Predictive coding of variable motion
In some recent modeling work:
Laurent Perrinet, Guillaume S. Masson. Motion-based prediction is sufficient to solve the aperture problem. Neural Computation, 24(10):2726--50, 2012
we study the role of transport in modifying our perception of motion. Here, we test what happens when we change the amount of noise in the stimulus.
In this script the predictive coding is done using the MotionParticles
package and for a motion texture within a disk aperture.
Let's first initialize the notebook:
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import os
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision=6, suppress=True)
from IPython.display import display, HTML
def show_video(filename):
return HTML(data='<video src="{}" loop autoplay width="600" height="600"></video>'.format(filename))
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
creating the stimulus¶
import MotionParticles as mp
figpath = mp.figpath = '../files/2017-12-21-MotionVariability/'
matpath = mp.matpath = '/tmp/'
ds = 1
N_X, N_Y, N_frame = mp.N_X//ds, mp.N_Y//ds, mp.N_frame
V_X = 1.
dot_size = 3.75
stim_start = .25
stim_stop = .75
im_noise = .05
opts = dict(X_0=0., Y_0=0, V_X=V_X, V_Y=0, texture_V_X=V_X, texture_V_Y=0, dot_size=dot_size,
stim_duration=stim_stop-stim_start, stim_start=stim_start,
width=mp.width, im_noise=im_noise, im_contrast=1.,
hard=True, texture=True, sf_0=0.2, B_sf=.05, B_theta=np.inf,
pink_noise=True, latency = 0, v_init = 20)
image = {}
experiment = 'MotionVariability'
image['im'] = mp.generate(N_X=N_X, N_Y=N_Y, N_frame=N_frame, **opts, B_V=.5)
mp.anim_save(image['im'], os.path.join(figpath, experiment + '-anim'))
show_video(os.path.join(figpath, experiment + '-anim' + mp.vext))
predictive coding¶
We now use this image and look at what happens when running the algorithm decribed in:
Laurent Perrinet, Guillaume S. Masson. Motion-based prediction is sufficient to solve the aperture problem. Neural Computation, 24(10):2726--50, 2012
This uses the MotionParticles
package available upon request (meaning, there are bits of code that need some clean-up...). Note here that we also look at what happens when modifying latencies - but we will see this does not change results.
print('range=', np.logspace(-6, .0, 7, base=2))
N_variable = 7
B_Vs = np.logspace(-6., 0., N_variable, base=2)
image = {}
for label, D_x, D_V in zip(['PBP', 'MBP'], [3.*mp.D_x, .3*mp.D_x], [.1*mp.D_V, .5*mp.D_V]):
figname = os.path.join(mp.figpath, experiment + '-' + label)
image[label] = {}
opts_ = opts.copy()
opts_.update(D_x=D_x, D_V=D_V)
_ = mp.figure_image_variable(
N_X, N_Y, N_frame, mp.generate, order=None,
do_figure=False, do_video=True, N_quant_X=50, N_quant_Y=50, fixed_args=opts_,
for B_V in B_Vs:
matname = mp.make_figname(figname, {'B_V': B_V}).replace(mp.figpath, mp.matpath) + '.npy'
image[label][B_V] = np.load(matname)
print('no result yet for ', matname)
analyzing results:¶
Averaged over the 20 trials of the simulations. we show here the histogram of the particles representing motion: it represents the posterior distribution of the model. At each pixel, value gives the strength of the probability and hue gives the direction (in short, as in the above paper but with a black background for zero probability).
show_video(os.path.join(figpath, experiment + '-PBP-B_V_0_1250_spatial_readout' + mp.vext))
show_video(os.path.join(figpath, experiment + '-MBP-B_V_0_1250_spatial_readout' + mp.vext))
The posterior thus follows the motion and quickly converges to the physical motion ($V_X=1$ to $V_X=-1$d). Note that in this motion-based predictive scheme, motion is better tracked along coherent trajectories and that it is "dragged" in its direction : the bias is aperture-outward.
x-t histograms of the results¶
This is confirmed by showing the histogram of detected positions for the stimulus:
v_hist = {}
N_quant = 50
label = 'PBP'
time = np.linspace(0, 1, N_frame)
particles = image[label][0.5].copy()
v_hist, x_edges, y_edges = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant, N_quant_Y=1, display=False)
v_hist /= np.sum(v_hist, axis=0)
_, x_edges, y_edges = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant, N_quant_Y=N_quant, display=False)
x_middle = .5*(x_edges[1:] + x_edges[:-1])
print('Position of the middle of the bins =', x_middle)
y_middle = .5*(y_edges[1:] + y_edges[:-1])
for label in ['PBP', 'MBP']:
print('label=', label)
for i_variable, B_V in enumerate(B_Vs):
print('-------> ', B_V, '<------------')
particles = image[label][B_V].copy()
fig, axs = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant, N_quant_Y=1, ruler=False)
average_pos = np.sum(v_hist*x_middle[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)
#_ = axs[0].plot(time, average_pos, lw=4, ls='--')
#_ = axs[0].plot([0, 1], [dot_size, dot_size], c='orange', lw=4, ls='--')
#_ = axs[0].plot([0, 1], [-dot_size, -dot_size], c='orange', lw=4, ls='--')