Generating textures with different complexities
This video shows different MotionClouds with different complexities, from a crystal-like Grating to textures with an incresing span of spatial frequencies (resp "Mc Narrow" and "MC Broad"). This is to illustrate the different stimuli used in this paper on the chracterization of speed-selectivity in the retina available @ .
In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import MotionClouds as mc
B_theta = 0.
B_V = mc.B_V/4
mc.N_frame = 128
fx, fy, ft = mc.get_grids(mc.N_X, mc.N_Y, mc.N_frame)
mc.figpath = '../files/'
if not(os.path.isdir(mc.figpath)): os.mkdir(mc.figpath)
In [3]:
name = '2019-01-30_Ravello19'
vext = '.mp4'
name_ = os.path.join(mc.figpath, name)
seed = 123456
B_sfs = [0., 0.02, 0.2]
im = np.empty(shape=(mc.N_X, mc.N_Y, 0))
for B_sf in B_sfs:
if B_sf==0: # Grating
im_new = np.sin(2*np.pi*(mc.sf_0*mc.N_X*(fx - .25*ft/mc.V_X)))
else: # Motion Cloud
im_new = mc.random_cloud(mc.envelope_gabor(fx, fy, ft, B_sf=B_sf, B_V=B_V, B_theta=B_theta), seed=seed)
im_new = mc.rectif(im_new, method='energy')
im = np.concatenate((im, im_new), axis=-1)
im = mc.rectif(im)
mc.anim_save(im, name_, vext=vext)
mc.in_show_video(name_, figpath=mc.figpath, vext=vext)
Annotating the movie using the (excellent) MoviePy library:
In [4]:
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, TextClip, CompositeVideoClip
clip = [VideoFileClip(name_ + vext)]
t = 0
texts = ["Grating", "MC Narrow", "MC Broad"]
colors = ['blue', 'green', 'orange']
txt_opts = dict(fontsize=50, font="Amiri-Bold", stroke_color='gray', stroke_width=.5)
for text, color in zip(texts, colors):
# Generate a text clip. You can customize the font, color, etc.
txt_clip = TextClip(text, color=color, **txt_opts)
# Say that you want it to appear 3s at the center of the screen
txt_clip = txt_clip.set_start(t).set_pos('center').set_duration(3)
t += clip[0].duration/len(texts)
# Overlay the text clip on the first video clip
video = CompositeVideoClip(clip)
# Write the result to a file (many options available !)
video.write_videofile(name_ + '_text' + vext)
some book keeping for the notebook¶
In [5]:
%load_ext version_information
%version_information numpy, scipy, matplotlib, MotionClouds