securing the server

  • SSH (Secure Shell) is installed on most systems (here GnuLinuxUbuntu and MacOsX) so don't panic about compilations (try Putty on Windows). Try a simple ssh -V to check version or which ssh to locate the binary.

  • Thanks to ssh, you can transport all your data (accessing files, merging repositories, lauching remote X programs) transparently using a secure connection. Thanks to tunneling, this is also simpler thus more secure for your computer and your provider. Having all security located in one interface sure is a big advantage: once your SSH communication channel is set-up, you should only focus on what you wish to do (SVN, etc...).

  • Most documentation may be found in man ssh, man ssh-keygen (remember that thanks to the underlying pager system, you can search for a keyword, for instance hello, by typing \hello[ENTER]). Many other sources of help exist, such as this FAQ

Setting up SSH: spreading the good keys

  1. There are many ways to authenticate your session, but mainly password or keys. Keys are to be preferred to avoid typing your password 10 times a day. It is also most secure (you type your key's password locally and not remotely).

  2. Generate a private/public key pair. Simple command to do this:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
  3. Copy the key to the

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ username@host

    . this can be also be done using

    scp ~/.ssh/ username@host:~/
    ssh username@host
    cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
  4. Now try logging into the remote machine again from local

    ssh REMOTE_USERNAME@remote_host
  5. Check that your public key is in the list of authorized keys: .ssh/authorized_keys.

  6. Change password regularly:

    ssh-keygen -p

    It is not advised to put an empty pass-phrase, rather use key agent (see below).


  • it is possible to create alias of the ssh binary to hostnames... but more simply, you may put

    alias myserver='ssh -Y -p2221'

    where 2221 is here the port used by the SSH server on

  • more cleanly, you may edit your `` .ssh/config`` file with:

            User myuser
            Port 2221

    Be careful that properties are right : chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

key agent

  • An agent loads your keys on the local machines:

    • it's more secure, since all passwords are typed locally, you only send encrypted authentifications

    • it's more practical, since you type your password once per session


  • GUI interface on MacOsX :

    • install with macports using sudo port install SSHKeychain, you'll find it in /Applications/MacPorts


securing the server

  • Robots usually try common name / password combinations on your SSH server. If you're the only user admin_name of your server you may use in the SSH server configuration file (usually /etc/ssh/sshd_config) the option AllowUsers admin_name to restrict access to user admin_name and avoid brute force attacks. Since robots are most of the time dumb, they'll get an immediate acces denied response to any connection request.

  • Robots usually sniff port 22. To change the port which is listened by the SSH server, either modify the default port in the SSH server configuration file (usually /etc/ssh/sshd_config). Another way is to use your router to redirect the outside port (for instance 2221) to the default port of your server.