.99KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/92_will.i.am, Miley Cyrus, French ..._Feelin’ Myself.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 93 ----- Toxic (Britney Spears) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Asyvy4Fe44I: Downloading webpage [youtube] Asyvy4Fe44I: Downloading embed webpage [youtube] Asyvy4Fe44I: Refetching age-gated info webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Asyvy4Fe44I because of --no-playlist
ERROR: This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
-------------------------------------------------- 94 ----- Digitalism In Cairo (Digitalism) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] UEfBekgSwCQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video UEfBekgSwCQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/94_Digitalism_Digitalism In Cairo.opus [download] 100% of 5.06MiB in 00:11.16KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/94_Digitalism_Digitalism In Cairo.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/94_Digitalism_Digitalism In Cairo.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 95 ----- Baby (Ariel Pink) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 7rTolZkCkH8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 7rTolZkCkH8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/95_Ariel Pink_Baby.opus [download] 100% of 4.51MiB in 00:16.36KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/95_Ariel Pink_Baby.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 96 ----- Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub) (Sally Shapiro) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] c5vqr6zPYI4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video c5vqr6zPYI4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/96_Sally Shapiro_Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub).opus [download] 100% of 4.65MiB in 00:11.95KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/96_Sally Shapiro_Jackie Junior (Junior Boys Dub).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 97 ----- Yesterday (Swim Mountain) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] utnuQQjN2IY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video utnuQQjN2IY because of --no-playlist [youtube] utnuQQjN2IY: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 23 [download] Destination: playlist/97_Swim Mountain_Yesterday.opus [download] 100% of 3.37MiB in 00:28.32KiB/s ETA 00:00109 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/97_Swim Mountain_Yesterday.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 98 ----- A Goood Sign (Soft Hair) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] p5z71T0SHnQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video p5z71T0SHnQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/98_Soft Hair_A Goood Sign.opus [download] 100% of 4.68MiB in 00:11.64KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/98_Soft Hair_A Goood Sign.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 99 ----- It's Choade My Dear (Connan Mockasin) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] xC2Oe2tYu4Q: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xC2Oe2tYu4Q because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/99_Connan Mockasin_It's Choade My Dear.opus [download] 100% of 4.48MiB in 00:12.08KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/99_Connan Mockasin_It's Choade My Dear.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/99_Connan Mockasin_It's Choade My Dear.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 100 ----- Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy) (Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] z8kgNNbNMVY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video z8kgNNbNMVY because of --no-playlist [youtube] z8kgNNbNMVY: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 25 [download] Destination: playlist/100_Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle_Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy).opus [download] 100% of 4.17MiB in 00:272.95KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/100_Men | Trust, Geoffroy, Gabrielle_Dazed (feat. Gabrielle & Geoffroy).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 101 ----- Give It to Me (HOMESHAKE) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] mErUfxZZUO8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mErUfxZZUO8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/101_HOMESHAKE_Give It to Me.opus [download] 100% of 3.22MiB in 00:09.54KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/101_HOMESHAKE_Give It to Me.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 102 ----- Suddenly (Drugdealer, Weyes Blood) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] eU4lQDu9rNE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video eU4lQDu9rNE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/102_Drugdealer, Weyes Blood_Suddenly.opus [download] 100% of 3.20MiB in 00:07.23KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/102_Drugdealer, Weyes Blood_Suddenly.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 103 ----- Jealous Lies (Soft Hair) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] VydfiO_7wh0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video VydfiO_7wh0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/103_Soft Hair_Jealous Lies.opus [download] 100% of 4.58MiB in 00:15.93KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/103_Soft Hair_Jealous Lies.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 104 ----- Pagan Dance Move (Arnaud Rebotini) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ptApZrc4OeI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ptApZrc4OeI because of --no-playlist [youtube] ptApZrc4OeI: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 52 [download] Destination: playlist/104_Arnaud Rebotini_Pagan Dance Move.opus [download] 100% of 8.41MiB in 00:433.33KiB/s ETA 00:00:41 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/104_Arnaud Rebotini_Pagan Dance Move.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 105 ----- Marilyn (Mount Kimbie, Micachu) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] VjSKEyR2vDo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video VjSKEyR2vDo because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/105_Mount Kimbie, Micachu_Marilyn.opus [download] 100% of 4.11MiB in 00:10.06KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/105_Mount Kimbie, Micachu_Marilyn.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 106 ----- Extremely Bad Man (Shintaro Sakamoto) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 2pZy434KE8M: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 2pZy434KE8M because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/106_Shintaro Sakamoto_Extremely Bad Man.opus [download] 100% of 4.01MiB in 00:12.22KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/106_Shintaro Sakamoto_Extremely Bad Man.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 107 ----- Snake in Your Eyes (Did Virgo, Johanna) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] CnPYY8qUKck: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video CnPYY8qUKck because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/107_Did Virgo, Johanna_Snake in Your Eyes.opus [download] 100% of 5.78MiB in 00:13.17KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/107_Did Virgo, Johanna_Snake in Your Eyes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 108 ----- A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From... (The Orb, Alex Paterson) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] qexS5hBB1C0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video qexS5hBB1C0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/108_The Orb, Alex Paterson_A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From....opus [download] 100% of 18.12MiB in 00:50.48KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/108_The Orb, Alex Paterson_A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 109 ----- Party Zute / Learning To Love (LA Priest) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] OCMDLf0zvic: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video OCMDLf0zvic because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/109_LA Priest_Party Zute / Learning To Love.opus [download] 100% of 8.01MiB in 01:36.20KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/109_LA Priest_Party Zute / Learning To Love.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 110 ----- Comedown (Parcels) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] OvZk0C9BuBE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video OvZk0C9BuBE because of --no-playlist [youtube] OvZk0C9BuBE: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 26 [download] Destination: playlist/110_Parcels_Comedown.opus [download] 100% of 3.60MiB in 00:150.26KiB/s ETA 00:0014 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/110_Parcels_Comedown.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 111 ----- Recently Played (Crumb) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] OQjWKBVp47A: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video OQjWKBVp47A because of --no-playlist [youtube] OQjWKBVp47A: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 13 [download] Destination: playlist/111_Crumb_Recently Played.opus [download] 100% of 2.10MiB in 00:179.43KiB/s ETA 00:0014 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/111_Crumb_Recently Played.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 112 ----- Heaven Scent (Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] z569I6KT_Zo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video z569I6KT_Zo because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/112_Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny_Heaven Scent.opus [download] 100% of 7.79MiB in 00:25.09KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/112_Soulwax, Chloe Sevigny_Heaven Scent.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 113 ----- Nexus (Vitalic) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] z0kd9n03MQY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video z0kd9n03MQY because of --no-playlist [youtube] z0kd9n03MQY: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 42 [download] Destination: playlist/113_Vitalic_Nexus.opus [download] 100% of 5.60MiB in 01:280.04KiB/s ETA 00:00184 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/113_Vitalic_Nexus.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 114 ----- Missing Channel (Gabriel Boni, Ramon R) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] K5JksqJPjt8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video K5JksqJPjt8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/114_Gabriel Boni, Ramon R_Missing Channel.opus [download] 100% of 7.09MiB in 00:31.81KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/114_Gabriel Boni, Ramon R_Missing Channel.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 115 ----- Destroyer (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] QbklavK8Kys: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video QbklavK8Kys because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/115_Audion_Destroyer.opus [download] 100% of 5.86MiB in 00:19.14KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/115_Audion_Destroyer.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 116 ----- Let's Go Dancing (Tiga, Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] DL5gU_jgBKs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video DL5gU_jgBKs because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/116_Tiga, Audion_Let's Go Dancing.opus [download] 100% of 7.82MiB in 00:28.30KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/116_Tiga, Audion_Let's Go Dancing.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 117 ----- Fever - Tom Trago Remix (Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 31gkCL3ph5o: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 31gkCL3ph5o because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/117_Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion_Fever - Tom Trago Remix.opus [download] 100% of 5.79MiB in 00:23.96KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/117_Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion_Fever - Tom Trago Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 118 ----- Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] k7ylkq46CeE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video k7ylkq46CeE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/118_Audion_Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix.opus [download] 100% of 6.18MiB in 01:43.78KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/118_Audion_Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 119 ----- Mouth to Mouth (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] k7ylkq46CeE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video k7ylkq46CeE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/119_Audion_Mouth to Mouth.opus [download] 100% of 6.18MiB in 00:24.19KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/119_Audion_Mouth to Mouth.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 120 ----- Je T’aime (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] g8IxYTyPJ3E: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video g8IxYTyPJ3E because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/120_Romare_Je T’aime.opus [download] 100% of 6.99MiB in 00:22.21KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/120_Romare_Je T’aime.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 121 ----- Who Loves You? (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] EIjOh-iGLd8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video EIjOh-iGLd8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/121_Romare_Who Loves You?.opus [download] 100% of 8.14MiB in 00:34.00KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/121_Romare_Who Loves You?.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 122 ----- Roots (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 5-Hj39g8KMw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 5-Hj39g8KMw because of --no-playlist [youtube] 5-Hj39g8KMw: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 32 [download] Destination: playlist/122_Romare_Roots.opus [download] 100% of 4.57MiB in 00:46.15KiB/s ETA 00:00044 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/122_Romare_Roots.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 123 ----- Cos-Ber-Zam Ne Noya - Daphni Mix (Daphni) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] -iMoUGKSBLY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video -iMoUGKSBLY because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/123_Daphni_Cos-Ber-Zam Ne Noya - Daphni Mix.opus [download] 100% of 4.62MiB in 00:20.09KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/123_Daphni_Cos-Ber-Zam Ne Noya - Daphni Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 124 ----- Someone Like You (Etienne de Crécy) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ULmu4SduQLk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ULmu4SduQLk because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/124_Etienne de Crécy_Someone Like You.opus [download] 100% of 5.95MiB in 00:21.12KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/124_Etienne de Crécy_Someone Like You.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 125 ----- Frank Sinatra (Miss Kittin, The Hacker) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] GeLw1iFoXho: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video GeLw1iFoXho because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/125_Miss Kittin, The Hacker_Frank Sinatra.opus [download] 100% of 4.20MiB in 00:14.90KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/125_Miss Kittin, The Hacker_Frank Sinatra.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 126 ----- Painted Eyes (Hercules & Love Affair, Aerea ...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] cng06q4uawA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video cng06q4uawA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/126_Hercules & Love Affair, Aerea ..._Painted Eyes.opus [download] 100% of 5.96MiB in 01:2917KiB/s ETA 00:006 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/126_Hercules & Love Affair, Aerea ..._Painted Eyes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 127 ----- Waiting For A Surprise - Original Mix (Red Axes, Abrao) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] UdOhq-vBKtE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video UdOhq-vBKtE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/127_Red Axes, Abrao_Waiting For A Surprise - Original Mix.opus [download] 100% of 5.23MiB in 00:16.53KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/127_Red Axes, Abrao_Waiting For A Surprise - Original Mix.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/127_Red Axes, Abrao_Waiting For A Surprise - Original Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 128 ----- Happy House (The Juan Maclean) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] bIUnn6gGGi4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video bIUnn6gGGi4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/128_The Juan Maclean_Happy House.opus [download] 100% of 2.72MiB in 00:09.77KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/128_The Juan Maclean_Happy House.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 129 ----- Genius Of Love (Tom Tom Club) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] GVOopPORLuk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video GVOopPORLuk because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/129_Tom Tom Club_Genius Of Love.opus [download] 100% of 4.89MiB in 00:16.79KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/129_Tom Tom Club_Genius Of Love.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 130 ----- Love Tape (Tom Tom Club) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] uJ5dBnTN8AU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video uJ5dBnTN8AU because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/130_Tom Tom Club_Love Tape.opus [download] 100% of 4.13MiB in 00:17.20KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/130_Tom Tom Club_Love Tape.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 131 ----- Good Times (feat. Jeppe Kjellberg) - Smartphone Ver... (Michael Mayer, Jeppe Kjellberg) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] F81pgygPmiM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video F81pgygPmiM because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/131_Michael Mayer, Jeppe Kjellberg_Good Times (feat. Jeppe Kjellberg) - Smartphone Ver....opus [download] 100% of 7.49MiB in 00:27.85KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/131_Michael Mayer, Jeppe Kjellberg_Good Times (feat. Jeppe Kjellberg) - Smartphone Ver....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 132 ----- 1982 (Miss Kittin, The Hacker) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ASNnl-jgu38: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ASNnl-jgu38 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/132_Miss Kittin, The Hacker_1982.opus [download] 100% of 3.34MiB in 00:11.21KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/132_Miss Kittin, The Hacker_1982.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 133 ----- Surf Smurf - Munk Version (Munk) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 8n0U8ewW0AQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 8n0U8ewW0AQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/133_Munk_Surf Smurf - Munk Version.opus [download] 100% of 5.70MiB in 00:20.88KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/133_Munk_Surf Smurf - Munk Version.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 134 ----- Waiting For A Surprise - Kris Baha Remix (Red Axes) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 2uJ55iEpZSA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 2uJ55iEpZSA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/134_Red Axes_Waiting For A Surprise - Kris Baha Remix.opus [download] 100% of 7.16MiB in 00:27.53KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/134_Red Axes_Waiting For A Surprise - Kris Baha Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 135 ----- Situation - Hercules And Love Affair (Yazoo) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] tiYbloj2B-w: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video tiYbloj2B-w because of --no-playlist [youtube] tiYbloj2B-w: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 32 [download] Destination: playlist/135_Yazoo_Situation - Hercules And Love Affair.opus [download] 100% of 4.71MiB in 00:418.31KiB/s ETA 00:0025 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/135_Yazoo_Situation - Hercules And Love Affair.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 136 ----- A&E - Hercules and Love Affair Remix (Goldfrapp) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] QVqpyHBZATQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video QVqpyHBZATQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/136_Goldfrapp_A&E - Hercules and Love Affair Remix.opus [download] 100% of 6.77MiB in 00:27.76KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/136_Goldfrapp_A&E - Hercules and Love Affair Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 137 ----- Whispers - Hercules & Love Affair Mix (Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamon...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] POI1YHM5vGo: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video POI1YHM5vGo because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/137_Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamon..._Whispers - Hercules & Love Affair Mix.opus [download] 100% of 5.75MiB in 01:50.67KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/137_Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamon..._Whispers - Hercules & Love Affair Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 138 ----- Get Yourself Together - Hercules & Love Affair Hercb... (Chaz Jankel) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] HuSe2cCNfnQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video HuSe2cCNfnQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/138_Chaz Jankel_Get Yourself Together - Hercules & Love Affair Hercb....opus [download] 100% of 4.44MiB in 00:15.36KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/138_Chaz Jankel_Get Yourself Together - Hercules & Love Affair Hercb....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 139 ----- Silver Screen (Shower Scene) (Felix Da Housecat) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] K_Xt5llTHkw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video K_Xt5llTHkw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/139_Felix Da Housecat_Silver Screen (Shower Scene).opus [download] 100% of 4.77MiB in 00:15.68KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/139_Felix Da Housecat_Silver Screen (Shower Scene).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 140 ----- Kids play (lan Pooley) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ImZGsg7TVqc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ImZGsg7TVqc because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/140_lan Pooley_Kids play.opus [download] 100% of 5.75MiB in 00:18.54KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/140_lan Pooley_Kids play.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 141 ----- Nel (Amelie Lens) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] jgQhhbnUmm0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video jgQhhbnUmm0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/141_Amelie Lens_Nel.opus [download] 100% of 6.98MiB in 00:23.36KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/141_Amelie Lens_Nel.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 142 ----- Do You Feel The Same? (Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] JozUoRIbsEE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video JozUoRIbsEE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/142_Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph_Do You Feel The Same?.opus [download] 100% of 3.57MiB in 00:13.28KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/142_Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph_Do You Feel The Same?.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 143 ----- Manila - Ewan Pearson Mix (Seelenluft) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] mh2SiGuDT1A: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mh2SiGuDT1A because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/143_Seelenluft_Manila - Ewan Pearson Mix.opus [download] 100% of 3.33MiB in 00:11.04KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/143_Seelenluft_Manila - Ewan Pearson Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 144 ----- Rose (WhoMadeWho) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] czkPxBDKBL4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video czkPxBDKBL4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/144_WhoMadeWho_Rose.opus [download] 100% of 4.38MiB in 01:30.47KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/144_WhoMadeWho_Rose.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 145 ----- All U Writers (i) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] YNupLdP1FKs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video YNupLdP1FKs because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/145_i_All U Writers.opus [download] 100% of 4.76MiB in 00:09.91KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/145_i_All U Writers.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 146 ----- Dancin Wit My Baby - Darius Syrossian Remix (Angel Moraes, Darius Syrossian) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] MYOjnX3Zd7Q: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MYOjnX3Zd7Q because of --no-playlist [youtube] MYOjnX3Zd7Q: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 40 [download] Destination: playlist/146_Angel Moraes, Darius Syrossian_Dancin Wit My Baby - Darius Syrossian Remix.opus [download] 100% of 5.90MiB in 00:245.98KiB/s ETA 00:00:14 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/146_Angel Moraes, Darius Syrossian_Dancin Wit My Baby - Darius Syrossian Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 147 ----- Do It Again (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] UVrwzjtBHq0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video UVrwzjtBHq0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/147_The Chemical Brothers_Do It Again.opus [download] 100% of 4.08MiB in 00:09.05KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/147_The Chemical Brothers_Do It Again.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 148 ----- Pickles (Peaches) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] RVK0pqyA_Ns: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video RVK0pqyA_Ns because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/148_Peaches_Pickles.opus [download] 100% of 3.70MiB in 00:08.94KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/148_Peaches_Pickles.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 149 ----- Banana Brain (Die Antwoord) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] XXlZfc1TrD0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video XXlZfc1TrD0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/149_Die Antwoord_Banana Brain.opus [download] 100% of 6.38MiB in 00:13.34KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/149_Die Antwoord_Banana Brain.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 150 ----- Synrise - Soulwax Remix (Goose, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] FT5NKub3erE: Downloading webpage [youtube] FT5NKub3erE: Downloading embed webpage [youtube] FT5NKub3erE: Refetching age-gated info webpage [youtube] Downloading just video FT5NKub3erE because of --no-playlist
ERROR: This video is not available.
-------------------------------------------------- 151 ----- Take a Walk - Original Mix (Bolz Bolz) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Hb-txdiRVWQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Hb-txdiRVWQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/151_Bolz Bolz_Take a Walk - Original Mix.opus [download] 100% of 6.85MiB in 00:15.23KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/151_Bolz Bolz_Take a Walk - Original Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 152 ----- Let Me Back Up - Crookers Tetsujin Remix (Don Rimini) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 7q6ezlZ7yLw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 7q6ezlZ7yLw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/152_Don Rimini_Let Me Back Up - Crookers Tetsujin Remix.opus [download] 100% of 5.70MiB in 00:12.34KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/152_Don Rimini_Let Me Back Up - Crookers Tetsujin Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 153 ----- Rise Above The Game (feat. Neysa Malone) - Original ... (Angel Moraes, Neysa Malone) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] J4mDto4TESI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video J4mDto4TESI because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/153_Angel Moraes, Neysa Malone_Rise Above The Game (feat. Neysa Malone) - Original ....opus [download] 100% of 6.31MiB in 00:27.22KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/153_Angel Moraes, Neysa Malone_Rise Above The Game (feat. Neysa Malone) - Original ....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 154 ----- Hott! (Kiki) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] EOxPeEaMIrw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video EOxPeEaMIrw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/154_Kiki_Hott!.opus [download] 100% of 6.47MiB in 00:16.98KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/154_Kiki_Hott!.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 155 ----- It Looks Like Love (Goody Goody) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 3tOL_C7dUZ0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 3tOL_C7dUZ0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/155_Goody Goody_It Looks Like Love.opus [download] 100% of 6.26MiB in 00:16.51KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/155_Goody Goody_It Looks Like Love.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 156 ----- Family (feat. Baxter Dury) (Etienne de Crécy, Baxter Dury) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] WYONqgAqRUw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video WYONqgAqRUw because of --no-playlist [youtube] WYONqgAqRUw: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 26 [download] Destination: playlist/156_Etienne de Crécy, Baxter Dury_Family (feat. Baxter Dury).opus [download] 100% of 3.78MiB in 00:335.19KiB/s ETA 00:00:32 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/156_Etienne de Crécy, Baxter Dury_Family (feat. Baxter Dury).opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/156_Etienne de Crécy, Baxter Dury_Family (feat. Baxter Dury).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 157 ----- Drank & Drugs (Lil Kleine, Ronnie Flex) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ilwExzzvGmA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ilwExzzvGmA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/157_Lil Kleine, Ronnie Flex_Drank & Drugs.opus [download] 100% of 2.24MiB in 00:07.56KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/157_Lil Kleine, Ronnie Flex_Drank & Drugs.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 158 ----- Pleasure Moon - DJ Version (Marcus Marr) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 1RK6v_VqHUY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 1RK6v_VqHUY because of --no-playlist [youtube] 1RK6v_VqHUY: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 29 [download] Destination: playlist/158_Marcus Marr_Pleasure Moon - DJ Version.opus [download] 100% of 3.04MiB in 00:231.37KiB/s ETA 00:0017 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/158_Marcus Marr_Pleasure Moon - DJ Version.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 159 ----- Wanderland - Radio Edit (Hermanos Inglesos, meme) -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 160 ----- Universe (Aquarius Heaven) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] gVlqVeWax5s: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video gVlqVeWax5s because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/160_Aquarius Heaven_Universe.opus [download] 100% of 6.17MiB in 00:40.31KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/160_Aquarius Heaven_Universe.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 161 ----- SINGAPORE SWING (Shinichi Osawa, Paul Chambers) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] oCACfqT1_4w: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video oCACfqT1_4w because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/161_Shinichi Osawa, Paul Chambers_SINGAPORE SWING.opus [download] 100% of 4.60MiB in 00:10.03KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/161_Shinichi Osawa, Paul Chambers_SINGAPORE SWING.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 162 ----- Go (The Chemical Brothers) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 9QdmCOxd4iU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 9QdmCOxd4iU because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/162_The Chemical Brothers_Go.opus [download] 100% of 3.59MiB in 00:07.06KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/162_The Chemical Brothers_Go.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 163 ----- Stars - Rodion and Mammarella Mix (Visti & Meyland) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] L6B1lagorvc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video L6B1lagorvc because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/163_Visti & Meyland_Stars - Rodion and Mammarella Mix.opus [download] 100% of 6.44MiB in 00:13.70KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/163_Visti & Meyland_Stars - Rodion and Mammarella Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 164 ----- Prescription (Kraak & Smaak, Eric Biddines) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 253Jm7BT8RU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 253Jm7BT8RU because of --no-playlist [youtube] 253Jm7BT8RU: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 27 [download] Destination: playlist/164_Kraak & Smaak, Eric Biddines_Prescription.opus [download] 100% of 3.96MiB in 00:182.69KiB/s ETA 00:0022 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/164_Kraak & Smaak, Eric Biddines_Prescription.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 165 ----- Bring It On - Par-T-One Remix (Playgroup, Par-T-One) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] qTQfrYigP_c: Downloading webpage [youtube] qTQfrYigP_c: Downloading embed webpage [youtube] qTQfrYigP_c: Refetching age-gated info webpage [youtube] Downloading just video qTQfrYigP_c because of --no-playlist
ERROR: This video is not available.
-------------------------------------------------- 166 ----- Dancing Yeah (Yvi Slan) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] oNY_lDJ3zc8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video oNY_lDJ3zc8 because of --no-playlist [youtube] oNY_lDJ3zc8: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 22 [download] Destination: playlist/166_Yvi Slan_Dancing Yeah.opus [download] 100% of 3.23MiB in 00:152.84KiB/s ETA 00:0018 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/166_Yvi Slan_Dancing Yeah.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 167 ----- N.Y. So Hi (Eli Escobar) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 31rSx-BRo6Y: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 31rSx-BRo6Y because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/167_Eli Escobar_N.Y. So Hi.opus [download] 100% of 5.04MiB in 00:10.67KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/167_Eli Escobar_N.Y. So Hi.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 168 ----- Grand Cru (Saschienne) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] zO2y5vbW0uM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video zO2y5vbW0uM because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/168_Saschienne_Grand Cru.opus [download] 100% of 8.80MiB in 00:18.08KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/168_Saschienne_Grand Cru.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 169 ----- The Era Of The Leopard (Saschienne) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] JAt3s0qR1mg: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video JAt3s0qR1mg because of --no-playlist [youtube] JAt3s0qR1mg: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 285 [download] Destination: playlist/169_Saschienne_The Era Of The Leopard.opus [download] 100% of 46.47MiB in 03:242.28KiB/s ETA 00:0066 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/169_Saschienne_The Era Of The Leopard.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 170 ----- Cheesecake (Gallary) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] BzGryVk1ekw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video BzGryVk1ekw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/170_Gallary_Cheesecake.opus [download] 100% of 6.54MiB in 00:14.26KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/170_Gallary_Cheesecake.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 171 ----- Best in The Class - Soulwax Remix (Late of the Pier, Soulwax) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] j9Z_fCHC4g4: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video j9Z_fCHC4g4 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/171_Late of the Pier, Soulwax_Best in The Class - Soulwax Remix.opus [download] 100% of 2.89MiB in 00:07.06KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/171_Late of the Pier, Soulwax_Best in The Class - Soulwax Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 172 ----- Missing Channel (Gabriel Boni, Ramon R) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] K5JksqJPjt8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video K5JksqJPjt8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/172_Gabriel Boni, Ramon R_Missing Channel.opus [download] 100% of 7.09MiB in 00:14.60KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/172_Gabriel Boni, Ramon R_Missing Channel.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 173 ----- Destroyer (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] QbklavK8Kys: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video QbklavK8Kys because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/173_Audion_Destroyer.opus [download] 100% of 5.86MiB in 00:12.17KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/173_Audion_Destroyer.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 174 ----- Let's Go Dancing (Tiga, Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] DL5gU_jgBKs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video DL5gU_jgBKs because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/174_Tiga, Audion_Let's Go Dancing.opus [download] 100% of 7.82MiB in 00:14.12KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/174_Tiga, Audion_Let's Go Dancing.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 175 ----- Fever - Tom Trago Remix (Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 31gkCL3ph5o: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 31gkCL3ph5o because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/175_Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion_Fever - Tom Trago Remix.opus [download] 100% of 5.79MiB in 00:10.45KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/175_Tiga, Audion, Tiga VS Audion_Fever - Tom Trago Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 176 ----- Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix (Audion) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] k7ylkq46CeE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video k7ylkq46CeE because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/176_Audion_Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix.opus [download] 100% of 6.18MiB in 00:14.21KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/176_Audion_Mouth to Mouth - Dense & Pika Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 177 ----- Passagers (Canari) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 7y78Salpsf0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 7y78Salpsf0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/177_Canari_Passagers.opus [download] 100% of 1.83MiB in 00:05.07KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/177_Canari_Passagers.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/177_Canari_Passagers.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 178 ----- No Musik, No Life (Laurent Garnier) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] NqL9RTnkj0s: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video NqL9RTnkj0s because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/178_Laurent Garnier_No Musik, No Life.opus [download] 100% of 5.56MiB in 00:11.81KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/178_Laurent Garnier_No Musik, No Life.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 179 ----- Born Slippy (Nuxx) (Underworld) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] mQwg2JJFm6A: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video mQwg2JJFm6A because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/179_Underworld_Born Slippy (Nuxx).opus [download] 100% of 10.47MiB in 01:01.98KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/179_Underworld_Born Slippy (Nuxx).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 180 ----- Aleph (Gesaffelstein) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 9b029ndMtLQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] 9b029ndMtLQ: Downloading embed webpage [youtube] 9b029ndMtLQ: Refetching age-gated info webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 9b029ndMtLQ because of --no-playlist
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-------------------------------------------------- 181 ----- Muchas (feat. Cola Boyy) (Myd, Cola Boyy) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] I7fCOrj26ow: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video I7fCOrj26ow because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/181_Myd, Cola Boyy_Muchas (feat. Cola Boyy).opus [download] 100% of 2.98MiB in 00:06.83KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/181_Myd, Cola Boyy_Muchas (feat. Cola Boyy).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 182 ----- Go (Underground System) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] MEMABFkzCdA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MEMABFkzCdA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/182_Underground System_Go.opus [download] 100% of 4.39MiB in 00:10.24KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/182_Underground System_Go.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 183 ----- Mink & Shoes - Original Mix (Psychemagik, Navid Izadi) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] XxcXWE2f1OQ: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video XxcXWE2f1OQ because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/183_Psychemagik, Navid Izadi_Mink & Shoes - Original Mix.opus [download] 100% of 6.95MiB in 00:14.97KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/183_Psychemagik, Navid Izadi_Mink & Shoes - Original Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 184 ----- Burning off My Clothes (Sworn Virgins) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] oAkNT7b2nGs: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video oAkNT7b2nGs because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/184_Sworn Virgins_Burning off My Clothes.opus [download] 100% of 7.59MiB in 00:24.78KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/184_Sworn Virgins_Burning off My Clothes.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 185 ----- Just a Place - Greg Wilson & Che Wilson Remix (Underground System, Greg Wi...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] A6ZR1mckX-c: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video A6ZR1mckX-c because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/185_Underground System, Greg Wi..._Just a Place - Greg Wilson & Che Wilson Remix.opus [download] 100% of 6.76MiB in 00:15.97KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/185_Underground System, Greg Wi..._Just a Place - Greg Wilson & Che Wilson Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 186 ----- Bella Ciao - Leo Mas & Fabrice Parfum de Liberte? MI... (Underground System) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 9pXWJie9E2M: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 9pXWJie9E2M because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/186_Underground System_Bella Ciao - Leo Mas & Fabrice Parfum de Liberte? MI....opus [download] 100% of 5.92MiB in 00:13.51KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/186_Underground System_Bella Ciao - Leo Mas & Fabrice Parfum de Liberte? MI....opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 187 ----- Rejoice (feat. Rouge Mary) (Hercules & Love Affair, Rouge ...) -------------------------------------------------- [generic] MPREb_8Sahte9fA5R: Requesting header
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[generic] MPREb_8Sahte9fA5R: Downloading webpage [generic] MPREb_8Sahte9fA5R: Extracting information
ERROR: Unsupported URL: https://music.youtube.com/browse/MPREb_8Sahte9fA5R
-------------------------------------------------- 188 ----- Lies (feat. Gustaph) (Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] cumLsj9h0G8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video cumLsj9h0G8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/188_Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph_Lies (feat. Gustaph).opus [download] 100% of 6.19MiB in 00:14.61KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/188_Hercules & Love Affair, Gustaph_Lies (feat. Gustaph).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 189 ----- Hercules Theme 2014 (Hercules & Love Affair) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] MLO4MNY0dOk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MLO4MNY0dOk because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/189_Hercules & Love Affair_Hercules Theme 2014.opus [download] 100% of 2.49MiB in 00:05.80KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/189_Hercules & Love Affair_Hercules Theme 2014.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 190 ----- My Offence (Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Qx9MlX_86aM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Qx9MlX_86aM because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/190_Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle..._My Offence.opus [download] 100% of 3.04MiB in 00:07.67KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/190_Hercules & Love Affair, Krystle..._My Offence.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 191 ----- Strut Your Techno Stuff feat. Carrie Ann (Fax Yourself) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 2OfXDTNwk80: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 2OfXDTNwk80 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/191_Fax Yourself_Strut Your Techno Stuff feat. Carrie Ann.opus [download] 100% of 6.62MiB in 00:15.49KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/191_Fax Yourself_Strut Your Techno Stuff feat. Carrie Ann.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 192 ----- Feel Free (Jump Chico Slamm) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Re9duu8Csac: Downloading webpage [youtube] Re9duu8Csac: Downloading embed webpage [youtube] Re9duu8Csac: Refetching age-gated info webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Re9duu8Csac because of --no-playlist
ERROR: This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
-------------------------------------------------- 193 ----- Falling (Hercules & Love Affair, Shaun ...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] IFwql_0oyZY: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video IFwql_0oyZY because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/193_Hercules & Love Affair, Shaun ..._Falling.opus [download] 100% of 3.77MiB in 00:08.18KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/193_Hercules & Love Affair, Shaun ..._Falling.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 194 ----- | Can't Wait (Hercules & Love Affair, Kim A...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Js-fofbYCs0: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Js-fofbYCs0 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/194_Hercules & Love Affair, Kim A..._| Can't Wait.opus [download] 100% of 5.10MiB in 00:13.92KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/194_Hercules & Love Affair, Kim A..._| Can't Wait.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 195 ----- Lovely Head - Live in London (Goldfrapp) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] FWWu_tD0nis: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video FWWu_tD0nis because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/195_Goldfrapp_Lovely Head - Live in London.opus [download] 100% of 2.85MiB in 00:06.45KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/195_Goldfrapp_Lovely Head - Live in London.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 196 ----- Wedding Bells - Georgia Remix (Metronomy, Georgia) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] UfNlwx-0eZc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video UfNlwx-0eZc because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/196_Metronomy, Georgia_Wedding Bells - Georgia Remix.opus [download] 100% of 4.76MiB in 00:10.71KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/196_Metronomy, Georgia_Wedding Bells - Georgia Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 197 ----- By Your Side (French 79, Sarah Rebecca) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] Fscd78m12NE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video Fscd78m12NE because of --no-playlist [youtube] Fscd78m12NE: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 24 [download] Destination: playlist/197_French 79, Sarah Rebecca_By Your Side.opus [download] 100% of 3.53MiB in 01:562.97KiB/s ETA 00:0026 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/197_French 79, Sarah Rebecca_By Your Side.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 198 ----- Deep See Blue Song (Flavien Berger) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] xubYofhM4Lk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xubYofhM4Lk because of --no-playlist [youtube] xubYofhM4Lk: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 24 [download] Destination: playlist/198_Flavien Berger_Deep See Blue Song.opus [download] 100% of 3.96MiB in 00:340.46KiB/s ETA 00:0050 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/198_Flavien Berger_Deep See Blue Song.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 199 ----- Never Look Back - Edit (Boris Brejcha) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] E9FQD0yOZsU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video E9FQD0yOZsU because of --no-playlist [youtube] E9FQD0yOZsU: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 23 [download] Destination: playlist/199_Boris Brejcha_Never Look Back - Edit.opus [download] 100% of 3.26MiB in 00:314.33KiB/s ETA 00:00:25 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/199_Boris Brejcha_Never Look Back - Edit.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/199_Boris Brejcha_Never Look Back - Edit.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 200 ----- Kollera (Dusty Kid) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] XSNNtp641V8: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video XSNNtp641V8 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/200_Dusty Kid_Kollera.opus [download] 100% of 4.25MiB in 00:09.80KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/200_Dusty Kid_Kollera.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 201 ----- Calling For You - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] KlBWFnkgmoc: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video KlBWFnkgmoc because of --no-playlist [youtube] KlBWFnkgmoc: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 47 [download] Destination: playlist/201_Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit..._Calling For You - Original Mix.opus [download] 100% of 7.14MiB in 00:333.04KiB/s ETA 00:00445 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/201_Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit..._Calling For You - Original Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 202 ----- 110 Stairs - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] EhlwpI9PU7s: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video EhlwpI9PU7s because of --no-playlist [youtube] EhlwpI9PU7s: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 46 [download] Destination: playlist/202_Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit_110 Stairs - Original Mix.opus [download] 100% of 6.90MiB in 00:315.92KiB/s ETA 00:00:33 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/202_Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit_110 Stairs - Original Mix.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/202_Balcazar & Sordo, Dance Spirit_110 Stairs - Original Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 203 ----- Smalltown Boy (Arnaud Rebotini Remix) (Bronski Beat, Arnaud Rebotini) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] sFhHdGIPTJU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video sFhHdGIPTJU because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/203_Bronski Beat, Arnaud Rebotini_Smalltown Boy (Arnaud Rebotini Remix).opus [download] 100% of 5.45MiB in 00:11.48KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/203_Bronski Beat, Arnaud Rebotini_Smalltown Boy (Arnaud Rebotini Remix).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 204 ----- Dark Planet (Boris Brejcha) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] 8LLX7wvEplA: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video 8LLX7wvEplA because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/204_Boris Brejcha_Dark Planet.opus [download] 100% of 8.51MiB in 00:15.78KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/204_Boris Brejcha_Dark Planet.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 205 ----- Hey You - Original Mix (Balcazar & Sordo, Newbie Nev...) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] xviPF9Cs-iU: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video xviPF9Cs-iU because of --no-playlist [youtube] xviPF9Cs-iU: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 18 [download] Destination: playlist/205_Balcazar & Sordo, Newbie Nev..._Hey You - Original Mix.opus [download] 100% of 2.69MiB in 00:255.95KiB/s ETA 00:0025 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/205_Balcazar & Sordo, Newbie Nev..._Hey You - Original Mix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 206 ----- Drop Me a Line (Midnight Magic) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] MceYFMDL108: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MceYFMDL108 because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/206_Midnight Magic_Drop Me a Line.opus [download] 100% of 3.41MiB in 00:06.70KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/206_Midnight Magic_Drop Me a Line.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 207 ----- Yes, | Know (Daphni) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] sq_Fm7qfRQk: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video sq_Fm7qfRQk because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/207_Daphni_Yes, | Know.opus [download] 100% of 65.86KiB in 00:00.09KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/207_Daphni_Yes, | Know.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/207_Daphni_Yes, | Know.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 208 ----- One Life Stand (Hot Chip) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] MNqutR1IvCw: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video MNqutR1IvCw because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/208_Hot Chip_One Life Stand.opus [download] 100% of 5.12MiB in 00:10.29KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/208_Hot Chip_One Life Stand.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 209 ----- Bongos & Tambourines - Simple Symmetry Remix (Autarkic, Simple Symmetry) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] I6kbvzIfOkI: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video I6kbvzIfOkI because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/209_Autarkic, Simple Symmetry_Bongos & Tambourines - Simple Symmetry Remix.opus [download] 100% of 6.78MiB in 00:14.39KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Correcting container in "playlist/209_Autarkic, Simple Symmetry_Bongos & Tambourines - Simple Symmetry Remix.opus" [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/209_Autarkic, Simple Symmetry_Bongos & Tambourines - Simple Symmetry Remix.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 210 ----- Lovework (Black Light Smoke) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] YnQ7713HNks: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video YnQ7713HNks because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/210_Black Light Smoke_Lovework.opus [download] 100% of 7.39MiB in 00:14.97KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/210_Black Light Smoke_Lovework.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 211 ----- Jumbo (Underworld) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] ohtXF9pVY_E: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video ohtXF9pVY_E because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/211_Underworld_Jumbo.opus [download] 100% of 8.81MiB in 00:17.56KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/211_Underworld_Jumbo.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 212 ----- Different from the Rest (In Flagranti) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] jU0DTjrruJE: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video jU0DTjrruJE because of --no-playlist [youtube] jU0DTjrruJE: Downloading MPD manifest [dashsegments] Total fragments: 18 [download] Destination: playlist/212_In Flagranti_Different from the Rest.opus [download] 100% of 2.54MiB in 22:194.17KiB/s ETA 00:00:36 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/212_In Flagranti_Different from the Rest.opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 213 ----- Down the Line (It Takes a Number) (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] vzYbJQm9laM: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video vzYbJQm9laM because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/213_Romare_Down the Line (It Takes a Number).opus [download] 100% of 4.56MiB in 00:09.98KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/213_Romare_Down the Line (It Takes a Number).opus exists, skipping -------------------------------------------------- 214 ----- Je T’aime (Romare) -------------------------------------------------- [youtube] g8IxYTyPJ3E: Downloading webpage [youtube] Downloading just video g8IxYTyPJ3E because of --no-playlist [download] Destination: playlist/214_Romare_Je T’aime.opus [download] 100% of 6.99MiB in 00:14.32KiB/s ETA 00:00 [ffmpeg] Post-process file playlist/214_Romare_Je T’aime.opus exists, skipping
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