Le jeu de l'urne

Lors de la visite au laboratoire d'une brillante élève de seconde (salut Lena!), nous avons inventé ensemble un jeu: le jeu de l'urne. Le principe est simple: il faut deviner la couleur de la balle qu'on tire d'une urne contenant autant de balles rouges que noires - et ceci le plus tôt possible. Plus précisément, les règles sont:

  • On a un ensemble de balles, la motié sont rouges, l'autre moitié noires (c'est donc un nombre pair de balles qu'on appelera $N$, disons $N=8$).
  • Elles sont dans une urne opaque et donc on ne peut pas les voir à moins de les tirer une par une (sans remise dans l'urne). On peut tirer autant de balles qu'on veut pour les observer.
  • Le but est de deviner la balle qu'on va tirer. Si on gagne (on a bien prédit la couleur), alors on gagne autant de points que le nombre de balles qui étaient dans l'urne au moment de la décision. Sinon on perd autant de points que l'on en aurait gagné!
  • à long terme, la stratégie du jeu est de décider le meilleur moment où on est prêt à deviner la couleur de la balle qu'on va prendre et ainsi de gagner le plus de points possibles.

Nous avons d'abord créé ce jeu grâce au language de programmation Scratch sur https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/165806365/:

Ici, nous allons essayer de l'analyser plus finement.

Par exemple, je choisis de regarder une balle (rouge), puis un seconde (encore rouge), enfin une troisième (noire) - je décide de parier pour une noire, mais une rouge sort: j'ai perdu $8-3=5$ points. Une autre fois, je tire une balle rouge, une autre balle (cette fois noire): je parie noir et c'est la couleur qui sort: je gagne $8-2=6$ points.

Ce jeu parait simple (je suis curieux de savoir s'il existe, le contraire m'étonnerait) - mais son analyse mathématique implique des combinaisons dont le nombre grandit vite: quelle est la stratégie optimale? C'est ce que nous essaierons de faire ici.

Note: ce jeu pourrait paraitre anodin, mais il est révélateur de notre capacité à prendre des décisions par rapport à ce que l'on sait et ce qui pourrait arriver: c'est la base de la théorie de la décision. Cette théorie est notamment essentielle pour comprendre le fonctionnement normal (ou pathologique comme pour la schizophrénie) et de mieux le comprendre (ou le diagnostiquer).

Cette page est un "notebook", c'est-à-dire une page qui combine des commentaires avec des "cellules" contenant du code informatique qui permet de manipuler et représenter explicitement ou visuellement des informations. On peut donc le télécharger et expérimenter ces étapes une par une par soi-même.

quelque bases de programmation

Nous allons ici utiliser un langage de programmation pour communiquer avec l'ordinateur et lui faire effectuer des séquences de calcul. Pour sa simplicité et son ouverture, nous allons utiliser le langage Python. Ensuite, nos allons aborder qulques notions de statistiques utiles pour ce jeu. Si vous pensez posséder ces bases, vous pouvez directement passer à la suite. Programmer en python, c'est auusi simple que de parler en anglais, en voici quelques exemples:

In [1]:
print('Bonjour Lena')
Bonjour Lena

Des opérations mathémtiques de base :

In [2]:
2 * 5
In [3]:
 3 / 4 

a**b désigne "a puissance b"

In [4]:
2**0 + 2**1 +  4**1.5

créons une liste d'objets en les énumérant entre les symboles [ et ]:

In [5]:
une_liste = [ 1, 4, 5 ]
In [6]:
[1, 4, 5]

On peut facilement la manipuler en ajoutant un élément:

In [7]:
In [8]:
[1, 4, 5, 6]

on peut donc aussi faire une liste pour notre jeu:

In [9]:
une_liste_B = []
In [10]:
In [11]:
In [12]:
In [13]:
In [14]:
[0, 1, 0, 0]

ou de façon plus explicite (pour changer, au lieu de parler de balles rouges ou noires, on va ici parler de ballons de foot='⚽️' ou de basket ='🏀'):

In [15]:
N_ballons  = 8

une_liste_C = []
for j in range(N_ballons//2):
for j in range(N_ballons//2):
['🏀', '🏀', '🏀', '🏀', '⚽️', '⚽️', '⚽️', '⚽️']

il y a encore plein d'autres façons d'utiliser des listes:

In [16]:
liste_de_listes = [une_liste, une_liste_B, une_liste_C ]
[[1, 4, 5, 6], [0, 1, 0, 0], ['🏀', '🏀', '🏀', '🏀', '⚽️', '⚽️', '⚽️', '⚽️']]

À noter, un autre objet très utile en programmation est un dictionaire:

In [17]:
dico_français_anglais = dict(watch='montre', name='name', age='age')
In [18]:
name = 'watch'
print('La traduction du mot anglais "', name, 
      '" en français est "', dico_français_anglais[name],'".')
La traduction du mot anglais " watch " en français est " montre ".

quelque bases de statistiques et de probabilités

Pour analyser notre jeu, nous allons avoir besoin de quelques outils mathématiques - si vous pensez posséder ces bases, vous pouvez directement passer à la suite. Une fonction importante pour analyser notre jeu est d'utiliser des générateurs de nombres aléatoires (dans la librairie numpy.random).

In [19]:
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision=6, suppress=True)

et de fonctions de visualisation pour afficher par exemple des histogrammes avec plt.hist.

In [20]:
import os
%matplotlib inline
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

on définit la taille des figures selon le nombre d'or:

In [21]:
phi = (np.sqrt(5)+1)/2
fig_width = 10 # en pouces
figsize = (fig_width, fig_width/phi)
In [22]:
print('2 π =', 2 * np.pi)
2 π = 6.283185307179586

Explorons direct l'histogramme de $1000000$ tirages d'une variable aléatoire uniforme entre $0$ et $5$:

In [23]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax.hist(5 * np.random.rand(1000000), bins=20);
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-1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(68.194594 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="172.830725" xlink:href="#mfad8726d4a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(169.649475 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="274.285606" xlink:href="#mfad8726d4a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> 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64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(372.559236 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="477.195367" xlink:href="#mfad8726d4a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(474.014117 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="578.650248" xlink:href="#mfad8726d4a" 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transform="translate(7.2 223.446884)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_4"> <g id="line2d_10"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="46.0125" xlink:href="#m7f88616574" y="156.13986"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_10"> <g transform="translate(7.2 159.939079)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_5"> <g id="line2d_11"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="46.0125" xlink:href="#m7f88616574" y="92.632055"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_11"> <g transform="translate(7.2 96.431274)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_12"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="46.0125" xlink:href="#m7f88616574" y="29.124249"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_12"> <g transform="translate(7.2 32.923468)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="patch_23"> <path d="M 46.0125 346.663276 L 46.0125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_24"> <path d="M 604.0125 346.663276 L 604.0125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_25"> <path d="M 46.0125 346.663276 L 604.0125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_26"> <path d="M 46.0125 10.7 L 604.0125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p2d27dbecb3"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="46.0125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

La même chose avec une variable aléatoire en cloche qui représente bien des statistiques de population:

In [24]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax.hist(.3 * np.random.randn(1000000), bins=20);
<svg height="370pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 621 370" width="621pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <style type="text/css"> *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;} </style> </defs> <g id="figure_1"> <g id="patch_1"> <path d="M 0 370.541401 L 621.075 370.541401 L 621.075 0 L 0 0 z " style="fill:none;"/> </g> <g id="axes_1"> <g id="patch_2"> <path d="M 52.375 346.663276 L 610.375 346.663276 L 610.375 10.7 L 52.375 10.7 z " style="fill:#ffffff;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 77.738636 346.663276 L 103.102273 346.663276 L 103.102273 346.647666 L 77.738636 346.647666 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 103.102273 346.663276 L 128.465909 346.663276 L 128.465909 346.569614 L 103.102273 346.569614 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 128.465909 346.663276 L 153.829545 346.663276 L 153.829545 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id="patch_11"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 280.647727 346.663276 L 306.011364 346.663276 L 306.011364 102.264821 L 280.647727 102.264821 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_12"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 306.011364 346.663276 L 331.375 346.663276 L 331.375 33.53388 L 306.011364 33.53388 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_13"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 331.375 346.663276 L 356.738636 346.663276 L 356.738636 26.698251 L 331.375 26.698251 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_14"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 356.738636 346.663276 L 382.102273 346.663276 L 382.102273 82.947795 L 356.738636 82.947795 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_15"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 382.102273 346.663276 L 407.465909 346.663276 L 407.465909 173.526384 L 382.102273 173.526384 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_16"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 407.465909 346.663276 L 432.829545 346.663276 L 432.829545 254.946861 L 407.465909 254.946861 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_17"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 432.829545 346.663276 L 458.193182 346.663276 L 458.193182 308.265114 L 432.829545 308.265114 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_18"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 458.193182 346.663276 L 483.556818 346.663276 L 483.556818 333.751725 L 458.193182 333.751725 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_19"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 483.556818 346.663276 L 508.920455 346.663276 L 508.920455 343.170011 L 483.556818 343.170011 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_20"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 508.920455 346.663276 L 534.284091 346.663276 L 534.284091 345.936525 L 508.920455 345.936525 z " style="fill:#1f77b4;"/> </g> <g id="patch_21"> <path clip-path="url(#pcaad295bc4)" d="M 534.284091 346.663276 L 559.647727 346.663276 L 559.647727 346.5488 L 534.284091 346.5488 z " 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49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(55.614843 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="147.412109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="179.199219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="156.592868" xlink:href="#m65813755f3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 66.40625 Q 24.171875 66.40625 20.328125 58.90625 Q 16.5 51.421875 16.5 36.375 Q 16.5 21.390625 20.328125 13.890625 Q 24.171875 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(144.451462 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="147.412109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="179.199219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="245.429487" xlink:href="#m65813755f3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <g transform="translate(233.288081 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="147.412109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="179.199219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="334.266106" xlink:href="#m65813755f3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <g transform="translate(326.314544 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> 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x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_2"> <g id="ytick_1"> <g id="line2d_8"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L -3.5 0 " id="mf63a8ea82f" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <g transform="translate(39.0125 350.462495)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_2"> <g id="line2d_9"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="303.301001"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_9"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(13.5625 307.10022)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_3"> <g id="line2d_10"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="259.938726"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_10"> <g transform="translate(13.5625 263.737945)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_4"> <g id="line2d_11"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="216.576451"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_11"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(13.5625 220.37567)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_5"> <g id="line2d_12"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="173.214176"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_12"> <g transform="translate(7.2 177.013394)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="318.115234" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_13"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="129.8519"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_13"> <g transform="translate(7.2 133.651119)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="318.115234" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_7"> <g id="line2d_14"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="86.489625"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_14"> <g transform="translate(7.2 90.288844)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="318.115234" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_8"> <g id="line2d_15"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.375" xlink:href="#mf63a8ea82f" y="43.12735"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_15"> <g transform="translate(7.2 46.926569)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="318.115234" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="patch_23"> <path d="M 52.375 346.663276 L 52.375 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_24"> <path d="M 610.375 346.663276 L 610.375 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_25"> <path d="M 52.375 346.663276 L 610.375 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_26"> <path d="M 52.375 10.7 L 610.375 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="pcaad295bc4"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="52.375" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

En particulier, si on prend un nombre aléatoire entre 0 et 1:

In [25]:

il est facile de le transformer en une valeur binaire aléatoire (soit vraie ou fausse, soit True ou False):

In [26]:
np.random.rand() > .5

D'où le tirage d'une variable aléatoire binaire:

In [27]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
resultats = np.random.rand(100) > .5
(array([ 55.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,  45.]),
 array([ 0. ,  0.1,  0.2,  0.3,  0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7,  0.8,  0.9,  1. ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
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44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> <path d="M 10.6875 12.40625 L 21 12.40625 L 21 0 L 10.6875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-2e"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(44.337074 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="153.743182" xlink:href="#mdc60173423" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(145.791619 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="255.197727" xlink:href="#mdc60173423" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 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40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(348.70071 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use 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6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(450.155256 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="559.561364" xlink:href="#mdc60173423" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(551.609801 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_2"> <g id="ytick_1"> <g id="line2d_7"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L -3.5 0 " id="m3416620e24" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#m3416620e24" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <g transform="translate(13.5625 350.462495)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_2"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#m3416620e24" y="288.487817"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <g transform="translate(7.2 292.287036)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" 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31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(7.2 175.936118)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_5"> <g id="line2d_11"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#m3416620e24" y="113.96144"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_11"> <g transform="translate(7.2 117.760659)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_12"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#m3416620e24" y="55.785981"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_12"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(7.2 59.5852)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="patch_13"> <path d="M 26.925 346.663276 L 26.925 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_14"> <path d="M 584.925 346.663276 L 584.925 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_15"> <path d="M 26.925 346.663276 L 584.925 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_16"> <path d="M 26.925 10.7 L 584.925 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="pd4b0b3b4ff"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="26.925" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> 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Si on la considère comme une séquence de tirages d'un dé non pipé, on peut la transformer un un gain poistif ($+1$) ou négatif ($-1$):

In [28]:
plt.step(np.arange(100), 2*resultats-1);
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39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(56.882244 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="121.551098" xlink:href="#m7b6f00f62b" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 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65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(238.163804 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="306.013908" xlink:href="#m7b6f00f62b" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 34.625 Q 24.75 34.625 20.71875 30.859375 Q 16.703125 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transform="translate(7.2 197.346491)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="147.412109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="179.199219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="242.822266" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_3"> <g id="line2d_9"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="44.845313" xlink:href="#mda796b51c7" y="168.838182"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_9"> <g transform="translate(7.2 172.637401)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="147.412109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="179.199219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="242.822266" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_4"> <g id="line2d_10"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="44.845313" xlink:href="#mda796b51c7" y="144.129091"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_10"> <g transform="translate(7.2 147.92831)scale(0.1 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id="line2d_15"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="44.845313" xlink:href="#mda796b51c7" y="20.583636"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_15"> <g transform="translate(15.579688 24.382855)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="159.033203" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_16"> <path clip-path="url(#p3ccb55a26f)" d="M 60.063494 20.583636 L 87.732916 20.583636 L 87.732916 218.256364 L 96.956056 218.256364 L 96.956056 20.583636 L 100.030436 20.583636 L 100.030436 218.256364 L 103.104817 218.256364 L 103.104817 20.583636 L 106.179197 20.583636 L 106.179197 218.256364 L 109.253577 218.256364 L 109.253577 20.583636 L 115.402337 20.583636 L 115.402337 218.256364 L 118.476717 218.256364 L 118.476717 20.583636 L 124.625478 20.583636 L 124.625478 218.256364 L 127.699858 218.256364 L 127.699858 20.583636 L 130.774238 20.583636 L 130.774238 218.256364 L 136.922998 218.256364 L 136.922998 20.583636 L 143.071759 20.583636 L 143.071759 218.256364 L 146.146139 218.256364 L 146.146139 20.583636 L 152.294899 20.583636 L 152.294899 218.256364 L 167.6668 218.256364 L 167.6668 20.583636 L 170.74118 20.583636 L 170.74118 218.256364 L 173.81556 218.256364 L 173.81556 20.583636 L 179.964321 20.583636 L 179.964321 218.256364 L 183.038701 218.256364 L 183.038701 20.583636 L 186.113081 20.583636 L 186.113081 218.256364 L 189.187461 218.256364 L 189.187461 20.583636 L 192.261841 20.583636 L 192.261841 218.256364 L 198.410602 218.256364 L 198.410602 20.583636 L 201.484982 20.583636 L 201.484982 218.256364 L 207.633742 218.256364 L 207.633742 20.583636 L 213.782503 20.583636 L 213.782503 218.256364 L 223.005643 218.256364 L 223.005643 20.583636 L 226.080023 20.583636 L 226.080023 218.256364 L 238.377544 218.256364 L 238.377544 20.583636 L 244.526304 20.583636 L 244.526304 218.256364 L 247.600684 218.256364 L 247.600684 20.583636 L 250.675065 20.583636 L 250.675065 218.256364 L 262.972585 218.256364 L 262.972585 20.583636 L 266.046965 20.583636 L 266.046965 218.256364 L 269.121346 218.256364 L 269.121346 20.583636 L 275.270106 20.583636 L 275.270106 218.256364 L 281.418866 218.256364 L 281.418866 20.583636 L 284.493246 20.583636 L 284.493246 218.256364 L 290.642007 218.256364 L 290.642007 20.583636 L 293.716387 20.583636 L 293.716387 218.256364 L 296.790767 218.256364 L 296.790767 20.583636 L 302.939527 20.583636 L 302.939527 218.256364 L 306.013908 218.256364 L 306.013908 20.583636 L 312.162668 20.583636 L 312.162668 218.256364 L 315.237048 218.256364 L 315.237048 20.583636 L 318.311428 20.583636 L 318.311428 218.256364 L 333.683329 218.256364 L 333.683329 20.583636 L 336.757709 20.583636 L 336.757709 218.256364 L 345.98085 218.256364 L 345.98085 20.583636 L 349.05523 20.583636 L 349.05523 218.256364 L 364.427131 218.256364 L 364.427131 218.256364 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 44.845313 228.14 L 44.845313 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 379.645313 228.14 L 379.645313 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 44.845313 228.14 L 379.645313 228.14 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 44.845313 10.7 L 379.645313 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p3ccb55a26f"> <rect height="217.44" width="334.8" x="44.845313" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Un intéret pour notre jeu est de considérer le gain accumulé pour des paris, et on "plotte" ici le gain accumulé sur $20$ différentes parties en fonction du temps ($100$ cycles):

In [29]:
resultats = np.random.rand(100, 20) > .5
gains = 2*resultats-1
gains_cumulés = np.cumsum(gains, axis=0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
t = np.arange(100)
std = np.sqrt(t) * gains.std()
ax.fill_between(t, std, -std, color='k', edgecolor='none', lw=0, alpha=0.1);
ax.plot(gains_cumulés, alpha=0.2);
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31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(295.18351 297.098437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use 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6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(377.166981 297.098437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="465.512952" xlink:href="#ma07eb0206c" y="282.5"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " 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48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(15.579687 16.970128)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_13"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 151.541818 L 63.793944 156.483636 L 67.893117 151.541818 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 161.425455 L 80.190638 156.483636 L 84.289811 161.425455 L 88.388985 166.367273 L 92.488159 161.425455 L 96.587332 156.483636 L 100.686506 161.425455 L 104.785679 166.367273 L 108.884853 171.309091 L 112.984026 166.367273 L 117.0832 161.425455 L 121.182373 166.367273 L 125.281547 171.309091 L 129.380721 166.367273 L 133.479894 161.425455 L 137.579068 166.367273 L 141.678241 171.309091 L 145.777415 176.250909 L 149.876588 171.309091 L 153.975762 176.250909 L 158.074935 171.309091 L 162.174109 176.250909 L 166.273283 181.192727 L 170.372456 186.134545 L 174.47163 181.192727 L 178.570803 176.250909 L 182.669977 181.192727 L 186.76915 176.250909 L 190.868324 181.192727 L 194.967497 186.134545 L 199.066671 181.192727 L 203.165845 186.134545 L 207.265018 191.076364 L 211.364192 196.018182 L 215.463365 191.076364 L 219.562539 186.134545 L 223.661712 191.076364 L 227.760886 196.018182 L 231.860059 191.076364 L 235.959233 186.134545 L 240.058407 191.076364 L 244.15758 196.018182 L 248.256754 191.076364 L 252.355927 196.018182 L 256.455101 200.96 L 260.554274 196.018182 L 264.653448 191.076364 L 268.752621 186.134545 L 272.851795 191.076364 L 276.950968 196.018182 L 281.050142 200.96 L 285.149316 205.901818 L 289.248489 200.96 L 293.347663 196.018182 L 297.446836 200.96 L 301.54601 205.901818 L 305.645183 200.96 L 309.744357 205.901818 L 313.84353 200.96 L 317.942704 196.018182 L 322.041878 191.076364 L 326.141051 186.134545 L 330.240225 181.192727 L 334.339398 186.134545 L 338.438572 181.192727 L 342.537745 186.134545 L 346.636919 181.192727 L 350.736092 186.134545 L 354.835266 181.192727 L 358.93444 186.134545 L 363.033613 191.076364 L 367.132787 186.134545 L 371.23196 191.076364 L 375.331134 186.134545 L 379.430307 181.192727 L 383.529481 186.134545 L 387.628654 191.076364 L 391.727828 196.018182 L 395.827002 200.96 L 399.926175 196.018182 L 404.025349 200.96 L 408.124522 205.901818 L 412.223696 210.843636 L 416.322869 215.785455 L 420.422043 210.843636 L 424.521216 215.785455 L 428.62039 220.727273 L 432.719564 215.785455 L 436.818737 210.843636 L 440.917911 205.901818 L 445.017084 200.96 L 449.116258 196.018182 L 453.215431 200.96 L 457.314605 205.901818 L 461.413778 210.843636 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_14"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 161.425455 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 151.541818 L 80.190638 146.6 L 84.289811 151.541818 L 88.388985 146.6 L 92.488159 141.658182 L 96.587332 136.716364 L 100.686506 131.774545 L 104.785679 126.832727 L 108.884853 131.774545 L 112.984026 136.716364 L 117.0832 131.774545 L 121.182373 126.832727 L 125.281547 131.774545 L 129.380721 136.716364 L 133.479894 141.658182 L 137.579068 136.716364 L 141.678241 131.774545 L 145.777415 136.716364 L 149.876588 131.774545 L 153.975762 126.832727 L 158.074935 131.774545 L 162.174109 136.716364 L 166.273283 141.658182 L 170.372456 136.716364 L 174.47163 141.658182 L 178.570803 146.6 L 182.669977 141.658182 L 186.76915 136.716364 L 190.868324 131.774545 L 194.967497 126.832727 L 199.066671 131.774545 L 203.165845 136.716364 L 207.265018 141.658182 L 211.364192 136.716364 L 215.463365 141.658182 L 219.562539 146.6 L 223.661712 151.541818 L 227.760886 156.483636 L 231.860059 151.541818 L 235.959233 156.483636 L 240.058407 161.425455 L 244.15758 166.367273 L 248.256754 171.309091 L 252.355927 176.250909 L 256.455101 181.192727 L 260.554274 176.250909 L 264.653448 181.192727 L 268.752621 186.134545 L 272.851795 181.192727 L 276.950968 176.250909 L 281.050142 181.192727 L 285.149316 176.250909 L 289.248489 171.309091 L 293.347663 176.250909 L 297.446836 181.192727 L 301.54601 186.134545 L 305.645183 191.076364 L 309.744357 186.134545 L 313.84353 191.076364 L 317.942704 196.018182 L 322.041878 200.96 L 326.141051 205.901818 L 330.240225 200.96 L 334.339398 196.018182 L 338.438572 191.076364 L 342.537745 186.134545 L 346.636919 191.076364 L 350.736092 196.018182 L 354.835266 200.96 L 358.93444 205.901818 L 363.033613 200.96 L 367.132787 205.901818 L 371.23196 200.96 L 375.331134 205.901818 L 379.430307 200.96 L 383.529481 196.018182 L 387.628654 191.076364 L 391.727828 196.018182 L 395.827002 191.076364 L 399.926175 196.018182 L 404.025349 191.076364 L 408.124522 186.134545 L 412.223696 191.076364 L 416.322869 186.134545 L 420.422043 191.076364 L 424.521216 196.018182 L 428.62039 191.076364 L 432.719564 186.134545 L 436.818737 191.076364 L 440.917911 186.134545 L 445.017084 181.192727 L 449.116258 186.134545 L 453.215431 181.192727 L 457.314605 176.250909 L 461.413778 171.309091 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_15"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 151.541818 L 63.793944 146.6 L 67.893117 151.541818 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 151.541818 L 80.190638 156.483636 L 84.289811 161.425455 L 88.388985 166.367273 L 92.488159 171.309091 L 96.587332 166.367273 L 100.686506 171.309091 L 104.785679 166.367273 L 108.884853 161.425455 L 112.984026 156.483636 L 117.0832 151.541818 L 121.182373 146.6 L 125.281547 151.541818 L 129.380721 146.6 L 133.479894 141.658182 L 137.579068 146.6 L 141.678241 141.658182 L 145.777415 136.716364 L 149.876588 131.774545 L 153.975762 136.716364 L 158.074935 141.658182 L 162.174109 146.6 L 166.273283 141.658182 L 170.372456 136.716364 L 174.47163 141.658182 L 178.570803 146.6 L 182.669977 151.541818 L 186.76915 146.6 L 190.868324 141.658182 L 194.967497 136.716364 L 199.066671 131.774545 L 203.165845 136.716364 L 207.265018 141.658182 L 211.364192 146.6 L 215.463365 141.658182 L 219.562539 146.6 L 223.661712 141.658182 L 227.760886 146.6 L 231.860059 141.658182 L 235.959233 136.716364 L 240.058407 131.774545 L 244.15758 136.716364 L 248.256754 131.774545 L 252.355927 136.716364 L 256.455101 131.774545 L 260.554274 126.832727 L 264.653448 121.890909 L 268.752621 126.832727 L 272.851795 121.890909 L 276.950968 116.949091 L 281.050142 121.890909 L 285.149316 126.832727 L 289.248489 131.774545 L 293.347663 126.832727 L 297.446836 121.890909 L 301.54601 126.832727 L 305.645183 121.890909 L 309.744357 116.949091 L 313.84353 112.007273 L 317.942704 116.949091 L 322.041878 121.890909 L 326.141051 116.949091 L 330.240225 121.890909 L 334.339398 126.832727 L 338.438572 121.890909 L 342.537745 126.832727 L 346.636919 121.890909 L 350.736092 126.832727 L 354.835266 121.890909 L 358.93444 126.832727 L 363.033613 131.774545 L 367.132787 136.716364 L 371.23196 131.774545 L 375.331134 126.832727 L 379.430307 121.890909 L 383.529481 116.949091 L 387.628654 121.890909 L 391.727828 116.949091 L 395.827002 121.890909 L 399.926175 126.832727 L 404.025349 121.890909 L 408.124522 116.949091 L 412.223696 112.007273 L 416.322869 107.065455 L 420.422043 102.123636 L 424.521216 107.065455 L 428.62039 102.123636 L 432.719564 97.181818 L 436.818737 102.123636 L 440.917911 97.181818 L 445.017084 102.123636 L 449.116258 97.181818 L 453.215431 102.123636 L 457.314605 107.065455 L 461.413778 112.007273 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#2ca02c;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_16"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 171.309091 L 63.793944 176.250909 L 67.893117 181.192727 L 71.992291 186.134545 L 76.091464 181.192727 L 80.190638 186.134545 L 84.289811 181.192727 L 88.388985 186.134545 L 92.488159 191.076364 L 96.587332 196.018182 L 100.686506 200.96 L 104.785679 196.018182 L 108.884853 200.96 L 112.984026 205.901818 L 117.0832 200.96 L 121.182373 205.901818 L 125.281547 200.96 L 129.380721 205.901818 L 133.479894 210.843636 L 137.579068 205.901818 L 141.678241 200.96 L 145.777415 196.018182 L 149.876588 200.96 L 153.975762 205.901818 L 158.074935 200.96 L 162.174109 196.018182 L 166.273283 191.076364 L 170.372456 196.018182 L 174.47163 191.076364 L 178.570803 196.018182 L 182.669977 200.96 L 186.76915 196.018182 L 190.868324 191.076364 L 194.967497 186.134545 L 199.066671 181.192727 L 203.165845 186.134545 L 207.265018 181.192727 L 211.364192 176.250909 L 215.463365 181.192727 L 219.562539 186.134545 L 223.661712 181.192727 L 227.760886 176.250909 L 231.860059 181.192727 L 235.959233 186.134545 L 240.058407 191.076364 L 244.15758 196.018182 L 248.256754 200.96 L 252.355927 205.901818 L 256.455101 200.96 L 260.554274 205.901818 L 264.653448 210.843636 L 268.752621 205.901818 L 272.851795 200.96 L 276.950968 205.901818 L 281.050142 210.843636 L 285.149316 205.901818 L 289.248489 210.843636 L 293.347663 215.785455 L 297.446836 220.727273 L 301.54601 215.785455 L 305.645183 220.727273 L 309.744357 225.669091 L 313.84353 230.610909 L 317.942704 235.552727 L 322.041878 240.494545 L 326.141051 235.552727 L 330.240225 230.610909 L 334.339398 225.669091 L 338.438572 220.727273 L 342.537745 215.785455 L 346.636919 210.843636 L 350.736092 205.901818 L 354.835266 200.96 L 358.93444 196.018182 L 363.033613 191.076364 L 367.132787 196.018182 L 371.23196 200.96 L 375.331134 205.901818 L 379.430307 200.96 L 383.529481 205.901818 L 387.628654 210.843636 L 391.727828 215.785455 L 395.827002 210.843636 L 399.926175 215.785455 L 404.025349 210.843636 L 408.124522 215.785455 L 412.223696 210.843636 L 416.322869 215.785455 L 420.422043 210.843636 L 424.521216 215.785455 L 428.62039 220.727273 L 432.719564 215.785455 L 436.818737 220.727273 L 440.917911 225.669091 L 445.017084 230.610909 L 449.116258 235.552727 L 453.215431 240.494545 L 457.314605 245.436364 L 461.413778 250.378182 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#d62728;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_17"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 171.309091 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 161.425455 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 161.425455 L 80.190638 166.367273 L 84.289811 161.425455 L 88.388985 166.367273 L 92.488159 161.425455 L 96.587332 166.367273 L 100.686506 171.309091 L 104.785679 166.367273 L 108.884853 171.309091 L 112.984026 176.250909 L 117.0832 171.309091 L 121.182373 176.250909 L 125.281547 181.192727 L 129.380721 176.250909 L 133.479894 181.192727 L 137.579068 176.250909 L 141.678241 171.309091 L 145.777415 166.367273 L 149.876588 171.309091 L 153.975762 166.367273 L 158.074935 161.425455 L 162.174109 156.483636 L 166.273283 151.541818 L 170.372456 156.483636 L 174.47163 151.541818 L 178.570803 156.483636 L 182.669977 151.541818 L 186.76915 156.483636 L 190.868324 161.425455 L 194.967497 166.367273 L 199.066671 161.425455 L 203.165845 166.367273 L 207.265018 161.425455 L 211.364192 166.367273 L 215.463365 161.425455 L 219.562539 156.483636 L 223.661712 151.541818 L 227.760886 156.483636 L 231.860059 151.541818 L 235.959233 156.483636 L 240.058407 151.541818 L 244.15758 156.483636 L 248.256754 161.425455 L 252.355927 166.367273 L 256.455101 161.425455 L 260.554274 166.367273 L 264.653448 171.309091 L 268.752621 166.367273 L 272.851795 161.425455 L 276.950968 166.367273 L 281.050142 171.309091 L 285.149316 176.250909 L 289.248489 171.309091 L 293.347663 166.367273 L 297.446836 171.309091 L 301.54601 176.250909 L 305.645183 171.309091 L 309.744357 166.367273 L 313.84353 161.425455 L 317.942704 156.483636 L 322.041878 151.541818 L 326.141051 156.483636 L 330.240225 161.425455 L 334.339398 156.483636 L 338.438572 161.425455 L 342.537745 156.483636 L 346.636919 161.425455 L 350.736092 156.483636 L 354.835266 161.425455 L 358.93444 156.483636 L 363.033613 161.425455 L 367.132787 166.367273 L 371.23196 171.309091 L 375.331134 176.250909 L 379.430307 181.192727 L 383.529481 176.250909 L 387.628654 171.309091 L 391.727828 166.367273 L 395.827002 171.309091 L 399.926175 166.367273 L 404.025349 171.309091 L 408.124522 166.367273 L 412.223696 171.309091 L 416.322869 176.250909 L 420.422043 181.192727 L 424.521216 176.250909 L 428.62039 181.192727 L 432.719564 176.250909 L 436.818737 171.309091 L 440.917911 166.367273 L 445.017084 171.309091 L 449.116258 176.250909 L 453.215431 171.309091 L 457.314605 166.367273 L 461.413778 171.309091 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#9467bd;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_18"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 161.425455 L 71.992291 166.367273 L 76.091464 161.425455 L 80.190638 156.483636 L 84.289811 161.425455 L 88.388985 156.483636 L 92.488159 151.541818 L 96.587332 146.6 L 100.686506 141.658182 L 104.785679 136.716364 L 108.884853 141.658182 L 112.984026 146.6 L 117.0832 141.658182 L 121.182373 146.6 L 125.281547 141.658182 L 129.380721 146.6 L 133.479894 141.658182 L 137.579068 136.716364 L 141.678241 141.658182 L 145.777415 146.6 L 149.876588 141.658182 L 153.975762 136.716364 L 158.074935 131.774545 L 162.174109 136.716364 L 166.273283 131.774545 L 170.372456 126.832727 L 174.47163 121.890909 L 178.570803 126.832727 L 182.669977 131.774545 L 186.76915 126.832727 L 190.868324 131.774545 L 194.967497 136.716364 L 199.066671 141.658182 L 203.165845 146.6 L 207.265018 141.658182 L 211.364192 146.6 L 215.463365 141.658182 L 219.562539 136.716364 L 223.661712 131.774545 L 227.760886 136.716364 L 231.860059 141.658182 L 235.959233 136.716364 L 240.058407 141.658182 L 244.15758 136.716364 L 248.256754 131.774545 L 252.355927 136.716364 L 256.455101 131.774545 L 260.554274 126.832727 L 264.653448 121.890909 L 268.752621 116.949091 L 272.851795 121.890909 L 276.950968 116.949091 L 281.050142 121.890909 L 285.149316 116.949091 L 289.248489 121.890909 L 293.347663 126.832727 L 297.446836 131.774545 L 301.54601 126.832727 L 305.645183 131.774545 L 309.744357 126.832727 L 313.84353 131.774545 L 317.942704 136.716364 L 322.041878 131.774545 L 326.141051 126.832727 L 330.240225 131.774545 L 334.339398 126.832727 L 338.438572 131.774545 L 342.537745 136.716364 L 346.636919 141.658182 L 350.736092 136.716364 L 354.835266 141.658182 L 358.93444 146.6 L 363.033613 141.658182 L 367.132787 146.6 L 371.23196 151.541818 L 375.331134 146.6 L 379.430307 141.658182 L 383.529481 136.716364 L 387.628654 141.658182 L 391.727828 136.716364 L 395.827002 131.774545 L 399.926175 136.716364 L 404.025349 141.658182 L 408.124522 146.6 L 412.223696 151.541818 L 416.322869 156.483636 L 420.422043 151.541818 L 424.521216 156.483636 L 428.62039 161.425455 L 432.719564 166.367273 L 436.818737 171.309091 L 440.917911 166.367273 L 445.017084 161.425455 L 449.116258 156.483636 L 453.215431 161.425455 L 457.314605 156.483636 L 461.413778 151.541818 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#8c564b;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_19"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 156.483636 L 67.893117 151.541818 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 151.541818 L 80.190638 146.6 L 84.289811 141.658182 L 88.388985 136.716364 L 92.488159 131.774545 L 96.587332 136.716364 L 100.686506 131.774545 L 104.785679 136.716364 L 108.884853 141.658182 L 112.984026 146.6 L 117.0832 151.541818 L 121.182373 146.6 L 125.281547 141.658182 L 129.380721 136.716364 L 133.479894 141.658182 L 137.579068 136.716364 L 141.678241 141.658182 L 145.777415 136.716364 L 149.876588 141.658182 L 153.975762 136.716364 L 158.074935 141.658182 L 162.174109 136.716364 L 166.273283 131.774545 L 170.372456 126.832727 L 174.47163 121.890909 L 178.570803 116.949091 L 182.669977 112.007273 L 186.76915 116.949091 L 190.868324 121.890909 L 194.967497 116.949091 L 199.066671 112.007273 L 203.165845 116.949091 L 207.265018 121.890909 L 211.364192 126.832727 L 215.463365 121.890909 L 219.562539 116.949091 L 223.661712 112.007273 L 227.760886 107.065455 L 231.860059 112.007273 L 235.959233 107.065455 L 240.058407 102.123636 L 244.15758 107.065455 L 248.256754 102.123636 L 252.355927 97.181818 L 256.455101 92.24 L 260.554274 87.298182 L 264.653448 82.356364 L 268.752621 77.414545 L 272.851795 82.356364 L 276.950968 87.298182 L 281.050142 82.356364 L 285.149316 87.298182 L 289.248489 82.356364 L 293.347663 77.414545 L 297.446836 82.356364 L 301.54601 77.414545 L 305.645183 72.472727 L 309.744357 67.530909 L 313.84353 62.589091 L 317.942704 67.530909 L 322.041878 62.589091 L 326.141051 57.647273 L 330.240225 52.705455 L 334.339398 47.763636 L 338.438572 52.705455 L 342.537745 47.763636 L 346.636919 42.821818 L 350.736092 47.763636 L 354.835266 42.821818 L 358.93444 47.763636 L 363.033613 52.705455 L 367.132787 57.647273 L 371.23196 52.705455 L 375.331134 57.647273 L 379.430307 62.589091 L 383.529481 57.647273 L 387.628654 62.589091 L 391.727828 57.647273 L 395.827002 52.705455 L 399.926175 57.647273 L 404.025349 52.705455 L 408.124522 47.763636 L 412.223696 42.821818 L 416.322869 47.763636 L 420.422043 42.821818 L 424.521216 47.763636 L 428.62039 42.821818 L 432.719564 37.88 L 436.818737 42.821818 L 440.917911 47.763636 L 445.017084 52.705455 L 449.116258 47.763636 L 453.215431 52.705455 L 457.314605 47.763636 L 461.413778 42.821818 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#e377c2;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_20"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 156.483636 L 67.893117 161.425455 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 161.425455 L 80.190638 166.367273 L 84.289811 171.309091 L 88.388985 176.250909 L 92.488159 181.192727 L 96.587332 176.250909 L 100.686506 171.309091 L 104.785679 166.367273 L 108.884853 171.309091 L 112.984026 176.250909 L 117.0832 171.309091 L 121.182373 176.250909 L 125.281547 171.309091 L 129.380721 166.367273 L 133.479894 171.309091 L 137.579068 176.250909 L 141.678241 171.309091 L 145.777415 176.250909 L 149.876588 181.192727 L 153.975762 176.250909 L 158.074935 171.309091 L 162.174109 166.367273 L 166.273283 161.425455 L 170.372456 156.483636 L 174.47163 151.541818 L 178.570803 146.6 L 182.669977 151.541818 L 186.76915 146.6 L 190.868324 141.658182 L 194.967497 136.716364 L 199.066671 131.774545 L 203.165845 136.716364 L 207.265018 141.658182 L 211.364192 146.6 L 215.463365 141.658182 L 219.562539 146.6 L 223.661712 141.658182 L 227.760886 146.6 L 231.860059 151.541818 L 235.959233 156.483636 L 240.058407 151.541818 L 244.15758 146.6 L 248.256754 151.541818 L 252.355927 146.6 L 256.455101 151.541818 L 260.554274 156.483636 L 264.653448 161.425455 L 268.752621 156.483636 L 272.851795 161.425455 L 276.950968 156.483636 L 281.050142 151.541818 L 285.149316 146.6 L 289.248489 151.541818 L 293.347663 146.6 L 297.446836 151.541818 L 301.54601 146.6 L 305.645183 151.541818 L 309.744357 146.6 L 313.84353 151.541818 L 317.942704 156.483636 L 322.041878 161.425455 L 326.141051 166.367273 L 330.240225 171.309091 L 334.339398 166.367273 L 338.438572 161.425455 L 342.537745 166.367273 L 346.636919 161.425455 L 350.736092 166.367273 L 354.835266 171.309091 L 358.93444 176.250909 L 363.033613 181.192727 L 367.132787 186.134545 L 371.23196 191.076364 L 375.331134 186.134545 L 379.430307 191.076364 L 383.529481 196.018182 L 387.628654 191.076364 L 391.727828 196.018182 L 395.827002 191.076364 L 399.926175 196.018182 L 404.025349 191.076364 L 408.124522 186.134545 L 412.223696 181.192727 L 416.322869 176.250909 L 420.422043 171.309091 L 424.521216 176.250909 L 428.62039 181.192727 L 432.719564 176.250909 L 436.818737 181.192727 L 440.917911 186.134545 L 445.017084 191.076364 L 449.116258 196.018182 L 453.215431 200.96 L 457.314605 196.018182 L 461.413778 191.076364 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#7f7f7f;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_21"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 161.425455 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 161.425455 L 80.190638 166.367273 L 84.289811 171.309091 L 88.388985 166.367273 L 92.488159 161.425455 L 96.587332 156.483636 L 100.686506 151.541818 L 104.785679 146.6 L 108.884853 141.658182 L 112.984026 136.716364 L 117.0832 141.658182 L 121.182373 146.6 L 125.281547 141.658182 L 129.380721 136.716364 L 133.479894 131.774545 L 137.579068 136.716364 L 141.678241 131.774545 L 145.777415 136.716364 L 149.876588 131.774545 L 153.975762 136.716364 L 158.074935 141.658182 L 162.174109 136.716364 L 166.273283 141.658182 L 170.372456 136.716364 L 174.47163 141.658182 L 178.570803 136.716364 L 182.669977 131.774545 L 186.76915 136.716364 L 190.868324 131.774545 L 194.967497 126.832727 L 199.066671 131.774545 L 203.165845 136.716364 L 207.265018 131.774545 L 211.364192 126.832727 L 215.463365 121.890909 L 219.562539 116.949091 L 223.661712 121.890909 L 227.760886 126.832727 L 231.860059 131.774545 L 235.959233 126.832727 L 240.058407 121.890909 L 244.15758 126.832727 L 248.256754 121.890909 L 252.355927 116.949091 L 256.455101 121.890909 L 260.554274 116.949091 L 264.653448 112.007273 L 268.752621 116.949091 L 272.851795 112.007273 L 276.950968 116.949091 L 281.050142 112.007273 L 285.149316 116.949091 L 289.248489 121.890909 L 293.347663 126.832727 L 297.446836 121.890909 L 301.54601 116.949091 L 305.645183 112.007273 L 309.744357 107.065455 L 313.84353 102.123636 L 317.942704 97.181818 L 322.041878 102.123636 L 326.141051 97.181818 L 330.240225 102.123636 L 334.339398 107.065455 L 338.438572 102.123636 L 342.537745 107.065455 L 346.636919 102.123636 L 350.736092 107.065455 L 354.835266 112.007273 L 358.93444 116.949091 L 363.033613 121.890909 L 367.132787 116.949091 L 371.23196 121.890909 L 375.331134 116.949091 L 379.430307 112.007273 L 383.529481 116.949091 L 387.628654 121.890909 L 391.727828 126.832727 L 395.827002 131.774545 L 399.926175 136.716364 L 404.025349 131.774545 L 408.124522 136.716364 L 412.223696 131.774545 L 416.322869 136.716364 L 420.422043 131.774545 L 424.521216 126.832727 L 428.62039 121.890909 L 432.719564 116.949091 L 436.818737 112.007273 L 440.917911 116.949091 L 445.017084 121.890909 L 449.116258 116.949091 L 453.215431 121.890909 L 457.314605 126.832727 L 461.413778 121.890909 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#bcbd22;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_22"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 171.309091 L 63.793944 176.250909 L 67.893117 171.309091 L 71.992291 166.367273 L 76.091464 161.425455 L 80.190638 166.367273 L 84.289811 171.309091 L 88.388985 166.367273 L 92.488159 161.425455 L 96.587332 156.483636 L 100.686506 161.425455 L 104.785679 156.483636 L 108.884853 161.425455 L 112.984026 166.367273 L 117.0832 161.425455 L 121.182373 166.367273 L 125.281547 171.309091 L 129.380721 176.250909 L 133.479894 181.192727 L 137.579068 176.250909 L 141.678241 181.192727 L 145.777415 186.134545 L 149.876588 191.076364 L 153.975762 196.018182 L 158.074935 191.076364 L 162.174109 186.134545 L 166.273283 191.076364 L 170.372456 196.018182 L 174.47163 200.96 L 178.570803 205.901818 L 182.669977 210.843636 L 186.76915 205.901818 L 190.868324 200.96 L 194.967497 196.018182 L 199.066671 200.96 L 203.165845 196.018182 L 207.265018 191.076364 L 211.364192 186.134545 L 215.463365 191.076364 L 219.562539 186.134545 L 223.661712 181.192727 L 227.760886 186.134545 L 231.860059 191.076364 L 235.959233 186.134545 L 240.058407 191.076364 L 244.15758 196.018182 L 248.256754 191.076364 L 252.355927 196.018182 L 256.455101 191.076364 L 260.554274 186.134545 L 264.653448 181.192727 L 268.752621 186.134545 L 272.851795 181.192727 L 276.950968 186.134545 L 281.050142 181.192727 L 285.149316 176.250909 L 289.248489 171.309091 L 293.347663 176.250909 L 297.446836 171.309091 L 301.54601 166.367273 L 305.645183 161.425455 L 309.744357 156.483636 L 313.84353 161.425455 L 317.942704 156.483636 L 322.041878 161.425455 L 326.141051 166.367273 L 330.240225 161.425455 L 334.339398 166.367273 L 338.438572 161.425455 L 342.537745 166.367273 L 346.636919 161.425455 L 350.736092 156.483636 L 354.835266 161.425455 L 358.93444 166.367273 L 363.033613 171.309091 L 367.132787 166.367273 L 371.23196 171.309091 L 375.331134 166.367273 L 379.430307 171.309091 L 383.529481 166.367273 L 387.628654 161.425455 L 391.727828 156.483636 L 395.827002 151.541818 L 399.926175 156.483636 L 404.025349 161.425455 L 408.124522 156.483636 L 412.223696 151.541818 L 416.322869 146.6 L 420.422043 151.541818 L 424.521216 146.6 L 428.62039 141.658182 L 432.719564 146.6 L 436.818737 141.658182 L 440.917911 136.716364 L 445.017084 131.774545 L 449.116258 126.832727 L 453.215431 131.774545 L 457.314605 126.832727 L 461.413778 131.774545 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#17becf;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_23"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 171.309091 L 63.793944 176.250909 L 67.893117 181.192727 L 71.992291 186.134545 L 76.091464 181.192727 L 80.190638 186.134545 L 84.289811 181.192727 L 88.388985 186.134545 L 92.488159 181.192727 L 96.587332 186.134545 L 100.686506 191.076364 L 104.785679 196.018182 L 108.884853 200.96 L 112.984026 205.901818 L 117.0832 200.96 L 121.182373 205.901818 L 125.281547 200.96 L 129.380721 196.018182 L 133.479894 200.96 L 137.579068 196.018182 L 141.678241 191.076364 L 145.777415 196.018182 L 149.876588 191.076364 L 153.975762 196.018182 L 158.074935 200.96 L 162.174109 196.018182 L 166.273283 200.96 L 170.372456 205.901818 L 174.47163 200.96 L 178.570803 196.018182 L 182.669977 200.96 L 186.76915 196.018182 L 190.868324 191.076364 L 194.967497 196.018182 L 199.066671 191.076364 L 203.165845 186.134545 L 207.265018 191.076364 L 211.364192 196.018182 L 215.463365 200.96 L 219.562539 205.901818 L 223.661712 210.843636 L 227.760886 205.901818 L 231.860059 200.96 L 235.959233 205.901818 L 240.058407 210.843636 L 244.15758 205.901818 L 248.256754 210.843636 L 252.355927 215.785455 L 256.455101 210.843636 L 260.554274 215.785455 L 264.653448 220.727273 L 268.752621 215.785455 L 272.851795 220.727273 L 276.950968 215.785455 L 281.050142 210.843636 L 285.149316 205.901818 L 289.248489 200.96 L 293.347663 205.901818 L 297.446836 200.96 L 301.54601 196.018182 L 305.645183 191.076364 L 309.744357 196.018182 L 313.84353 200.96 L 317.942704 196.018182 L 322.041878 200.96 L 326.141051 205.901818 L 330.240225 210.843636 L 334.339398 205.901818 L 338.438572 210.843636 L 342.537745 205.901818 L 346.636919 210.843636 L 350.736092 205.901818 L 354.835266 210.843636 L 358.93444 215.785455 L 363.033613 210.843636 L 367.132787 205.901818 L 371.23196 200.96 L 375.331134 196.018182 L 379.430307 191.076364 L 383.529481 196.018182 L 387.628654 200.96 L 391.727828 196.018182 L 395.827002 191.076364 L 399.926175 196.018182 L 404.025349 191.076364 L 408.124522 186.134545 L 412.223696 181.192727 L 416.322869 176.250909 L 420.422043 181.192727 L 424.521216 186.134545 L 428.62039 191.076364 L 432.719564 186.134545 L 436.818737 181.192727 L 440.917911 186.134545 L 445.017084 181.192727 L 449.116258 186.134545 L 453.215431 191.076364 L 457.314605 196.018182 L 461.413778 200.96 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_24"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 171.309091 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 171.309091 L 71.992291 166.367273 L 76.091464 161.425455 L 80.190638 156.483636 L 84.289811 151.541818 L 88.388985 156.483636 L 92.488159 161.425455 L 96.587332 156.483636 L 100.686506 161.425455 L 104.785679 166.367273 L 108.884853 171.309091 L 112.984026 176.250909 L 117.0832 181.192727 L 121.182373 176.250909 L 125.281547 181.192727 L 129.380721 186.134545 L 133.479894 191.076364 L 137.579068 186.134545 L 141.678241 181.192727 L 145.777415 176.250909 L 149.876588 181.192727 L 153.975762 186.134545 L 158.074935 191.076364 L 162.174109 196.018182 L 166.273283 200.96 L 170.372456 196.018182 L 174.47163 200.96 L 178.570803 205.901818 L 182.669977 200.96 L 186.76915 205.901818 L 190.868324 200.96 L 194.967497 196.018182 L 199.066671 191.076364 L 203.165845 196.018182 L 207.265018 200.96 L 211.364192 196.018182 L 215.463365 191.076364 L 219.562539 196.018182 L 223.661712 191.076364 L 227.760886 196.018182 L 231.860059 200.96 L 235.959233 196.018182 L 240.058407 191.076364 L 244.15758 196.018182 L 248.256754 200.96 L 252.355927 196.018182 L 256.455101 191.076364 L 260.554274 186.134545 L 264.653448 181.192727 L 268.752621 186.134545 L 272.851795 191.076364 L 276.950968 196.018182 L 281.050142 200.96 L 285.149316 205.901818 L 289.248489 200.96 L 293.347663 196.018182 L 297.446836 191.076364 L 301.54601 186.134545 L 305.645183 191.076364 L 309.744357 196.018182 L 313.84353 200.96 L 317.942704 196.018182 L 322.041878 200.96 L 326.141051 196.018182 L 330.240225 191.076364 L 334.339398 186.134545 L 338.438572 191.076364 L 342.537745 186.134545 L 346.636919 181.192727 L 350.736092 186.134545 L 354.835266 181.192727 L 358.93444 176.250909 L 363.033613 181.192727 L 367.132787 176.250909 L 371.23196 171.309091 L 375.331134 166.367273 L 379.430307 171.309091 L 383.529481 166.367273 L 387.628654 161.425455 L 391.727828 156.483636 L 395.827002 161.425455 L 399.926175 156.483636 L 404.025349 151.541818 L 408.124522 156.483636 L 412.223696 161.425455 L 416.322869 166.367273 L 420.422043 171.309091 L 424.521216 166.367273 L 428.62039 161.425455 L 432.719564 156.483636 L 436.818737 161.425455 L 440.917911 166.367273 L 445.017084 171.309091 L 449.116258 176.250909 L 453.215431 181.192727 L 457.314605 176.250909 L 461.413778 171.309091 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_25"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 151.541818 L 63.793944 146.6 L 67.893117 141.658182 L 71.992291 146.6 L 76.091464 141.658182 L 80.190638 136.716364 L 84.289811 131.774545 L 88.388985 126.832727 L 92.488159 131.774545 L 96.587332 126.832727 L 100.686506 121.890909 L 104.785679 126.832727 L 108.884853 121.890909 L 112.984026 116.949091 L 117.0832 112.007273 L 121.182373 116.949091 L 125.281547 112.007273 L 129.380721 116.949091 L 133.479894 121.890909 L 137.579068 116.949091 L 141.678241 121.890909 L 145.777415 126.832727 L 149.876588 121.890909 L 153.975762 116.949091 L 158.074935 121.890909 L 162.174109 126.832727 L 166.273283 131.774545 L 170.372456 126.832727 L 174.47163 121.890909 L 178.570803 116.949091 L 182.669977 112.007273 L 186.76915 107.065455 L 190.868324 102.123636 L 194.967497 97.181818 L 199.066671 102.123636 L 203.165845 97.181818 L 207.265018 92.24 L 211.364192 87.298182 L 215.463365 92.24 L 219.562539 97.181818 L 223.661712 92.24 L 227.760886 87.298182 L 231.860059 82.356364 L 235.959233 87.298182 L 240.058407 82.356364 L 244.15758 77.414545 L 248.256754 72.472727 L 252.355927 77.414545 L 256.455101 82.356364 L 260.554274 87.298182 L 264.653448 92.24 L 268.752621 87.298182 L 272.851795 92.24 L 276.950968 87.298182 L 281.050142 82.356364 L 285.149316 77.414545 L 289.248489 82.356364 L 293.347663 77.414545 L 297.446836 72.472727 L 301.54601 77.414545 L 305.645183 72.472727 L 309.744357 77.414545 L 313.84353 72.472727 L 317.942704 77.414545 L 322.041878 82.356364 L 326.141051 77.414545 L 330.240225 72.472727 L 334.339398 77.414545 L 338.438572 82.356364 L 342.537745 77.414545 L 346.636919 82.356364 L 350.736092 77.414545 L 354.835266 72.472727 L 358.93444 67.530909 L 363.033613 62.589091 L 367.132787 57.647273 L 371.23196 52.705455 L 375.331134 57.647273 L 379.430307 62.589091 L 383.529481 57.647273 L 387.628654 52.705455 L 391.727828 47.763636 L 395.827002 42.821818 L 399.926175 37.88 L 404.025349 32.938182 L 408.124522 27.996364 L 412.223696 23.054545 L 416.322869 27.996364 L 420.422043 23.054545 L 424.521216 27.996364 L 428.62039 32.938182 L 432.719564 37.88 L 436.818737 42.821818 L 440.917911 37.88 L 445.017084 42.821818 L 449.116258 47.763636 L 453.215431 52.705455 L 457.314605 57.647273 L 461.413778 62.589091 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#2ca02c;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_26"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 161.425455 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 151.541818 L 80.190638 156.483636 L 84.289811 161.425455 L 88.388985 156.483636 L 92.488159 151.541818 L 96.587332 146.6 L 100.686506 151.541818 L 104.785679 156.483636 L 108.884853 151.541818 L 112.984026 146.6 L 117.0832 141.658182 L 121.182373 146.6 L 125.281547 141.658182 L 129.380721 146.6 L 133.479894 141.658182 L 137.579068 136.716364 L 141.678241 131.774545 L 145.777415 136.716364 L 149.876588 131.774545 L 153.975762 136.716364 L 158.074935 141.658182 L 162.174109 146.6 L 166.273283 151.541818 L 170.372456 146.6 L 174.47163 141.658182 L 178.570803 146.6 L 182.669977 141.658182 L 186.76915 136.716364 L 190.868324 131.774545 L 194.967497 136.716364 L 199.066671 141.658182 L 203.165845 136.716364 L 207.265018 141.658182 L 211.364192 146.6 L 215.463365 151.541818 L 219.562539 156.483636 L 223.661712 151.541818 L 227.760886 156.483636 L 231.860059 151.541818 L 235.959233 156.483636 L 240.058407 161.425455 L 244.15758 166.367273 L 248.256754 171.309091 L 252.355927 166.367273 L 256.455101 171.309091 L 260.554274 176.250909 L 264.653448 181.192727 L 268.752621 186.134545 L 272.851795 181.192727 L 276.950968 186.134545 L 281.050142 191.076364 L 285.149316 186.134545 L 289.248489 191.076364 L 293.347663 196.018182 L 297.446836 191.076364 L 301.54601 186.134545 L 305.645183 181.192727 L 309.744357 186.134545 L 313.84353 191.076364 L 317.942704 186.134545 L 322.041878 191.076364 L 326.141051 186.134545 L 330.240225 191.076364 L 334.339398 196.018182 L 338.438572 200.96 L 342.537745 196.018182 L 346.636919 200.96 L 350.736092 196.018182 L 354.835266 191.076364 L 358.93444 186.134545 L 363.033613 191.076364 L 367.132787 196.018182 L 371.23196 191.076364 L 375.331134 196.018182 L 379.430307 191.076364 L 383.529481 196.018182 L 387.628654 191.076364 L 391.727828 186.134545 L 395.827002 191.076364 L 399.926175 196.018182 L 404.025349 200.96 L 408.124522 205.901818 L 412.223696 200.96 L 416.322869 196.018182 L 420.422043 200.96 L 424.521216 205.901818 L 428.62039 200.96 L 432.719564 196.018182 L 436.818737 200.96 L 440.917911 196.018182 L 445.017084 191.076364 L 449.116258 196.018182 L 453.215431 200.96 L 457.314605 205.901818 L 461.413778 200.96 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#d62728;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_27"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 151.541818 L 63.793944 156.483636 L 67.893117 161.425455 L 71.992291 166.367273 L 76.091464 171.309091 L 80.190638 166.367273 L 84.289811 171.309091 L 88.388985 166.367273 L 92.488159 161.425455 L 96.587332 156.483636 L 100.686506 161.425455 L 104.785679 156.483636 L 108.884853 161.425455 L 112.984026 166.367273 L 117.0832 171.309091 L 121.182373 176.250909 L 125.281547 171.309091 L 129.380721 176.250909 L 133.479894 171.309091 L 137.579068 166.367273 L 141.678241 171.309091 L 145.777415 166.367273 L 149.876588 161.425455 L 153.975762 156.483636 L 158.074935 151.541818 L 162.174109 146.6 L 166.273283 141.658182 L 170.372456 136.716364 L 174.47163 141.658182 L 178.570803 146.6 L 182.669977 151.541818 L 186.76915 156.483636 L 190.868324 151.541818 L 194.967497 146.6 L 199.066671 141.658182 L 203.165845 136.716364 L 207.265018 141.658182 L 211.364192 136.716364 L 215.463365 141.658182 L 219.562539 146.6 L 223.661712 151.541818 L 227.760886 156.483636 L 231.860059 151.541818 L 235.959233 156.483636 L 240.058407 161.425455 L 244.15758 156.483636 L 248.256754 151.541818 L 252.355927 146.6 L 256.455101 141.658182 L 260.554274 146.6 L 264.653448 151.541818 L 268.752621 146.6 L 272.851795 141.658182 L 276.950968 146.6 L 281.050142 141.658182 L 285.149316 136.716364 L 289.248489 141.658182 L 293.347663 136.716364 L 297.446836 131.774545 L 301.54601 136.716364 L 305.645183 131.774545 L 309.744357 126.832727 L 313.84353 131.774545 L 317.942704 136.716364 L 322.041878 131.774545 L 326.141051 126.832727 L 330.240225 131.774545 L 334.339398 126.832727 L 338.438572 131.774545 L 342.537745 126.832727 L 346.636919 131.774545 L 350.736092 136.716364 L 354.835266 141.658182 L 358.93444 136.716364 L 363.033613 131.774545 L 367.132787 136.716364 L 371.23196 131.774545 L 375.331134 136.716364 L 379.430307 131.774545 L 383.529481 126.832727 L 387.628654 121.890909 L 391.727828 126.832727 L 395.827002 121.890909 L 399.926175 116.949091 L 404.025349 112.007273 L 408.124522 107.065455 L 412.223696 112.007273 L 416.322869 116.949091 L 420.422043 121.890909 L 424.521216 116.949091 L 428.62039 112.007273 L 432.719564 116.949091 L 436.818737 112.007273 L 440.917911 116.949091 L 445.017084 112.007273 L 449.116258 116.949091 L 453.215431 121.890909 L 457.314605 126.832727 L 461.413778 121.890909 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#9467bd;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_28"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 151.541818 L 63.793944 156.483636 L 67.893117 151.541818 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 151.541818 L 80.190638 156.483636 L 84.289811 161.425455 L 88.388985 166.367273 L 92.488159 161.425455 L 96.587332 156.483636 L 100.686506 151.541818 L 104.785679 146.6 L 108.884853 151.541818 L 112.984026 146.6 L 117.0832 141.658182 L 121.182373 146.6 L 125.281547 141.658182 L 129.380721 146.6 L 133.479894 141.658182 L 137.579068 146.6 L 141.678241 151.541818 L 145.777415 146.6 L 149.876588 151.541818 L 153.975762 156.483636 L 158.074935 161.425455 L 162.174109 156.483636 L 166.273283 161.425455 L 170.372456 166.367273 L 174.47163 171.309091 L 178.570803 166.367273 L 182.669977 161.425455 L 186.76915 156.483636 L 190.868324 151.541818 L 194.967497 146.6 L 199.066671 151.541818 L 203.165845 156.483636 L 207.265018 151.541818 L 211.364192 156.483636 L 215.463365 151.541818 L 219.562539 156.483636 L 223.661712 161.425455 L 227.760886 156.483636 L 231.860059 151.541818 L 235.959233 146.6 L 240.058407 151.541818 L 244.15758 156.483636 L 248.256754 151.541818 L 252.355927 156.483636 L 256.455101 161.425455 L 260.554274 166.367273 L 264.653448 171.309091 L 268.752621 166.367273 L 272.851795 171.309091 L 276.950968 176.250909 L 281.050142 181.192727 L 285.149316 176.250909 L 289.248489 181.192727 L 293.347663 176.250909 L 297.446836 171.309091 L 301.54601 166.367273 L 305.645183 161.425455 L 309.744357 166.367273 L 313.84353 171.309091 L 317.942704 176.250909 L 322.041878 181.192727 L 326.141051 186.134545 L 330.240225 181.192727 L 334.339398 176.250909 L 338.438572 181.192727 L 342.537745 186.134545 L 346.636919 181.192727 L 350.736092 176.250909 L 354.835266 171.309091 L 358.93444 166.367273 L 363.033613 161.425455 L 367.132787 156.483636 L 371.23196 151.541818 L 375.331134 146.6 L 379.430307 141.658182 L 383.529481 136.716364 L 387.628654 141.658182 L 391.727828 146.6 L 395.827002 141.658182 L 399.926175 136.716364 L 404.025349 141.658182 L 408.124522 146.6 L 412.223696 141.658182 L 416.322869 146.6 L 420.422043 141.658182 L 424.521216 136.716364 L 428.62039 131.774545 L 432.719564 126.832727 L 436.818737 121.890909 L 440.917911 116.949091 L 445.017084 121.890909 L 449.116258 116.949091 L 453.215431 112.007273 L 457.314605 116.949091 L 461.413778 112.007273 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#8c564b;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_29"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 171.309091 L 71.992291 176.250909 L 76.091464 181.192727 L 80.190638 176.250909 L 84.289811 181.192727 L 88.388985 176.250909 L 92.488159 181.192727 L 96.587332 186.134545 L 100.686506 191.076364 L 104.785679 186.134545 L 108.884853 181.192727 L 112.984026 176.250909 L 117.0832 171.309091 L 121.182373 176.250909 L 125.281547 181.192727 L 129.380721 176.250909 L 133.479894 181.192727 L 137.579068 186.134545 L 141.678241 191.076364 L 145.777415 196.018182 L 149.876588 191.076364 L 153.975762 196.018182 L 158.074935 191.076364 L 162.174109 186.134545 L 166.273283 181.192727 L 170.372456 176.250909 L 174.47163 181.192727 L 178.570803 186.134545 L 182.669977 191.076364 L 186.76915 186.134545 L 190.868324 191.076364 L 194.967497 196.018182 L 199.066671 191.076364 L 203.165845 196.018182 L 207.265018 200.96 L 211.364192 205.901818 L 215.463365 200.96 L 219.562539 196.018182 L 223.661712 200.96 L 227.760886 196.018182 L 231.860059 191.076364 L 235.959233 186.134545 L 240.058407 191.076364 L 244.15758 186.134545 L 248.256754 191.076364 L 252.355927 186.134545 L 256.455101 191.076364 L 260.554274 186.134545 L 264.653448 191.076364 L 268.752621 196.018182 L 272.851795 200.96 L 276.950968 205.901818 L 281.050142 210.843636 L 285.149316 205.901818 L 289.248489 200.96 L 293.347663 196.018182 L 297.446836 191.076364 L 301.54601 196.018182 L 305.645183 200.96 L 309.744357 205.901818 L 313.84353 200.96 L 317.942704 196.018182 L 322.041878 191.076364 L 326.141051 196.018182 L 330.240225 200.96 L 334.339398 196.018182 L 338.438572 200.96 L 342.537745 196.018182 L 346.636919 191.076364 L 350.736092 196.018182 L 354.835266 200.96 L 358.93444 205.901818 L 363.033613 210.843636 L 367.132787 215.785455 L 371.23196 210.843636 L 375.331134 205.901818 L 379.430307 200.96 L 383.529481 196.018182 L 387.628654 191.076364 L 391.727828 186.134545 L 395.827002 191.076364 L 399.926175 196.018182 L 404.025349 191.076364 L 408.124522 186.134545 L 412.223696 181.192727 L 416.322869 186.134545 L 420.422043 181.192727 L 424.521216 176.250909 L 428.62039 171.309091 L 432.719564 176.250909 L 436.818737 181.192727 L 440.917911 176.250909 L 445.017084 181.192727 L 449.116258 176.250909 L 453.215431 171.309091 L 457.314605 176.250909 L 461.413778 171.309091 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#e377c2;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_30"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 171.309091 L 63.793944 176.250909 L 67.893117 171.309091 L 71.992291 176.250909 L 76.091464 171.309091 L 80.190638 176.250909 L 84.289811 181.192727 L 88.388985 186.134545 L 92.488159 181.192727 L 96.587332 186.134545 L 100.686506 181.192727 L 104.785679 186.134545 L 108.884853 181.192727 L 112.984026 186.134545 L 117.0832 181.192727 L 121.182373 186.134545 L 125.281547 191.076364 L 129.380721 196.018182 L 133.479894 200.96 L 137.579068 196.018182 L 141.678241 191.076364 L 145.777415 196.018182 L 149.876588 200.96 L 153.975762 205.901818 L 158.074935 210.843636 L 162.174109 205.901818 L 166.273283 200.96 L 170.372456 205.901818 L 174.47163 200.96 L 178.570803 196.018182 L 182.669977 200.96 L 186.76915 196.018182 L 190.868324 200.96 L 194.967497 205.901818 L 199.066671 200.96 L 203.165845 196.018182 L 207.265018 200.96 L 211.364192 205.901818 L 215.463365 200.96 L 219.562539 196.018182 L 223.661712 191.076364 L 227.760886 196.018182 L 231.860059 191.076364 L 235.959233 186.134545 L 240.058407 191.076364 L 244.15758 196.018182 L 248.256754 191.076364 L 252.355927 196.018182 L 256.455101 200.96 L 260.554274 196.018182 L 264.653448 200.96 L 268.752621 205.901818 L 272.851795 200.96 L 276.950968 205.901818 L 281.050142 210.843636 L 285.149316 205.901818 L 289.248489 200.96 L 293.347663 196.018182 L 297.446836 191.076364 L 301.54601 196.018182 L 305.645183 191.076364 L 309.744357 186.134545 L 313.84353 181.192727 L 317.942704 186.134545 L 322.041878 191.076364 L 326.141051 196.018182 L 330.240225 200.96 L 334.339398 205.901818 L 338.438572 200.96 L 342.537745 205.901818 L 346.636919 200.96 L 350.736092 205.901818 L 354.835266 210.843636 L 358.93444 215.785455 L 363.033613 220.727273 L 367.132787 225.669091 L 371.23196 230.610909 L 375.331134 235.552727 L 379.430307 230.610909 L 383.529481 235.552727 L 387.628654 230.610909 L 391.727828 235.552727 L 395.827002 240.494545 L 399.926175 235.552727 L 404.025349 240.494545 L 408.124522 235.552727 L 412.223696 230.610909 L 416.322869 235.552727 L 420.422043 240.494545 L 424.521216 245.436364 L 428.62039 250.378182 L 432.719564 255.32 L 436.818737 260.261818 L 440.917911 255.32 L 445.017084 260.261818 L 449.116258 265.203636 L 453.215431 260.261818 L 457.314605 265.203636 L 461.413778 270.145455 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#7f7f7f;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_31"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 166.367273 L 59.69477 171.309091 L 63.793944 166.367273 L 67.893117 171.309091 L 71.992291 176.250909 L 76.091464 171.309091 L 80.190638 166.367273 L 84.289811 171.309091 L 88.388985 176.250909 L 92.488159 181.192727 L 96.587332 186.134545 L 100.686506 181.192727 L 104.785679 186.134545 L 108.884853 191.076364 L 112.984026 186.134545 L 117.0832 191.076364 L 121.182373 196.018182 L 125.281547 191.076364 L 129.380721 186.134545 L 133.479894 181.192727 L 137.579068 186.134545 L 141.678241 191.076364 L 145.777415 196.018182 L 149.876588 191.076364 L 153.975762 186.134545 L 158.074935 191.076364 L 162.174109 186.134545 L 166.273283 191.076364 L 170.372456 196.018182 L 174.47163 191.076364 L 178.570803 186.134545 L 182.669977 181.192727 L 186.76915 186.134545 L 190.868324 191.076364 L 194.967497 186.134545 L 199.066671 181.192727 L 203.165845 186.134545 L 207.265018 181.192727 L 211.364192 186.134545 L 215.463365 181.192727 L 219.562539 176.250909 L 223.661712 181.192727 L 227.760886 176.250909 L 231.860059 181.192727 L 235.959233 186.134545 L 240.058407 191.076364 L 244.15758 196.018182 L 248.256754 200.96 L 252.355927 205.901818 L 256.455101 210.843636 L 260.554274 205.901818 L 264.653448 200.96 L 268.752621 205.901818 L 272.851795 210.843636 L 276.950968 215.785455 L 281.050142 210.843636 L 285.149316 215.785455 L 289.248489 220.727273 L 293.347663 225.669091 L 297.446836 230.610909 L 301.54601 235.552727 L 305.645183 230.610909 L 309.744357 235.552727 L 313.84353 240.494545 L 317.942704 245.436364 L 322.041878 250.378182 L 326.141051 245.436364 L 330.240225 250.378182 L 334.339398 245.436364 L 338.438572 250.378182 L 342.537745 245.436364 L 346.636919 250.378182 L 350.736092 255.32 L 354.835266 250.378182 L 358.93444 255.32 L 363.033613 250.378182 L 367.132787 255.32 L 371.23196 260.261818 L 375.331134 255.32 L 379.430307 250.378182 L 383.529481 255.32 L 387.628654 260.261818 L 391.727828 265.203636 L 395.827002 260.261818 L 399.926175 255.32 L 404.025349 250.378182 L 408.124522 245.436364 L 412.223696 250.378182 L 416.322869 245.436364 L 420.422043 240.494545 L 424.521216 245.436364 L 428.62039 240.494545 L 432.719564 245.436364 L 436.818737 250.378182 L 440.917911 245.436364 L 445.017084 240.494545 L 449.116258 235.552727 L 453.215431 230.610909 L 457.314605 225.669091 L 461.413778 220.727273 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#bcbd22;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_32"> <path clip-path="url(#pe6e6369d0a)" d="M 55.595597 156.483636 L 59.69477 161.425455 L 63.793944 156.483636 L 67.893117 151.541818 L 71.992291 156.483636 L 76.091464 151.541818 L 80.190638 146.6 L 84.289811 141.658182 L 88.388985 136.716364 L 92.488159 131.774545 L 96.587332 136.716364 L 100.686506 131.774545 L 104.785679 126.832727 L 108.884853 131.774545 L 112.984026 126.832727 L 117.0832 121.890909 L 121.182373 116.949091 L 125.281547 121.890909 L 129.380721 126.832727 L 133.479894 131.774545 L 137.579068 126.832727 L 141.678241 131.774545 L 145.777415 126.832727 L 149.876588 131.774545 L 153.975762 126.832727 L 158.074935 121.890909 L 162.174109 126.832727 L 166.273283 131.774545 L 170.372456 136.716364 L 174.47163 141.658182 L 178.570803 136.716364 L 182.669977 131.774545 L 186.76915 136.716364 L 190.868324 131.774545 L 194.967497 136.716364 L 199.066671 131.774545 L 203.165845 136.716364 L 207.265018 131.774545 L 211.364192 136.716364 L 215.463365 141.658182 L 219.562539 136.716364 L 223.661712 141.658182 L 227.760886 136.716364 L 231.860059 141.658182 L 235.959233 136.716364 L 240.058407 141.658182 L 244.15758 146.6 L 248.256754 141.658182 L 252.355927 146.6 L 256.455101 151.541818 L 260.554274 156.483636 L 264.653448 161.425455 L 268.752621 156.483636 L 272.851795 151.541818 L 276.950968 146.6 L 281.050142 141.658182 L 285.149316 146.6 L 289.248489 141.658182 L 293.347663 146.6 L 297.446836 141.658182 L 301.54601 146.6 L 305.645183 151.541818 L 309.744357 146.6 L 313.84353 151.541818 L 317.942704 156.483636 L 322.041878 151.541818 L 326.141051 156.483636 L 330.240225 161.425455 L 334.339398 166.367273 L 338.438572 161.425455 L 342.537745 156.483636 L 346.636919 151.541818 L 350.736092 146.6 L 354.835266 141.658182 L 358.93444 146.6 L 363.033613 141.658182 L 367.132787 146.6 L 371.23196 141.658182 L 375.331134 136.716364 L 379.430307 141.658182 L 383.529481 136.716364 L 387.628654 141.658182 L 391.727828 136.716364 L 395.827002 141.658182 L 399.926175 136.716364 L 404.025349 141.658182 L 408.124522 136.716364 L 412.223696 131.774545 L 416.322869 136.716364 L 420.422043 141.658182 L 424.521216 136.716364 L 428.62039 141.658182 L 432.719564 136.716364 L 436.818737 141.658182 L 440.917911 136.716364 L 445.017084 131.774545 L 449.116258 136.716364 L 453.215431 131.774545 L 457.314605 126.832727 L 461.413778 121.890909 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.2;stroke:#17becf;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 35.304688 282.5 L 35.304688 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 481.704687 282.5 L 481.704687 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 35.304688 282.5 L 481.704687 282.5 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 35.304688 10.7 L 481.704687 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="pe6e6369d0a"> <rect height="271.8" width="446.4" x="35.304688" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Ces courbes sont importantes: elles montrent que lors d'un jeu non biaisé, les courbes de gain ont en moyenne un gain nul. On montre que leur variance (c'est à dire le carré de la déviation à cette moyenne nulle) augmente proportionnellement et linéairement avec le temps. On donne à ce mouvement le mouvement de mouvement brownien ou de "marche de l'alcoolique" à cause de la forme aléatoire des changements de direction...

application au jeu de l'urne: méthode des tests

Une première stratégie pour étudier notre jeu est d'essayer de dénombrer tous les jeux possibles. Dans notre cas particulier, ils consistent en toutes les combinaisons de l'ordre d'occurence des couleurs. Si on les numérote de $0$ à $7$, les occurences de la couleur rouge peuvent par exemple être $[0, 5, 6, 7]$, $[2, 3, 5, 7]$ ou encore $[0, 1, 2, 4]$. Le nombre de façon de tirer $k=4$ nombres parmi $n=8$ est noté $C_n^k$ ou aussi $(^k_n)$ et vaut $\frac{n!}{k! (n-k)!}$ où $n$ est le nombre total de balles et $k$ le nombre de balles rouges et $m!= 1 \times 2 \times \ldots \times m$ est la factorielle de $m$. On va donc pouvoir utiliser la fonction combinations de la librairie itertools (cf https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html#itertools.combinations ) pour former tous ces jeux.

In [30]:
def factorial(n): return np.prod(np.arange(n)+1)

from itertools import combinations
N_ballons = 8
N_basket = N_ballons//2
indices = list(combinations(range(N_ballons), N_basket))
print ('Il y a', len(indices), 'combinaisons. (On avait prédit', 
       int(factorial(N_ballons)/factorial(N_basket)/factorial(N_ballons-N_basket)), ' 😎). ')
for index in indices:
    test = np.zeros(N_ballons, dtype=np.int)
    test[list(index)] = 1
    print('index = ', index, ' - test = ', test)
Il y a 70 combinaisons. (On avait prédit 70  😎). 
index =  (0, 1, 2, 3)  - test =  [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 4)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 5)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 6)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 7)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 4)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 5)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 6)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 4, 5)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 4, 6)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 4, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 4)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 5)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 6)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 2, 4, 5)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 2, 4, 6)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 2, 4, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 2, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 2, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 2, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 3, 4, 5)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 3, 4, 6)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 3, 4, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 3, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 3, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 3, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 4)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 5)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 6)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1]
index =  (1, 2, 4, 5)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0]
index =  (1, 2, 4, 6)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0]
index =  (1, 2, 4, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1]
index =  (1, 2, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0]
index =  (1, 2, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]
index =  (1, 2, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1]
index =  (1, 3, 4, 5)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0]
index =  (1, 3, 4, 6)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0]
index =  (1, 3, 4, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1]
index =  (1, 3, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0]
index =  (1, 3, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
index =  (1, 3, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1]
index =  (1, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0]
index =  (1, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1]
index =  (1, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1]
index =  (1, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1]
index =  (2, 3, 4, 5)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0]
index =  (2, 3, 4, 6)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0]
index =  (2, 3, 4, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1]
index =  (2, 3, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0]
index =  (2, 3, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1]
index =  (2, 3, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]
index =  (2, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0]
index =  (2, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1]
index =  (2, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1]
index =  (2, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1]
index =  (3, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0]
index =  (3, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1]
index =  (3, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1]
index =  (3, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1]
index =  (4, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]

Alternativement, nous utiliserons aussi une autre stratégie plus simple de prime abord car elle correspond à la réalité du déroulement d'un jeu réel: réalisons plein de tirages au hasard (c'est la méthode dite de Monte Carlo). d'abord pour un "test":

In [31]:
def generate_test(N_ballons, N_test=1):
    assert (N_ballons/2 == N_ballons//2) # on vérifie que c'est pair
    tests = np.zeros((N_test, N_ballons), dtype=np.int)
    N_basket = N_ballons//2 # on a moitié de ballons de basket
    tests[:, N_basket:] = 1.
    for i_test in range(N_test):
        tests[i_test, :] = np.random.permutation(tests[i_test, :])
    return tests

test = generate_test(N_ballons)            
[[0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1]]

on peut noter l'utilisation de la fonction np.random.permutation qui permet de ranger de façon aléatoire une liste (ici les $1$ dénotent arbitrairement des ballons de basket 🏀).

Cette fonction permet de générer un grand nombre de tirages:

In [32]:
N_test = 1000
tests = generate_test(N_ballons, N_test)

test = tests[N_test//13, :]
[1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]

On vérifie alors que le nombre moyen de ballons de baskets est bien $N/2$, et ceci exactement:

In [33]:
print('le nombre de valeurs True = ', np.mean(tests.sum(axis=1)), ' +/- ', np.std(tests.sum(axis=1)))
le nombre de valeurs True =  4.0  +/-  0.0

Créons donc une fonction qui puisse faire ces deux types de tests:

In [34]:
N_ballons = 8
N_basket = N_ballons//2 # on a moitié de ballons de basket
N_test = None
def generate_test(N_ballons=N_ballons, N_basket=N_basket, N_test=N_test, verbose=False):
    if N_test is None:
        indices = list(combinations(range(N_ballons), N_basket))
        tests = np.zeros((len(indices), N_ballons), dtype=np.int)
        for i_test in range(len(indices)):
            tests[i_test, list(indices[i_test])] = 1
            if verbose : print('index = ', indices[i_test], ' - test = ', tests[i_test, :])
        tests = np.zeros((N_test, N_ballons), dtype=np.int)
        tests[:, :N_basket] = 1
        for i_test in range(N_test):
            tests[i_test, :] = np.random.permutation(tests[i_test, :])
    return tests
tests = generate_test(N_ballons=N_ballons, N_basket=N_basket, N_test=N_test, verbose=True)
index =  (0, 1, 2, 3)  - test =  [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 4)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 5)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 6)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 2, 7)  - test =  [1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 4)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 5)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 6)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 3, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 4, 5)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 1, 4, 6)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 4, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 1, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 1, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 4)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 5)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 6)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 2, 3, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 2, 4, 5)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 2, 4, 6)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 2, 4, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 2, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 2, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 2, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 3, 4, 5)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0]
index =  (0, 3, 4, 6)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0]
index =  (0, 3, 4, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1]
index =  (0, 3, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 3, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 3, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0]
index =  (0, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1]
index =  (0, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1]
index =  (0, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 4)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 5)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 6)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0]
index =  (1, 2, 3, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1]
index =  (1, 2, 4, 5)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0]
index =  (1, 2, 4, 6)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0]
index =  (1, 2, 4, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1]
index =  (1, 2, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0]
index =  (1, 2, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]
index =  (1, 2, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1]
index =  (1, 3, 4, 5)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0]
index =  (1, 3, 4, 6)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0]
index =  (1, 3, 4, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1]
index =  (1, 3, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0]
index =  (1, 3, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
index =  (1, 3, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1]
index =  (1, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0]
index =  (1, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1]
index =  (1, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1]
index =  (1, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1]
index =  (2, 3, 4, 5)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0]
index =  (2, 3, 4, 6)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0]
index =  (2, 3, 4, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1]
index =  (2, 3, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0]
index =  (2, 3, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1]
index =  (2, 3, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]
index =  (2, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0]
index =  (2, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1]
index =  (2, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1]
index =  (2, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1]
index =  (3, 4, 5, 6)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0]
index =  (3, 4, 5, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1]
index =  (3, 4, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1]
index =  (3, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1]
index =  (4, 5, 6, 7)  - test =  [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]

une première stratégie: choix a priori d'un nombre fixe

Adoptons tout d'abord la stratégie d'un agent qui de façon tétue se dirait qu'il allait regarder un nombre fixe de ballons (par exemple 2) puis se décider pour la solution la plus probable:

In [35]:
N_ballons_vus = 3
information = test[:N_ballons_vus]
array([1, 1, 0])
In [36]:
N_ballons_restant = N_ballons - N_ballons_vus
print ('on a vu ', N_ballons_vus, ' ballon(s), il en reste',  N_ballons_restant, " dans l'urne")
on a vu  3  ballon(s), il en reste 5  dans l'urne
In [37]:
N_ballons_restant = N_ballons - N_ballons_vus
print ('on en a vu ', sum(information), ' de basket (=True=Droite) donc il reste',  
       N_ballons//2 - sum(information), " ballons de basket  dans l'urne")
on en a vu  2  de basket (=True=Droite) donc il reste 2  ballons de basket  dans l'urne
In [38]:
proba_True_restant = (N_ballons/2 - sum(information)) / N_ballons_restant 
print ('la probabilité de tirer un de basket est ', proba_True_restant*100, '%, ', 
       'contre ', (1-proba_True_restant)*100, "% pour l'autre choix ")
la probabilité de tirer un de basket est  40.0 %,  contre  60.0 % pour l'autre choix 

On prend logiquement la décision de prendre le choix le plus probable, le cas symétrique étant résolu en prenant une décision au hasard:

In [39]:
if proba_True_restant==.5:
    choix = proba_True_restant > np.random.rand()
    choix = proba_True_restant > .5 

et on peut prévoir notre gain

In [40]:
gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant # c'est-à-dire N_ballons - N_ballons_restant - 1

et maintenant vérifier si ce choix était le bon

In [41]:
réussite = (test[N_ballons_vus] == choix)
réussite, réussite*2 - 1
(True, 1)
In [42]:
gain = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)
#gain = gain_esperé * réussite 

à noter, on peut aussi représenter une information vide avec une liste vide:

In [43]:
array([], dtype=int64)

Maintenant que nous avons suivi notre stratégie pour un ballon et sur un test, généralisons le à plusieurs tests: regardons d'abord un seul ballon:

In [44]:
N_test = None
tests = generate_test(N_ballons=N_ballons, N_basket=N_basket, N_test=N_test)
gains = np.zeros(len(tests))
N_ballons_vus = 1
for i_test in range(len(tests)):
    information = tests[i_test, :(N_ballons_vus)]
    N_ballons_restant = N_ballons - N_ballons_vus
    proba_True_restant = (N_ballons//2 - np.sum(information)) / N_ballons_restant 
    if proba_True_restant==.5:
        choix = np.random.rand() > .5
        choix = proba_True_restant > .5
    réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
    gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant
    gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)

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48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(56.512348 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="107.363961" xlink:href="#mde312c8db3" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path 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18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(143.473387 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="194.325" xlink:href="#mde312c8db3" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 66.40625 Q 24.171875 66.40625 20.328125 58.90625 Q 16.5 51.421875 16.5 36.375 Q 16.5 21.390625 20.328125 13.890625 Q 24.171875 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(191.14375 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="237.805519" xlink:href="#mde312c8db3" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <g transform="translate(234.624269 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="281.286039" xlink:href="#mde312c8db3" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <g transform="translate(278.104789 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="324.766558" xlink:href="#mde312c8db3" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <g transform="translate(321.585308 242.738437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_2"> <g id="ytick_1"> <g id="line2d_8"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L -3.5 0 " id="mdeaae9a2c1" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="228.14"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <g transform="translate(13.5625 231.939219)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_2"> <g id="line2d_9"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="202.254286"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_9"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(13.5625 206.053504)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_3"> <g id="line2d_10"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="176.368571"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_10"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(7.2 180.16779)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_4"> <g id="line2d_11"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="150.482857"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_11"> <g transform="translate(7.2 154.282076)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_5"> <g id="line2d_12"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="124.597143"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_12"> <g transform="translate(7.2 128.396362)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_13"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="98.711429"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_13"> <g transform="translate(7.2 102.510647)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_7"> <g id="line2d_14"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="72.825714"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_14"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(7.2 76.624933)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_8"> <g id="line2d_15"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="46.94"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_15"> <g transform="translate(7.2 50.739219)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_9"> <g id="line2d_16"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="26.925" xlink:href="#mdeaae9a2c1" y="21.054286"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_16"> <g transform="translate(7.2 24.853504)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="patch_13"> <path d="M 26.925 228.14 L 26.925 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_14"> <path d="M 361.725 228.14 L 361.725 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_15"> <path d="M 26.925 228.14 L 361.725 228.14 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_16"> <path d="M 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et maintenant sur tous les tests:

In [45]:
ax = plt.pcolormesh(tests.T);
<svg height="252pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 368 252" width="368pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <style type="text/css"> *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;} </style> </defs> <g id="figure_1"> <g id="patch_1"> <path d="M 0 252.317344 L 368.925 252.317344 L 368.925 0 L 0 0 z " style="fill:none;"/> </g> <g id="axes_1"> <g id="patch_2"> <path d="M 20.5625 228.439219 L 355.3625 228.439219 L 355.3625 10.999219 L 20.5625 10.999219 z " style="fill:#ffffff;"/> </g> <g id="QuadMesh_1"> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 228.439219 L 25.345357 228.439219 L 25.345357 201.259219 L 20.5625 201.259219 L 20.5625 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 228.439219 L 30.128214 228.439219 L 30.128214 201.259219 L 25.345357 201.259219 L 25.345357 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 228.439219 L 34.911071 228.439219 L 34.911071 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clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 228.439219 L 63.608214 228.439219 L 63.608214 201.259219 L 58.825357 201.259219 L 58.825357 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 228.439219 L 68.391071 228.439219 L 68.391071 201.259219 L 63.608214 201.259219 L 63.608214 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 228.439219 L 73.173929 228.439219 L 73.173929 201.259219 L 68.391071 201.259219 L 68.391071 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 228.439219 L 77.956786 228.439219 L 77.956786 201.259219 L 73.173929 201.259219 L 73.173929 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 228.439219 L 82.739643 228.439219 L 82.739643 201.259219 L 77.956786 201.259219 L 77.956786 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 228.439219 L 87.5225 228.439219 L 87.5225 201.259219 L 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clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 111.436786 228.439219 L 116.219643 228.439219 L 116.219643 201.259219 L 111.436786 201.259219 L 111.436786 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 116.219643 228.439219 L 121.0025 228.439219 L 121.0025 201.259219 L 116.219643 201.259219 L 116.219643 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 228.439219 L 125.785357 228.439219 L 125.785357 201.259219 L 121.0025 201.259219 L 121.0025 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 228.439219 L 130.568214 228.439219 L 130.568214 201.259219 L 125.785357 201.259219 L 125.785357 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 130.568214 228.439219 L 135.351071 228.439219 L 135.351071 201.259219 L 130.568214 201.259219 L 130.568214 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 135.351071 228.439219 L 140.133929 228.439219 L 140.133929 201.259219 L 135.351071 201.259219 L 135.351071 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 140.133929 228.439219 L 144.916786 228.439219 L 144.916786 201.259219 L 140.133929 201.259219 L 140.133929 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 144.916786 228.439219 L 149.699643 228.439219 L 149.699643 201.259219 L 144.916786 201.259219 L 144.916786 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 149.699643 228.439219 L 154.4825 228.439219 L 154.4825 201.259219 L 149.699643 201.259219 L 149.699643 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 154.4825 228.439219 L 159.265357 228.439219 L 159.265357 201.259219 L 154.4825 201.259219 L 154.4825 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 159.265357 228.439219 L 164.048214 228.439219 L 164.048214 201.259219 L 159.265357 201.259219 L 159.265357 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 164.048214 228.439219 L 168.831071 228.439219 L 168.831071 201.259219 L 164.048214 201.259219 L 164.048214 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 168.831071 228.439219 L 173.613929 228.439219 L 173.613929 201.259219 L 168.831071 201.259219 L 168.831071 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 173.613929 228.439219 L 178.396786 228.439219 L 178.396786 201.259219 L 173.613929 201.259219 L 173.613929 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 178.396786 228.439219 L 183.179643 228.439219 L 183.179643 201.259219 L 178.396786 201.259219 L 178.396786 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 228.439219 L 187.9625 228.439219 L 187.9625 201.259219 L 183.179643 201.259219 L 183.179643 228.439219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 228.439219 L 192.745357 228.439219 L 192.745357 201.259219 L 187.9625 201.259219 L 187.9625 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 228.439219 L 197.528214 228.439219 L 197.528214 201.259219 L 192.745357 201.259219 L 192.745357 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 228.439219 L 202.311071 228.439219 L 202.311071 201.259219 L 197.528214 201.259219 L 197.528214 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 228.439219 L 207.093929 228.439219 L 207.093929 201.259219 L 202.311071 201.259219 L 202.311071 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 228.439219 L 211.876786 228.439219 L 211.876786 201.259219 L 207.093929 201.259219 L 207.093929 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 228.439219 L 216.659643 228.439219 L 216.659643 201.259219 L 211.876786 201.259219 L 211.876786 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 228.439219 L 221.4425 228.439219 L 221.4425 201.259219 L 216.659643 201.259219 L 216.659643 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 221.4425 228.439219 L 226.225357 228.439219 L 226.225357 201.259219 L 221.4425 201.259219 L 221.4425 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 226.225357 228.439219 L 231.008214 228.439219 L 231.008214 201.259219 L 226.225357 201.259219 L 226.225357 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 231.008214 228.439219 L 235.791071 228.439219 L 235.791071 201.259219 L 231.008214 201.259219 L 231.008214 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 235.791071 228.439219 L 240.573929 228.439219 L 240.573929 201.259219 L 235.791071 201.259219 L 235.791071 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 240.573929 228.439219 L 245.356786 228.439219 L 245.356786 201.259219 L 240.573929 201.259219 L 240.573929 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 245.356786 228.439219 L 250.139643 228.439219 L 250.139643 201.259219 L 245.356786 201.259219 L 245.356786 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 250.139643 228.439219 L 254.9225 228.439219 L 254.9225 201.259219 L 250.139643 201.259219 L 250.139643 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 254.9225 228.439219 L 259.705357 228.439219 L 259.705357 201.259219 L 254.9225 201.259219 L 254.9225 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 259.705357 228.439219 L 264.488214 228.439219 L 264.488214 201.259219 L 259.705357 201.259219 L 259.705357 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 264.488214 228.439219 L 269.271071 228.439219 L 269.271071 201.259219 L 264.488214 201.259219 L 264.488214 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 269.271071 228.439219 L 274.053929 228.439219 L 274.053929 201.259219 L 269.271071 201.259219 L 269.271071 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 274.053929 228.439219 L 278.836786 228.439219 L 278.836786 201.259219 L 274.053929 201.259219 L 274.053929 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 278.836786 228.439219 L 283.619643 228.439219 L 283.619643 201.259219 L 278.836786 201.259219 L 278.836786 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 283.619643 228.439219 L 288.4025 228.439219 L 288.4025 201.259219 L 283.619643 201.259219 L 283.619643 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 288.4025 228.439219 L 293.185357 228.439219 L 293.185357 201.259219 L 288.4025 201.259219 L 288.4025 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 293.185357 228.439219 L 297.968214 228.439219 L 297.968214 201.259219 L 293.185357 201.259219 L 293.185357 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 297.968214 228.439219 L 302.751071 228.439219 L 302.751071 201.259219 L 297.968214 201.259219 L 297.968214 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 228.439219 L 307.533929 228.439219 L 307.533929 201.259219 L 302.751071 201.259219 L 302.751071 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 228.439219 L 312.316786 228.439219 L 312.316786 201.259219 L 307.533929 201.259219 L 307.533929 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 228.439219 L 317.099643 228.439219 L 317.099643 201.259219 L 312.316786 201.259219 L 312.316786 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 228.439219 L 321.8825 228.439219 L 321.8825 201.259219 L 317.099643 201.259219 L 317.099643 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 228.439219 L 326.665357 228.439219 L 326.665357 201.259219 L 321.8825 201.259219 L 321.8825 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 326.665357 228.439219 L 331.448214 228.439219 L 331.448214 201.259219 L 326.665357 201.259219 L 326.665357 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 331.448214 228.439219 L 336.231071 228.439219 L 336.231071 201.259219 L 331.448214 201.259219 L 331.448214 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 336.231071 228.439219 L 341.013929 228.439219 L 341.013929 201.259219 L 336.231071 201.259219 L 336.231071 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 341.013929 228.439219 L 345.796786 228.439219 L 345.796786 201.259219 L 341.013929 201.259219 L 341.013929 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 345.796786 228.439219 L 350.579643 228.439219 L 350.579643 201.259219 L 345.796786 201.259219 L 345.796786 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 350.579643 228.439219 L 355.3625 228.439219 L 355.3625 201.259219 L 350.579643 201.259219 L 350.579643 228.439219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 201.259219 L 25.345357 201.259219 L 25.345357 174.079219 L 20.5625 174.079219 L 20.5625 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 201.259219 L 30.128214 201.259219 L 30.128214 174.079219 L 25.345357 174.079219 L 25.345357 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 201.259219 L 34.911071 201.259219 L 34.911071 174.079219 L 30.128214 174.079219 L 30.128214 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 34.911071 201.259219 L 39.693929 201.259219 L 39.693929 174.079219 L 34.911071 174.079219 L 34.911071 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 39.693929 201.259219 L 44.476786 201.259219 L 44.476786 174.079219 L 39.693929 174.079219 L 39.693929 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 44.476786 201.259219 L 49.259643 201.259219 L 49.259643 174.079219 L 44.476786 174.079219 L 44.476786 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 49.259643 201.259219 L 54.0425 201.259219 L 54.0425 174.079219 L 49.259643 174.079219 L 49.259643 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 54.0425 201.259219 L 58.825357 201.259219 L 58.825357 174.079219 L 54.0425 174.079219 L 54.0425 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 201.259219 L 63.608214 201.259219 L 63.608214 174.079219 L 58.825357 174.079219 L 58.825357 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 201.259219 L 68.391071 201.259219 L 68.391071 174.079219 L 63.608214 174.079219 L 63.608214 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 201.259219 L 73.173929 201.259219 L 73.173929 174.079219 L 68.391071 174.079219 L 68.391071 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 201.259219 L 77.956786 201.259219 L 77.956786 174.079219 L 73.173929 174.079219 L 73.173929 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 201.259219 L 82.739643 201.259219 L 82.739643 174.079219 L 77.956786 174.079219 L 77.956786 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 201.259219 L 87.5225 201.259219 L 87.5225 174.079219 L 82.739643 174.079219 L 82.739643 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 87.5225 201.259219 L 92.305357 201.259219 L 92.305357 174.079219 L 87.5225 174.079219 L 87.5225 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 92.305357 201.259219 L 97.088214 201.259219 L 97.088214 174.079219 L 92.305357 174.079219 L 92.305357 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 97.088214 201.259219 L 101.871071 201.259219 L 101.871071 174.079219 L 97.088214 174.079219 L 97.088214 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 101.871071 201.259219 L 106.653929 201.259219 L 106.653929 174.079219 L 101.871071 174.079219 L 101.871071 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 106.653929 201.259219 L 111.436786 201.259219 L 111.436786 174.079219 L 106.653929 174.079219 L 106.653929 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 111.436786 201.259219 L 116.219643 201.259219 L 116.219643 174.079219 L 111.436786 174.079219 L 111.436786 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 116.219643 201.259219 L 121.0025 201.259219 L 121.0025 174.079219 L 116.219643 174.079219 L 116.219643 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 201.259219 L 125.785357 201.259219 L 125.785357 174.079219 L 121.0025 174.079219 L 121.0025 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 201.259219 L 130.568214 201.259219 L 130.568214 174.079219 L 125.785357 174.079219 L 125.785357 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 130.568214 201.259219 L 135.351071 201.259219 L 135.351071 174.079219 L 130.568214 174.079219 L 130.568214 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 135.351071 201.259219 L 140.133929 201.259219 L 140.133929 174.079219 L 135.351071 174.079219 L 135.351071 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 140.133929 201.259219 L 144.916786 201.259219 L 144.916786 174.079219 L 140.133929 174.079219 L 140.133929 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 144.916786 201.259219 L 149.699643 201.259219 L 149.699643 174.079219 L 144.916786 174.079219 L 144.916786 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 149.699643 201.259219 L 154.4825 201.259219 L 154.4825 174.079219 L 149.699643 174.079219 L 149.699643 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 154.4825 201.259219 L 159.265357 201.259219 L 159.265357 174.079219 L 154.4825 174.079219 L 154.4825 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 159.265357 201.259219 L 164.048214 201.259219 L 164.048214 174.079219 L 159.265357 174.079219 L 159.265357 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 164.048214 201.259219 L 168.831071 201.259219 L 168.831071 174.079219 L 164.048214 174.079219 L 164.048214 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 168.831071 201.259219 L 173.613929 201.259219 L 173.613929 174.079219 L 168.831071 174.079219 L 168.831071 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 173.613929 201.259219 L 178.396786 201.259219 L 178.396786 174.079219 L 173.613929 174.079219 L 173.613929 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 178.396786 201.259219 L 183.179643 201.259219 L 183.179643 174.079219 L 178.396786 174.079219 L 178.396786 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 201.259219 L 187.9625 201.259219 L 187.9625 174.079219 L 183.179643 174.079219 L 183.179643 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 201.259219 L 192.745357 201.259219 L 192.745357 174.079219 L 187.9625 174.079219 L 187.9625 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 201.259219 L 197.528214 201.259219 L 197.528214 174.079219 L 192.745357 174.079219 L 192.745357 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 201.259219 L 202.311071 201.259219 L 202.311071 174.079219 L 197.528214 174.079219 L 197.528214 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 201.259219 L 207.093929 201.259219 L 207.093929 174.079219 L 202.311071 174.079219 L 202.311071 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 201.259219 L 211.876786 201.259219 L 211.876786 174.079219 L 207.093929 174.079219 L 207.093929 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 201.259219 L 216.659643 201.259219 L 216.659643 174.079219 L 211.876786 174.079219 L 211.876786 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 201.259219 L 221.4425 201.259219 L 221.4425 174.079219 L 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clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 245.356786 201.259219 L 250.139643 201.259219 L 250.139643 174.079219 L 245.356786 174.079219 L 245.356786 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 250.139643 201.259219 L 254.9225 201.259219 L 254.9225 174.079219 L 250.139643 174.079219 L 250.139643 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 254.9225 201.259219 L 259.705357 201.259219 L 259.705357 174.079219 L 254.9225 174.079219 L 254.9225 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 259.705357 201.259219 L 264.488214 201.259219 L 264.488214 174.079219 L 259.705357 174.079219 L 259.705357 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 264.488214 201.259219 L 269.271071 201.259219 L 269.271071 174.079219 L 264.488214 174.079219 L 264.488214 201.259219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 269.271071 201.259219 L 274.053929 201.259219 L 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style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 297.968214 201.259219 L 302.751071 201.259219 L 302.751071 174.079219 L 297.968214 174.079219 L 297.968214 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 201.259219 L 307.533929 201.259219 L 307.533929 174.079219 L 302.751071 174.079219 L 302.751071 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 201.259219 L 312.316786 201.259219 L 312.316786 174.079219 L 307.533929 174.079219 L 307.533929 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 201.259219 L 317.099643 201.259219 L 317.099643 174.079219 L 312.316786 174.079219 L 312.316786 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 201.259219 L 321.8825 201.259219 L 321.8825 174.079219 L 317.099643 174.079219 L 317.099643 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 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174.079219 L 345.796786 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 350.579643 201.259219 L 355.3625 201.259219 L 355.3625 174.079219 L 350.579643 174.079219 L 350.579643 201.259219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 174.079219 L 25.345357 174.079219 L 25.345357 146.899219 L 20.5625 146.899219 L 20.5625 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 174.079219 L 30.128214 174.079219 L 30.128214 146.899219 L 25.345357 146.899219 L 25.345357 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 174.079219 L 34.911071 174.079219 L 34.911071 146.899219 L 30.128214 146.899219 L 30.128214 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 34.911071 174.079219 L 39.693929 174.079219 L 39.693929 146.899219 L 34.911071 146.899219 L 34.911071 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 39.693929 174.079219 L 44.476786 174.079219 L 44.476786 146.899219 L 39.693929 146.899219 L 39.693929 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 44.476786 174.079219 L 49.259643 174.079219 L 49.259643 146.899219 L 44.476786 146.899219 L 44.476786 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 49.259643 174.079219 L 54.0425 174.079219 L 54.0425 146.899219 L 49.259643 146.899219 L 49.259643 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 54.0425 174.079219 L 58.825357 174.079219 L 58.825357 146.899219 L 54.0425 146.899219 L 54.0425 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 174.079219 L 63.608214 174.079219 L 63.608214 146.899219 L 58.825357 146.899219 L 58.825357 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 174.079219 L 68.391071 174.079219 L 68.391071 146.899219 L 63.608214 146.899219 L 63.608214 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 174.079219 L 73.173929 174.079219 L 73.173929 146.899219 L 68.391071 146.899219 L 68.391071 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 174.079219 L 77.956786 174.079219 L 77.956786 146.899219 L 73.173929 146.899219 L 73.173929 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 174.079219 L 82.739643 174.079219 L 82.739643 146.899219 L 77.956786 146.899219 L 77.956786 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 174.079219 L 87.5225 174.079219 L 87.5225 146.899219 L 82.739643 146.899219 L 82.739643 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 87.5225 174.079219 L 92.305357 174.079219 L 92.305357 146.899219 L 87.5225 146.899219 L 87.5225 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 92.305357 174.079219 L 97.088214 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style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 174.079219 L 125.785357 174.079219 L 125.785357 146.899219 L 121.0025 146.899219 L 121.0025 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 174.079219 L 130.568214 174.079219 L 130.568214 146.899219 L 125.785357 146.899219 L 125.785357 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 130.568214 174.079219 L 135.351071 174.079219 L 135.351071 146.899219 L 130.568214 146.899219 L 130.568214 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 135.351071 174.079219 L 140.133929 174.079219 L 140.133929 146.899219 L 135.351071 146.899219 L 135.351071 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 140.133929 174.079219 L 144.916786 174.079219 L 144.916786 146.899219 L 140.133929 146.899219 L 140.133929 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 144.916786 174.079219 L 149.699643 174.079219 L 149.699643 146.899219 L 144.916786 146.899219 L 144.916786 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 149.699643 174.079219 L 154.4825 174.079219 L 154.4825 146.899219 L 149.699643 146.899219 L 149.699643 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 154.4825 174.079219 L 159.265357 174.079219 L 159.265357 146.899219 L 154.4825 146.899219 L 154.4825 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 159.265357 174.079219 L 164.048214 174.079219 L 164.048214 146.899219 L 159.265357 146.899219 L 159.265357 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 164.048214 174.079219 L 168.831071 174.079219 L 168.831071 146.899219 L 164.048214 146.899219 L 164.048214 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 168.831071 174.079219 L 173.613929 174.079219 L 173.613929 146.899219 L 168.831071 146.899219 L 168.831071 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 173.613929 174.079219 L 178.396786 174.079219 L 178.396786 146.899219 L 173.613929 146.899219 L 173.613929 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 178.396786 174.079219 L 183.179643 174.079219 L 183.179643 146.899219 L 178.396786 146.899219 L 178.396786 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 174.079219 L 187.9625 174.079219 L 187.9625 146.899219 L 183.179643 146.899219 L 183.179643 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 174.079219 L 192.745357 174.079219 L 192.745357 146.899219 L 187.9625 146.899219 L 187.9625 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 174.079219 L 197.528214 174.079219 L 197.528214 146.899219 L 192.745357 146.899219 L 192.745357 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 174.079219 L 202.311071 174.079219 L 202.311071 146.899219 L 197.528214 146.899219 L 197.528214 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 174.079219 L 207.093929 174.079219 L 207.093929 146.899219 L 202.311071 146.899219 L 202.311071 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 174.079219 L 211.876786 174.079219 L 211.876786 146.899219 L 207.093929 146.899219 L 207.093929 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 174.079219 L 216.659643 174.079219 L 216.659643 146.899219 L 211.876786 146.899219 L 211.876786 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 174.079219 L 221.4425 174.079219 L 221.4425 146.899219 L 216.659643 146.899219 L 216.659643 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 221.4425 174.079219 L 226.225357 174.079219 L 226.225357 146.899219 L 221.4425 146.899219 L 221.4425 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 226.225357 174.079219 L 231.008214 174.079219 L 231.008214 146.899219 L 226.225357 146.899219 L 226.225357 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 231.008214 174.079219 L 235.791071 174.079219 L 235.791071 146.899219 L 231.008214 146.899219 L 231.008214 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 235.791071 174.079219 L 240.573929 174.079219 L 240.573929 146.899219 L 235.791071 146.899219 L 235.791071 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 240.573929 174.079219 L 245.356786 174.079219 L 245.356786 146.899219 L 240.573929 146.899219 L 240.573929 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 245.356786 174.079219 L 250.139643 174.079219 L 250.139643 146.899219 L 245.356786 146.899219 L 245.356786 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 250.139643 174.079219 L 254.9225 174.079219 L 254.9225 146.899219 L 250.139643 146.899219 L 250.139643 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 254.9225 174.079219 L 259.705357 174.079219 L 259.705357 146.899219 L 254.9225 146.899219 L 254.9225 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 259.705357 174.079219 L 264.488214 174.079219 L 264.488214 146.899219 L 259.705357 146.899219 L 259.705357 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 264.488214 174.079219 L 269.271071 174.079219 L 269.271071 146.899219 L 264.488214 146.899219 L 264.488214 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 269.271071 174.079219 L 274.053929 174.079219 L 274.053929 146.899219 L 269.271071 146.899219 L 269.271071 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 274.053929 174.079219 L 278.836786 174.079219 L 278.836786 146.899219 L 274.053929 146.899219 L 274.053929 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 278.836786 174.079219 L 283.619643 174.079219 L 283.619643 146.899219 L 278.836786 146.899219 L 278.836786 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 283.619643 174.079219 L 288.4025 174.079219 L 288.4025 146.899219 L 283.619643 146.899219 L 283.619643 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 288.4025 174.079219 L 293.185357 174.079219 L 293.185357 146.899219 L 288.4025 146.899219 L 288.4025 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 293.185357 174.079219 L 297.968214 174.079219 L 297.968214 146.899219 L 293.185357 146.899219 L 293.185357 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 297.968214 174.079219 L 302.751071 174.079219 L 302.751071 146.899219 L 297.968214 146.899219 L 297.968214 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 174.079219 L 307.533929 174.079219 L 307.533929 146.899219 L 302.751071 146.899219 L 302.751071 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 174.079219 L 312.316786 174.079219 L 312.316786 146.899219 L 307.533929 146.899219 L 307.533929 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 174.079219 L 317.099643 174.079219 L 317.099643 146.899219 L 312.316786 146.899219 L 312.316786 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 174.079219 L 321.8825 174.079219 L 321.8825 146.899219 L 317.099643 146.899219 L 317.099643 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 174.079219 L 326.665357 174.079219 L 326.665357 146.899219 L 321.8825 146.899219 L 321.8825 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 326.665357 174.079219 L 331.448214 174.079219 L 331.448214 146.899219 L 326.665357 146.899219 L 326.665357 174.079219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 331.448214 174.079219 L 336.231071 174.079219 L 336.231071 146.899219 L 331.448214 146.899219 L 331.448214 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 336.231071 174.079219 L 341.013929 174.079219 L 341.013929 146.899219 L 336.231071 146.899219 L 336.231071 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 341.013929 174.079219 L 345.796786 174.079219 L 345.796786 146.899219 L 341.013929 146.899219 L 341.013929 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 345.796786 174.079219 L 350.579643 174.079219 L 350.579643 146.899219 L 345.796786 146.899219 L 345.796786 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 350.579643 174.079219 L 355.3625 174.079219 L 355.3625 146.899219 L 350.579643 146.899219 L 350.579643 174.079219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 146.899219 L 25.345357 146.899219 L 25.345357 119.719219 L 20.5625 119.719219 L 20.5625 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 146.899219 L 30.128214 146.899219 L 30.128214 119.719219 L 25.345357 119.719219 L 25.345357 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 146.899219 L 34.911071 146.899219 L 34.911071 119.719219 L 30.128214 119.719219 L 30.128214 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 34.911071 146.899219 L 39.693929 146.899219 L 39.693929 119.719219 L 34.911071 119.719219 L 34.911071 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 39.693929 146.899219 L 44.476786 146.899219 L 44.476786 119.719219 L 39.693929 119.719219 L 39.693929 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 44.476786 146.899219 L 49.259643 146.899219 L 49.259643 119.719219 L 44.476786 119.719219 L 44.476786 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 49.259643 146.899219 L 54.0425 146.899219 L 54.0425 119.719219 L 49.259643 119.719219 L 49.259643 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 54.0425 146.899219 L 58.825357 146.899219 L 58.825357 119.719219 L 54.0425 119.719219 L 54.0425 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 146.899219 L 63.608214 146.899219 L 63.608214 119.719219 L 58.825357 119.719219 L 58.825357 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 146.899219 L 68.391071 146.899219 L 68.391071 119.719219 L 63.608214 119.719219 L 63.608214 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 146.899219 L 73.173929 146.899219 L 73.173929 119.719219 L 68.391071 119.719219 L 68.391071 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 146.899219 L 77.956786 146.899219 L 77.956786 119.719219 L 73.173929 119.719219 L 73.173929 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 146.899219 L 82.739643 146.899219 L 82.739643 119.719219 L 77.956786 119.719219 L 77.956786 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 146.899219 L 87.5225 146.899219 L 87.5225 119.719219 L 82.739643 119.719219 L 82.739643 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 87.5225 146.899219 L 92.305357 146.899219 L 92.305357 119.719219 L 87.5225 119.719219 L 87.5225 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 92.305357 146.899219 L 97.088214 146.899219 L 97.088214 119.719219 L 92.305357 119.719219 L 92.305357 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 97.088214 146.899219 L 101.871071 146.899219 L 101.871071 119.719219 L 97.088214 119.719219 L 97.088214 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 101.871071 146.899219 L 106.653929 146.899219 L 106.653929 119.719219 L 101.871071 119.719219 L 101.871071 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 106.653929 146.899219 L 111.436786 146.899219 L 111.436786 119.719219 L 106.653929 119.719219 L 106.653929 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 111.436786 146.899219 L 116.219643 146.899219 L 116.219643 119.719219 L 111.436786 119.719219 L 111.436786 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 116.219643 146.899219 L 121.0025 146.899219 L 121.0025 119.719219 L 116.219643 119.719219 L 116.219643 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 146.899219 L 125.785357 146.899219 L 125.785357 119.719219 L 121.0025 119.719219 L 121.0025 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 146.899219 L 130.568214 146.899219 L 130.568214 119.719219 L 125.785357 119.719219 L 125.785357 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 130.568214 146.899219 L 135.351071 146.899219 L 135.351071 119.719219 L 130.568214 119.719219 L 130.568214 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 135.351071 146.899219 L 140.133929 146.899219 L 140.133929 119.719219 L 135.351071 119.719219 L 135.351071 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 140.133929 146.899219 L 144.916786 146.899219 L 144.916786 119.719219 L 140.133929 119.719219 L 140.133929 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 144.916786 146.899219 L 149.699643 146.899219 L 149.699643 119.719219 L 144.916786 119.719219 L 144.916786 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 149.699643 146.899219 L 154.4825 146.899219 L 154.4825 119.719219 L 149.699643 119.719219 L 149.699643 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 154.4825 146.899219 L 159.265357 146.899219 L 159.265357 119.719219 L 154.4825 119.719219 L 154.4825 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 159.265357 146.899219 L 164.048214 146.899219 L 164.048214 119.719219 L 159.265357 119.719219 L 159.265357 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 164.048214 146.899219 L 168.831071 146.899219 L 168.831071 119.719219 L 164.048214 119.719219 L 164.048214 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 168.831071 146.899219 L 173.613929 146.899219 L 173.613929 119.719219 L 168.831071 119.719219 L 168.831071 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 173.613929 146.899219 L 178.396786 146.899219 L 178.396786 119.719219 L 173.613929 119.719219 L 173.613929 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 178.396786 146.899219 L 183.179643 146.899219 L 183.179643 119.719219 L 178.396786 119.719219 L 178.396786 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 146.899219 L 187.9625 146.899219 L 187.9625 119.719219 L 183.179643 119.719219 L 183.179643 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 146.899219 L 192.745357 146.899219 L 192.745357 119.719219 L 187.9625 119.719219 L 187.9625 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 146.899219 L 197.528214 146.899219 L 197.528214 119.719219 L 192.745357 119.719219 L 192.745357 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 146.899219 L 202.311071 146.899219 L 202.311071 119.719219 L 197.528214 119.719219 L 197.528214 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 146.899219 L 207.093929 146.899219 L 207.093929 119.719219 L 202.311071 119.719219 L 202.311071 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 146.899219 L 211.876786 146.899219 L 211.876786 119.719219 L 207.093929 119.719219 L 207.093929 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 146.899219 L 216.659643 146.899219 L 216.659643 119.719219 L 211.876786 119.719219 L 211.876786 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 146.899219 L 221.4425 146.899219 L 221.4425 119.719219 L 216.659643 119.719219 L 216.659643 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 221.4425 146.899219 L 226.225357 146.899219 L 226.225357 119.719219 L 221.4425 119.719219 L 221.4425 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 226.225357 146.899219 L 231.008214 146.899219 L 231.008214 119.719219 L 226.225357 119.719219 L 226.225357 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 231.008214 146.899219 L 235.791071 146.899219 L 235.791071 119.719219 L 231.008214 119.719219 L 231.008214 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 235.791071 146.899219 L 240.573929 146.899219 L 240.573929 119.719219 L 235.791071 119.719219 L 235.791071 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 240.573929 146.899219 L 245.356786 146.899219 L 245.356786 119.719219 L 240.573929 119.719219 L 240.573929 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 245.356786 146.899219 L 250.139643 146.899219 L 250.139643 119.719219 L 245.356786 119.719219 L 245.356786 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 250.139643 146.899219 L 254.9225 146.899219 L 254.9225 119.719219 L 250.139643 119.719219 L 250.139643 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 254.9225 146.899219 L 259.705357 146.899219 L 259.705357 119.719219 L 254.9225 119.719219 L 254.9225 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 259.705357 146.899219 L 264.488214 146.899219 L 264.488214 119.719219 L 259.705357 119.719219 L 259.705357 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 264.488214 146.899219 L 269.271071 146.899219 L 269.271071 119.719219 L 264.488214 119.719219 L 264.488214 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 269.271071 146.899219 L 274.053929 146.899219 L 274.053929 119.719219 L 269.271071 119.719219 L 269.271071 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 274.053929 146.899219 L 278.836786 146.899219 L 278.836786 119.719219 L 274.053929 119.719219 L 274.053929 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 278.836786 146.899219 L 283.619643 146.899219 L 283.619643 119.719219 L 278.836786 119.719219 L 278.836786 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 283.619643 146.899219 L 288.4025 146.899219 L 288.4025 119.719219 L 283.619643 119.719219 L 283.619643 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 288.4025 146.899219 L 293.185357 146.899219 L 293.185357 119.719219 L 288.4025 119.719219 L 288.4025 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 293.185357 146.899219 L 297.968214 146.899219 L 297.968214 119.719219 L 293.185357 119.719219 L 293.185357 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 297.968214 146.899219 L 302.751071 146.899219 L 302.751071 119.719219 L 297.968214 119.719219 L 297.968214 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 146.899219 L 307.533929 146.899219 L 307.533929 119.719219 L 302.751071 119.719219 L 302.751071 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 146.899219 L 312.316786 146.899219 L 312.316786 119.719219 L 307.533929 119.719219 L 307.533929 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 146.899219 L 317.099643 146.899219 L 317.099643 119.719219 L 312.316786 119.719219 L 312.316786 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 146.899219 L 321.8825 146.899219 L 321.8825 119.719219 L 317.099643 119.719219 L 317.099643 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 146.899219 L 326.665357 146.899219 L 326.665357 119.719219 L 321.8825 119.719219 L 321.8825 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 326.665357 146.899219 L 331.448214 146.899219 L 331.448214 119.719219 L 326.665357 119.719219 L 326.665357 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 331.448214 146.899219 L 336.231071 146.899219 L 336.231071 119.719219 L 331.448214 119.719219 L 331.448214 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 336.231071 146.899219 L 341.013929 146.899219 L 341.013929 119.719219 L 336.231071 119.719219 L 336.231071 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 341.013929 146.899219 L 345.796786 146.899219 L 345.796786 119.719219 L 341.013929 119.719219 L 341.013929 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 345.796786 146.899219 L 350.579643 146.899219 L 350.579643 119.719219 L 345.796786 119.719219 L 345.796786 146.899219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 350.579643 146.899219 L 355.3625 146.899219 L 355.3625 119.719219 L 350.579643 119.719219 L 350.579643 146.899219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 119.719219 L 25.345357 119.719219 L 25.345357 92.539219 L 20.5625 92.539219 L 20.5625 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 119.719219 L 30.128214 119.719219 L 30.128214 92.539219 L 25.345357 92.539219 L 25.345357 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 119.719219 L 34.911071 119.719219 L 34.911071 92.539219 L 30.128214 92.539219 L 30.128214 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 34.911071 119.719219 L 39.693929 119.719219 L 39.693929 92.539219 L 34.911071 92.539219 L 34.911071 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 39.693929 119.719219 L 44.476786 119.719219 L 44.476786 92.539219 L 39.693929 92.539219 L 39.693929 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 44.476786 119.719219 L 49.259643 119.719219 L 49.259643 92.539219 L 44.476786 92.539219 L 44.476786 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 49.259643 119.719219 L 54.0425 119.719219 L 54.0425 92.539219 L 49.259643 92.539219 L 49.259643 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 54.0425 119.719219 L 58.825357 119.719219 L 58.825357 92.539219 L 54.0425 92.539219 L 54.0425 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 119.719219 L 63.608214 119.719219 L 63.608214 92.539219 L 58.825357 92.539219 L 58.825357 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 119.719219 L 68.391071 119.719219 L 68.391071 92.539219 L 63.608214 92.539219 L 63.608214 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 119.719219 L 73.173929 119.719219 L 73.173929 92.539219 L 68.391071 92.539219 L 68.391071 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 119.719219 L 77.956786 119.719219 L 77.956786 92.539219 L 73.173929 92.539219 L 73.173929 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 119.719219 L 82.739643 119.719219 L 82.739643 92.539219 L 77.956786 92.539219 L 77.956786 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 119.719219 L 87.5225 119.719219 L 87.5225 92.539219 L 82.739643 92.539219 L 82.739643 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 87.5225 119.719219 L 92.305357 119.719219 L 92.305357 92.539219 L 87.5225 92.539219 L 87.5225 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 92.305357 119.719219 L 97.088214 119.719219 L 97.088214 92.539219 L 92.305357 92.539219 L 92.305357 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 97.088214 119.719219 L 101.871071 119.719219 L 101.871071 92.539219 L 97.088214 92.539219 L 97.088214 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 101.871071 119.719219 L 106.653929 119.719219 L 106.653929 92.539219 L 101.871071 92.539219 L 101.871071 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 106.653929 119.719219 L 111.436786 119.719219 L 111.436786 92.539219 L 106.653929 92.539219 L 106.653929 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 111.436786 119.719219 L 116.219643 119.719219 L 116.219643 92.539219 L 111.436786 92.539219 L 111.436786 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 116.219643 119.719219 L 121.0025 119.719219 L 121.0025 92.539219 L 116.219643 92.539219 L 116.219643 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 119.719219 L 125.785357 119.719219 L 125.785357 92.539219 L 121.0025 92.539219 L 121.0025 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 119.719219 L 130.568214 119.719219 L 130.568214 92.539219 L 125.785357 92.539219 L 125.785357 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> 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159.265357 92.539219 L 154.4825 92.539219 L 154.4825 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 159.265357 119.719219 L 164.048214 119.719219 L 164.048214 92.539219 L 159.265357 92.539219 L 159.265357 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 164.048214 119.719219 L 168.831071 119.719219 L 168.831071 92.539219 L 164.048214 92.539219 L 164.048214 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 168.831071 119.719219 L 173.613929 119.719219 L 173.613929 92.539219 L 168.831071 92.539219 L 168.831071 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 173.613929 119.719219 L 178.396786 119.719219 L 178.396786 92.539219 L 173.613929 92.539219 L 173.613929 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 178.396786 119.719219 L 183.179643 119.719219 L 183.179643 92.539219 L 178.396786 92.539219 L 178.396786 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 119.719219 L 187.9625 119.719219 L 187.9625 92.539219 L 183.179643 92.539219 L 183.179643 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 119.719219 L 192.745357 119.719219 L 192.745357 92.539219 L 187.9625 92.539219 L 187.9625 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 119.719219 L 197.528214 119.719219 L 197.528214 92.539219 L 192.745357 92.539219 L 192.745357 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 119.719219 L 202.311071 119.719219 L 202.311071 92.539219 L 197.528214 92.539219 L 197.528214 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 119.719219 L 207.093929 119.719219 L 207.093929 92.539219 L 202.311071 92.539219 L 202.311071 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 119.719219 L 211.876786 119.719219 L 211.876786 92.539219 L 207.093929 92.539219 L 207.093929 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 119.719219 L 216.659643 119.719219 L 216.659643 92.539219 L 211.876786 92.539219 L 211.876786 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 119.719219 L 221.4425 119.719219 L 221.4425 92.539219 L 216.659643 92.539219 L 216.659643 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 221.4425 119.719219 L 226.225357 119.719219 L 226.225357 92.539219 L 221.4425 92.539219 L 221.4425 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 226.225357 119.719219 L 231.008214 119.719219 L 231.008214 92.539219 L 226.225357 92.539219 L 226.225357 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 231.008214 119.719219 L 235.791071 119.719219 L 235.791071 92.539219 L 231.008214 92.539219 L 231.008214 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 235.791071 119.719219 L 240.573929 119.719219 L 240.573929 92.539219 L 235.791071 92.539219 L 235.791071 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 240.573929 119.719219 L 245.356786 119.719219 L 245.356786 92.539219 L 240.573929 92.539219 L 240.573929 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 245.356786 119.719219 L 250.139643 119.719219 L 250.139643 92.539219 L 245.356786 92.539219 L 245.356786 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 250.139643 119.719219 L 254.9225 119.719219 L 254.9225 92.539219 L 250.139643 92.539219 L 250.139643 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 254.9225 119.719219 L 259.705357 119.719219 L 259.705357 92.539219 L 254.9225 92.539219 L 254.9225 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 259.705357 119.719219 L 264.488214 119.719219 L 264.488214 92.539219 L 259.705357 92.539219 L 259.705357 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 264.488214 119.719219 L 269.271071 119.719219 L 269.271071 92.539219 L 264.488214 92.539219 L 264.488214 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 269.271071 119.719219 L 274.053929 119.719219 L 274.053929 92.539219 L 269.271071 92.539219 L 269.271071 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 274.053929 119.719219 L 278.836786 119.719219 L 278.836786 92.539219 L 274.053929 92.539219 L 274.053929 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 278.836786 119.719219 L 283.619643 119.719219 L 283.619643 92.539219 L 278.836786 92.539219 L 278.836786 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 283.619643 119.719219 L 288.4025 119.719219 L 288.4025 92.539219 L 283.619643 92.539219 L 283.619643 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 288.4025 119.719219 L 293.185357 119.719219 L 293.185357 92.539219 L 288.4025 92.539219 L 288.4025 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 293.185357 119.719219 L 297.968214 119.719219 L 297.968214 92.539219 L 293.185357 92.539219 L 293.185357 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 297.968214 119.719219 L 302.751071 119.719219 L 302.751071 92.539219 L 297.968214 92.539219 L 297.968214 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 119.719219 L 307.533929 119.719219 L 307.533929 92.539219 L 302.751071 92.539219 L 302.751071 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 119.719219 L 312.316786 119.719219 L 312.316786 92.539219 L 307.533929 92.539219 L 307.533929 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 119.719219 L 317.099643 119.719219 L 317.099643 92.539219 L 312.316786 92.539219 L 312.316786 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 119.719219 L 321.8825 119.719219 L 321.8825 92.539219 L 317.099643 92.539219 L 317.099643 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 119.719219 L 326.665357 119.719219 L 326.665357 92.539219 L 321.8825 92.539219 L 321.8825 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 326.665357 119.719219 L 331.448214 119.719219 L 331.448214 92.539219 L 326.665357 92.539219 L 326.665357 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 331.448214 119.719219 L 336.231071 119.719219 L 336.231071 92.539219 L 331.448214 92.539219 L 331.448214 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 336.231071 119.719219 L 341.013929 119.719219 L 341.013929 92.539219 L 336.231071 92.539219 L 336.231071 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 341.013929 119.719219 L 345.796786 119.719219 L 345.796786 92.539219 L 341.013929 92.539219 L 341.013929 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 345.796786 119.719219 L 350.579643 119.719219 L 350.579643 92.539219 L 345.796786 92.539219 L 345.796786 119.719219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 350.579643 119.719219 L 355.3625 119.719219 L 355.3625 92.539219 L 350.579643 92.539219 L 350.579643 119.719219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 92.539219 L 25.345357 92.539219 L 25.345357 65.359219 L 20.5625 65.359219 L 20.5625 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 92.539219 L 30.128214 92.539219 L 30.128214 65.359219 L 25.345357 65.359219 L 25.345357 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 92.539219 L 34.911071 92.539219 L 34.911071 65.359219 L 30.128214 65.359219 L 30.128214 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 34.911071 92.539219 L 39.693929 92.539219 L 39.693929 65.359219 L 34.911071 65.359219 L 34.911071 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 39.693929 92.539219 L 44.476786 92.539219 L 44.476786 65.359219 L 39.693929 65.359219 L 39.693929 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 44.476786 92.539219 L 49.259643 92.539219 L 49.259643 65.359219 L 44.476786 65.359219 L 44.476786 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 49.259643 92.539219 L 54.0425 92.539219 L 54.0425 65.359219 L 49.259643 65.359219 L 49.259643 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 54.0425 92.539219 L 58.825357 92.539219 L 58.825357 65.359219 L 54.0425 65.359219 L 54.0425 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 92.539219 L 63.608214 92.539219 L 63.608214 65.359219 L 58.825357 65.359219 L 58.825357 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 92.539219 L 68.391071 92.539219 L 68.391071 65.359219 L 63.608214 65.359219 L 63.608214 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 92.539219 L 73.173929 92.539219 L 73.173929 65.359219 L 68.391071 65.359219 L 68.391071 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 92.539219 L 77.956786 92.539219 L 77.956786 65.359219 L 73.173929 65.359219 L 73.173929 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 92.539219 L 82.739643 92.539219 L 82.739643 65.359219 L 77.956786 65.359219 L 77.956786 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 92.539219 L 87.5225 92.539219 L 87.5225 65.359219 L 82.739643 65.359219 L 82.739643 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 87.5225 92.539219 L 92.305357 92.539219 L 92.305357 65.359219 L 87.5225 65.359219 L 87.5225 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 92.305357 92.539219 L 97.088214 92.539219 L 97.088214 65.359219 L 92.305357 65.359219 L 92.305357 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 97.088214 92.539219 L 101.871071 92.539219 L 101.871071 65.359219 L 97.088214 65.359219 L 97.088214 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 101.871071 92.539219 L 106.653929 92.539219 L 106.653929 65.359219 L 101.871071 65.359219 L 101.871071 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 106.653929 92.539219 L 111.436786 92.539219 L 111.436786 65.359219 L 106.653929 65.359219 L 106.653929 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 111.436786 92.539219 L 116.219643 92.539219 L 116.219643 65.359219 L 111.436786 65.359219 L 111.436786 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 116.219643 92.539219 L 121.0025 92.539219 L 121.0025 65.359219 L 116.219643 65.359219 L 116.219643 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 92.539219 L 125.785357 92.539219 L 125.785357 65.359219 L 121.0025 65.359219 L 121.0025 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 92.539219 L 130.568214 92.539219 L 130.568214 65.359219 L 125.785357 65.359219 L 125.785357 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 130.568214 92.539219 L 135.351071 92.539219 L 135.351071 65.359219 L 130.568214 65.359219 L 130.568214 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 135.351071 92.539219 L 140.133929 92.539219 L 140.133929 65.359219 L 135.351071 65.359219 L 135.351071 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 140.133929 92.539219 L 144.916786 92.539219 L 144.916786 65.359219 L 140.133929 65.359219 L 140.133929 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 144.916786 92.539219 L 149.699643 92.539219 L 149.699643 65.359219 L 144.916786 65.359219 L 144.916786 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 149.699643 92.539219 L 154.4825 92.539219 L 154.4825 65.359219 L 149.699643 65.359219 L 149.699643 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 154.4825 92.539219 L 159.265357 92.539219 L 159.265357 65.359219 L 154.4825 65.359219 L 154.4825 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 159.265357 92.539219 L 164.048214 92.539219 L 164.048214 65.359219 L 159.265357 65.359219 L 159.265357 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 164.048214 92.539219 L 168.831071 92.539219 L 168.831071 65.359219 L 164.048214 65.359219 L 164.048214 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 168.831071 92.539219 L 173.613929 92.539219 L 173.613929 65.359219 L 168.831071 65.359219 L 168.831071 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 173.613929 92.539219 L 178.396786 92.539219 L 178.396786 65.359219 L 173.613929 65.359219 L 173.613929 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 178.396786 92.539219 L 183.179643 92.539219 L 183.179643 65.359219 L 178.396786 65.359219 L 178.396786 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 92.539219 L 187.9625 92.539219 L 187.9625 65.359219 L 183.179643 65.359219 L 183.179643 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 92.539219 L 192.745357 92.539219 L 192.745357 65.359219 L 187.9625 65.359219 L 187.9625 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 92.539219 L 197.528214 92.539219 L 197.528214 65.359219 L 192.745357 65.359219 L 192.745357 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 92.539219 L 202.311071 92.539219 L 202.311071 65.359219 L 197.528214 65.359219 L 197.528214 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 92.539219 L 207.093929 92.539219 L 207.093929 65.359219 L 202.311071 65.359219 L 202.311071 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 92.539219 L 211.876786 92.539219 L 211.876786 65.359219 L 207.093929 65.359219 L 207.093929 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 92.539219 L 216.659643 92.539219 L 216.659643 65.359219 L 211.876786 65.359219 L 211.876786 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 92.539219 L 221.4425 92.539219 L 221.4425 65.359219 L 216.659643 65.359219 L 216.659643 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 221.4425 92.539219 L 226.225357 92.539219 L 226.225357 65.359219 L 221.4425 65.359219 L 221.4425 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 226.225357 92.539219 L 231.008214 92.539219 L 231.008214 65.359219 L 226.225357 65.359219 L 226.225357 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 231.008214 92.539219 L 235.791071 92.539219 L 235.791071 65.359219 L 231.008214 65.359219 L 231.008214 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 235.791071 92.539219 L 240.573929 92.539219 L 240.573929 65.359219 L 235.791071 65.359219 L 235.791071 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 240.573929 92.539219 L 245.356786 92.539219 L 245.356786 65.359219 L 240.573929 65.359219 L 240.573929 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 245.356786 92.539219 L 250.139643 92.539219 L 250.139643 65.359219 L 245.356786 65.359219 L 245.356786 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 250.139643 92.539219 L 254.9225 92.539219 L 254.9225 65.359219 L 250.139643 65.359219 L 250.139643 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 254.9225 92.539219 L 259.705357 92.539219 L 259.705357 65.359219 L 254.9225 65.359219 L 254.9225 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 259.705357 92.539219 L 264.488214 92.539219 L 264.488214 65.359219 L 259.705357 65.359219 L 259.705357 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 264.488214 92.539219 L 269.271071 92.539219 L 269.271071 65.359219 L 264.488214 65.359219 L 264.488214 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 269.271071 92.539219 L 274.053929 92.539219 L 274.053929 65.359219 L 269.271071 65.359219 L 269.271071 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 274.053929 92.539219 L 278.836786 92.539219 L 278.836786 65.359219 L 274.053929 65.359219 L 274.053929 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 278.836786 92.539219 L 283.619643 92.539219 L 283.619643 65.359219 L 278.836786 65.359219 L 278.836786 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 283.619643 92.539219 L 288.4025 92.539219 L 288.4025 65.359219 L 283.619643 65.359219 L 283.619643 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 288.4025 92.539219 L 293.185357 92.539219 L 293.185357 65.359219 L 288.4025 65.359219 L 288.4025 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 293.185357 92.539219 L 297.968214 92.539219 L 297.968214 65.359219 L 293.185357 65.359219 L 293.185357 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 297.968214 92.539219 L 302.751071 92.539219 L 302.751071 65.359219 L 297.968214 65.359219 L 297.968214 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 92.539219 L 307.533929 92.539219 L 307.533929 65.359219 L 302.751071 65.359219 L 302.751071 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 92.539219 L 312.316786 92.539219 L 312.316786 65.359219 L 307.533929 65.359219 L 307.533929 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 92.539219 L 317.099643 92.539219 L 317.099643 65.359219 L 312.316786 65.359219 L 312.316786 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 92.539219 L 321.8825 92.539219 L 321.8825 65.359219 L 317.099643 65.359219 L 317.099643 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 92.539219 L 326.665357 92.539219 L 326.665357 65.359219 L 321.8825 65.359219 L 321.8825 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 326.665357 92.539219 L 331.448214 92.539219 L 331.448214 65.359219 L 326.665357 65.359219 L 326.665357 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 331.448214 92.539219 L 336.231071 92.539219 L 336.231071 65.359219 L 331.448214 65.359219 L 331.448214 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 336.231071 92.539219 L 341.013929 92.539219 L 341.013929 65.359219 L 336.231071 65.359219 L 336.231071 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 341.013929 92.539219 L 345.796786 92.539219 L 345.796786 65.359219 L 341.013929 65.359219 L 341.013929 92.539219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 345.796786 92.539219 L 350.579643 92.539219 L 350.579643 65.359219 L 345.796786 65.359219 L 345.796786 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 350.579643 92.539219 L 355.3625 92.539219 L 355.3625 65.359219 L 350.579643 65.359219 L 350.579643 92.539219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 65.359219 L 25.345357 65.359219 L 25.345357 38.179219 L 20.5625 38.179219 L 20.5625 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 65.359219 L 30.128214 65.359219 L 30.128214 38.179219 L 25.345357 38.179219 L 25.345357 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 65.359219 L 34.911071 65.359219 L 34.911071 38.179219 L 30.128214 38.179219 L 30.128214 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 34.911071 65.359219 L 39.693929 65.359219 L 39.693929 38.179219 L 34.911071 38.179219 L 34.911071 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 39.693929 65.359219 L 44.476786 65.359219 L 44.476786 38.179219 L 39.693929 38.179219 L 39.693929 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 44.476786 65.359219 L 49.259643 65.359219 L 49.259643 38.179219 L 44.476786 38.179219 L 44.476786 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 49.259643 65.359219 L 54.0425 65.359219 L 54.0425 38.179219 L 49.259643 38.179219 L 49.259643 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 54.0425 65.359219 L 58.825357 65.359219 L 58.825357 38.179219 L 54.0425 38.179219 L 54.0425 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 65.359219 L 63.608214 65.359219 L 63.608214 38.179219 L 58.825357 38.179219 L 58.825357 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 65.359219 L 68.391071 65.359219 L 68.391071 38.179219 L 63.608214 38.179219 L 63.608214 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 65.359219 L 73.173929 65.359219 L 73.173929 38.179219 L 68.391071 38.179219 L 68.391071 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 65.359219 L 77.956786 65.359219 L 77.956786 38.179219 L 73.173929 38.179219 L 73.173929 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 65.359219 L 82.739643 65.359219 L 82.739643 38.179219 L 77.956786 38.179219 L 77.956786 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 65.359219 L 87.5225 65.359219 L 87.5225 38.179219 L 82.739643 38.179219 L 82.739643 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 87.5225 65.359219 L 92.305357 65.359219 L 92.305357 38.179219 L 87.5225 38.179219 L 87.5225 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 92.305357 65.359219 L 97.088214 65.359219 L 97.088214 38.179219 L 92.305357 38.179219 L 92.305357 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 97.088214 65.359219 L 101.871071 65.359219 L 101.871071 38.179219 L 97.088214 38.179219 L 97.088214 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 101.871071 65.359219 L 106.653929 65.359219 L 106.653929 38.179219 L 101.871071 38.179219 L 101.871071 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 106.653929 65.359219 L 111.436786 65.359219 L 111.436786 38.179219 L 106.653929 38.179219 L 106.653929 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 111.436786 65.359219 L 116.219643 65.359219 L 116.219643 38.179219 L 111.436786 38.179219 L 111.436786 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 116.219643 65.359219 L 121.0025 65.359219 L 121.0025 38.179219 L 116.219643 38.179219 L 116.219643 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 65.359219 L 125.785357 65.359219 L 125.785357 38.179219 L 121.0025 38.179219 L 121.0025 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 65.359219 L 130.568214 65.359219 L 130.568214 38.179219 L 125.785357 38.179219 L 125.785357 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 130.568214 65.359219 L 135.351071 65.359219 L 135.351071 38.179219 L 130.568214 38.179219 L 130.568214 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 135.351071 65.359219 L 140.133929 65.359219 L 140.133929 38.179219 L 135.351071 38.179219 L 135.351071 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 140.133929 65.359219 L 144.916786 65.359219 L 144.916786 38.179219 L 140.133929 38.179219 L 140.133929 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 144.916786 65.359219 L 149.699643 65.359219 L 149.699643 38.179219 L 144.916786 38.179219 L 144.916786 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 149.699643 65.359219 L 154.4825 65.359219 L 154.4825 38.179219 L 149.699643 38.179219 L 149.699643 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> 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38.179219 L 178.396786 38.179219 L 178.396786 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 65.359219 L 187.9625 65.359219 L 187.9625 38.179219 L 183.179643 38.179219 L 183.179643 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 65.359219 L 192.745357 65.359219 L 192.745357 38.179219 L 187.9625 38.179219 L 187.9625 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 65.359219 L 197.528214 65.359219 L 197.528214 38.179219 L 192.745357 38.179219 L 192.745357 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 65.359219 L 202.311071 65.359219 L 202.311071 38.179219 L 197.528214 38.179219 L 197.528214 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 65.359219 L 207.093929 65.359219 L 207.093929 38.179219 L 202.311071 38.179219 L 202.311071 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 65.359219 L 211.876786 65.359219 L 211.876786 38.179219 L 207.093929 38.179219 L 207.093929 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 65.359219 L 216.659643 65.359219 L 216.659643 38.179219 L 211.876786 38.179219 L 211.876786 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 65.359219 L 221.4425 65.359219 L 221.4425 38.179219 L 216.659643 38.179219 L 216.659643 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 221.4425 65.359219 L 226.225357 65.359219 L 226.225357 38.179219 L 221.4425 38.179219 L 221.4425 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 226.225357 65.359219 L 231.008214 65.359219 L 231.008214 38.179219 L 226.225357 38.179219 L 226.225357 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 231.008214 65.359219 L 235.791071 65.359219 L 235.791071 38.179219 L 231.008214 38.179219 L 231.008214 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 235.791071 65.359219 L 240.573929 65.359219 L 240.573929 38.179219 L 235.791071 38.179219 L 235.791071 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 240.573929 65.359219 L 245.356786 65.359219 L 245.356786 38.179219 L 240.573929 38.179219 L 240.573929 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 245.356786 65.359219 L 250.139643 65.359219 L 250.139643 38.179219 L 245.356786 38.179219 L 245.356786 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 250.139643 65.359219 L 254.9225 65.359219 L 254.9225 38.179219 L 250.139643 38.179219 L 250.139643 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 254.9225 65.359219 L 259.705357 65.359219 L 259.705357 38.179219 L 254.9225 38.179219 L 254.9225 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 259.705357 65.359219 L 264.488214 65.359219 L 264.488214 38.179219 L 259.705357 38.179219 L 259.705357 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 264.488214 65.359219 L 269.271071 65.359219 L 269.271071 38.179219 L 264.488214 38.179219 L 264.488214 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 269.271071 65.359219 L 274.053929 65.359219 L 274.053929 38.179219 L 269.271071 38.179219 L 269.271071 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 274.053929 65.359219 L 278.836786 65.359219 L 278.836786 38.179219 L 274.053929 38.179219 L 274.053929 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 278.836786 65.359219 L 283.619643 65.359219 L 283.619643 38.179219 L 278.836786 38.179219 L 278.836786 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 283.619643 65.359219 L 288.4025 65.359219 L 288.4025 38.179219 L 283.619643 38.179219 L 283.619643 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 288.4025 65.359219 L 293.185357 65.359219 L 293.185357 38.179219 L 288.4025 38.179219 L 288.4025 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 293.185357 65.359219 L 297.968214 65.359219 L 297.968214 38.179219 L 293.185357 38.179219 L 293.185357 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 297.968214 65.359219 L 302.751071 65.359219 L 302.751071 38.179219 L 297.968214 38.179219 L 297.968214 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 65.359219 L 307.533929 65.359219 L 307.533929 38.179219 L 302.751071 38.179219 L 302.751071 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 65.359219 L 312.316786 65.359219 L 312.316786 38.179219 L 307.533929 38.179219 L 307.533929 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 65.359219 L 317.099643 65.359219 L 317.099643 38.179219 L 312.316786 38.179219 L 312.316786 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 65.359219 L 321.8825 65.359219 L 321.8825 38.179219 L 317.099643 38.179219 L 317.099643 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 65.359219 L 326.665357 65.359219 L 326.665357 38.179219 L 321.8825 38.179219 L 321.8825 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 326.665357 65.359219 L 331.448214 65.359219 L 331.448214 38.179219 L 326.665357 38.179219 L 326.665357 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 331.448214 65.359219 L 336.231071 65.359219 L 336.231071 38.179219 L 331.448214 38.179219 L 331.448214 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 336.231071 65.359219 L 341.013929 65.359219 L 341.013929 38.179219 L 336.231071 38.179219 L 336.231071 65.359219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 341.013929 65.359219 L 345.796786 65.359219 L 345.796786 38.179219 L 341.013929 38.179219 L 341.013929 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 345.796786 65.359219 L 350.579643 65.359219 L 350.579643 38.179219 L 345.796786 38.179219 L 345.796786 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 350.579643 65.359219 L 355.3625 65.359219 L 355.3625 38.179219 L 350.579643 38.179219 L 350.579643 65.359219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 20.5625 38.179219 L 25.345357 38.179219 L 25.345357 10.999219 L 20.5625 10.999219 L 20.5625 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 25.345357 38.179219 L 30.128214 38.179219 L 30.128214 10.999219 L 25.345357 10.999219 L 25.345357 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 30.128214 38.179219 L 34.911071 38.179219 L 34.911071 10.999219 L 30.128214 10.999219 L 30.128214 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 34.911071 38.179219 L 39.693929 38.179219 L 39.693929 10.999219 L 34.911071 10.999219 L 34.911071 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 39.693929 38.179219 L 44.476786 38.179219 L 44.476786 10.999219 L 39.693929 10.999219 L 39.693929 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 44.476786 38.179219 L 49.259643 38.179219 L 49.259643 10.999219 L 44.476786 10.999219 L 44.476786 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 49.259643 38.179219 L 54.0425 38.179219 L 54.0425 10.999219 L 49.259643 10.999219 L 49.259643 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 54.0425 38.179219 L 58.825357 38.179219 L 58.825357 10.999219 L 54.0425 10.999219 L 54.0425 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 58.825357 38.179219 L 63.608214 38.179219 L 63.608214 10.999219 L 58.825357 10.999219 L 58.825357 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 63.608214 38.179219 L 68.391071 38.179219 L 68.391071 10.999219 L 63.608214 10.999219 L 63.608214 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 68.391071 38.179219 L 73.173929 38.179219 L 73.173929 10.999219 L 68.391071 10.999219 L 68.391071 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 73.173929 38.179219 L 77.956786 38.179219 L 77.956786 10.999219 L 73.173929 10.999219 L 73.173929 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 77.956786 38.179219 L 82.739643 38.179219 L 82.739643 10.999219 L 77.956786 10.999219 L 77.956786 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 82.739643 38.179219 L 87.5225 38.179219 L 87.5225 10.999219 L 82.739643 10.999219 L 82.739643 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 87.5225 38.179219 L 92.305357 38.179219 L 92.305357 10.999219 L 87.5225 10.999219 L 87.5225 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 92.305357 38.179219 L 97.088214 38.179219 L 97.088214 10.999219 L 92.305357 10.999219 L 92.305357 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 97.088214 38.179219 L 101.871071 38.179219 L 101.871071 10.999219 L 97.088214 10.999219 L 97.088214 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 101.871071 38.179219 L 106.653929 38.179219 L 106.653929 10.999219 L 101.871071 10.999219 L 101.871071 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 106.653929 38.179219 L 111.436786 38.179219 L 111.436786 10.999219 L 106.653929 10.999219 L 106.653929 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 111.436786 38.179219 L 116.219643 38.179219 L 116.219643 10.999219 L 111.436786 10.999219 L 111.436786 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 116.219643 38.179219 L 121.0025 38.179219 L 121.0025 10.999219 L 116.219643 10.999219 L 116.219643 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 121.0025 38.179219 L 125.785357 38.179219 L 125.785357 10.999219 L 121.0025 10.999219 L 121.0025 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 125.785357 38.179219 L 130.568214 38.179219 L 130.568214 10.999219 L 125.785357 10.999219 L 125.785357 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 130.568214 38.179219 L 135.351071 38.179219 L 135.351071 10.999219 L 130.568214 10.999219 L 130.568214 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 135.351071 38.179219 L 140.133929 38.179219 L 140.133929 10.999219 L 135.351071 10.999219 L 135.351071 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 140.133929 38.179219 L 144.916786 38.179219 L 144.916786 10.999219 L 140.133929 10.999219 L 140.133929 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 144.916786 38.179219 L 149.699643 38.179219 L 149.699643 10.999219 L 144.916786 10.999219 L 144.916786 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 149.699643 38.179219 L 154.4825 38.179219 L 154.4825 10.999219 L 149.699643 10.999219 L 149.699643 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 154.4825 38.179219 L 159.265357 38.179219 L 159.265357 10.999219 L 154.4825 10.999219 L 154.4825 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 159.265357 38.179219 L 164.048214 38.179219 L 164.048214 10.999219 L 159.265357 10.999219 L 159.265357 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 164.048214 38.179219 L 168.831071 38.179219 L 168.831071 10.999219 L 164.048214 10.999219 L 164.048214 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 168.831071 38.179219 L 173.613929 38.179219 L 173.613929 10.999219 L 168.831071 10.999219 L 168.831071 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 173.613929 38.179219 L 178.396786 38.179219 L 178.396786 10.999219 L 173.613929 10.999219 L 173.613929 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 178.396786 38.179219 L 183.179643 38.179219 L 183.179643 10.999219 L 178.396786 10.999219 L 178.396786 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 183.179643 38.179219 L 187.9625 38.179219 L 187.9625 10.999219 L 183.179643 10.999219 L 183.179643 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 187.9625 38.179219 L 192.745357 38.179219 L 192.745357 10.999219 L 187.9625 10.999219 L 187.9625 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 192.745357 38.179219 L 197.528214 38.179219 L 197.528214 10.999219 L 192.745357 10.999219 L 192.745357 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 197.528214 38.179219 L 202.311071 38.179219 L 202.311071 10.999219 L 197.528214 10.999219 L 197.528214 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 202.311071 38.179219 L 207.093929 38.179219 L 207.093929 10.999219 L 202.311071 10.999219 L 202.311071 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 207.093929 38.179219 L 211.876786 38.179219 L 211.876786 10.999219 L 207.093929 10.999219 L 207.093929 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 211.876786 38.179219 L 216.659643 38.179219 L 216.659643 10.999219 L 211.876786 10.999219 L 211.876786 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 216.659643 38.179219 L 221.4425 38.179219 L 221.4425 10.999219 L 216.659643 10.999219 L 216.659643 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path 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38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 302.751071 38.179219 L 307.533929 38.179219 L 307.533929 10.999219 L 302.751071 10.999219 L 302.751071 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 307.533929 38.179219 L 312.316786 38.179219 L 312.316786 10.999219 L 307.533929 10.999219 L 307.533929 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 312.316786 38.179219 L 317.099643 38.179219 L 317.099643 10.999219 L 312.316786 10.999219 L 312.316786 38.179219 " style="fill:#440154;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 317.099643 38.179219 L 321.8825 38.179219 L 321.8825 10.999219 L 317.099643 10.999219 L 317.099643 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 321.8825 38.179219 L 326.665357 38.179219 L 326.665357 10.999219 L 321.8825 10.999219 L 321.8825 38.179219 " style="fill:#fde725;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p1dcc35b3b0)" d="M 326.665357 38.179219 L 331.448214 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8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(301.171429 243.037656)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="355.3625" xlink:href="#m1f509bd8d5" y="228.439219"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(349 243.037656)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_2"> <g id="ytick_1"> <g id="line2d_9"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L -3.5 0 " 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51.53125 44.71875 Q 48 40.375 41.703125 38.8125 Q 48.828125 37.15625 52.796875 32.3125 Q 56.78125 27.484375 56.78125 20.515625 Q 56.78125 9.90625 50.3125 4.234375 Q 43.84375 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.734375 -1.421875 13.25 4.234375 Q 6.78125 9.90625 6.78125 20.515625 Q 6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(7.2 14.798437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 20.5625 228.439219 L 20.5625 10.999219 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 355.3625 228.439219 L 355.3625 10.999219 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 20.5625 228.439219 L 355.3625 228.439219 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 20.5625 10.999219 L 355.3625 10.999219 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p1dcc35b3b0"> <rect height="217.44" width="334.8" x="20.5625" y="10.999219"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
In [46]:
tests_0 = tests[:, 0]
tests_1 = tests[:, 1]
#print (tests[:, 1:].sum(axis=1), tests[:, 1:].sum(axis=1).std())
print (1. - np.sum(tests_0 == tests_1)/ len(tests_1))

en résumé, on peut calculer le gain moyen sur un certain nombre de tests :

In [47]:
def agent_tetu(tests, N_ballons_vus, penalité=1, aléatoire=False):
    gains = np.zeros(len(tests))
    for i_test in range(N_test):
        information = tests[i_test, :(N_ballons_vus)]
        N_ballons_restant = N_ballons - N_ballons_vus
        proba_True_restant = (N_ballons//2 - sum(information)) / N_ballons_restant 
        if aléatoire:
            choix = proba_True_restant > np.random.rand()
            if proba_True_restant==.5:
                choix = np.random.rand() > .5
                choix = proba_True_restant > .5
        réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
        gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant - 1
        gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*(1+penalité) - penalité)
    return gains

N_test = 1024
tests = generate_test(N_ballons=N_ballons, N_basket=N_basket, N_test=N_test)
gains = agent_tetu(tests, N_ballons_vus=1, aléatoire=False)
print ('gain = ', gains.mean(), '+/-', gains.std())
gain =  0.84375 +/- 5.94037759217
In [48]:
N_test = 10000
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
for aléatoire, label in zip([True, False], ['aléa', 'max']):
    print('Stratégie aléatoire? ', aléatoire)
    gains = np.zeros((N_ballons, N_test))

    tests = generate_test(N_ballons=N_ballons, N_basket=N_basket, N_test=N_test)
    for N_ballons_vus in range(N_ballons):
        gains[N_ballons_vus, :] = agent_tetu(tests, N_ballons_vus, aléatoire=aléatoire)
        print('Moyenne des gains avec', N_ballons_vus, 'ballons vus =', np.mean(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) , ' +/- ', np.std(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) )

    ax.errorbar(np.arange(N_ballons)-.1*(aléatoire*1-1), y=np.mean(gains, axis=(1)), yerr=np.std(gains, axis=(1))/10, label=label, alpha=.5, lw=2)
ax.set_xlabel(' # ballons vus ')
ax.set_ylabel(' gain moyen par jeu (+/- SEM / 10 ) ')
Stratégie aléatoire?  True
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.1176  +/-  6.99901209029
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.114  +/-  5.99891690224
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.24  +/-  4.99423667841
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.396  +/-  3.98034973338
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.4278  +/-  2.96934119966
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.46  +/-  1.94638125762
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.419  +/-  0.907986233376
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
Stratégie aléatoire?  False
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = -0.0952  +/-  6.99935261006
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.8808  +/-  5.93499716596
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.748  +/-  4.9437330025
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 1.0432  +/-  3.86157141071
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.7224  +/-  2.91172427266
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.8576  +/-  1.80679889307
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.4276  +/-  0.903968052533
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(74.343324 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="148.971437" xlink:href="#m825fa72cee" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 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44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(217.23705 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="291.865163" xlink:href="#m825fa72cee" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(288.683913 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="363.312026" xlink:href="#m825fa72cee" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(360.130776 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="434.758889" xlink:href="#m825fa72cee" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 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19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(503.024502 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="577.652615" xlink:href="#m825fa72cee" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(574.471365 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40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 23.53125 6.390625 29.59375 6.390625 Q 36.859375 6.390625 41.078125 11.03125 Q 45.3125 15.671875 45.3125 23.6875 L 45.3125 54.6875 L 54.296875 54.6875 L 54.296875 0 L 45.3125 0 L 45.3125 8.40625 Q 42.046875 3.421875 37.71875 1 Q 33.40625 -1.421875 27.6875 -1.421875 Q 18.265625 -1.421875 13.375 4.4375 Q 8.5 10.296875 8.5 21.578125 z M 31.109375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-75"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(294.032813 374.939839)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-23"/> <use x="115.576172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="147.363281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="210.839844" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="272.119141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="299.902344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="327.685547" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="388.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="452.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="504.345703" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="536.132812" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-76"/> <use x="595.3125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="658.691406" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="710.791016" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_2"> <g id="ytick_1"> <g id="line2d_9"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L -3.5 0 " id="m4ce9f77286" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="52.160938" xlink:href="#m4ce9f77286" y="291.672837"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_10"> <defs> <path d="M 10.59375 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2212"/> <path d="M 10.6875 12.40625 L 21 12.40625 L 21 0 L 10.6875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-2e"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(20.878125 295.472055)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2212"/> <use x="83.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="147.412109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="179.199219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_2"> <g id="line2d_10"> 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16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 77.524574 302.748955 L 77.524574 114.363175 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 148.971437 289.774137 L 148.971437 128.306972 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 220.4183 259.29601 L 220.4183 124.870871 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 291.865163 224.656572 L 291.865163 117.521267 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 363.312026 206.770739 L 363.312026 126.847795 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 434.758889 188.670233 L 434.758889 136.281332 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 506.205752 180.213276 L 506.205752 155.773871 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 577.652615 224.382704 L 577.652615 224.382704 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="LineCollection_2"> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 84.66926 331.392218 L 84.66926 142.997273 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 156.116123 185.717756 L 156.116123 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 227.562986 190.249556 L 227.562986 57.183777 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 299.009849 135.957702 L 299.009849 32.019442 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 370.456712 166.347983 L 370.456712 87.975859 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 441.903575 133.282617 L 441.903575 84.650722 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 513.350438 179.001809 L 513.350438 154.670557 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 584.797301 224.382704 L 584.797301 224.382704 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_14"> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 77.524574 208.556065 L 148.971437 209.040554 L 220.4183 192.083441 L 291.865163 171.088919 L 363.312026 166.809267 L 434.758889 162.475782 L 506.205752 167.993573 L 577.652615 224.382704 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_15"> <path clip-path="url(#p78cddd392c)" d="M 84.66926 237.194745 L 156.116123 105.844407 L 227.562986 123.716666 L 299.009849 83.988572 L 370.456712 127.161921 L 441.903575 108.966669 L 513.350438 166.836183 L 584.797301 224.382704 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 52.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 610.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 52.160938 10.7 L 610.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="legend_1"> <g id="patch_7"> <path d="M 549.373438 48.05625 L 603.160938 48.05625 Q 605.160938 48.05625 605.160938 46.05625 L 605.160938 17.7 Q 605.160938 15.7 603.160938 15.7 L 549.373438 15.7 Q 547.373438 15.7 547.373438 17.7 L 547.373438 46.05625 Q 547.373438 48.05625 549.373438 48.05625 z " style="fill:#ffffff;opacity:0.8;stroke:#cccccc;stroke-linejoin:miter;"/> </g> <g id="LineCollection_3"> <path d="M 561.373438 28.798437 L 561.373438 18.798437 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_16"> <path d="M 551.373438 23.798437 L 571.373438 23.798437 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_17"/> <g id="text_16"> <defs> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z M 38.53125 79.984375 L 48.25 79.984375 L 32.34375 61.625 L 24.859375 61.625 z " id="DejaVuSans-e9"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(579.373438 27.298437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="61.279297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="89.0625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-e9"/> <use x="150.585938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_4"> <path d="M 561.373438 43.476562 L 561.373438 33.476562 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_18"> <path d="M 551.373438 38.476562 L 571.373438 38.476562 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_19"/> <g id="text_17"> <defs> <path d="M 54.890625 54.6875 L 35.109375 28.078125 L 55.90625 0 L 45.3125 0 L 29.390625 21.484375 L 13.484375 0 L 2.875 0 L 24.125 28.609375 L 4.6875 54.6875 L 15.28125 54.6875 L 29.78125 35.203125 L 44.28125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-78"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(579.373438 41.976562)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="97.412109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="158.691406" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-78"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p78cddd392c"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="52.160938" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

La stratégie optimale est de choisir la gain a priori maximal.

Première conclusion: le gain évolue en fonction du nombre de ballons vus.

  • Les gains sont en moyenne toujours positifs, on s'oriente vers un enrichissement infini...
  • la variabilité de gain pour chaque jeu individuel est toujours grand et de l'ordre du nombre de points en jeu: on est proche d'un pari de type pile ou face,
  • Le comportement d'un agent aléatoire est toujours significativement inférieur,
  • La stratégie optimale pour cet agent est de choisir quand on a vu $3$ ballons. On note une oscillation pour des nombres de ballons vus pairs qui est dû au fait que nous ayons deux catégories.

Maintenant on peut imaginer, de régler le paramètre de pénalité pour optimiser le compromis entre précision et gain.

In [49]:
penalités = np.linspace(.5, 1.5, 9)
array([ 0.5  ,  0.625,  0.75 ,  0.875,  1.   ,  1.125,  1.25 ,  1.375,  1.5  ])
In [50]:
N_test = 10000
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
for penalité in penalités:
    gains = np.zeros((N_ballons, N_test))

    tests = generate_test(N_ballons=N_ballons, N_basket=N_basket, N_test=N_test)
    for N_ballons_vus in range(N_ballons):
        gains[N_ballons_vus, :] = agent_tetu(tests, N_ballons_vus, penalité=penalité)

    ax.errorbar(np.arange(N_ballons)-.1*(aléatoire*1-1), y=np.mean(gains, axis=(1)), yerr=np.std(gains, axis=(1))/10, label=str(penalité), alpha=.5, lw=2)
ax.set_xlabel(' # ballons vus ')
ax.set_ylabel(' gain moyen par jeu (+/- SEM / 10 ) ')
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(57.555946 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="133.204728" xlink:href="#m950b834684" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(130.023478 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="205.672261" xlink:href="#m950b834684" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(202.491011 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="278.139793" xlink:href="#m950b834684" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(274.958543 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="350.607325" xlink:href="#m950b834684" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(347.426075 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="423.074858" xlink:href="#m950b834684" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(419.893608 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="495.54239" xlink:href="#m950b834684" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(492.36114 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="568.009923" xlink:href="#m950b834684" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(564.828673 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40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 23.53125 6.390625 29.59375 6.390625 Q 36.859375 6.390625 41.078125 11.03125 Q 45.3125 15.671875 45.3125 23.6875 L 45.3125 54.6875 L 54.296875 54.6875 L 54.296875 0 L 45.3125 0 L 45.3125 8.40625 Q 42.046875 3.421875 37.71875 1 Q 33.40625 -1.421875 27.6875 -1.421875 Q 18.265625 -1.421875 13.375 4.4375 Q 8.5 10.296875 8.5 21.578125 z M 31.109375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-75"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(284.492188 374.939839)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-23"/> <use x="115.576172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="147.363281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="210.839844" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="272.119141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="299.902344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="327.685547" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="388.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="452.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="504.345703" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="536.132812" 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z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 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style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_16"> <path clip-path="url(#p5612d45324)" d="M 67.983949 123.964834 L 140.451481 94.214187 L 212.919014 103.980719 L 285.386546 99.046459 L 357.854079 114.52438 L 430.321611 118.036539 L 502.789144 146.75724 L 575.256676 175.43772 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#2ca02c;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_17"> <path clip-path="url(#p5612d45324)" d="M 67.983949 153.768631 L 140.451481 108.835974 L 212.919014 118.697313 L 285.386546 106.300612 L 357.854079 123.229364 L 430.321611 122.985164 L 502.789144 148.651221 L 575.256676 175.43772 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#d62728;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_18"> <path clip-path="url(#p5612d45324)" d="M 67.983949 179.138057 L 140.451481 128.827272 L 212.919014 134.124958 L 285.386546 115.221066 L 357.854079 130.551031 L 430.321611 126.919645 L 502.789144 149.926084 L 575.256676 175.43772 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#9467bd;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_19"> <path clip-path="url(#p5612d45324)" d="M 67.983949 201.003224 L 140.451481 143.578341 L 212.919014 148.705088 L 285.386546 125.871025 L 357.854079 137.8964 L 430.321611 131.411474 L 502.789144 152.728629 L 575.256676 175.43772 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#8c564b;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_20"> <path clip-path="url(#p5612d45324)" d="M 67.983949 230.329396 L 140.451481 168.732297 L 212.919014 164.872513 L 285.386546 138.0264 L 357.854079 147.030169 L 430.321611 135.348827 L 502.789144 155.638909 L 575.256676 175.43772 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#e377c2;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_21"> <path clip-path="url(#p5612d45324)" d="M 67.983949 254.291085 L 140.451481 180.143583 L 212.919014 182.293254 L 285.386546 150.845422 L 357.854079 154.659958 L 430.321611 139.669717 L 502.789144 156.789519 L 575.256676 175.43772 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#7f7f7f;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_22"> <path clip-path="url(#p5612d45324)" d="M 67.983949 281.118524 L 140.451481 200.432229 L 212.919014 196.338301 L 285.386546 158.717256 L 357.854079 161.475271 L 430.321611 141.853145 L 502.789144 159.449854 L 575.256676 175.43772 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#bcbd22;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 42.620313 346.663276 L 42.620313 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 600.620312 346.663276 L 600.620312 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 42.620313 346.663276 L 600.620313 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 42.620313 10.7 L 600.620313 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="legend_1"> <g id="patch_7"> <path d="M 532.992188 150.803125 L 593.620312 150.803125 Q 595.620312 150.803125 595.620312 148.803125 L 595.620312 17.7 Q 595.620312 15.7 593.620312 15.7 L 532.992188 15.7 Q 530.992188 15.7 530.992188 17.7 L 530.992188 148.803125 Q 530.992188 150.803125 532.992188 150.803125 z " style="fill:#ffffff;opacity:0.8;stroke:#cccccc;stroke-linejoin:miter;"/> </g> <g id="LineCollection_10"> <path d="M 544.992188 28.798437 L 544.992188 18.798437 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_23"> <path d="M 534.992188 23.798437 L 554.992188 23.798437 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_24"/> <g id="text_16"> <defs> <path d="M 10.6875 12.40625 L 21 12.40625 L 21 0 L 10.6875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-2e"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(562.992188 27.298437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_11"> <path d="M 544.992188 43.476562 L 544.992188 33.476562 " style="fill:none;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_25"> <path d="M 534.992188 38.476562 L 554.992188 38.476562 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#ff7f0e;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_26"/> <g id="text_17"> <g transform="translate(562.992188 41.976562)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> <use x="159.033203" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="222.65625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_12"> <path d="M 544.992188 58.154687 L 544.992188 48.154687 " style="fill:none;stroke:#2ca02c;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_27"> <path d="M 534.992188 53.154687 L 554.992188 53.154687 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#2ca02c;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_28"/> <g id="text_18"> <g transform="translate(562.992188 56.654687)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="159.033203" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_13"> <path d="M 544.992188 72.832812 L 544.992188 62.832812 " style="fill:none;stroke:#d62728;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_29"> <path d="M 534.992188 67.832812 L 554.992188 67.832812 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#d62728;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_30"/> <g id="text_19"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 34.625 Q 24.75 34.625 20.71875 30.859375 Q 16.703125 27.09375 16.703125 20.515625 Q 16.703125 13.921875 20.71875 10.15625 Q 24.75 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 38.8125 6.390625 42.859375 10.171875 Q 46.921875 13.96875 46.921875 20.515625 Q 46.921875 27.09375 42.890625 30.859375 Q 38.875 34.625 31.78125 34.625 z M 21.921875 38.8125 Q 15.578125 40.375 12.03125 44.71875 Q 8.5 49.078125 8.5 55.328125 Q 8.5 64.0625 14.71875 69.140625 Q 20.953125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 Q 42.671875 74.21875 48.875 69.140625 Q 55.078125 64.0625 55.078125 55.328125 Q 55.078125 49.078125 51.53125 44.71875 Q 48 40.375 41.703125 38.8125 Q 48.828125 37.15625 52.796875 32.3125 Q 56.78125 27.484375 56.78125 20.515625 Q 56.78125 9.90625 50.3125 4.234375 Q 43.84375 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.734375 -1.421875 13.25 4.234375 Q 6.78125 9.90625 6.78125 20.515625 Q 6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(562.992188 71.332812)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> <use x="159.033203" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="222.65625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_14"> <path d="M 544.992188 87.510938 L 544.992188 77.510938 " style="fill:none;stroke:#9467bd;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_31"> <path d="M 534.992188 82.510938 L 554.992188 82.510938 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#9467bd;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_32"/> <g id="text_20"> <g transform="translate(562.992188 86.010938)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_15"> <path d="M 544.992188 102.189062 L 544.992188 92.189062 " style="fill:none;stroke:#8c564b;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_33"> <path d="M 534.992188 97.189062 L 554.992188 97.189062 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#8c564b;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_34"/> <g id="text_21"> <g transform="translate(562.992188 100.689062)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="159.033203" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="222.65625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_16"> <path d="M 544.992188 116.867187 L 544.992188 106.867187 " style="fill:none;stroke:#e377c2;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_35"> <path d="M 534.992188 111.867187 L 554.992188 111.867187 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#e377c2;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_36"/> <g id="text_22"> <g transform="translate(562.992188 115.367187)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="159.033203" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_17"> <path d="M 544.992188 131.545312 L 544.992188 121.545312 " style="fill:none;stroke:#7f7f7f;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_37"> <path d="M 534.992188 126.545312 L 554.992188 126.545312 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#7f7f7f;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_38"/> <g id="text_23"> <g transform="translate(562.992188 130.045312)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> <use x="159.033203" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="222.65625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_18"> <path d="M 544.992188 146.223437 L 544.992188 136.223437 " style="fill:none;stroke:#bcbd22;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_39"> <path d="M 534.992188 141.223437 L 554.992188 141.223437 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#bcbd22;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_40"/> <g id="text_24"> <g transform="translate(562.992188 144.723437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p5612d45324"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="42.620313" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

on voit qu'en fonction de la pénalité on peut "encourager" un tel agent tétu à prendre des décisions plus hâtives ou tardives. On restera pour l'instant au cas équilibré avec une pénalité nulle. Clairement, pour un tel agent, la stratégie optimale est de ragarder $3$ ballons puis de se décider.

Note: on remarque que le gain si on a tout observé est bien nul (l'information est totale mais la récompense est nulle):

In [51]:
print ('gains ', gains[-1, :])
gains  [ 0.  0.  0. ...,  0.  0.  0.]
In [52]:
N_ballons_vus = 7
print('Moyenne des gains avec', N_ballons_vus, 'ballons vus =', np.mean(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) , ' +/- ', np.std(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) )
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0

Pour résumer, nous pouvons "encapsuler" toute la programmation liée à cet agent dans un objet:

In [53]:
class AgentTétu:

    def __init__(self, N_test=2**12, N_ballons=8, verbose=True):
        self.N_test = N_test
        self.N_ballons = N_ballons
        self.N_basket = N_ballons//2
        self.verbose = verbose

    def generate_test(self):
        return generate_test(N_ballons=self.N_ballons, N_basket=self.N_basket, N_test=self.N_test)

    def agent_tetu(self, tests, N_ballons_vus):
        gains = np.zeros(len(tests))
        for i_test in range(len(tests)):
            information = tests[i_test, :(N_ballons_vus)]
            N_ballons_restant = self.N_ballons - N_ballons_vus
            proba_True_restant = (self.N_ballons//2 - sum(information)) / N_ballons_restant 
            if proba_True_restant==.5:
                if self.N_test is None:
                    gains[i_test] = 0.
                    choix = np.random.rand() > .5
                    réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
                    gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant - 1
                    gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)
                choix = proba_True_restant > .5
                réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
                gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant - 1
                gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)

        return gains

    def test(self):
        tests = self.generate_test()
        gains = np.zeros((self.N_ballons, len(tests)))
        for N_ballons_vus in range(self.N_ballons):
            gains[N_ballons_vus, :] = self.agent_tetu(tests, N_ballons_vus)
            if self.verbose: print('Moyenne des gains avec', N_ballons_vus, 'ballons vus =', np.mean(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) , 
                  ' +/- ', np.std(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) )
        return gains

    def plot(self):
        gains = self.test()
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
        ax.errorbar(np.arange(self.N_ballons), y=np.mean(gains, axis=(1)), yerr=np.std(gains, axis=(1))/10, alpha=.5, lw=2)

        ax.set_xlabel(' # ballons vus ')
        ax.set_ylabel(' gain moyen par jeu (+/- SEM / 10 ) ')
        return fig, ax
agent = AgentTétu()
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = -0.095703125  +/-  6.99934574884
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.7939453125  +/-  5.94723892582
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.751953125  +/-  4.94313326725
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.990234375  +/-  3.87549169559
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.77197265625  +/-  2.89897537382
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.8984375  +/-  1.78684360216
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.423828125  +/-  0.90574263478
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
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6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(74.343324 361.856726)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="149.992106" xlink:href="#mfa4fdbff4a" y="347.258288"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(146.810856 361.856726)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="222.459639" xlink:href="#mfa4fdbff4a" y="347.258288"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(219.278389 361.856726)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="294.927171" xlink:href="#mfa4fdbff4a" y="347.258288"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(291.745921 361.856726)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="367.394704" xlink:href="#mfa4fdbff4a" y="347.258288"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(364.213454 361.856726)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="439.862236" xlink:href="#mfa4fdbff4a" y="347.258288"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(436.680986 361.856726)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="512.329769" xlink:href="#mfa4fdbff4a" y="347.258288"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(509.148519 361.856726)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="584.797301" xlink:href="#mfa4fdbff4a" y="347.258288"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g 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6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 23.53125 6.390625 29.59375 6.390625 Q 36.859375 6.390625 41.078125 11.03125 Q 45.3125 15.671875 45.3125 23.6875 L 45.3125 54.6875 L 54.296875 54.6875 L 54.296875 0 L 45.3125 0 L 45.3125 8.40625 Q 42.046875 3.421875 37.71875 1 Q 33.40625 -1.421875 27.6875 -1.421875 Q 18.265625 -1.421875 13.375 4.4375 Q 8.5 10.296875 8.5 21.578125 z M 31.109375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-75"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(294.032813 375.534851)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-23"/> <use x="115.576172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="147.363281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="210.839844" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="272.119141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="299.902344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="327.685547" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="388.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="452.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="504.345703" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use 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24.46875 -20.796875 20.265625 -20.09375 Q 16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 269.300088)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 77.524574 331.98723 L 77.524574 136.25024 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 149.992106 192.88085 L 149.992106 26.56607 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 222.459639 184.712488 L 222.459639 46.477564 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 294.927171 136.466444 L 294.927171 28.08816 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 367.394704 153.330774 L 367.394704 72.260809 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 439.862236 120.097396 L 439.862236 70.128241 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 512.329769 174.139736 L 512.329769 148.810607 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 584.797301 220.737026 L 584.797301 220.737026 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_14"> <path clip-path="url(#p2b48d58ed7)" d="M 77.524574 234.118735 L 149.992106 109.72346 L 222.459639 115.595026 L 294.927171 82.277302 L 367.394704 112.795791 L 439.862236 95.112818 L 512.329769 161.475172 L 584.797301 220.737026 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 52.160938 347.258288 L 52.160938 11.295012 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 610.160938 347.258288 L 610.160938 11.295012 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 52.160938 347.258288 L 610.160938 347.258288 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 52.160938 11.295012 L 610.160938 11.295012 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p2b48d58ed7"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="52.160938" y="11.295012"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Cet objet nous permet de vérifier que ce comportement ne dépend pas significativement du nombre de test (s'il est significativement plus grand que $70$):

In [54]:
%%timeit -n1 -r1
agent = AgentTétu(N_test=2**10)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = -0.2734375  +/-  6.994657385
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 1.0078125  +/-  5.91475392259
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.498046875  +/-  4.97513309473
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.84375  +/-  3.90999820173
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.884765625  +/-  2.86656410862
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.79296875  +/-  1.83608293972
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.4453125  +/-  0.895375215953
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
367 ms ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
<svg height="384pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 620 384" width="620pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <style type="text/css"> *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;} </style> </defs> <g id="figure_1"> <g id="patch_1"> <path d="M 0 384.219526 L 620.860937 384.219526 L 620.860937 0 L 0 0 z " style="fill:none;"/> </g> <g id="axes_1"> <g id="patch_2"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 10.7 L 52.160938 10.7 z " style="fill:#ffffff;"/> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_1"> <g id="xtick_1"> <g id="line2d_1"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L 0 3.5 " id="md7459aed2f" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="77.524574" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_1"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 66.40625 Q 24.171875 66.40625 20.328125 58.90625 Q 16.5 51.421875 16.5 36.375 Q 16.5 21.390625 20.328125 13.890625 Q 24.171875 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(74.343324 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="149.992106" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(146.810856 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="222.459639" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(219.278389 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="294.927171" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(291.745921 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="367.394704" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(364.213454 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="439.862236" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(436.680986 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="512.329769" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(509.148519 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="584.797301" xlink:href="#md7459aed2f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(581.616051 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40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 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id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" 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style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 52.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 610.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 52.160938 10.7 L 610.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p4ae209d1f2"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="52.160938" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
In [55]:
%%timeit -n1 -r1
agent = AgentTétu(N_test=2**13)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = -0.035888671875  +/-  6.99990799963
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.8173828125  +/-  5.94406303279
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.655517578125  +/-  4.95684342145
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 1.0703125  +/-  3.85414467195
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.77197265625  +/-  2.89897537382
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.84228515625  +/-  1.81398889621
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.434326171875  +/-  0.90075566966
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
2.29 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(74.343324 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="149.992106" xlink:href="#mac0d0ff530" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(146.810856 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="222.459639" xlink:href="#mac0d0ff530" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(219.278389 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="294.927171" xlink:href="#mac0d0ff530" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(291.745921 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="367.394704" xlink:href="#mac0d0ff530" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(364.213454 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="439.862236" xlink:href="#mac0d0ff530" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(436.680986 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="512.329769" xlink:href="#mac0d0ff530" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(509.148519 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="584.797301" xlink:href="#mac0d0ff530" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(581.616051 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40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 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16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path 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180.865839 L 512.329769 155.760069 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p05ec63c466)" d="M 584.797301 228.840429 L 584.797301 228.840429 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_14"> <path clip-path="url(#p05ec63c466)" d="M 77.524574 233.841856 L 149.992106 114.930375 L 222.459639 137.487832 L 294.927171 79.682222 L 367.394704 121.258712 L 439.862236 111.459997 L 512.329769 168.312954 L 584.797301 228.840429 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 52.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 610.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 52.160938 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Le résultat exact est donné en calculant sur l'ensemble des combinaisons:

In [56]:
%%timeit -n1 -r1
agent = AgentTétu(N_test=None)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.857142857143  +/-  5.93845991166
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.714285714286  +/-  3.194382825
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 1.02857142857  +/-  3.86549360578
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.771428571429  +/-  1.9432772655
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.857142857143  +/-  1.80701580581
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.428571428571  +/-  0.494871659305
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
132 ms ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(65.963636 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="141.612419" xlink:href="#maa50fb2b7e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(138.431169 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="214.079951" xlink:href="#maa50fb2b7e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(210.898701 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="286.547484" xlink:href="#maa50fb2b7e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(283.366234 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="359.015016" xlink:href="#maa50fb2b7e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(355.833766 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="431.482549" xlink:href="#maa50fb2b7e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(428.301299 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="503.950081" xlink:href="#maa50fb2b7e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(500.768831 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="576.417614" xlink:href="#maa50fb2b7e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(573.236364 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40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 23.53125 6.390625 29.59375 6.390625 Q 36.859375 6.390625 41.078125 11.03125 Q 45.3125 15.671875 45.3125 23.6875 L 45.3125 54.6875 L 54.296875 54.6875 L 54.296875 0 L 45.3125 0 L 45.3125 8.40625 Q 42.046875 3.421875 37.71875 1 Q 33.40625 -1.421875 27.6875 -1.421875 Q 18.265625 -1.421875 13.375 4.4375 Q 8.5 10.296875 8.5 21.578125 z M 31.109375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-75"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(285.653125 374.939839)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-23"/> <use x="115.576172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="147.363281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="210.839844" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="272.119141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="299.902344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="327.685547" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="388.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="452.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="504.345703" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="536.132812" 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9.90625 6.78125 20.515625 Q 6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(20.878125 166.798049)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_14"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m5f126a6b15" y="120.900483"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_15"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 124.699702)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_7"> <g id="line2d_15"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m5f126a6b15" y="78.802136"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_16"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 82.601355)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_8"> <g id="line2d_16"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m5f126a6b15" y="36.703789"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_17"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 40.503008)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_18"> <defs> <path d="M 45.40625 27.984375 Q 45.40625 37.75 41.375 43.109375 Q 37.359375 48.484375 30.078125 48.484375 Q 22.859375 48.484375 18.828125 43.109375 Q 14.796875 37.75 14.796875 27.984375 Q 14.796875 18.265625 18.828125 12.890625 Q 22.859375 7.515625 30.078125 7.515625 Q 37.359375 7.515625 41.375 12.890625 Q 45.40625 18.265625 45.40625 27.984375 z M 54.390625 6.78125 Q 54.390625 -7.171875 48.1875 -13.984375 Q 42 -20.796875 29.203125 -20.796875 Q 24.46875 -20.796875 20.265625 -20.09375 Q 16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 69.144886 331.392218 L 69.144886 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 141.612419 275.970404 L 141.612419 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 214.079951 248.280097 L 214.079951 113.801861 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 286.547484 196.251879 L 286.547484 33.520988 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 359.015016 209.91726 L 359.015016 128.108499 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 431.482549 189.00692 L 431.482549 112.934542 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 503.950081 251.598114 L 503.950081 230.764835 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 576.417614 331.392218 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_17"> <path clip-path="url(#p6004f08cf6)" d="M 69.144886 331.392218 L 141.612419 150.970731 L 214.079951 181.040979 L 286.547484 114.886434 L 359.015016 169.01288 L 431.482549 150.970731 L 503.950081 241.181475 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 43.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 43.78125 10.7 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p6004f08cf6"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="43.78125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

On observe que la stratégie "Monte Carlo" donne des résultats similaires mais est plus longue à simuler. On pourra choisir notre stratégie computationnelle en fonction de notre budget en resources (ordinateurs, CPU, ...).

On observe aussi que le comportement du jeu est similaire avec plus ou moins de ballons:

In [57]:
agent = AgentTétu(N_ballons=16, N_test=None)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.933333333333  +/-  13.968854244
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.866666666667  +/-  8.83830049023
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 1.29230769231  +/-  11.930211265
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 1.18461538462  +/-  8.2142321289
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 1.46853146853  +/-  9.89158305459
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 1.32167832168  +/-  6.89440981475
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 1.52292152292  +/-  7.85370677037
Moyenne des gains avec 8 ballons vus = 1.33255633256  +/-  5.34495135289
Moyenne des gains avec 9 ballons vus = 1.46853146853  +/-  5.8175093748
Moyenne des gains avec 10 ballons vus = 1.22377622378  +/-  3.70299364892
Moyenne des gains avec 11 ballons vus = 1.29230769231  +/-  3.78549083058
Moyenne des gains avec 12 ballons vus = 0.969230769231  +/-  2.04540182826
Moyenne des gains avec 13 ballons vus = 0.933333333333  +/-  1.76886655486
Moyenne des gains avec 14 ballons vus = 0.466666666667  +/-  0.49888765157
Moyenne des gains avec 15 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(74.343324 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="145.160938" xlink:href="#m2f295c2b2c" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 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48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 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In [58]:
agent = AgentTétu(N_ballons=6, N_test=None)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.8  +/-  3.91918358845
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.6  +/-  1.8
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.8  +/-  1.83303027798
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.4  +/-  0.489897948557
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(65.963636 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="170.599432" xlink:href="#maa1a7ccac6" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(167.418182 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="272.053977" xlink:href="#maa1a7ccac6" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(268.872727 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="373.508523" xlink:href="#maa1a7ccac6" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(370.327273 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="474.963068" xlink:href="#maa1a7ccac6" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(471.781818 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="576.417614" xlink:href="#maa1a7ccac6" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(573.236364 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path id="DejaVuSans-20"/> <path d="M 51.125 44 L 36.921875 44 L 32.8125 27.6875 L 47.125 27.6875 z M 43.796875 71.78125 L 38.71875 51.515625 L 52.984375 51.515625 L 58.109375 71.78125 L 65.921875 71.78125 L 60.890625 51.515625 L 76.125 51.515625 L 76.125 44 L 58.984375 44 L 54.984375 27.6875 L 70.515625 27.6875 L 70.515625 20.21875 L 53.078125 20.21875 L 48 0 L 40.1875 0 L 45.21875 20.21875 L 30.90625 20.21875 L 25.875 0 L 18.015625 0 L 23.09375 20.21875 L 7.71875 20.21875 L 7.71875 27.6875 L 24.90625 27.6875 L 29 44 L 13.28125 44 L 13.28125 51.515625 L 30.90625 51.515625 L 35.890625 71.78125 z " id="DejaVuSans-23"/> <path d="M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 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transform="translate(20.878125 181.445423)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_5"> <g id="line2d_11"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m532b11ecaa" y="126.397534"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_12"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 34.625 Q 24.75 34.625 20.71875 30.859375 Q 16.703125 27.09375 16.703125 20.515625 Q 16.703125 13.921875 20.71875 10.15625 Q 24.75 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 38.8125 6.390625 42.859375 10.171875 Q 46.921875 13.96875 46.921875 20.515625 Q 46.921875 27.09375 42.890625 30.859375 Q 38.875 34.625 31.78125 34.625 z M 21.921875 38.8125 Q 15.578125 40.375 12.03125 44.71875 Q 8.5 49.078125 8.5 55.328125 Q 8.5 64.0625 14.71875 69.140625 Q 20.953125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 Q 42.671875 74.21875 48.875 69.140625 Q 55.078125 64.0625 55.078125 55.328125 Q 55.078125 49.078125 51.53125 44.71875 Q 48 40.375 41.703125 38.8125 Q 48.828125 37.15625 52.796875 32.3125 Q 56.78125 27.484375 56.78125 20.515625 Q 56.78125 9.90625 50.3125 4.234375 Q 43.84375 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.734375 -1.421875 13.25 4.234375 Q 6.78125 9.90625 6.78125 20.515625 Q 6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(20.878125 130.196752)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_12"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m532b11ecaa" y="75.148862"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_13"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 78.948081)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_7"> <g id="line2d_13"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m532b11ecaa" y="23.900191"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_14"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 27.69941)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_15"> <defs> <path d="M 45.40625 27.984375 Q 45.40625 37.75 41.375 43.109375 Q 37.359375 48.484375 30.078125 48.484375 Q 22.859375 48.484375 18.828125 43.109375 Q 14.796875 37.75 14.796875 27.984375 Q 14.796875 18.265625 18.828125 12.890625 Q 22.859375 7.515625 30.078125 7.515625 Q 37.359375 7.515625 41.375 12.890625 Q 45.40625 18.265625 45.40625 27.984375 z M 54.390625 6.78125 Q 54.390625 -7.171875 48.1875 -13.984375 Q 42 -20.796875 29.203125 -20.796875 Q 24.46875 -20.796875 20.265625 -20.09375 Q 16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#pea285c11a5)" d="M 69.144886 331.392218 L 69.144886 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pea285c11a5)" d="M 170.599432 226.824009 L 170.599432 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pea285c11a5)" d="M 272.053977 223.770009 L 272.053977 131.522401 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pea285c11a5)" d="M 373.508523 173.367717 L 373.508523 79.427351 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pea285c11a5)" d="M 474.963068 241.448185 L 474.963068 216.341566 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pea285c11a5)" d="M 576.417614 331.392218 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_14"> <path clip-path="url(#pea285c11a5)" d="M 69.144886 331.392218 L 170.599432 126.397534 L 272.053977 177.646205 L 373.508523 126.397534 L 474.963068 228.894876 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 43.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 43.78125 10.7 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="pea285c11a5"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="43.78125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

On peut aussi montrer en fonction du nombre de ballons vus l'evolution du gain au cours du temps (en fonction du nombre de tests):

In [59]:
agent = AgentTétu()
gains = agent.test() 
gains_cumulés = np.cumsum(gains, axis=1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)

for N_ballons_vus in range(agent.N_ballons):
    label = '%d ballons vu' % N_ballons_vus
    if N_ballons_vus>1: label += 's '
    ax.plot(gains_cumulés[N_ballons_vus, :], alpha=0.9, label=label)
ax.set_xlabel(' # essais ')
ax.set_ylabel(' gain cumulé ')
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.01708984375  +/-  6.99997913834
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.796875  +/-  5.94684708349
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.7568359375  +/-  4.94238802237
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 1.0078125  +/-  3.87095775808
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.80712890625  +/-  2.8893845242
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.8427734375  +/-  1.81376209384
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.447265625  +/-  0.894401174358
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(75.910511 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="202.967885" xlink:href="#ma079a3467f" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 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13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 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88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z M 38.53125 79.984375 L 48.25 79.984375 L 32.34375 61.625 L 24.859375 61.625 z " id="DejaVuSans-e9"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(15.198438 212.667576)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-63"/> <use 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136.798384 L 443.287566 137.22906 L 443.659194 135.937032 L 443.78307 136.367708 L 443.906946 135.937032 L 444.030822 136.367708 L 444.278575 135.506355 L 444.526327 136.367708 L 444.650203 135.937032 L 445.021831 137.22906 L 445.145707 136.798384 L 445.269584 137.22906 L 445.765088 135.506355 L 445.888964 135.937032 L 446.260593 134.645003 L 446.632221 135.937032 L 447.251602 133.783651 L 447.375478 134.214327 L 447.499354 133.783651 L 447.62323 134.214327 L 447.747106 133.783651 L 447.870982 134.214327 L 448.118734 133.352975 L 448.366487 134.214327 L 448.985867 132.060946 L 449.109743 132.491622 L 449.729124 130.338242 L 449.853 130.768918 L 450.348505 129.046213 L 450.596257 129.907566 L 450.720133 129.47689 L 451.091761 130.768918 L 451.46339 129.47689 L 451.711142 130.338242 L 451.835018 129.907566 L 451.958894 130.338242 L 452.08277 129.907566 L 452.330523 130.768918 L 452.578275 129.907566 L 452.702151 130.338242 L 452.826027 129.907566 L 453.073779 130.768918 L 453.321532 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492.714139 81.097604 L 492.838015 81.384721 L 493.457396 79.949134 L 493.581272 80.236251 L 493.705148 79.949134 L 493.9529 80.523369 L 494.324529 79.662016 L 494.448405 79.949134 L 494.820033 79.087782 L 494.943909 79.374899 L 495.315538 78.513547 L 495.439414 78.800664 L 495.934918 77.652194 L 496.306547 78.513547 L 497.049803 76.790842 L 497.297556 77.365077 L 497.79306 76.216607 L 497.916936 76.503725 L 498.164688 75.92949 L 498.412441 76.503725 L 498.536317 76.216607 L 498.784069 76.790842 L 498.907945 76.503725 L 499.155697 77.07796 L 499.40345 76.503725 L 499.651202 77.07796 L 500.02283 76.216607 L 500.146706 76.503725 L 500.394459 75.92949 L 500.642211 76.503725 L 501.013839 75.642372 L 501.385468 76.503725 L 501.757096 75.642372 L 502.252601 76.790842 L 502.376477 76.503725 L 502.500353 76.790842 L 502.624229 76.503725 L 502.748105 76.790842 L 503.119733 75.92949 L 503.615238 77.07796 L 503.739114 76.790842 L 503.86299 77.07796 L 503.986866 76.790842 L 504.110742 77.07796 L 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198.169733 L 364.130722 196.231691 L 364.254599 196.447029 L 364.378475 196.231691 L 364.502351 196.447029 L 364.626227 196.231691 L 364.750103 196.447029 L 364.873979 196.231691 L 364.997855 196.447029 L 365.245608 196.016353 L 365.369484 196.231691 L 365.617236 195.801015 L 365.988864 196.447029 L 366.484369 195.585677 L 366.855997 196.231691 L 367.227625 195.585677 L 367.72313 196.447029 L 367.847006 196.231691 L 367.970882 196.447029 L 368.218634 196.016353 L 368.466387 196.447029 L 369.209643 195.155 L 369.33352 195.370338 L 369.457396 195.155 L 369.581272 195.370338 L 369.705148 195.155 L 369.9529 195.585677 L 370.820033 194.07831 L 370.943909 194.293648 L 373.049803 190.632901 L 373.173679 190.848239 L 373.297556 190.632901 L 373.421432 190.848239 L 373.669184 190.417563 L 373.79306 190.632901 L 374.164688 189.986887 L 374.288565 190.202225 L 374.536317 189.771549 L 374.660193 189.986887 L 374.784069 189.771549 L 374.907945 189.986887 L 375.155697 189.556211 L 375.40345 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180.512012 L 389.029823 179.219983 L 389.153699 179.435321 L 389.77308 178.358631 L 389.896956 178.573969 L 390.144708 178.143293 L 390.268585 178.358631 L 390.392461 178.143293 L 390.640213 178.573969 L 391.259594 177.497279 L 391.507346 177.927955 L 391.631222 177.712617 L 392.00285 178.358631 L 392.126726 178.143293 L 392.250603 178.358631 L 392.622231 177.712617 L 392.993859 178.358631 L 393.860992 176.851265 L 393.984868 177.066603 L 394.108744 176.851265 L 394.232621 177.066603 L 394.480373 176.635926 L 394.604249 176.851265 L 394.728125 176.635926 L 395.099753 177.281941 L 395.595258 176.420588 L 395.84301 176.851265 L 396.462391 175.774574 L 396.586267 175.989912 L 397.205647 174.913222 L 397.329524 175.12856 L 397.577276 174.697884 L 397.825028 175.12856 L 397.948904 174.913222 L 398.196656 175.343898 L 398.816037 174.267208 L 398.939913 174.482546 L 399.311542 173.836532 L 399.435418 174.05187 L 399.559294 173.836532 L 399.930922 174.482546 L 400.302551 173.836532 L 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435.48337 159.193543 L 436.350503 157.686176 L 436.598255 158.116853 L 436.846007 157.686176 L 436.969883 157.901515 L 437.093759 157.686176 L 437.217635 157.901515 L 438.332521 155.963472 L 438.580273 156.394148 L 438.704149 156.17881 L 439.075777 156.824824 L 439.32353 156.394148 L 439.447406 156.609486 L 440.810043 154.240767 L 440.933919 154.456105 L 441.305548 153.810091 L 441.5533 154.240767 L 441.924928 153.594753 L 442.048804 153.810091 L 442.17268 153.594753 L 442.296557 153.810091 L 442.544309 153.379415 L 442.668185 153.594753 L 443.163689 152.733401 L 443.287566 152.948739 L 444.030822 151.656711 L 444.154698 151.872049 L 444.897955 150.58002 L 445.021831 150.795358 L 445.765088 149.50333 L 445.888964 149.718668 L 446.01284 149.50333 L 446.260593 149.934006 L 446.384469 149.718668 L 446.508345 149.934006 L 447.251602 148.641978 L 447.499354 149.072654 L 447.747106 148.641978 L 447.870982 148.857316 L 447.994858 148.641978 L 448.118734 148.857316 L 448.738115 147.780625 L 448.861991 147.995963 L 449.109743 147.565287 L 449.23362 147.780625 L 449.357496 147.565287 L 449.729124 148.211301 L 449.976876 147.780625 L 450.100752 147.995963 L 450.224628 147.780625 L 450.348505 147.995963 L 450.472381 147.780625 L 451.091761 148.857316 L 451.587266 147.995963 L 451.835018 148.42664 L 451.958894 148.211301 L 452.206646 148.641978 L 452.702151 147.780625 L 452.826027 147.995963 L 453.197655 147.349949 L 453.321532 147.565287 L 453.445408 147.349949 L 453.569284 147.565287 L 453.817036 147.134611 L 454.188664 147.780625 L 454.312541 147.565287 L 454.436417 147.780625 L 454.931921 146.919273 L 455.179673 147.349949 L 455.30355 147.134611 L 455.427426 147.349949 L 455.675178 146.919273 L 455.799054 147.134611 L 456.294559 146.273259 L 456.418435 146.488597 L 456.666187 146.057921 L 456.913939 146.488597 L 457.409444 145.627245 L 457.53332 145.842583 L 457.657196 145.627245 L 457.904948 146.057921 L 458.028824 145.842583 L 458.1527 146.057921 L 458.400453 145.627245 L 458.524329 145.842583 L 458.772081 145.411907 L 459.019833 145.842583 L 459.267586 145.411907 L 459.515338 145.842583 L 460.010842 144.98123 L 460.134718 145.196569 L 460.630223 144.335216 L 460.754099 144.550554 L 461.497356 143.258526 L 461.621232 143.473864 L 461.99286 142.82785 L 462.116736 143.043188 L 462.240613 142.82785 L 462.488365 143.258526 L 462.612241 143.043188 L 462.736117 143.258526 L 462.983869 142.82785 L 463.107745 143.043188 L 463.231622 142.82785 L 463.479374 143.258526 L 463.60325 143.043188 L 463.851002 143.473864 L 463.974878 143.258526 L 464.098754 143.473864 L 464.22263 143.258526 L 464.346507 143.473864 L 464.594259 143.043188 L 464.842011 143.473864 L 465.213639 142.82785 L 465.337516 143.043188 L 465.461392 142.82785 L 465.709144 143.258526 L 465.956896 142.82785 L 466.080772 143.043188 L 466.204648 142.82785 L 466.328525 143.043188 L 466.576277 142.612512 L 467.071781 143.473864 L 467.44341 142.82785 L 467.691162 143.258526 L 467.938914 142.82785 L 468.310543 143.473864 L 468.682171 142.82785 L 468.929923 143.258526 L 469.549304 142.181836 L 469.920932 142.82785 L 470.540313 141.751159 L 470.664189 141.966497 L 470.911941 141.535821 L 471.035817 141.751159 L 471.159693 141.535821 L 471.407446 141.966497 L 471.779074 141.320483 L 472.026826 141.751159 L 472.150702 141.535821 L 472.274579 141.751159 L 472.646207 141.105145 L 472.770083 141.320483 L 473.265588 140.459131 L 473.389464 140.674469 L 474.13272 139.382441 L 474.380473 139.813117 L 474.504349 139.597779 L 474.628225 139.813117 L 474.999853 139.167103 L 475.123729 139.382441 L 475.74311 138.30575 L 475.866986 138.521088 L 476.114738 138.090412 L 476.362491 138.521088 L 476.610243 138.090412 L 476.734119 138.30575 L 477.105747 137.659736 L 477.229624 137.875074 L 477.477376 137.444398 L 477.601252 137.659736 L 477.725128 137.444398 L 477.849004 137.659736 L 478.344509 136.798384 L 478.468385 137.013722 L 478.592261 136.798384 L 478.716137 137.013722 L 479.211641 136.15237 L 479.459394 136.583046 L 479.58327 136.367708 L 479.831022 136.798384 L 480.078774 136.367708 L 480.20265 136.583046 L 480.326527 136.367708 L 480.450403 136.583046 L 481.193659 135.291017 L 481.317536 135.506355 L 481.689164 134.860341 L 481.81304 135.075679 L 481.936916 134.860341 L 482.060792 135.075679 L 482.556297 134.214327 L 482.804049 134.645003 L 483.175677 133.998989 L 483.299554 134.214327 L 483.42343 133.998989 L 483.547306 134.214327 L 483.918934 133.568313 L 484.166686 133.998989 L 484.414439 133.568313 L 484.538315 133.783651 L 485.033819 132.922299 L 485.157695 133.137637 L 486.148704 131.414932 L 486.272581 131.63027 L 486.768085 130.768918 L 486.891961 130.984256 L 487.139713 130.55358 L 487.26359 130.768918 L 487.635218 130.122904 L 487.88297 130.55358 L 488.006846 130.338242 L 488.130722 130.55358 L 488.254599 130.338242 L 488.378475 130.55358 L 488.502351 130.338242 L 488.626227 130.55358 L 488.997855 129.907566 L 489.245608 130.338242 L 489.864988 129.261551 L 489.988864 129.47689 L 490.360493 128.830875 L 490.484369 129.046213 L 490.732121 128.615537 L 490.979873 129.046213 L 491.103749 128.830875 L 491.351502 129.261551 L 491.475378 129.046213 L 491.599254 129.261551 L 492.342511 127.969523 L 492.590263 128.400199 L 492.838015 127.969523 L 492.961891 128.184861 L 493.33352 127.538847 L 493.705148 128.184861 L 494.076776 127.538847 L 494.324529 127.969523 L 494.572281 127.538847 L 494.943909 128.184861 L 495.067785 127.969523 L 495.191661 128.184861 L 495.315538 127.969523 L 495.687166 128.615537 L 495.811042 128.400199 L 495.934918 128.615537 L 496.306547 127.969523 L 496.678175 128.615537 L 496.802051 128.400199 L 497.049803 128.830875 L 497.297556 128.400199 L 497.669184 129.046213 L 497.916936 128.615537 L 498.164688 129.046213 L 498.784069 127.969523 L 498.907945 128.184861 L 499.651202 126.892833 L 499.775078 127.108171 L 500.642211 125.600804 L 501.137715 126.462157 L 501.261592 126.246819 L 501.63322 126.892833 L 501.880972 126.462157 L 502.004848 126.677495 L 502.252601 126.246819 L 502.376477 126.462157 L 502.871981 125.600804 L 502.995857 125.816142 L 503.119733 125.600804 L 503.24361 125.816142 L 503.615238 125.170128 L 503.86299 125.600804 L 504.234619 124.95479 L 504.358495 125.170128 L 504.606247 124.739452 L 504.853999 125.170128 L 504.977875 124.95479 L 505.225627 125.385466 L 505.721132 124.524114 L 505.968884 124.95479 L 506.712141 123.662762 L 507.083769 124.308776 L 507.331522 123.8781 L 507.455398 124.093438 L 507.70315 123.662762 L 507.827026 123.8781 L 508.322531 123.016747 L 508.570283 123.447424 L 508.694159 123.232086 L 508.818035 123.447424 L 509.065787 123.016747 L 509.189663 123.232086 L 509.437416 122.801409 L 509.561292 123.016747 L 509.93292 122.370733 L 510.056796 122.586071 L 510.800053 121.294043 L 510.923929 121.509381 L 512.038814 119.571338 L 512.16269 119.786676 L 512.782071 118.709986 L 513.029823 119.140662 L 513.153699 118.925324 L 513.401452 119.356 L 513.649204 118.925324 L 513.896956 119.356 L 514.268585 118.709986 L 514.392461 118.925324 L 515.878974 116.341267 L 516.498355 117.417958 L 516.993859 116.556605 L 517.241612 116.987282 L 517.489364 116.556605 L 517.61324 116.771943 L 517.860992 116.341267 L 517.984868 116.556605 L 518.108744 116.341267 L 518.232621 116.556605 L 518.480373 116.125929 L 518.604249 116.341267 L 518.852001 115.910591 L 518.975877 116.125929 L 519.099753 115.910591 L 519.471382 116.556605 L 519.719134 116.125929 L 519.966886 116.556605 L 520.338515 115.910591 L 520.462391 116.125929 L 520.710143 115.695253 L 520.834019 115.910591 L 521.329524 115.049239 L 521.4534 115.264577 L 521.577276 115.049239 L 521.701152 115.264577 L 521.825028 115.049239 L 521.948904 115.264577 L 522.196656 114.833901 L 522.320533 115.049239 L 522.816037 114.187887 L 522.939913 114.403225 L 523.063789 114.187887 L 523.187665 114.403225 L 523.435418 113.972549 L 523.68317 114.403225 L 523.930922 113.972549 L 524.054798 114.187887 L 524.302551 113.757211 L 524.426427 113.972549 L 524.921931 113.111196 L 525.045807 113.326534 L 525.169683 113.111196 L 525.29356 113.326534 L 526.408445 111.388492 L 526.780073 112.034506 L 527.771082 110.311801 L 528.018834 110.742478 L 528.514339 109.881125 L 529.257596 111.173154 L 529.381472 110.957816 L 529.876976 111.819168 L 530.744109 110.311801 L 530.991861 110.742478 L 531.115737 110.52714 L 531.239614 110.742478 L 531.735118 109.881125 L 531.858994 110.096463 L 531.98287 109.881125 L 532.106746 110.096463 L 532.354499 109.665787 L 532.478375 109.881125 L 532.602251 109.665787 L 532.726127 109.881125 L 532.973879 109.450449 L 533.097755 109.665787 L 534.460393 107.297068 L 534.584269 107.512407 L 535.079773 106.651054 L 535.203649 106.866392 L 535.327526 106.651054 L 535.451402 106.866392 L 535.575278 106.651054 L 535.946906 107.297068 L 536.070782 107.08173 L 536.194658 107.297068 L 536.318535 107.08173 L 536.566287 107.512407 L 536.937915 106.866392 L 537.185667 107.297068 L 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548.953899 101.052265 L 549.449404 101.913617 L 549.697156 101.482941 L 549.821032 101.698279 L 549.944908 101.482941 L 550.068784 101.698279 L 550.19266 101.482941 L 550.316537 101.698279 L 550.812041 100.836926 L 550.935917 101.052265 L 551.431422 100.190912 L 551.679174 100.621588 L 552.174678 99.760236 L 552.298555 99.975574 L 552.422431 99.760236 L 552.794059 100.40625 L 552.917935 100.190912 L 553.041811 100.40625 L 553.165687 100.190912 L 553.289564 100.40625 L 554.03282 99.114222 L 554.280573 99.544898 L 554.404449 99.32956 L 554.528325 99.544898 L 554.652201 99.32956 L 554.776077 99.544898 L 555.767086 97.822193 L 555.890962 98.037532 L 556.014838 97.822193 L 556.510343 98.683546 L 556.634219 98.468208 L 556.758095 98.683546 L 557.2536 97.822193 L 557.377476 98.037532 L 557.501352 97.822193 L 557.625228 98.037532 L 558.120732 97.176179 L 558.244609 97.391517 L 559.235618 95.668813 L 559.731122 96.530165 L 559.854998 96.314827 L 560.350503 97.176179 L 560.598255 96.745503 L 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241.739802 L 395.719134 241.380906 L 396.214638 241.668023 L 396.710143 241.380906 L 396.834019 241.452685 L 396.957895 241.380906 L 397.081771 241.452685 L 397.205647 241.380906 L 397.329524 241.452685 L 397.4534 241.380906 L 397.577276 241.452685 L 397.701152 241.380906 L 397.825028 241.452685 L 398.196656 241.237347 L 398.320533 241.309126 L 398.692161 241.093788 L 398.939913 241.237347 L 399.063789 241.165568 L 399.187665 241.237347 L 399.311542 241.165568 L 399.559294 241.309126 L 399.68317 241.237347 L 399.807046 241.309126 L 400.178674 241.093788 L 400.550303 241.309126 L 400.674179 241.237347 L 400.798055 241.309126 L 401.789064 240.734892 L 402.408445 241.093788 L 402.532321 241.022009 L 402.780073 241.165568 L 404.638215 240.088877 L 404.762091 240.160657 L 406.496357 239.155746 L 407.115737 239.514642 L 407.36349 239.371084 L 407.487366 239.442863 L 408.602251 238.796849 L 408.726127 238.868628 L 408.850003 238.796849 L 408.973879 238.868628 L 409.841012 238.366173 L 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441.5533 228.891298 L 442.296557 228.460622 L 442.544309 228.60418 L 443.535318 228.029945 L 443.659194 228.101725 L 443.906946 227.958166 L 444.154698 228.101725 L 444.278575 228.029945 L 444.402451 228.101725 L 444.526327 228.029945 L 444.774079 228.173504 L 445.021831 228.029945 L 445.145707 228.101725 L 446.260593 227.455711 L 446.632221 227.671049 L 447.499354 227.168593 L 447.62323 227.240373 L 448.118734 226.953255 L 448.242611 227.025034 L 448.490363 226.881476 L 448.738115 227.025034 L 449.109743 226.809696 L 449.481372 227.025034 L 449.853 226.809696 L 450.224628 227.025034 L 450.348505 226.953255 L 450.472381 227.025034 L 450.844009 226.809696 L 450.967885 226.881476 L 451.091761 226.809696 L 451.339514 226.953255 L 452.08277 226.522579 L 452.206646 226.594358 L 452.454399 226.4508 L 452.578275 226.522579 L 452.949903 226.307241 L 453.073779 226.37902 L 453.445408 226.163682 L 453.817036 226.37902 L 454.436417 226.020123 L 454.560293 226.091903 L 454.808045 225.948344 L 454.931921 226.020123 L 455.30355 225.804785 L 455.427426 225.876565 L 456.418435 225.30233 L 456.666187 225.445889 L 457.657196 224.871654 L 457.781072 224.943433 L 457.904948 224.871654 L 458.1527 225.015213 L 459.639214 224.15386 L 459.76309 224.22564 L 460.010842 224.082081 L 460.134718 224.15386 L 460.382471 224.010302 L 460.506347 224.082081 L 460.877975 223.866743 L 461.001851 223.938522 L 461.37348 223.723184 L 461.497356 223.794963 L 461.621232 223.723184 L 461.868984 223.866743 L 462.983869 223.220729 L 463.231622 223.364287 L 463.355498 223.292508 L 463.479374 223.364287 L 463.851002 223.148949 L 463.974878 223.220729 L 464.098754 223.148949 L 464.22263 223.220729 L 464.470383 223.07717 L 464.594259 223.148949 L 464.718135 223.07717 L 465.089763 223.292508 L 465.337516 223.148949 L 465.461392 223.220729 L 465.709144 223.07717 L 465.83302 223.148949 L 465.956896 223.07717 L 466.080772 223.148949 L 466.328525 223.005391 L 466.452401 223.07717 L 466.576277 223.005391 L 466.700153 223.07717 L 466.824029 223.005391 L 466.947905 223.07717 L 467.071781 223.005391 L 467.195657 223.07717 L 467.691162 222.790052 L 467.815038 222.861832 L 468.06279 222.718273 L 468.186666 222.790052 L 468.310543 222.718273 L 468.434419 222.790052 L 468.558295 222.718273 L 468.682171 222.790052 L 470.044808 222.00048 L 470.168684 222.072259 L 470.416437 221.9287 L 470.664189 222.072259 L 470.911941 221.9287 L 471.28357 222.144038 L 471.407446 222.072259 L 471.655198 222.215818 L 472.274579 221.856921 L 472.398455 221.9287 L 472.522331 221.856921 L 472.646207 221.9287 L 472.770083 221.856921 L 472.893959 221.9287 L 473.265588 221.713362 L 473.761092 222.00048 L 474.008844 221.856921 L 474.256597 222.00048 L 475.123729 221.498024 L 475.247606 221.569803 L 475.74311 221.282686 L 475.866986 221.354465 L 476.238615 221.139127 L 476.362491 221.210907 L 476.734119 220.995569 L 476.857995 221.067348 L 476.981871 220.995569 L 477.105747 221.067348 L 477.849004 220.636672 L 478.220632 220.85201 L 478.963889 220.421334 L 479.211641 220.564892 L 480.078774 220.062437 L 480.20265 220.134216 L 480.945907 219.70354 L 481.069783 219.77532 L 481.193659 219.70354 L 481.317536 219.77532 L 482.308545 219.201085 L 482.432421 219.272864 L 484.04281 218.339732 L 484.290563 218.483291 L 485.281572 217.909056 L 485.6532 218.124394 L 485.900952 217.980836 L 486.148704 218.124394 L 486.396457 217.980836 L 486.520333 218.052615 L 486.644209 217.980836 L 486.891961 218.124394 L 487.511342 217.765498 L 487.635218 217.837277 L 489.617236 216.688807 L 489.864988 216.832366 L 491.103749 216.114572 L 491.227625 216.186352 L 491.351502 216.114572 L 491.72313 216.32991 L 492.218634 216.042793 L 492.342511 216.114572 L 492.466387 216.042793 L 492.590263 216.114572 L 492.961891 215.899234 L 493.085767 215.971014 L 493.209643 215.899234 L 493.33352 215.971014 L 493.9529 215.612117 L 494.076776 215.683896 L 494.324529 215.540338 L 494.448405 215.612117 L 494.943909 215.324999 L 495.067785 215.396779 L 495.191661 215.324999 L 495.315538 215.396779 L 495.811042 215.109661 L 495.934918 215.181441 L 496.058794 215.109661 L 496.18267 215.181441 L 497.173679 214.607206 L 497.297556 214.678985 L 497.916936 214.320088 L 498.164688 214.463647 L 498.907945 214.032971 L 499.031821 214.10475 L 499.40345 213.889412 L 499.527326 213.961192 L 499.898954 213.745854 L 500.146706 213.889412 L 500.889963 213.458736 L 501.013839 213.530516 L 502.376477 212.740943 L 502.500353 212.812722 L 502.624229 212.740943 L 502.748105 212.812722 L 502.995857 212.669163 L 503.119733 212.740943 L 503.24361 212.669163 L 503.367486 212.740943 L 503.491362 212.669163 L 503.615238 212.740943 L 504.110742 212.453825 L 504.234619 212.525605 L 504.358495 212.453825 L 504.482371 212.525605 L 504.730123 212.382046 L 504.853999 212.453825 L 505.597256 212.023149 L 505.721132 212.094928 L 506.216636 211.807811 L 506.340513 211.87959 L 506.588265 211.736032 L 506.712141 211.807811 L 506.959893 211.664252 L 507.083769 211.736032 L 507.207645 211.664252 L 507.331522 211.736032 L 508.322531 211.161797 L 508.694159 211.377135 L 508.818035 211.305355 L 509.065787 211.448914 L 509.189663 211.377135 L 509.31354 211.448914 L 509.437416 211.377135 L 509.561292 211.448914 L 509.809044 211.305355 L 509.93292 211.377135 L 510.056796 211.305355 L 510.180672 211.377135 L 511.419434 210.659341 L 511.54331 210.731121 L 512.038814 210.444003 L 512.286567 210.587562 L 513.277576 210.013327 L 513.401452 210.085106 L 513.525328 210.013327 L 513.649204 210.085106 L 513.896956 209.941548 L 514.144708 210.085106 L 514.392461 209.941548 L 514.516337 210.013327 L 514.887965 209.797989 L 515.011841 209.869768 L 515.259594 209.72621 L 515.38347 209.797989 L 515.755098 209.582651 L 515.878974 209.65443 L 516.126726 209.510872 L 516.622231 209.797989 L 517.365488 209.367313 L 517.489364 209.439092 L 518.232621 209.008416 L 518.356497 209.080195 L 518.480373 209.008416 L 518.604249 209.080195 L 520.834019 207.788167 L 521.081771 207.931726 L 521.205647 207.859946 L 521.329524 207.931726 L 521.701152 207.716388 L 521.825028 207.788167 L 523.063789 207.070373 L 523.187665 207.142153 L 523.311542 207.070373 L 523.435418 207.142153 L 523.930922 206.855035 L 524.054798 206.926815 L 524.178674 206.855035 L 524.302551 206.926815 L 525.169683 206.424359 L 525.665188 206.711477 L 526.036816 206.496139 L 526.160692 206.567918 L 526.903949 206.137242 L 527.027825 206.209021 L 527.52333 205.921904 L 527.647206 205.993683 L 528.14271 205.706566 L 528.266587 205.778345 L 528.762091 205.491228 L 528.885967 205.563007 L 529.133719 205.419448 L 529.505348 205.634786 L 530.124728 205.27589 L 530.744109 205.634786 L 530.867985 205.563007 L 531.115737 205.706566 L 531.36349 205.563007 L 531.487366 205.634786 L 531.611242 205.563007 L 531.735118 205.634786 L 531.98287 205.491228 L 532.106746 205.563007 L 532.354499 205.419448 L 532.602251 205.563007 L 532.726127 205.491228 L 532.850003 205.563007 L 532.973879 205.491228 L 533.097755 205.563007 L 534.460393 204.773434 L 534.584269 204.845213 L 534.955897 204.629875 L 535.079773 204.701655 L 535.327526 204.558096 L 535.451402 204.629875 L 535.575278 204.558096 L 535.699154 204.629875 L 536.194658 204.342758 L 536.318535 204.414537 L 536.442411 204.342758 L 536.814039 204.558096 L 537.557296 204.12742 L 537.681172 204.199199 L 538.0528 203.983861 L 538.176676 204.055641 L 538.548305 203.840302 L 538.796057 203.983861 L 539.291562 203.696744 L 539.415438 203.768523 L 539.787066 203.553185 L 539.910942 203.624964 L 540.034818 203.553185 L 540.158694 203.624964 L 540.778075 203.266068 L 540.901951 203.337847 L 541.397456 203.05073 L 541.521332 203.122509 L 542.016836 202.835391 L 542.140712 202.907171 L 542.512341 202.691833 L 542.636217 202.763612 L 543.627226 202.189377 L 543.874978 202.332936 L 543.998854 202.261157 L 544.12273 202.332936 L 544.246607 202.261157 L 544.370483 202.332936 L 546.104748 201.328025 L 546.228625 201.399804 L 546.848005 201.040908 L 546.971881 201.112687 L 547.96289 200.538452 L 548.086766 200.610231 L 548.210642 200.538452 L 548.458395 200.682011 L 549.57328 200.035997 L 549.697156 200.107776 L 550.316537 199.748879 L 550.440413 199.820659 L 550.564289 199.748879 L 550.688165 199.820659 L 550.935917 199.6771 L 551.183669 199.820659 L 551.307546 199.748879 L 551.431422 199.820659 L 551.926926 199.533541 L 552.174678 199.6771 L 552.298555 199.60532 L 552.422431 199.6771 L 553.41344 199.102865 L 553.661192 199.246424 L 553.908944 199.102865 L 554.156696 199.246424 L 554.404449 199.102865 L 554.528325 199.174644 L 554.899953 198.959306 L 555.271582 199.174644 L 555.519334 199.031086 L 555.767086 199.174644 L 555.890962 199.102865 L 556.138714 199.246424 L 556.634219 198.959306 L 556.758095 199.031086 L 557.2536 198.743968 L 557.377476 198.815748 L 557.501352 198.743968 L 557.996856 199.031086 L 558.244609 198.887527 L 558.368485 198.959306 L 558.616237 198.815748 L 558.740113 198.887527 L 559.48337 198.456851 L 559.731122 198.600409 L 560.598255 198.097954 L 560.722131 198.169733 L 561.960892 197.45194 L 562.084768 197.523719 L 562.456397 197.308381 L 562.828025 197.523719 L 564.438415 196.590587 L 564.562291 196.662367 L 564.933919 196.447029 L 565.305548 196.662367 L 565.5533 196.518808 L 565.677176 196.590587 L 566.048804 196.375249 L 566.17268 196.447029 L 566.420433 196.30347 L 566.544309 196.375249 L 566.668185 196.30347 L 566.792061 196.375249 L 566.915937 196.30347 L 567.039813 196.375249 L 567.535318 196.088132 L 567.659194 196.159911 L 567.906946 196.016353 L 568.030822 196.088132 L 568.897955 195.585677 L 569.021831 195.657456 L 569.269584 195.513897 L 569.39346 195.585677 L 569.765088 195.370338 L 570.136716 195.585677 L 570.384469 195.442118 L 570.508345 195.513897 L 570.879973 195.298559 L 571.003849 195.370338 L 571.127725 195.298559 L 571.375478 195.442118 L 571.62323 195.298559 L 571.747106 195.370338 L 573.481372 194.365427 L 573.853 194.580766 L 575.215637 193.791193 L 575.46339 193.934751 L 575.587266 193.862972 L 575.711142 193.934751 L 575.835018 193.862972 L 575.958894 193.934751 L 576.330523 193.719413 L 576.454399 193.791193 L 576.702151 193.647634 L 576.949903 193.791193 L 577.197655 193.647634 L 577.321532 193.719413 L 577.817036 193.432296 L 577.940912 193.504075 L 578.436417 193.216958 L 578.560293 193.288737 L 578.808045 193.145178 L 579.055797 193.288737 L 579.551302 193.00162 L 579.675178 193.073399 L 579.92293 192.92984 L 580.046806 193.00162 L 580.170682 192.92984 L 580.294559 193.00162 L 580.418435 192.92984 L 580.542311 193.00162 L 580.666187 192.92984 L 580.790063 193.00162 L 581.161691 192.786282 L 581.285568 192.858061 L 581.657196 192.642723 L 581.781072 192.714502 L 581.904948 192.642723 L 582.028824 192.714502 L 582.895957 192.212047 L 583.019833 192.283826 L 583.143709 192.212047 L 583.267586 192.283826 L 583.76309 191.996709 L 583.886966 192.068488 L 584.010842 191.996709 L 584.134718 192.068488 L 584.382471 191.924929 L 584.506347 191.996709 L 584.630223 191.924929 L 584.754099 191.996709 L 584.877975 191.924929 L 585.001851 191.996709 L 585.99286 191.422474 L 586.116736 191.494253 L 586.364489 191.350694 L 586.364489 191.350694 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.9;stroke:#e377c2;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_18"> <path clip-path="url(#p91285e6896)" d="M 79.091761 322.850475 L 586.364489 322.850475 L 586.364489 322.850475 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.9;stroke:#7f7f7f;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 53.728125 346.663276 L 53.728125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 611.728125 346.663276 L 611.728125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 53.728125 346.663276 L 611.728125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 53.728125 10.7 L 611.728125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="legend_1"> <g id="patch_7"> <path d="M 60.728125 136.125 L 161.789062 136.125 Q 163.789062 136.125 163.789062 134.125 L 163.789062 17.7 Q 163.789062 15.7 161.789062 15.7 L 60.728125 15.7 Q 58.728125 15.7 58.728125 17.7 L 58.728125 134.125 Q 58.728125 136.125 60.728125 136.125 z " style="fill:#ffffff;opacity:0.8;stroke:#cccccc;stroke-linejoin:miter;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_19"> <path d="M 62.728125 23.798437 L 82.728125 23.798437 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.9;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_20"/> <g id="text_13"> <defs> <path d="M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(90.728125 27.298437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="220.166016" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="247.949219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="275.732422" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="336.914062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="400.292969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="452.392578" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use 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style="fill:none;opacity:0.9;stroke:#9467bd;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_28"/> <g id="text_17"> <g transform="translate(90.728125 86.010938)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="220.166016" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="247.949219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="275.732422" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="336.914062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="400.292969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="452.392578" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="484.179688" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-76"/> <use x="543.359375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="606.738281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="658.837891" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_29"> <path d="M 62.728125 97.189062 L 82.728125 97.189062 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.9;stroke:#8c564b;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_30"/> <g id="text_18"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(90.728125 100.689062)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="220.166016" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="247.949219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="275.732422" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="336.914062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="400.292969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="452.392578" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="484.179688" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-76"/> <use x="543.359375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="606.738281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="658.837891" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_31"> <path d="M 62.728125 111.867187 L 82.728125 111.867187 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.9;stroke:#e377c2;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_32"/> <g id="text_19"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(90.728125 115.367187)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="220.166016" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="247.949219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="275.732422" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="336.914062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="400.292969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="452.392578" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="484.179688" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-76"/> <use x="543.359375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="606.738281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="658.837891" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_33"> <path d="M 62.728125 126.545312 L 82.728125 126.545312 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.9;stroke:#7f7f7f;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_34"/> <g id="text_20"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(90.728125 130.045312)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-37"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="220.166016" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="247.949219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="275.732422" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="336.914062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="400.292969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="452.392578" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="484.179688" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-76"/> <use x="543.359375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="606.738281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="658.837891" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p91285e6896"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="53.728125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Les tendances sont nettes et on observe bien que la stratégie optimale est vite payante. Notez toutefois, que par le jeu du hasard, ce n'étatit peut-être pas vrai au tout début.

une deuxième stratégie: choix au fil de l'eau

Nous avons qualifié cette stratégie de tétue car elle décidait a priori quel était le nombre optimal de ballons à voir sans examiner ce qui venait d'être observé dans un test particulier. Par exemple, les chances sont complétement différentes si on a observé deux ballons de même type contre deux ballons différents. De la même façon, notre stratégie devrait dépendre en fonction de ce qu'on vient de voir.

Mais ce que nous avons vu au dessus peut nous être utile. Imaginons que nous avons vu un certain nombre de ballons, on peut alors faire assez de tests pour anticiper en moyenne les gains que l'on peut espérer si on attend un tour ou plus. La stratégie consiste alors à parier si le gain présent est supérieur à celui auquel qui est prédit si on attend un tour ou plus.

Il faut juste modifier l'agent ci-dessus en lui donnant la possibilité d'avoir un nombre différent de ballons de baskets ou de ballons de foot:

In [60]:
class AgentTétuAvecInit:

    def __init__(self, N_test=2**13, N_basket=4, N_foot=4, verbose=True):
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.N_test = N_test
        self.N_ballons = N_basket + N_foot
        self.N_foot = N_foot
        self.N_basket = N_basket

    def generate_test(self):
        return generate_test(N_ballons=self.N_ballons, N_basket=self.N_basket, N_test=self.N_test)

    def agent_tetu(self, tests, N_ballons_vus):
        gains = np.zeros(tests.shape[0])
        for i_test in range(tests.shape[0]):
            information = tests[i_test, :(N_ballons_vus)]
            N_ballons_restant = self.N_ballons - N_ballons_vus
            proba_True_restant = (self.N_basket - sum(information)) / N_ballons_restant 
            if proba_True_restant==.5:
                if self.N_test is None:
                    gains[i_test] = 0.
                    choix = np.random.rand() > .5
                    réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
                    gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant - 1
                    gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)
                choix = proba_True_restant > .5
                réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
                gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant - 1
                gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)

        return gains

    def test(self):
        tests = self.generate_test()
        gains = np.zeros((self.N_ballons, tests.shape[0]))
        for N_ballons_vus in range(self.N_ballons):
            gains[N_ballons_vus, :] = self.agent_tetu(tests, N_ballons_vus)
            if self.verbose: print('Moyenne des gains avec', N_ballons_vus, 'ballons vus =', np.mean(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) , 
                  ' +/- ', np.std(gains[N_ballons_vus, :]) )
        return gains
    def razor(self):
        gains = self.test() 
        gain_moyen = gains.mean(axis=1)
        return gain_moyen[0]>gain_moyen[1:].max()

    def plot(self):
        gains = self.test()
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
        ax.errorbar(np.arange(self.N_ballons), y=np.mean(gains, axis=(1)), yerr=np.std(gains, axis=(1))/10, alpha=.5, lw=2)

        ax.set_xlabel(' # ballons vus ')
        ax.set_ylabel(' gain moyen par jeu (+/- SEM / 10 ) ')
        return fig, ax
agent = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=5, N_foot=3)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 1.74829101562  +/-  6.77816188392
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 1.55712890625  +/-  5.79442400669
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 1.11206054688  +/-  4.87476372146
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 1.3076171875  +/-  3.78022979341
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 1.03125  +/-  2.81718360025
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.900390625  +/-  1.78586021917
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.491943359375  +/-  0.870627205621
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(65.963636 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="141.612419" xlink:href="#m764c8b8cf1" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 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44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(210.898701 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="286.547484" xlink:href="#m764c8b8cf1" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(283.366234 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="359.015016" xlink:href="#m764c8b8cf1" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(355.833766 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="431.482549" xlink:href="#m764c8b8cf1" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(428.301299 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="503.950081" xlink:href="#m764c8b8cf1" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(500.768831 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="576.417614" xlink:href="#m764c8b8cf1" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(573.236364 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40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 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7.515625 30.078125 7.515625 Q 37.359375 7.515625 41.375 12.890625 Q 45.40625 18.265625 45.40625 27.984375 z M 54.390625 6.78125 Q 54.390625 -7.171875 48.1875 -13.984375 Q 42 -20.796875 29.203125 -20.796875 Q 24.46875 -20.796875 20.265625 -20.09375 Q 16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 69.144886 196.630793 L 69.144886 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 141.612419 208.311859 L 141.612419 62.420556 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 214.079951 252.763696 L 214.079951 130.027488 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 286.547484 214.366169 L 286.547484 119.188003 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 359.015016 237.034136 L 359.015016 166.10343 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 431.482549 240.524676 L 431.482549 195.560504 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 503.950081 280.422041 L 503.950081 258.501495 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 576.417614 331.392218 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_15"> <path clip-path="url(#pf7ed4eda8a)" d="M 69.144886 111.300926 L 141.612419 135.366207 L 214.079951 191.395592 L 286.547484 166.777086 L 359.015016 201.568783 L 431.482549 218.04259 L 503.950081 269.461768 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 43.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 43.78125 10.7 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="pf7ed4eda8a"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="43.78125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

On vérifie que l'on retrouve l'agent initial avec un nombre balancé de ballons:

In [61]:
agent = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=4, N_foot=4)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.0888671875  +/-  6.99943587891
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.908203125  +/-  5.93086562685
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.679931640625  +/-  4.95355356932
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 1.0625  +/-  3.85630571273
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.746337890625  +/-  2.90568060065
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.845703125  +/-  1.81239792109
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.429931640625  +/-  0.90286144252
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
<svg height="384pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 620 384" width="620pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <style type="text/css"> *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;} </style> </defs> <g id="figure_1"> <g id="patch_1"> <path d="M 0 384.219526 L 620.860937 384.219526 L 620.860937 0 L 0 0 z " style="fill:none;"/> </g> <g id="axes_1"> <g id="patch_2"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 10.7 L 52.160938 10.7 z " style="fill:#ffffff;"/> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_1"> <g id="xtick_1"> <g id="line2d_1"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L 0 3.5 " id="m9a77dd3c6e" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="77.524574" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_1"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 66.40625 Q 24.171875 66.40625 20.328125 58.90625 Q 16.5 51.421875 16.5 36.375 Q 16.5 21.390625 20.328125 13.890625 Q 24.171875 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(74.343324 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="149.992106" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(146.810856 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="222.459639" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(219.278389 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="294.927171" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(291.745921 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="367.394704" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(364.213454 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="439.862236" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(436.680986 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="512.329769" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(509.148519 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_8"> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="584.797301" xlink:href="#m9a77dd3c6e" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path d="M 8.203125 72.90625 L 55.078125 72.90625 L 55.078125 68.703125 L 28.609375 0 L 18.3125 0 L 43.21875 64.59375 L 8.203125 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-37"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(581.616051 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40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 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16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 77.524574 331.392218 L 77.524574 128.98641 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 149.992106 197.476544 L 149.992106 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 222.459639 216.351001 L 222.459639 73.106884 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 294.927171 145.171699 L 294.927171 33.657187 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 367.394704 177.139877 L 367.394704 93.115016 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 439.862236 146.965462 L 439.862236 94.555543 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 512.329769 193.929973 L 512.329769 167.821526 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 584.797301 243.038375 L 584.797301 243.038375 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_14"> <path clip-path="url(#p76830f142f)" d="M 77.524574 230.189314 L 149.992106 111.723801 L 222.459639 144.728942 L 294.927171 89.414443 L 367.394704 135.127447 L 439.862236 120.760503 L 512.329769 180.87575 L 584.797301 243.038375 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 52.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 610.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 52.160938 346.663276 L 610.160938 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 52.160938 10.7 L 610.160938 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p76830f142f"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="52.160938" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

En particulier, il semble qu'il vaille mieux attendre quand on a tiré un seul ballon car on peut espérer un gain moyen supérieur:

In [62]:
agent = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=4, N_foot=3)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.87744140625  +/-  5.93549463639
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.579833984375  +/-  4.96626545309
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 1.02734375  +/-  3.86582007074
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.804931640625  +/-  2.88999741417
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.833984375  +/-  1.81782014024
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.443603515625  +/-  0.896223142373
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
<svg height="384pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 612 384" width="612pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <style type="text/css"> *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;} </style> </defs> <g id="figure_1"> <g id="patch_1"> <path d="M 0 384.219526 L 612.48125 384.219526 L 612.48125 0 L 0 0 z " style="fill:none;"/> </g> <g id="axes_1"> <g id="patch_2"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 L 43.78125 10.7 z " style="fill:#ffffff;"/> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_1"> <g id="xtick_1"> <g id="line2d_1"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L 0 3.5 " id="md57ea93c5a" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="69.144886" xlink:href="#md57ea93c5a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_1"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 66.40625 Q 24.171875 66.40625 20.328125 58.90625 Q 16.5 51.421875 16.5 36.375 Q 16.5 21.390625 20.328125 13.890625 Q 24.171875 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(65.963636 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="153.690341" xlink:href="#md57ea93c5a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(150.509091 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="238.235795" xlink:href="#md57ea93c5a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(235.054545 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="322.78125" xlink:href="#md57ea93c5a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(319.6 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="407.326705" xlink:href="#md57ea93c5a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(404.145455 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="491.872159" xlink:href="#md57ea93c5a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(488.690909 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_7"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="576.417614" xlink:href="#md57ea93c5a" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path d="M 33.015625 40.375 Q 26.375 40.375 22.484375 35.828125 Q 18.609375 31.296875 18.609375 23.390625 Q 18.609375 15.53125 22.484375 10.953125 Q 26.375 6.390625 33.015625 6.390625 Q 39.65625 6.390625 43.53125 10.953125 Q 47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(573.236364 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <defs> <path id="DejaVuSans-20"/> <path d="M 51.125 44 L 36.921875 44 L 32.8125 27.6875 L 47.125 27.6875 z M 43.796875 71.78125 L 38.71875 51.515625 L 52.984375 51.515625 L 58.109375 71.78125 L 65.921875 71.78125 L 60.890625 51.515625 L 76.125 51.515625 L 76.125 44 L 58.984375 44 L 54.984375 27.6875 L 70.515625 27.6875 L 70.515625 20.21875 L 53.078125 20.21875 L 48 0 L 40.1875 0 L 45.21875 20.21875 L 30.90625 20.21875 L 25.875 0 L 18.015625 0 L 23.09375 20.21875 L 7.71875 20.21875 L 7.71875 27.6875 L 24.90625 27.6875 L 29 44 L 13.28125 44 L 13.28125 51.515625 L 30.90625 51.515625 L 35.890625 71.78125 z " id="DejaVuSans-23"/> <path d="M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 23.53125 6.390625 29.59375 6.390625 Q 36.859375 6.390625 41.078125 11.03125 Q 45.3125 15.671875 45.3125 23.6875 L 45.3125 54.6875 L 54.296875 54.6875 L 54.296875 0 L 45.3125 0 L 45.3125 8.40625 Q 42.046875 3.421875 37.71875 1 Q 33.40625 -1.421875 27.6875 -1.421875 Q 18.265625 -1.421875 13.375 4.4375 Q 8.5 10.296875 8.5 21.578125 z M 31.109375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-75"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(285.653125 374.939839)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> 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38.8125 Q 15.578125 40.375 12.03125 44.71875 Q 8.5 49.078125 8.5 55.328125 Q 8.5 64.0625 14.71875 69.140625 Q 20.953125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 Q 42.671875 74.21875 48.875 69.140625 Q 55.078125 64.0625 55.078125 55.328125 Q 55.078125 49.078125 51.53125 44.71875 Q 48 40.375 41.703125 38.8125 Q 48.828125 37.15625 52.796875 32.3125 Q 56.78125 27.484375 56.78125 20.515625 Q 56.78125 9.90625 50.3125 4.234375 Q 43.84375 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.734375 -1.421875 13.25 4.234375 Q 6.78125 9.90625 6.78125 20.515625 Q 6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(20.878125 169.087804)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_13"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m882607d6f5" y="123.762677"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_14"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 127.561895)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_7"> <g id="line2d_14"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#m882607d6f5" y="82.236768"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_15"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 86.035987)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_8"> <g id="line2d_15"> <g> <use 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41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 69.144886 272.447864 L 69.144886 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 153.690341 314.115896 L 153.690341 107.887212 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 238.235795 198.351151 L 238.235795 37.819461 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 322.78125 224.269514 L 322.78125 104.259747 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 407.326705 195.975741 L 407.326705 120.489108 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 491.872159 257.895264 L 491.872159 220.678784 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 576.417614 331.392218 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_16"> <path clip-path="url(#pf2ec7021df)" d="M 69.144886 149.209461 L 153.690341 211.001554 L 238.235795 118.085306 L 322.78125 164.264631 L 407.326705 158.232425 L 491.872159 239.287024 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 43.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 43.78125 10.7 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="pf2ec7021df"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="43.78125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Notre prédiction donne aussi l'information que le gain espéré sera meilleur dans exactement deux coups! Mais bien sûr, celà dépend de l'occurence suivante.

En particulier, si on tire encore un ballon de basket, il vaut mieux attendre:

In [63]:
agent = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=3, N_foot=3)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = -0.01953125  +/-  4.99996185288
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.76953125  +/-  3.92527981872
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.592529296875  +/-  2.94090275806
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.7861328125  +/-  1.8390201742
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.415771484375  +/-  0.909469115903
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
<svg height="384pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 627 384" width="627pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <style type="text/css"> *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;} </style> </defs> <g id="figure_1"> <g id="patch_1"> <path d="M 0 384.219526 L 627.223438 384.219526 L 627.223438 0 L 0 0 z " style="fill:none;"/> </g> <g id="axes_1"> <g id="patch_2"> <path d="M 58.523438 346.663276 L 616.523438 346.663276 L 616.523438 10.7 L 58.523438 10.7 z " style="fill:#ffffff;"/> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_1"> <g id="xtick_1"> <g id="line2d_1"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L 0 3.5 " id="m4554599ec3" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="83.887074" xlink:href="#m4554599ec3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_1"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 66.40625 Q 24.171875 66.40625 20.328125 58.90625 Q 16.5 51.421875 16.5 36.375 Q 16.5 21.390625 20.328125 13.890625 Q 24.171875 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(80.705824 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="185.341619" xlink:href="#m4554599ec3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(182.160369 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="286.796165" xlink:href="#m4554599ec3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(283.614915 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="388.25071" xlink:href="#m4554599ec3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(385.06946 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="489.705256" xlink:href="#m4554599ec3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(486.524006 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="591.159801" xlink:href="#m4554599ec3" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(587.978551 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path id="DejaVuSans-20"/> <path d="M 51.125 44 L 36.921875 44 L 32.8125 27.6875 L 47.125 27.6875 z M 43.796875 71.78125 L 38.71875 51.515625 L 52.984375 51.515625 L 58.109375 71.78125 L 65.921875 71.78125 L 60.890625 51.515625 L 76.125 51.515625 L 76.125 44 L 58.984375 44 L 54.984375 27.6875 L 70.515625 27.6875 L 70.515625 20.21875 L 53.078125 20.21875 L 48 0 L 40.1875 0 L 45.21875 20.21875 L 30.90625 20.21875 L 25.875 0 L 18.015625 0 L 23.09375 20.21875 L 7.71875 20.21875 L 7.71875 27.6875 L 24.90625 27.6875 L 29 44 L 13.28125 44 L 13.28125 51.515625 L 30.90625 51.515625 L 35.890625 71.78125 z " id="DejaVuSans-23"/> <path d="M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 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L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 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38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#pb63b6b08d9)" d="M 83.887074 331.392218 L 83.887074 149.766831 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pb63b6b08d9)" d="M 185.341619 168.55824 L 185.341619 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pb63b6b08d9)" d="M 286.796165 182.82761 L 286.796165 75.998275 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pb63b6b08d9)" d="M 388.25071 127.650891 L 388.25071 60.847831 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pb63b6b08d9)" d="M 489.705256 178.035288 L 489.705256 144.998499 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#pb63b6b08d9)" d="M 591.159801 237.032127 L 591.159801 237.032127 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_14"> <path clip-path="url(#pb63b6b08d9)" d="M 83.887074 240.579525 L 185.341619 97.264649 L 286.796165 129.412942 L 388.25071 94.249361 L 489.705256 161.516893 L 591.159801 237.032127 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 58.523438 346.663276 L 58.523438 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 616.523438 346.663276 L 616.523438 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 58.523438 346.663276 L 616.523438 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 58.523438 10.7 L 616.523438 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="pb63b6b08d9"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="58.523438" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Alors que si on observe un ballon de foot, il vaut mieux parier:

In [64]:
agent = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=4, N_foot=2)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 1.66381835938  +/-  4.71505126876
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 1.322265625  +/-  3.77513094037
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.99755859375  +/-  2.82928910718
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.953125  +/-  1.75828118752
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.473876953125  +/-  0.880591070416
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
<svg height="384pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 612 384" width="612pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <style type="text/css"> *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;} </style> </defs> <g id="figure_1"> <g id="patch_1"> <path d="M 0 384.219526 L 612.48125 384.219526 L 612.48125 0 L 0 0 z " style="fill:none;"/> </g> <g id="axes_1"> <g id="patch_2"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 L 43.78125 10.7 z " style="fill:#ffffff;"/> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_1"> <g id="xtick_1"> <g id="line2d_1"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L 0 3.5 " id="m2d2a2d619b" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="69.144886" xlink:href="#m2d2a2d619b" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_1"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 66.40625 Q 24.171875 66.40625 20.328125 58.90625 Q 16.5 51.421875 16.5 36.375 Q 16.5 21.390625 20.328125 13.890625 Q 24.171875 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(65.963636 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="170.599432" xlink:href="#m2d2a2d619b" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(167.418182 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="272.053977" xlink:href="#m2d2a2d619b" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(268.872727 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="373.508523" xlink:href="#m2d2a2d619b" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(370.327273 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_5"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="474.963068" xlink:href="#m2d2a2d619b" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(471.781818 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_6"> <g id="line2d_6"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="576.417614" xlink:href="#m2d2a2d619b" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path d="M 10.796875 72.90625 L 49.515625 72.90625 L 49.515625 64.59375 L 19.828125 64.59375 L 19.828125 46.734375 Q 21.96875 47.46875 24.109375 47.828125 Q 26.265625 48.1875 28.421875 48.1875 Q 40.625 48.1875 47.75 41.5 Q 54.890625 34.8125 54.890625 23.390625 Q 54.890625 11.625 47.5625 5.09375 Q 40.234375 -1.421875 26.90625 -1.421875 Q 22.3125 -1.421875 17.546875 -0.640625 Q 12.796875 0.140625 7.71875 1.703125 L 7.71875 11.625 Q 12.109375 9.234375 16.796875 8.0625 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.703125 6.890625 Q 35.15625 6.890625 40.078125 11.328125 Q 45.015625 15.765625 45.015625 23.390625 Q 45.015625 31 40.078125 35.4375 Q 35.15625 39.890625 26.703125 39.890625 Q 22.75 39.890625 18.8125 39.015625 Q 14.890625 38.140625 10.796875 36.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-35"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(573.236364 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-35"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <defs> <path id="DejaVuSans-20"/> <path d="M 51.125 44 L 36.921875 44 L 32.8125 27.6875 L 47.125 27.6875 z M 43.796875 71.78125 L 38.71875 51.515625 L 52.984375 51.515625 L 58.109375 71.78125 L 65.921875 71.78125 L 60.890625 51.515625 L 76.125 51.515625 L 76.125 44 L 58.984375 44 L 54.984375 27.6875 L 70.515625 27.6875 L 70.515625 20.21875 L 53.078125 20.21875 L 48 0 L 40.1875 0 L 45.21875 20.21875 L 30.90625 20.21875 L 25.875 0 L 18.015625 0 L 23.09375 20.21875 L 7.71875 20.21875 L 7.71875 27.6875 L 24.90625 27.6875 L 29 44 L 13.28125 44 L 13.28125 51.515625 L 30.90625 51.515625 L 35.890625 71.78125 z " id="DejaVuSans-23"/> <path d="M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 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24.46875 -20.796875 20.265625 -20.09375 Q 16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#p37b527e5b6)" d="M 69.144886 160.852395 L 69.144886 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p37b527e5b6)" d="M 170.599432 196.261679 L 170.599432 88.268218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p37b527e5b6)" d="M 272.053977 229.17678 L 272.053977 148.240587 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p37b527e5b6)" d="M 373.508523 220.213319 L 373.508523 169.914965 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p37b527e5b6)" d="M 474.963068 276.207636 L 474.963068 251.016966 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p37b527e5b6)" d="M 576.417614 331.392218 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_12"> <path clip-path="url(#p37b527e5b6)" d="M 69.144886 93.411726 L 170.599432 142.264948 L 272.053977 188.708683 L 373.508523 195.064142 L 474.963068 263.612301 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 43.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 43.78125 10.7 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p37b527e5b6"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="43.78125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

En bref, notre nouvel agent permet de prendre une décision:

In [65]:
gains = agent.test() 
gain_moyen = gains.mean(axis=1)
print('Gain si on parie:', gain_moyen[0], 'Gain moyen max si on attend  :', gain_moyen[1:].max(),  )
print('Should I stay? ', gain_moyen[0]<gain_moyen[1:].max(), ' or should I go?  ', gain_moyen[0]>gain_moyen[1:].max() )
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 1.68823242188  +/-  4.70636497626
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 1.392578125  +/-  3.74976348131
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.985107421875  +/-  2.83364841986
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.91748046875  +/-  1.77714084683
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.463134765625  +/-  0.886287870203
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
Gain si on parie: 1.68823242188 Gain moyen max si on attend  : 1.392578125
Should I stay?  False  or should I go?   True

Dans ce cas particulier, il faut donc parier!

On peut obtenir cette décision via l'objet avec la fonction razor:

In [66]:
N_basket = 3
N_foot = 5
décision = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=N_basket, N_foot=N_foot, verbose=False).razor()
print('Pour N_basket=', N_basket, ', N_foot= ', N_foot, ' Parier = ', décision)
Pour N_basket= 3 , N_foot=  5  Parier =  True

Finalement, on obtient une grille des stratégies optimales:

In [67]:
N_ballons = 8
go = np.zeros((N_ballons//2+1, N_ballons//2+1))*np.nan
go[0, :] = 1 # quand il n'y a plus de ballons, l'information est certaine
go[:, 0] = 1

for N_basket in range(1, N_ballons//2 + 1):
    for N_foot in range(1, N_ballons//2 + 1):
        go[N_basket, N_foot] = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=N_basket, N_foot=N_foot, verbose=False, N_test=None).razor()
array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  0.]])
In [68]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(figsize[0], figsize[0]))


ax.set_xlabel(' # ballons foot ')
ax.set_ylabel(' # ballons basket ');
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17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(85.419375 14.798437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="197.320625" xlink:href="#m2e0c0ac54d" y="567.478125"/> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_4"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="197.320625" xlink:href="#md4205840fe" y="23.878125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(194.139375 14.798437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use 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44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(302.859375 14.798437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_4"> <g id="line2d_7"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="414.760625" xlink:href="#m2e0c0ac54d" y="567.478125"/> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_8"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="414.760625" xlink:href="#md4205840fe" y="23.878125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_4"> <defs> <path d="M 40.578125 39.3125 Q 47.65625 37.796875 51.625 33 Q 55.609375 28.21875 55.609375 21.1875 Q 55.609375 10.40625 48.1875 4.484375 Q 40.765625 -1.421875 27.09375 -1.421875 Q 22.515625 -1.421875 17.65625 -0.515625 Q 12.796875 0.390625 7.625 2.203125 L 7.625 11.71875 Q 11.71875 9.328125 16.59375 8.109375 Q 21.484375 6.890625 26.8125 6.890625 Q 36.078125 6.890625 40.9375 10.546875 Q 45.796875 14.203125 45.796875 21.1875 Q 45.796875 27.640625 41.28125 31.265625 Q 36.765625 34.90625 28.71875 34.90625 L 20.21875 34.90625 L 20.21875 43.015625 L 29.109375 43.015625 Q 36.375 43.015625 40.234375 45.921875 Q 44.09375 48.828125 44.09375 54.296875 Q 44.09375 59.90625 40.109375 62.90625 Q 36.140625 65.921875 28.71875 65.921875 Q 24.65625 65.921875 20.015625 65.03125 Q 15.375 64.15625 9.8125 62.3125 L 9.8125 71.09375 Q 15.4375 72.65625 20.34375 73.4375 Q 25.25 74.21875 29.59375 74.21875 Q 40.828125 74.21875 47.359375 69.109375 Q 53.90625 64.015625 53.90625 55.328125 Q 53.90625 49.265625 50.4375 45.09375 Q 46.96875 40.921875 40.578125 39.3125 z " id="DejaVuSans-33"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(411.579375 14.798437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_5"> <g id="line2d_9"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="523.480625" xlink:href="#m2e0c0ac54d" y="567.478125"/> </g> </g> <g id="line2d_10"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="523.480625" xlink:href="#md4205840fe" y="23.878125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_5"> <defs> <path d="M 37.796875 64.3125 L 12.890625 25.390625 L 37.796875 25.390625 z M 35.203125 72.90625 L 47.609375 72.90625 L 47.609375 25.390625 L 58.015625 25.390625 L 58.015625 17.1875 L 47.609375 17.1875 L 47.609375 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 17.1875 L 4.890625 17.1875 L 4.890625 26.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-34"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(520.299375 14.798437)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path id="DejaVuSans-20"/> <path d="M 51.125 44 L 36.921875 44 L 32.8125 27.6875 L 47.125 27.6875 z M 43.796875 71.78125 L 38.71875 51.515625 L 52.984375 51.515625 L 58.109375 71.78125 L 65.921875 71.78125 L 60.890625 51.515625 L 76.125 51.515625 L 76.125 44 L 58.984375 44 L 54.984375 27.6875 L 70.515625 27.6875 L 70.515625 20.21875 L 53.078125 20.21875 L 48 0 L 40.1875 0 L 45.21875 20.21875 L 30.90625 20.21875 L 25.875 0 L 18.015625 0 L 23.09375 20.21875 L 7.71875 20.21875 L 7.71875 27.6875 L 24.90625 27.6875 L 29 44 L 13.28125 44 L 13.28125 51.515625 L 30.90625 51.515625 L 35.890625 71.78125 z " id="DejaVuSans-23"/> <path d="M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 37.109375 75.984375 L 37.109375 68.5 L 28.515625 68.5 Q 23.6875 68.5 21.796875 66.546875 Q 19.921875 64.59375 19.921875 59.515625 L 19.921875 54.6875 L 34.71875 54.6875 L 34.71875 47.703125 L 19.921875 47.703125 L 19.921875 0 L 10.890625 0 L 10.890625 47.703125 L 2.296875 47.703125 L 2.296875 54.6875 L 10.890625 54.6875 L 10.890625 58.5 Q 10.890625 67.625 15.140625 71.796875 Q 19.390625 75.984375 28.609375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-66"/> <path d="M 18.3125 70.21875 L 18.3125 54.6875 L 36.8125 54.6875 L 36.8125 47.703125 L 18.3125 47.703125 L 18.3125 18.015625 Q 18.3125 11.328125 20.140625 9.421875 Q 21.96875 7.515625 27.59375 7.515625 L 36.8125 7.515625 L 36.8125 0 L 27.59375 0 Q 17.1875 0 13.234375 3.875 Q 9.28125 7.765625 9.28125 18.015625 L 9.28125 47.703125 L 2.6875 47.703125 L 2.6875 54.6875 L 9.28125 54.6875 L 9.28125 70.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-74"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(267.80625 579.076562)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-23"/> <use x="115.576172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="147.363281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="210.839844" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="272.119141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="299.902344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="327.685547" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="388.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="452.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="504.345703" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="536.132812" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-66"/> <use x="571.337891" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="632.519531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="693.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-74"/> <use x="732.910156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_2"> <g id="ytick_1"> <g id="line2d_11"> <defs> <path d="M 0 0 L -3.5 0 " id="maf48a1e8d0" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </defs> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="34.240625" xlink:href="#maf48a1e8d0" y="78.238125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_7"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 82.037344)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_2"> <g id="line2d_12"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="34.240625" xlink:href="#maf48a1e8d0" y="186.958125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_8"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 190.757344)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_3"> <g id="line2d_13"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="34.240625" xlink:href="#maf48a1e8d0" y="295.678125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_9"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 299.477344)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_4"> <g id="line2d_14"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="34.240625" xlink:href="#maf48a1e8d0" y="404.398125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_10"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 408.197344)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-33"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_5"> <g id="line2d_15"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="34.240625" xlink:href="#maf48a1e8d0" y="513.118125"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_11"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 516.917344)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-34"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_12"> <defs> <path d="M 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 L 18.109375 31.109375 L 44.921875 54.6875 L 56.390625 54.6875 L 27.390625 29.109375 L 57.625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 18.109375 26.703125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6b"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 340.846094)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-23"/> <use x="115.576172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="147.363281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="210.839844" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="272.119141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="299.902344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6c"/> <use x="327.685547" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="388.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="452.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="504.345703" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="536.132812" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-62"/> <use x="599.609375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="660.888672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="712.988281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6b"/> <use x="770.851562" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="832.375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-74"/> <use x="871.583984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 34.240625 567.478125 L 34.240625 23.878125 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 577.840625 567.478125 L 577.840625 23.878125 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 34.240625 567.478125 L 577.840625 567.478125 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 34.240625 23.878125 L 577.840625 23.878125 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p4d941026cc"> <rect height="543.6" width="543.6" x="34.240625" y="23.878125"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

La figure se lit comme suit: sur un axe, on a le nombre de foot restant, sur l'autre axe le nombre de ballons de basket restant. Notre jeu commence donc en bas à droite et on peu considérer chaque instance du jeu (toutes les combinaisons possibles) comme des trajectoires partant du point initial et en se déplaçant soit d'un pas vers la gauche, soit d'un pas vers le haut. Notre agent nous a montré une stratégie optimale donnée par la couleur des cases: si elle est bleue, on attend, si on touche une jaune, il faut parier (pour la direction correspondant bien sûr au plus probable, c'est-à-dire pour lequel le nombre de ballons restant est supérieur).

La stratégie de cet agent peut donc se résumer exactement par ce graphe: il faut parier quand l'écart en nombres de ballons est supérieur au quart du nombre total de ballons restant.

En mathématiques, un tel résultat peut être considéré comme un théorème: il permet de donner une stratégie simple (une heuristique) qui a été prouvée sur l'ensemble de tous les cas possibles.

In [69]:
N_ballons = 8
go = np.zeros((N_ballons//2+1, N_ballons//2+1))
go[0, :] = 1 # quand il n'y a plus de ballons, l'information est certaine
go[:, 0] = 1

for N_basket in range(1, N_ballons//2 + 1):
    for N_foot in range(1, N_ballons//2 + 1):
        if np.abs(N_basket - N_foot) > (N_basket + N_foot)/4:
            go[N_basket, N_foot] = 1
array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  0.]])

à noter que le cas $(N_{basket}=3, N_{foot}=2)$ (ou symétriquement $(N_{basket}=2, N_{foot}=3)$) est indécis: on peut aussi bien passer que parier.

In [70]:
AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=3, N_foot=2, N_test=None).plot();
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = 0.8  +/-  3.91918358845
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.6  +/-  1.8
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.8  +/-  1.83303027798
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.4  +/-  0.489897948557
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
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6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z M 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 75.984375 L 18.109375 75.984375 z " id="DejaVuSans-62"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 30.609375 48.390625 Q 23.390625 48.390625 19.1875 42.75 Q 14.984375 37.109375 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.484375 19.15625 11.84375 Q 23.34375 6.203125 30.609375 6.203125 Q 37.796875 6.203125 41.984375 11.859375 Q 46.1875 17.53125 46.1875 27.296875 Q 46.1875 37.015625 41.984375 42.703125 Q 37.796875 48.390625 30.609375 48.390625 z M 30.609375 56 Q 42.328125 56 49.015625 48.375 Q 55.71875 40.765625 55.71875 27.296875 Q 55.71875 13.875 49.015625 6.21875 Q 42.328125 -1.421875 30.609375 -1.421875 Q 18.84375 -1.421875 12.171875 6.21875 Q 5.515625 13.875 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.765625 12.171875 48.375 Q 18.84375 56 30.609375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-6f"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 8.796875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 L 35.6875 0 L 23.484375 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-76"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 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71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(20.878125 181.445423)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_5"> <g id="line2d_14"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#mbdce29abbe" y="126.397534"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_15"> <defs> <path d="M 31.78125 34.625 Q 24.75 34.625 20.71875 30.859375 Q 16.703125 27.09375 16.703125 20.515625 Q 16.703125 13.921875 20.71875 10.15625 Q 24.75 6.390625 31.78125 6.390625 Q 38.8125 6.390625 42.859375 10.171875 Q 46.921875 13.96875 46.921875 20.515625 Q 46.921875 27.09375 42.890625 30.859375 Q 38.875 34.625 31.78125 34.625 z M 21.921875 38.8125 Q 15.578125 40.375 12.03125 44.71875 Q 8.5 49.078125 8.5 55.328125 Q 8.5 64.0625 14.71875 69.140625 Q 20.953125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 Q 42.671875 74.21875 48.875 69.140625 Q 55.078125 64.0625 55.078125 55.328125 Q 55.078125 49.078125 51.53125 44.71875 Q 48 40.375 41.703125 38.8125 Q 48.828125 37.15625 52.796875 32.3125 Q 56.78125 27.484375 56.78125 20.515625 Q 56.78125 9.90625 50.3125 4.234375 Q 43.84375 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.734375 -1.421875 13.25 4.234375 Q 6.78125 9.90625 6.78125 20.515625 Q 6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(20.878125 130.196752)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_15"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#mbdce29abbe" y="75.148862"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_16"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 78.948081)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_7"> <g id="line2d_16"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="43.78125" xlink:href="#mbdce29abbe" y="23.900191"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_17"> <g transform="translate(20.878125 27.69941)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2e"/> <use x="95.410156" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_18"> <defs> <path d="M 45.40625 27.984375 Q 45.40625 37.75 41.375 43.109375 Q 37.359375 48.484375 30.078125 48.484375 Q 22.859375 48.484375 18.828125 43.109375 Q 14.796875 37.75 14.796875 27.984375 Q 14.796875 18.265625 18.828125 12.890625 Q 22.859375 7.515625 30.078125 7.515625 Q 37.359375 7.515625 41.375 12.890625 Q 45.40625 18.265625 45.40625 27.984375 z M 54.390625 6.78125 Q 54.390625 -7.171875 48.1875 -13.984375 Q 42 -20.796875 29.203125 -20.796875 Q 24.46875 -20.796875 20.265625 -20.09375 Q 16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 32.171875 -5.078125 Q 28.375 -14.84375 24.75 -17.8125 Q 21.140625 -20.796875 15.09375 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -20.796875 L 7.90625 -13.28125 L 13.1875 -13.28125 Q 16.890625 -13.28125 18.9375 -11.515625 Q 21 -9.765625 23.484375 -3.21875 L 25.09375 0.875 L 2.984375 54.6875 L 12.5 54.6875 L 29.59375 11.921875 L 46.6875 54.6875 L 56.203125 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-79"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 18.109375 8.203125 L 18.109375 -20.796875 L 9.078125 -20.796875 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.390625 Q 20.953125 51.265625 25.265625 53.625 Q 29.59375 56 35.59375 56 Q 45.5625 56 51.78125 48.09375 Q 58.015625 40.1875 58.015625 27.296875 Q 58.015625 14.40625 51.78125 6.484375 Q 45.5625 -1.421875 35.59375 -1.421875 Q 29.59375 -1.421875 25.265625 0.953125 Q 20.953125 3.328125 18.109375 8.203125 z M 48.6875 27.296875 Q 48.6875 37.203125 44.609375 42.84375 Q 40.53125 48.484375 33.40625 48.484375 Q 26.265625 48.484375 22.1875 42.84375 Q 18.109375 37.203125 18.109375 27.296875 Q 18.109375 17.390625 22.1875 11.75 Q 26.265625 6.109375 33.40625 6.109375 Q 40.53125 6.109375 44.609375 11.75 Q 48.6875 17.390625 48.6875 27.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-70"/> <path d="M 41.109375 46.296875 Q 39.59375 47.171875 37.8125 47.578125 Q 36.03125 48 33.890625 48 Q 26.265625 48 22.1875 43.046875 Q 18.109375 38.09375 18.109375 28.8125 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 20.953125 51.171875 25.484375 53.578125 Q 30.03125 56 36.53125 56 Q 37.453125 56 38.578125 55.875 Q 39.703125 55.765625 41.0625 55.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-72"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 -0.984375 Q 18.40625 -11.421875 14.421875 -16.109375 Q 10.453125 -20.796875 1.609375 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -20.796875 L -1.8125 -13.1875 L 0.59375 -13.1875 Q 5.71875 -13.1875 7.5625 -10.8125 Q 9.421875 -8.453125 9.421875 -0.984375 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-6a"/> <path d="M 31 75.875 Q 24.46875 64.65625 21.28125 53.65625 Q 18.109375 42.671875 18.109375 31.390625 Q 18.109375 20.125 21.3125 9.0625 Q 24.515625 -2 31 -13.1875 L 23.1875 -13.1875 Q 15.875 -1.703125 12.234375 9.375 Q 8.59375 20.453125 8.59375 31.390625 Q 8.59375 42.28125 12.203125 53.3125 Q 15.828125 64.359375 23.1875 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-28"/> <path d="M 46 62.703125 L 46 35.5 L 73.1875 35.5 L 73.1875 27.203125 L 46 27.203125 L 46 0 L 37.796875 0 L 37.796875 27.203125 L 10.59375 27.203125 L 10.59375 35.5 L 37.796875 35.5 L 37.796875 62.703125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2b"/> <path d="M 25.390625 72.90625 L 33.6875 72.90625 L 8.296875 -9.28125 L 0 -9.28125 z " id="DejaVuSans-2f"/> <path d="M 4.890625 31.390625 L 31.203125 31.390625 L 31.203125 23.390625 L 4.890625 23.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-2d"/> <path d="M 53.515625 70.515625 L 53.515625 60.890625 Q 47.90625 63.578125 42.921875 64.890625 Q 37.9375 66.21875 33.296875 66.21875 Q 25.25 66.21875 20.875 63.09375 Q 16.5 59.96875 16.5 54.203125 Q 16.5 49.359375 19.40625 46.890625 Q 22.3125 44.4375 30.421875 42.921875 L 36.375 41.703125 Q 47.40625 39.59375 52.65625 34.296875 Q 57.90625 29 57.90625 20.125 Q 57.90625 9.515625 50.796875 4.046875 Q 43.703125 -1.421875 29.984375 -1.421875 Q 24.8125 -1.421875 18.96875 -0.25 Q 13.140625 0.921875 6.890625 3.21875 L 6.890625 13.375 Q 12.890625 10.015625 18.65625 8.296875 Q 24.421875 6.59375 29.984375 6.59375 Q 38.421875 6.59375 43.015625 9.90625 Q 47.609375 13.234375 47.609375 19.390625 Q 47.609375 24.75 44.3125 27.78125 Q 41.015625 30.8125 33.5 32.328125 L 27.484375 33.5 Q 16.453125 35.6875 11.515625 40.375 Q 6.59375 45.0625 6.59375 53.421875 Q 6.59375 63.09375 13.40625 68.65625 Q 20.21875 74.21875 32.171875 74.21875 Q 37.3125 74.21875 42.625 73.28125 Q 47.953125 72.359375 53.515625 70.515625 z " id="DejaVuSans-53"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 55.90625 72.90625 L 55.90625 64.59375 L 19.671875 64.59375 L 19.671875 43.015625 L 54.390625 43.015625 L 54.390625 34.71875 L 19.671875 34.71875 L 19.671875 8.296875 L 56.78125 8.296875 L 56.78125 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-45"/> <path d="M 9.8125 72.90625 L 24.515625 72.90625 L 43.109375 23.296875 L 61.8125 72.90625 L 76.515625 72.90625 L 76.515625 0 L 66.890625 0 L 66.890625 64.015625 L 48.09375 14.015625 L 38.1875 14.015625 L 19.390625 64.015625 L 19.390625 0 L 9.8125 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-4d"/> <path d="M 8.015625 75.875 L 15.828125 75.875 Q 23.140625 64.359375 26.78125 53.3125 Q 30.421875 42.28125 30.421875 31.390625 Q 30.421875 20.453125 26.78125 9.375 Q 23.140625 -1.703125 15.828125 -13.1875 L 8.015625 -13.1875 Q 14.5 -2 17.703125 9.0625 Q 20.90625 20.125 20.90625 31.390625 Q 20.90625 42.671875 17.703125 53.65625 Q 14.5 64.65625 8.015625 75.875 z " id="DejaVuSans-29"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(14.798438 268.705076)rotate(-90)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-67"/> <use x="95.263672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="156.542969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="184.326172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="247.705078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="279.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6d"/> <use x="376.904297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6f"/> <use x="438.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-79"/> <use x="497.265625" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="558.789062" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6e"/> <use x="622.167969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="653.955078" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-70"/> <use x="717.431641" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="778.710938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-72"/> <use x="819.824219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="851.611328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-6a"/> <use x="879.394531" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="940.917969" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-75"/> <use x="1004.296875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1036.083984" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-28"/> <use x="1075.097656" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2b"/> <use x="1158.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1192.578125" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2d"/> <use x="1228.662109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1260.449219" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-53"/> <use x="1323.925781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-45"/> <use x="1387.109375" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-4d"/> <use x="1473.388672" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1505.175781" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-2f"/> <use x="1538.867188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1570.654297" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="1634.277344" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="1697.900391" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="1729.6875" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-29"/> <use x="1768.701172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="LineCollection_1"> <path clip-path="url(#p10d30eb8e0)" d="M 69.144886 226.824009 L 69.144886 25.971058 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p10d30eb8e0)" d="M 195.963068 223.770009 L 195.963068 131.522401 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p10d30eb8e0)" d="M 322.78125 173.367717 L 322.78125 79.427351 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p10d30eb8e0)" d="M 449.599432 241.448185 L 449.599432 216.341566 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> <path clip-path="url(#p10d30eb8e0)" d="M 576.417614 331.392218 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="line2d_17"> <path clip-path="url(#p10d30eb8e0)" d="M 69.144886 126.397534 L 195.963068 177.646205 L 322.78125 126.397534 L 449.599432 228.894876 L 576.417614 331.392218 " style="fill:none;opacity:0.5;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:2;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 43.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> <path d="M 601.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_5"> <path d="M 43.78125 346.663276 L 601.78125 346.663276 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_6"> <path d="M 43.78125 10.7 L 601.78125 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="p10d30eb8e0"> <rect height="335.963276" width="558" x="43.78125" y="10.7"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

on remarque aussi que le choix d'attendre de 2 tours est environ 2 fois moins indécis. C'est un point que l'on a pas pris en compte dans notre critère (gagner le plus en moyenne) mais qui pourrait être pris en compte par exemple si on exprime le désir de pas avoir perdu de l'argent au bout d'un certain temps avec un certain taux de confiance. Mais c'est l'objet d'un étude plus poussée... mais très intéressante quand on sait que l'aversion au risque peut varier d'une personne à l'autre.

C'est une symétrie que nous avons aussi observé pour le jeu avec $N_{ballons}=6$ ou $N_{ballons}=10$ et qu'il serait utile d'étudier si on veut étudier l'aversion au risque d'un joueur.

un "meta-agent"

Intéressons-nous plutôt à construire un agent qui va utiliser l'agent tétu (mais simplement sur l'ensemble des combinaisons pour gagner du temps de calcul) pour décider ce qu'il faut faire à chaque tour dans chaque jeu. À noter qu'on aurait pu aussi utiliser notre "théorème", mais cet agent reste plus général:

In [71]:
N_test = 2**13
N_test_agent = None

class MetaAgent:

    def __init__(self, N_test=N_test, N_test_agent=N_test_agent, N_basket=4, N_foot=4, verbose=True):
        self.N_test = N_test
        self.N_test_agent = N_test_agent
        self.N_basket = N_basket
        self.N_foot = N_foot
        self.N_ballons = N_basket + N_foot
        self.verbose = verbose

    def generate_test(self):
        return generate_test(N_ballons=self.N_ballons, N_basket=self.N_basket, N_test=self.N_test)

    def meta_agent(self, tests):
        gains = np.zeros(tests.shape[0])
        for i_test in range(tests.shape[0]):
            for N_ballons_vus in range(self.N_ballons):
                N_basket = self.N_basket - sum(tests[i_test, :(N_ballons_vus)]==1)
                N_foot = self.N_foot - sum(tests[i_test, :(N_ballons_vus)]==0)
                N_ballons_restant = self.N_ballons - N_ballons_vus
                assert(N_foot+N_basket == N_ballons_restant)
                if N_basket==0 or N_foot==0 :
                elif AgentTétuAvecInit(N_basket=N_basket, N_foot=N_foot, verbose=False, N_test=self.N_test_agent).razor():
            proba_True_restant = N_basket / N_ballons_restant 
            if proba_True_restant==.5:
                if self.N_test is None:
                    gains[i_test] = 0.
                    choix = np.random.rand() > .5
                    réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
                    gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant - 1
                    gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)
                choix = proba_True_restant > .5
                réussite = (tests[i_test, N_ballons_vus] == choix)
                gain_esperé = N_ballons_restant - 1
                gains[i_test] = gain_esperé * (réussite*2 - 1)

        return gains

    def test(self):
        tests = self.generate_test()
        gains = self.meta_agent(tests)
        if self.verbose: print('Moyenne des gains =', np.mean(gains), 
                  ' +/- ', np.std(gains) )
        return gains
In [72]:
agent = AgentTétuAvecInit(N_test=N_test, N_basket=4, N_foot=4, verbose=True)
gains = agent.test() 
gains_cumulés = np.cumsum(gains, axis=1)
Moyenne des gains avec 0 ballons vus = -0.10595703125  +/-  6.99919803317
Moyenne des gains avec 1 ballons vus = 0.8583984375  +/-  5.93827854875
Moyenne des gains avec 2 ballons vus = 0.70068359375  +/-  4.95066081462
Moyenne des gains avec 3 ballons vus = 0.96484375  +/-  3.88189084572
Moyenne des gains avec 4 ballons vus = 0.8466796875  +/-  2.87804334692
Moyenne des gains avec 5 ballons vus = 0.8466796875  +/-  1.81194191595
Moyenne des gains avec 6 ballons vus = 0.43212890625  +/-  0.901811847551
Moyenne des gains avec 7 ballons vus = 0.0  +/-  0.0
In [73]:
agent = MetaAgent(N_test=N_test, N_basket=4, N_foot=4, verbose=True)
meta_gains = agent.test()
Moyenne des gains = 1.27648925781  +/-  3.54179068119

Au final, notre nouvel agent se révèle être plus performant que l'agent naïf...

In [74]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)

for N_ballons_vus in range(agent.N_ballons):
    label = '%d ballons vu' % N_ballons_vus
    if N_ballons_vus>1: label += 's '
    ax.plot(gains_cumulés[N_ballons_vus, :], alpha=0.9, label=label)
ax.plot(np.cumsum(meta_gains), alpha=1., label='meta-agent')

ax.set_xlabel(' # essais ')
ax.set_ylabel(' gain cumulé ')
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6.390625 Q 39.453125 6.390625 43.28125 13.890625 Q 47.125 21.390625 47.125 36.375 Q 47.125 51.421875 43.28125 58.90625 Q 39.453125 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 z M 31.78125 74.21875 Q 44.046875 74.21875 50.515625 64.515625 Q 56.984375 54.828125 56.984375 36.375 Q 56.984375 17.96875 50.515625 8.265625 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.53125 -1.421875 13.0625 8.265625 Q 6.59375 17.96875 6.59375 36.375 Q 6.59375 54.828125 13.0625 64.515625 Q 19.53125 74.21875 31.78125 74.21875 z " id="DejaVuSans-30"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(82.273011 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_2"> <g id="line2d_2"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="209.315262" xlink:href="#m5e0c2476ee" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_2"> <defs> <path d="M 19.1875 8.296875 L 53.609375 8.296875 L 53.609375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 8.296875 Q 12.9375 14.109375 22.625 23.890625 Q 32.328125 33.6875 34.8125 36.53125 Q 39.546875 41.84375 41.421875 45.53125 Q 43.3125 49.21875 43.3125 52.78125 Q 43.3125 58.59375 39.234375 62.25 Q 35.15625 65.921875 28.609375 65.921875 Q 23.96875 65.921875 18.8125 64.3125 Q 13.671875 62.703125 7.8125 59.421875 L 7.8125 69.390625 Q 13.765625 71.78125 18.9375 73 Q 24.125 74.21875 28.421875 74.21875 Q 39.75 74.21875 46.484375 68.546875 Q 53.21875 62.890625 53.21875 53.421875 Q 53.21875 48.921875 51.53125 44.890625 Q 49.859375 40.875 45.40625 35.40625 Q 44.1875 33.984375 37.640625 27.21875 Q 31.109375 20.453125 19.1875 8.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-32"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(196.590262 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-32"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="xtick_3"> <g id="line2d_3"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="333.176262" xlink:href="#m5e0c2476ee" y="346.663276"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_3"> 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47.40625 15.53125 47.40625 23.390625 Q 47.40625 31.296875 43.53125 35.828125 Q 39.65625 40.375 33.015625 40.375 z M 52.59375 71.296875 L 52.59375 62.3125 Q 48.875 64.0625 45.09375 64.984375 Q 41.3125 65.921875 37.59375 65.921875 Q 27.828125 65.921875 22.671875 59.328125 Q 17.53125 52.734375 16.796875 39.40625 Q 19.671875 43.65625 24.015625 45.921875 Q 28.375 48.1875 33.59375 48.1875 Q 44.578125 48.1875 50.953125 41.515625 Q 57.328125 34.859375 57.328125 23.390625 Q 57.328125 12.15625 50.6875 5.359375 Q 44.046875 -1.421875 33.015625 -1.421875 Q 20.359375 -1.421875 13.671875 8.265625 Q 6.984375 17.96875 6.984375 36.375 Q 6.984375 53.65625 15.1875 63.9375 Q 23.390625 74.21875 37.203125 74.21875 Q 40.921875 74.21875 44.703125 73.484375 Q 48.484375 72.75 52.59375 71.296875 z " id="DejaVuSans-36"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(444.312263 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-36"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" 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9.90625 50.3125 4.234375 Q 43.84375 -1.421875 31.78125 -1.421875 Q 19.734375 -1.421875 13.25 4.234375 Q 6.78125 9.90625 6.78125 20.515625 Q 6.78125 27.484375 10.78125 32.3125 Q 14.796875 37.15625 21.921875 38.8125 z M 18.3125 54.390625 Q 18.3125 48.734375 21.84375 45.5625 Q 25.390625 42.390625 31.78125 42.390625 Q 38.140625 42.390625 41.71875 45.5625 Q 45.3125 48.734375 45.3125 54.390625 Q 45.3125 60.0625 41.71875 63.234375 Q 38.140625 66.40625 31.78125 66.40625 Q 25.390625 66.40625 21.84375 63.234375 Q 18.3125 60.0625 18.3125 54.390625 z " id="DejaVuSans-38"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(568.173263 361.261714)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-38"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_6"> <defs> <path id="DejaVuSans-20"/> <path d="M 51.125 44 L 36.921875 44 L 32.8125 27.6875 L 47.125 27.6875 z M 43.796875 71.78125 L 38.71875 51.515625 L 52.984375 51.515625 L 58.109375 71.78125 L 65.921875 71.78125 L 60.890625 51.515625 L 76.125 51.515625 L 76.125 44 L 58.984375 44 L 54.984375 27.6875 L 70.515625 27.6875 L 70.515625 20.21875 L 53.078125 20.21875 L 48 0 L 40.1875 0 L 45.21875 20.21875 L 30.90625 20.21875 L 25.875 0 L 18.015625 0 L 23.09375 20.21875 L 7.71875 20.21875 L 7.71875 27.6875 L 24.90625 27.6875 L 29 44 L 13.28125 44 L 13.28125 51.515625 L 30.90625 51.515625 L 35.890625 71.78125 z " id="DejaVuSans-23"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 43.359375 56 49.78125 48.890625 Q 56.203125 41.796875 56.203125 29.59375 z M 47.21875 32.234375 Q 47.125 39.59375 43.09375 43.984375 Q 39.0625 48.390625 32.421875 48.390625 Q 24.90625 48.390625 20.390625 44.140625 Q 15.875 39.890625 15.1875 32.171875 z " id="DejaVuSans-65"/> <path d="M 44.28125 53.078125 L 44.28125 44.578125 Q 40.484375 46.53125 36.375 47.5 Q 32.28125 48.484375 27.875 48.484375 Q 21.1875 48.484375 17.84375 46.4375 Q 14.5 44.390625 14.5 40.28125 Q 14.5 37.15625 16.890625 35.375 Q 19.28125 33.59375 26.515625 31.984375 L 29.59375 31.296875 Q 39.15625 29.25 43.1875 25.515625 Q 47.21875 21.78125 47.21875 15.09375 Q 47.21875 7.46875 41.1875 3.015625 Q 35.15625 -1.421875 24.609375 -1.421875 Q 20.21875 -1.421875 15.453125 -0.5625 Q 10.6875 0.296875 5.421875 2 L 5.421875 11.28125 Q 10.40625 8.6875 15.234375 7.390625 Q 20.0625 6.109375 24.8125 6.109375 Q 31.15625 6.109375 34.5625 8.28125 Q 37.984375 10.453125 37.984375 14.40625 Q 37.984375 18.0625 35.515625 20.015625 Q 33.0625 21.96875 24.703125 23.78125 L 21.578125 24.515625 Q 13.234375 26.265625 9.515625 29.90625 Q 5.8125 33.546875 5.8125 39.890625 Q 5.8125 47.609375 11.28125 51.796875 Q 16.75 56 26.8125 56 Q 31.78125 56 36.171875 55.265625 Q 40.578125 54.546875 44.28125 53.078125 z " id="DejaVuSans-73"/> <path d="M 34.28125 27.484375 Q 23.390625 27.484375 19.1875 25 Q 14.984375 22.515625 14.984375 16.5 Q 14.984375 11.71875 18.140625 8.90625 Q 21.296875 6.109375 26.703125 6.109375 Q 34.1875 6.109375 38.703125 11.40625 Q 43.21875 16.703125 43.21875 25.484375 L 43.21875 27.484375 z M 52.203125 31.203125 L 52.203125 0 L 43.21875 0 L 43.21875 8.296875 Q 40.140625 3.328125 35.546875 0.953125 Q 30.953125 -1.421875 24.3125 -1.421875 Q 15.921875 -1.421875 10.953125 3.296875 Q 6 8.015625 6 15.921875 Q 6 25.140625 12.171875 29.828125 Q 18.359375 34.515625 30.609375 34.515625 L 43.21875 34.515625 L 43.21875 35.40625 Q 43.21875 41.609375 39.140625 45 Q 35.0625 48.390625 27.6875 48.390625 Q 23 48.390625 18.546875 47.265625 Q 14.109375 46.140625 10.015625 43.890625 L 10.015625 52.203125 Q 14.9375 54.109375 19.578125 55.046875 Q 24.21875 56 28.609375 56 Q 40.484375 56 46.34375 49.84375 Q 52.203125 43.703125 52.203125 31.203125 z " id="DejaVuSans-61"/> <path d="M 9.421875 54.6875 L 18.40625 54.6875 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 64.59375 L 9.421875 64.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-69"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(314.789844 374.939839)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="31.787109" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-23"/> <use x="115.576172" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> <use x="147.363281" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-65"/> <use x="208.886719" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="260.986328" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="313.085938" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-61"/> <use x="374.365234" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-69"/> <use x="402.148438" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-73"/> <use x="454.248047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-20"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="matplotlib.axis_2"> <g 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xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="ytick_6"> <g id="line2d_11"> <g> <use style="stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.8;" x="60.090625" xlink:href="#mc4ef88ec39" y="38.409755"/> </g> </g> <g id="text_12"> <defs> <path d="M 12.40625 8.296875 L 28.515625 8.296875 L 28.515625 63.921875 L 10.984375 60.40625 L 10.984375 69.390625 L 28.421875 72.90625 L 38.28125 72.90625 L 38.28125 8.296875 L 54.390625 8.296875 L 54.390625 0 L 12.40625 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-31"/> </defs> <g transform="translate(21.278125 42.208974)scale(0.1 -0.1)"> <use xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-31"/> <use x="63.623047" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="127.246094" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="190.869141" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> <use x="254.492188" xlink:href="#DejaVuSans-30"/> </g> </g> </g> <g id="text_13"> <defs> <path d="M 45.40625 27.984375 Q 45.40625 37.75 41.375 43.109375 Q 37.359375 48.484375 30.078125 48.484375 Q 22.859375 48.484375 18.828125 43.109375 Q 14.796875 37.75 14.796875 27.984375 Q 14.796875 18.265625 18.828125 12.890625 Q 22.859375 7.515625 30.078125 7.515625 Q 37.359375 7.515625 41.375 12.890625 Q 45.40625 18.265625 45.40625 27.984375 z M 54.390625 6.78125 Q 54.390625 -7.171875 48.1875 -13.984375 Q 42 -20.796875 29.203125 -20.796875 Q 24.46875 -20.796875 20.265625 -20.09375 Q 16.0625 -19.390625 12.109375 -17.921875 L 12.109375 -9.1875 Q 16.0625 -11.328125 19.921875 -12.34375 Q 23.78125 -13.375 27.78125 -13.375 Q 36.625 -13.375 41.015625 -8.765625 Q 45.40625 -4.15625 45.40625 5.171875 L 45.40625 9.625 Q 42.625 4.78125 38.28125 2.390625 Q 33.9375 0 27.875 0 Q 17.828125 0 11.671875 7.65625 Q 5.515625 15.328125 5.515625 27.984375 Q 5.515625 40.671875 11.671875 48.328125 Q 17.828125 56 27.875 56 Q 33.9375 56 38.28125 53.609375 Q 42.625 51.21875 45.40625 46.390625 L 45.40625 54.6875 L 54.390625 54.6875 z " id="DejaVuSans-67"/> <path d="M 54.890625 33.015625 L 54.890625 0 L 45.90625 0 L 45.90625 32.71875 Q 45.90625 40.484375 42.875 44.328125 Q 39.84375 48.1875 33.796875 48.1875 Q 26.515625 48.1875 22.3125 43.546875 Q 18.109375 38.921875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.34375 51.125 25.703125 53.5625 Q 30.078125 56 35.796875 56 Q 45.21875 56 50.046875 50.171875 Q 54.890625 44.34375 54.890625 33.015625 z " id="DejaVuSans-6e"/> <path d="M 48.78125 52.59375 L 48.78125 44.1875 Q 44.96875 46.296875 41.140625 47.34375 Q 37.3125 48.390625 33.40625 48.390625 Q 24.65625 48.390625 19.8125 42.84375 Q 14.984375 37.3125 14.984375 27.296875 Q 14.984375 17.28125 19.8125 11.734375 Q 24.65625 6.203125 33.40625 6.203125 Q 37.3125 6.203125 41.140625 7.25 Q 44.96875 8.296875 48.78125 10.40625 L 48.78125 2.09375 Q 45.015625 0.34375 40.984375 -0.53125 Q 36.96875 -1.421875 32.421875 -1.421875 Q 20.0625 -1.421875 12.78125 6.34375 Q 5.515625 14.109375 5.515625 27.296875 Q 5.515625 40.671875 12.859375 48.328125 Q 20.21875 56 33.015625 56 Q 37.15625 56 41.109375 55.140625 Q 45.0625 54.296875 48.78125 52.59375 z " id="DejaVuSans-63"/> <path d="M 8.5 21.578125 L 8.5 54.6875 L 17.484375 54.6875 L 17.484375 21.921875 Q 17.484375 14.15625 20.5 10.265625 Q 23.53125 6.390625 29.59375 6.390625 Q 36.859375 6.390625 41.078125 11.03125 Q 45.3125 15.671875 45.3125 23.6875 L 45.3125 54.6875 L 54.296875 54.6875 L 54.296875 0 L 45.3125 0 L 45.3125 8.40625 Q 42.046875 3.421875 37.71875 1 Q 33.40625 -1.421875 27.6875 -1.421875 Q 18.265625 -1.421875 13.375 4.4375 Q 8.5 10.296875 8.5 21.578125 z M 31.109375 56 z " id="DejaVuSans-75"/> <path d="M 52 44.1875 Q 55.375 50.25 60.0625 53.125 Q 64.75 56 71.09375 56 Q 79.640625 56 84.28125 50.015625 Q 88.921875 44.046875 88.921875 33.015625 L 88.921875 0 L 79.890625 0 L 79.890625 32.71875 Q 79.890625 40.578125 77.09375 44.375 Q 74.3125 48.1875 68.609375 48.1875 Q 61.625 48.1875 57.5625 43.546875 Q 53.515625 38.921875 53.515625 30.90625 L 53.515625 0 L 44.484375 0 L 44.484375 32.71875 Q 44.484375 40.625 41.703125 44.40625 Q 38.921875 48.1875 33.109375 48.1875 Q 26.21875 48.1875 22.15625 43.53125 Q 18.109375 38.875 18.109375 30.90625 L 18.109375 0 L 9.078125 0 L 9.078125 54.6875 L 18.109375 54.6875 L 18.109375 46.1875 Q 21.1875 51.21875 25.484375 53.609375 Q 29.78125 56 35.6875 56 Q 41.65625 56 45.828125 52.96875 Q 50 49.953125 52 44.1875 z " id="DejaVuSans-6d"/> <path d="M 9.421875 75.984375 L 18.40625 75.984375 L 18.40625 0 L 9.421875 0 z " id="DejaVuSans-6c"/> <path d="M 56.203125 29.59375 L 56.203125 25.203125 L 14.890625 25.203125 Q 15.484375 15.921875 20.484375 11.0625 Q 25.484375 6.203125 34.421875 6.203125 Q 39.59375 6.203125 44.453125 7.46875 Q 49.3125 8.734375 54.109375 11.28125 L 54.109375 2.78125 Q 49.265625 0.734375 44.1875 -0.34375 Q 39.109375 -1.421875 33.890625 -1.421875 Q 20.796875 -1.421875 13.15625 6.1875 Q 5.515625 13.8125 5.515625 26.8125 Q 5.515625 40.234375 12.765625 48.109375 Q 20.015625 56 32.328125 56 Q 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314.241894 L 102.794801 313.864964 L 103.104454 314.807289 L 103.476037 313.676499 L 103.537967 313.864964 L 103.661828 313.488034 L 103.723759 313.676499 L 103.971481 312.922638 L 104.033411 313.111103 L 104.343064 312.168778 L 104.404994 312.357243 L 104.466925 312.168778 L 104.590786 312.545708 L 104.714647 312.168778 L 104.776577 312.357243 L 104.838508 312.168778 L 104.900438 312.357243 L 105.024299 311.980313 L 105.14816 312.357243 L 105.210091 312.168778 L 105.333952 312.545708 L 105.395882 312.357243 L 105.457813 312.545708 L 105.519743 312.357243 L 105.829396 313.299568 L 105.891326 313.111103 L 106.262909 314.241894 L 106.634492 313.111103 L 106.696423 313.299568 L 106.758353 313.111103 L 106.882214 313.488034 L 106.944145 313.299568 L 107.068006 313.676499 L 107.129936 313.488034 L 107.253797 313.864964 L 107.439589 313.299568 L 107.501519 313.488034 L 107.56345 313.299568 L 107.873102 314.241894 L 107.935033 314.053429 L 108.058894 314.430359 L 108.182755 314.053429 L 108.244685 314.241894 L 108.368546 313.864964 L 108.678199 314.807289 L 108.740129 314.618824 L 108.80206 314.807289 L 109.173643 313.676499 L 109.235573 313.864964 L 109.359434 313.488034 L 109.421365 313.676499 L 109.483295 313.488034 L 109.669087 314.053429 L 109.792948 313.676499 L 110.164531 314.807289 L 110.536114 313.676499 L 110.659975 314.053429 L 110.783836 313.676499 L 110.845766 313.864964 L 110.907697 313.676499 L 110.969627 313.864964 L 111.155419 313.299568 L 111.27928 313.676499 L 111.34121 313.488034 L 111.403141 313.676499 L 111.527002 313.299568 L 111.588932 313.488034 L 111.712793 313.111103 L 111.836654 313.488034 L 111.898585 313.299568 L 111.960515 313.488034 L 112.022446 313.299568 L 112.270168 314.053429 L 112.332098 313.864964 L 112.455959 314.241894 L 112.51789 314.053429 L 112.57982 314.241894 L 112.641751 314.053429 L 112.703681 314.241894 L 113.137195 312.922638 L 113.199125 313.111103 L 113.261056 312.922638 L 113.384917 313.299568 L 113.446847 313.111103 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446.81873 194.566554 L 447.066452 194.028082 L 447.128383 194.1627 L 447.252244 193.893464 L 447.561896 194.566554 L 447.685757 194.297318 L 447.933479 194.83579 L 447.99541 194.701172 L 448.119271 194.970408 L 448.181201 194.83579 L 448.305062 195.105026 L 448.366993 194.970408 L 448.552784 195.374261 L 448.738576 194.970408 L 448.862437 195.239644 L 448.986298 194.970408 L 449.048228 195.105026 L 449.110159 194.970408 L 449.23402 195.239644 L 449.419811 194.83579 L 449.605603 195.239644 L 449.791394 194.83579 L 449.853325 194.970408 L 449.915255 194.83579 L 450.039116 195.105026 L 450.162977 194.83579 L 450.224908 194.970408 L 450.410699 194.566554 L 450.53456 194.83579 L 450.596491 194.701172 L 450.658421 194.83579 L 450.720352 194.701172 L 450.844213 194.970408 L 451.277726 194.028082 L 451.401587 194.297318 L 451.897031 193.220375 L 452.082823 193.624228 L 452.206684 193.354993 L 452.268614 193.48961 L 452.454406 193.085757 L 452.516336 193.220375 L 452.578267 193.085757 L 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467.379656 190.797252 L 467.565448 190.393398 L 467.627378 190.528016 L 467.751239 190.25878 L 467.81317 190.393398 L 467.8751 190.25878 L 467.937031 190.393398 L 468.184753 189.854926 L 468.246683 189.989544 L 468.308614 189.854926 L 468.618266 190.528016 L 468.804058 190.124162 L 468.865988 190.25878 L 469.05178 189.854926 L 469.175641 190.124162 L 469.237571 189.989544 L 469.361432 190.25878 L 469.423363 190.124162 L 469.547224 190.393398 L 470.228459 188.912601 L 470.29039 189.047219 L 470.414251 188.777983 L 470.476181 188.912601 L 470.600042 188.643365 L 470.661973 188.777983 L 470.723903 188.643365 L 470.785834 188.777983 L 471.095486 188.104893 L 471.157417 188.239511 L 471.467069 187.566422 L 471.59093 187.835657 L 471.652861 187.701039 L 471.714791 187.835657 L 471.838652 187.566422 L 472.024444 187.970275 L 472.086374 187.835657 L 472.272166 188.239511 L 472.334096 188.104893 L 472.581818 188.643365 L 472.76761 188.239511 L 472.891471 188.508747 L 473.015332 188.239511 L 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L 478.217494 188.239511 L 478.465216 187.701039 L 478.527146 187.835657 L 478.651007 187.566422 L 478.712938 187.701039 L 478.96066 187.162568 L 479.518034 188.374129 L 479.641895 188.104893 L 479.951548 188.777983 L 480.075409 188.508747 L 480.137339 188.643365 L 480.323131 188.239511 L 480.385061 188.374129 L 480.446992 188.239511 L 480.508922 188.374129 L 480.880505 187.566422 L 480.942436 187.701039 L 481.314019 186.893332 L 481.375949 187.02795 L 481.747532 186.220242 L 481.809463 186.35486 L 481.871393 186.220242 L 481.933324 186.35486 L 482.119115 185.951006 L 482.242976 186.220242 L 482.366837 185.951006 L 482.428768 186.085624 L 482.490698 185.951006 L 482.800351 186.624096 L 482.986142 186.220242 L 483.233864 186.758714 L 483.419656 186.35486 L 483.543517 186.624096 L 483.729308 186.220242 L 483.791239 186.35486 L 483.853169 186.220242 L 483.97703 186.489478 L 484.534405 185.277917 L 484.596335 185.412535 L 484.782127 185.008681 L 484.844057 185.143299 L 484.905988 185.008681 L 485.029849 185.277917 L 485.463362 184.335591 L 485.525293 184.470209 L 485.587223 184.335591 L 485.649154 184.470209 L 485.711084 184.335591 L 486.020737 185.008681 L 486.082667 184.874063 L 486.144598 185.008681 L 486.330389 184.604827 L 486.45425 184.874063 L 486.516181 184.739445 L 486.578111 184.874063 L 486.701972 184.604827 L 486.825833 184.874063 L 486.887764 184.739445 L 486.949694 184.874063 L 487.011625 184.739445 L 487.073555 184.874063 L 487.259347 184.470209 L 487.321277 184.604827 L 487.383208 184.470209 L 487.507069 184.739445 L 487.568999 184.604827 L 487.63093 184.739445 L 487.878652 184.200973 L 487.940582 184.335591 L 488.064443 184.066355 L 488.126374 184.200973 L 488.374096 183.662502 L 488.497957 183.931737 L 488.621818 183.662502 L 488.86954 184.200973 L 488.93147 184.066355 L 489.055331 184.335591 L 489.179192 184.066355 L 489.241123 184.200973 L 489.426914 183.797119 L 489.550775 184.066355 L 489.984289 183.12403 L 490.10815 183.393266 L 490.17008 183.258648 L 490.232011 183.393266 L 490.293941 183.258648 L 490.355872 183.393266 L 490.541663 182.989412 L 490.665524 183.258648 L 490.727455 183.12403 L 490.851316 183.393266 L 491.099038 182.854794 L 491.160968 182.989412 L 491.222899 182.854794 L 491.284829 182.989412 L 491.34676 182.854794 L 491.40869 182.989412 L 491.470621 182.854794 L 491.532551 182.989412 L 491.594482 182.854794 L 491.656412 182.989412 L 491.780273 182.720176 L 491.842204 182.854794 L 491.966065 182.585558 L 492.027995 182.720176 L 492.213787 182.316322 L 492.58537 183.12403 L 492.6473 182.989412 L 492.833092 183.393266 L 492.956953 183.12403 L 493.018883 183.258648 L 493.204675 182.854794 L 493.328536 183.12403 L 493.390466 182.989412 L 493.452397 183.12403 L 493.576258 182.854794 L 493.638188 182.989412 L 493.762049 182.720176 L 494.009771 183.258648 L 494.195563 182.854794 L 494.319424 183.12403 L 494.505215 182.720176 L 494.567146 182.854794 L 495.06259 181.777851 L 495.186451 182.047086 L 495.248381 181.912468 L 495.310312 182.047086 L 495.434173 181.777851 L 495.496103 181.912468 L 495.558034 181.777851 L 495.619964 181.912468 L 496.115408 180.835525 L 496.36313 181.373997 L 496.610852 180.835525 L 496.672783 180.970143 L 496.796644 180.700907 L 496.920505 180.970143 L 497.106296 180.566289 L 497.230157 180.835525 L 497.354018 180.566289 L 497.53981 180.970143 L 497.725601 180.566289 L 497.787532 180.700907 L 497.849462 180.566289 L 497.911393 180.700907 L 498.035254 180.431671 L 498.097184 180.566289 L 498.282976 180.162435 L 498.592628 180.835525 L 498.654559 180.700907 L 498.84035 181.104761 L 498.902281 180.970143 L 498.964211 181.104761 L 499.273864 180.431671 L 499.397725 180.700907 L 499.459655 180.566289 L 499.645447 180.970143 L 499.769308 180.700907 L 499.831238 180.835525 L 499.893169 180.700907 L 500.07896 181.104761 L 500.202821 180.835525 L 500.264752 180.970143 L 500.388613 180.700907 L 500.450543 180.835525 L 500.574404 180.566289 L 500.636335 180.700907 L 500.760196 180.431671 L 500.884057 180.700907 L 501.007918 180.431671 L 501.069848 180.566289 L 501.31757 180.027817 L 501.441431 180.297053 L 501.503362 180.162435 L 501.565292 180.297053 L 501.627223 180.162435 L 501.689153 180.297053 L 501.813014 180.027817 L 501.936875 180.297053 L 502.246528 179.623964 L 502.49425 180.162435 L 502.55618 180.027817 L 502.618111 180.162435 L 502.803902 179.758582 L 502.989694 180.162435 L 503.051624 180.027817 L 503.237416 180.431671 L 503.299346 180.297053 L 503.361277 180.431671 L 503.423207 180.297053 L 503.485138 180.431671 L 503.670929 180.027817 L 503.73286 180.162435 L 503.918651 179.758582 L 503.980582 179.8932 L 504.042512 179.758582 L 504.104443 179.8932 L 504.414095 179.22011 L 504.476026 179.354728 L 504.537956 179.22011 L 504.599887 179.354728 L 504.661817 179.22011 L 504.785678 179.489346 L 504.847609 179.354728 L 504.97147 179.623964 L 505.157261 179.22011 L 505.281122 179.489346 L 505.343053 179.354728 L 505.404983 179.489346 L 505.776566 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516.924056 175.98928 L 517.109848 176.393133 L 517.295639 175.98928 L 517.35757 176.123897 L 517.481431 175.854662 L 517.605292 176.123897 L 517.914944 175.450808 L 517.976875 175.585426 L 518.286527 174.912336 L 518.348458 175.046954 L 518.472319 174.777718 L 518.65811 175.181572 L 519.029693 174.373864 L 519.091624 174.508482 L 519.215485 174.239246 L 519.339346 174.508482 L 519.401276 174.373864 L 519.525137 174.6431 L 519.958651 173.700775 L 520.020581 173.835393 L 520.082512 173.700775 L 520.144442 173.835393 L 520.206373 173.700775 L 520.268303 173.835393 L 520.330234 173.700775 L 520.639886 174.373864 L 520.701817 174.239246 L 520.763747 174.373864 L 520.825678 174.239246 L 520.887608 174.373864 L 520.949539 174.239246 L 521.011469 174.373864 L 521.13533 174.104629 L 521.259191 174.373864 L 521.321122 174.239246 L 521.383052 174.373864 L 521.444983 174.239246 L 521.568844 174.508482 L 521.630774 174.373864 L 521.692705 174.508482 L 521.754635 174.373864 L 521.816566 174.508482 L 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L 527.452241 171.41227 L 527.699963 171.950742 L 527.761894 171.816124 L 527.823824 171.950742 L 527.885755 171.816124 L 527.947685 171.950742 L 528.009616 171.816124 L 528.133477 172.08536 L 528.50506 171.277652 L 528.628921 171.546888 L 528.876643 171.008416 L 528.938573 171.143034 L 529.000504 171.008416 L 529.124365 171.277652 L 529.186295 171.143034 L 529.310156 171.41227 L 529.372087 171.277652 L 529.495948 171.546888 L 529.619809 171.277652 L 529.8056 171.681506 L 529.867531 171.546888 L 529.929461 171.681506 L 529.991392 171.546888 L 530.053322 171.681506 L 530.239114 171.277652 L 530.486836 171.816124 L 530.672627 171.41227 L 530.734558 171.546888 L 530.796488 171.41227 L 530.858419 171.546888 L 531.04421 171.143034 L 531.415793 171.950742 L 531.539654 171.681506 L 531.601585 171.816124 L 531.849307 171.277652 L 532.097029 171.816124 L 532.468612 171.008416 L 532.530542 171.143034 L 532.778264 170.604562 L 532.902125 170.873798 L 532.964056 170.73918 L 533.087917 171.008416 L 533.211778 170.73918 L 533.273708 170.873798 L 533.831083 169.662237 L 534.016874 170.066091 L 534.140735 169.796855 L 534.264596 170.066091 L 534.388457 169.796855 L 534.512318 170.066091 L 534.76004 169.527619 L 534.821971 169.662237 L 534.883901 169.527619 L 534.945832 169.662237 L 535.131623 169.258383 L 535.255484 169.527619 L 535.317415 169.393001 L 535.379345 169.527619 L 535.441276 169.393001 L 535.627067 169.796855 L 535.688998 169.662237 L 535.874789 170.066091 L 535.99865 169.796855 L 536.060581 169.931473 L 536.308303 169.393001 L 536.494094 169.796855 L 536.556025 169.662237 L 536.617955 169.796855 L 536.989538 168.989147 L 537.113399 169.258383 L 537.17533 169.123765 L 537.23726 169.258383 L 537.299191 169.123765 L 537.361121 169.258383 L 537.546913 168.854529 L 537.608843 168.989147 L 537.670774 168.854529 L 537.856565 169.258383 L 537.918496 169.123765 L 538.166218 169.662237 L 538.228148 169.527619 L 538.352009 169.796855 L 538.537801 169.393001 L 538.599731 169.527619 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497.354018 133.611555 L 497.415949 133.719249 L 497.477879 133.826944 L 497.53981 133.719249 L 498.035254 133.073083 L 498.282976 133.288472 L 498.77842 132.642306 L 499.026142 132.857695 L 499.335794 132.534612 L 499.397725 132.642306 L 499.459655 132.534612 L 499.583516 132.319223 L 499.645447 132.426917 L 499.831238 132.534612 L 500.202821 131.888446 L 500.264752 131.99614 L 500.326682 132.103834 L 500.388613 131.99614 L 500.698265 131.673057 L 501.069848 132.103834 L 501.31757 131.888446 L 501.503362 131.99614 L 501.689153 131.888446 L 501.813014 132.103834 L 501.874945 131.99614 L 501.936875 131.888446 L 501.998806 131.99614 L 502.122667 132.211529 L 502.184597 132.103834 L 502.370389 131.99614 L 502.432319 132.103834 L 502.49425 131.99614 L 502.680041 131.888446 L 502.927763 132.103834 L 503.175485 131.888446 L 503.361277 131.99614 L 503.608999 131.780751 L 503.670929 131.888446 L 503.73286 131.780751 L 504.228304 131.134585 L 504.414095 131.24228 L 504.476026 131.134585 L 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168.612217 L 468.308614 168.666064 L 468.989849 168.18144 L 469.175641 168.235287 L 469.485293 168.073745 L 469.671085 168.127592 L 470.042668 167.912204 L 470.166529 167.912204 L 470.661973 167.589121 L 471.033556 167.804509 L 471.652861 167.373732 L 471.776722 167.373732 L 472.519888 166.83526 L 472.643749 166.83526 L 472.82954 166.781413 L 472.953401 166.781413 L 473.263054 166.619872 L 473.386915 166.619872 L 473.634637 166.512177 L 473.820428 166.566024 L 474.00622 166.512177 L 474.192011 166.566024 L 474.501664 166.404483 L 474.625525 166.404483 L 474.935177 166.242941 L 475.182899 166.350636 L 475.430621 166.242941 L 475.554482 166.242941 L 475.740274 166.189094 L 475.864135 166.189094 L 476.978884 165.327539 L 477.226606 165.435234 L 477.536258 165.273692 L 477.78398 165.381387 L 478.031702 165.273692 L 478.155563 165.273692 L 478.465216 165.112151 L 478.651007 165.165998 L 479.270312 164.735221 L 479.394173 164.735221 L 479.518034 164.735221 L 479.641895 164.735221 L 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L 545.040503 140.611687 L 545.164364 140.611687 L 545.412086 140.503993 L 545.535947 140.503993 L 545.8456 140.342452 L 545.969461 140.342452 L 546.155252 140.288604 L 546.279113 140.288604 L 546.588766 140.127063 L 546.774557 140.18091 L 547.14614 139.965521 L 547.331932 140.019369 L 547.703515 139.80398 L 547.889306 139.857827 L 548.632472 139.319355 L 548.818264 139.373202 L 549.251777 139.103967 L 549.437569 139.157814 L 549.809152 138.942425 L 549.933013 138.942425 L 550.304596 138.727036 L 550.428457 138.727036 L 551.109692 138.242412 L 551.233553 138.242412 L 551.543206 138.08087 L 551.667067 138.08087 L 552.286372 137.650093 L 552.410233 137.650093 L 552.657955 137.542399 L 552.905677 137.650093 L 553.710774 137.057774 L 553.896565 137.111621 L 554.020426 137.111621 L 554.144287 137.111621 L 554.639731 136.788538 L 554.825523 136.842385 L 555.630619 136.250067 L 555.816411 136.303914 L 556.064133 136.196219 L 556.249924 136.250067 L 557.736256 135.065429 L 557.922048 135.119276 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323.515104 177.389306 L 323.638965 177.12007 L 323.700896 177.173917 L 323.762826 177.254688 L 323.824757 177.173917 L 324.072479 176.716216 L 324.19634 176.904681 L 324.25827 176.823911 L 324.629853 176.231592 L 324.691784 176.312363 L 324.753714 176.231592 L 324.939506 175.827738 L 325.001436 175.962356 L 325.063367 175.881585 L 325.868463 175.154648 L 325.930394 175.289266 L 325.992324 175.154648 L 326.054255 175.208496 L 326.178116 175.073878 L 326.240046 175.208496 L 326.487768 174.912336 L 326.797421 174.562329 L 326.859351 174.616177 L 326.921282 174.481559 L 326.983212 174.616177 L 327.230934 174.239246 L 327.354795 174.454635 L 327.416726 174.320017 L 327.664448 173.916163 L 327.726378 174.050781 L 327.788309 173.996934 L 328.097961 173.566157 L 328.407614 173.21615 L 328.655336 172.893067 L 328.779197 172.704602 L 328.841127 172.569984 L 328.903058 172.650755 L 329.026919 172.919991 L 329.088849 172.785373 L 329.15078 172.919991 L 329.398502 172.381519 L 329.460432 172.516137 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382.039427 140.153986 L 382.101357 140.207834 L 382.287149 140.342452 L 383.278037 139.077043 L 383.401898 139.292432 L 383.463828 139.238585 L 383.773481 138.673189 L 383.897342 138.457801 L 383.959272 138.538571 L 384.145064 138.269335 L 384.454716 138.538571 L 384.95016 137.919329 L 385.012091 138.053947 L 385.074021 137.973176 L 385.197882 137.784711 L 385.321743 137.973176 L 385.383674 137.838558 L 385.817187 137.353934 L 386.002979 137.057774 L 386.064909 137.111621 L 386.18877 136.896233 L 386.436492 137.165468 L 386.808075 136.95008 L 386.993867 137.246239 L 387.055797 137.165468 L 387.117728 137.084698 L 387.241589 137.273163 L 387.303519 137.138545 L 387.551241 137.488551 L 388.046685 136.95008 L 388.294407 137.246239 L 388.356338 137.380857 L 388.60406 137.084698 L 388.66599 137.165468 L 388.975643 136.707767 L 389.099504 136.842385 L 389.161434 136.761615 L 389.347226 137.084698 L 389.656878 136.65392 L 389.780739 136.869309 L 389.9046 136.600073 L 390.090392 136.923156 L 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425.390777 118.776659 L 425.452708 118.830506 L 425.576569 118.830506 L 426.195874 117.915104 L 426.257804 118.049722 L 426.381665 118.238187 L 426.567457 117.968952 L 426.629387 118.10357 L 426.691318 118.049722 L 426.753248 117.995875 L 426.93904 118.18434 L 427.062901 118.292035 L 427.124831 118.211264 L 427.372553 117.888181 L 427.434484 117.80741 L 427.496414 117.861257 L 427.558345 117.995875 L 427.744136 117.672792 L 427.806067 117.726639 L 427.867997 117.645869 L 428.053789 117.322786 L 428.115719 117.457403 L 428.425372 116.999702 L 428.796955 116.542002 L 428.920816 116.272766 L 428.982746 116.353536 L 429.230468 116.057377 L 429.602051 115.465058 L 429.663982 115.384287 L 429.725912 115.518905 L 429.911704 115.276593 L 429.973634 115.411211 L 430.035565 115.33044 L 430.407148 114.926586 L 430.469078 115.007357 L 430.531009 114.95351 L 430.592939 114.872739 L 430.65487 115.007357 L 430.7168 114.95351 L 430.778731 115.007357 L 430.840661 114.872739 L 430.902592 115.007357 L 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437.343364 110.430347 L 437.714947 109.864952 L 437.838808 109.703411 L 438.024599 109.99957 L 438.14846 109.730334 L 438.210391 109.864952 L 438.272321 109.811105 L 438.334252 109.730334 L 438.396182 109.784181 L 438.458113 109.918799 L 438.520043 109.838029 L 438.891626 109.488022 L 438.953557 109.62264 L 439.015487 109.568793 L 439.139348 109.568793 L 439.263209 109.757258 L 439.32514 109.62264 L 439.758653 109.138015 L 439.882514 109.138015 L 440.192167 108.653391 L 440.501819 108.303384 L 440.687611 108.087995 L 441.121124 107.791836 L 441.183055 107.872607 L 441.244985 107.81876 L 441.306916 107.684142 L 441.368846 107.737989 L 441.430777 107.791836 L 441.492707 107.711065 L 442.050082 107.280288 L 442.112012 107.414906 L 442.173943 107.361059 L 442.235873 107.414906 L 442.607456 106.822587 L 442.669387 106.741816 L 442.731317 106.822587 L 442.855178 107.091823 L 443.04097 106.876434 L 443.1029 106.930281 L 443.164831 106.849511 L 443.350622 106.634122 L 443.412553 106.687969 L 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456.046375 100.118614 L 456.108305 100.064767 L 456.294097 99.741684 L 456.417958 99.903225 L 456.479888 99.822455 L 456.789541 99.526295 L 457.037263 99.876302 L 457.099193 99.741684 L 457.223054 100.01092 L 457.284985 99.930149 L 457.656568 99.660913 L 457.718498 99.741684 L 457.96622 99.33783 L 458.152012 99.472448 L 458.399734 99.068594 L 458.585525 99.257059 L 458.833247 99.041671 L 458.895178 99.176289 L 458.957108 99.095518 L 459.266761 98.691664 L 459.328691 98.826282 L 459.514483 98.557046 L 459.700274 98.772435 L 459.947996 98.341657 L 460.071857 98.341657 L 460.567301 97.776262 L 460.753093 97.453179 L 460.815023 97.587797 L 460.876954 97.53395 L 460.938884 97.453179 L 461.000815 97.587797 L 461.248537 97.210867 L 461.372398 97.480103 L 461.558189 97.210867 L 461.62012 97.345485 L 461.68205 97.210867 L 461.743981 97.264714 L 461.867842 97.372408 L 461.991703 97.103172 L 462.053633 97.23779 L 462.177494 96.968554 L 462.239425 97.103172 L 462.301355 97.049325 L 462.487147 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88.37993 L 477.226606 88.433778 L 477.288536 88.487625 L 477.350467 88.406854 L 477.907841 87.868382 L 477.969772 87.949153 L 478.031702 88.083771 L 478.341355 87.491452 L 478.465216 87.679917 L 478.651007 87.437605 L 478.712938 87.518376 L 478.774868 87.652994 L 479.208382 86.926057 L 479.270312 87.006828 L 479.332243 86.87221 L 479.394173 87.006828 L 479.518034 86.737592 L 479.579965 86.791439 L 479.641895 86.926057 L 480.075409 86.19912 L 480.508922 85.902961 L 480.942436 86.279891 L 481.190158 85.82219 L 481.314019 86.010655 L 481.49981 86.226044 L 481.623671 86.010655 L 481.685602 86.091426 L 481.747532 86.226044 L 481.809463 86.172196 L 481.995254 85.929884 L 482.057185 86.064502 L 482.119115 86.010655 L 482.242976 85.876037 L 482.428768 85.956808 L 482.67649 85.418336 L 482.73842 85.499107 L 483.853169 84.502934 L 483.97703 84.77217 L 484.224752 84.422163 L 484.348613 84.233698 L 484.534405 84.045233 L 484.596335 83.991386 L 484.658266 84.126004 L 484.720196 84.045233 L 484.782127 84.09908 L 484.967918 83.856768 L 485.15371 83.991386 L 485.277571 83.775997 L 485.339501 83.856768 L 485.463362 83.856768 L 485.834945 83.452914 L 485.896876 83.318296 L 485.958806 83.452914 L 486.268459 82.860595 L 486.39232 83.04906 L 486.45425 82.914443 L 486.516181 82.860595 L 486.701972 83.183678 L 487.011625 82.96829 L 487.259347 83.372143 L 488.002513 82.779825 L 488.064443 82.914443 L 488.126374 82.833672 L 488.497957 82.106735 L 488.745679 82.187506 L 489.117262 81.568263 L 489.612706 81.110562 L 489.798497 81.379798 L 489.984289 81.056715 L 490.10815 81.191333 L 490.232011 81.002868 L 490.293941 81.083639 L 490.479733 80.679785 L 490.541663 80.814403 L 490.603594 80.760556 L 491.037107 80.006695 L 491.099038 80.087466 L 491.160968 80.033619 L 491.222899 79.899001 L 491.284829 80.033619 L 491.34676 79.952848 L 491.656412 79.468224 L 491.780273 79.575918 L 492.027995 79.252835 L 492.089926 79.198988 L 492.213787 79.387453 L 492.337648 79.198988 L 492.399578 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67.433381 L 515.004211 67.35261 L 515.066141 67.271839 L 515.128072 67.35261 L 515.251933 67.35261 L 515.375794 67.567998 L 515.499655 67.298763 L 515.561585 67.433381 L 515.623516 67.35261 L 515.809307 66.948756 L 515.871238 67.002603 L 515.995099 67.191068 L 516.057029 67.110298 L 516.242821 66.867985 L 516.304751 67.002603 L 516.366682 66.948756 L 516.428612 66.814138 L 516.490543 66.948756 L 516.552473 66.894909 L 517.047917 66.410284 L 517.109848 66.544902 L 517.171778 66.491055 L 517.4195 66.248743 L 517.481431 66.383361 L 517.853014 65.764118 L 518.038805 65.898736 L 518.162666 65.683347 L 518.224597 65.817965 L 518.286527 65.764118 L 518.720041 65.064105 L 518.967763 64.87564 L 519.029693 64.956411 L 519.587068 63.987162 L 519.648998 63.933314 L 519.710929 64.067932 L 519.958651 63.771773 L 520.268303 63.583308 L 520.330234 63.717926 L 520.392164 63.664078 L 520.516025 63.44869 L 520.577956 63.583308 L 520.639886 63.529461 L 520.825678 63.852544 L 520.887608 63.798696 L 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61.240956 L 527.26645 61.375574 L 527.32838 61.240956 L 527.390311 61.375574 L 527.638033 60.998643 L 527.699963 61.133261 L 527.761894 61.079414 L 528.009616 60.864026 L 528.133477 60.864026 L 528.50506 60.352477 L 528.690851 60.567866 L 528.876643 60.379401 L 528.938573 60.514019 L 529.000504 60.460172 L 529.310156 60.325554 L 529.372087 60.460172 L 529.495948 60.190936 L 529.557878 60.271707 L 529.619809 60.190936 L 529.681739 60.325554 L 529.74367 60.244783 L 529.8056 60.164012 L 529.929461 60.433248 L 529.991392 60.379401 L 530.053322 60.433248 L 530.115253 60.352477 L 530.486836 59.733235 L 530.548766 59.598617 L 530.672627 59.867853 L 530.858419 59.463999 L 530.920349 59.598617 L 530.98228 59.463999 L 531.04421 59.598617 L 531.230002 59.194763 L 531.291932 59.275534 L 531.539654 58.925527 L 531.725446 58.763986 L 531.787376 58.898604 L 531.849307 58.844757 L 531.973168 58.737062 L 532.158959 59.060145 L 532.22089 59.006298 L 532.344751 59.275534 L 532.406681 59.221687 L 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547.208071 49.502272 L 547.641584 48.802259 L 547.951237 49.044571 L 548.137028 48.640717 L 548.260889 48.909953 L 548.32282 48.856106 L 548.508611 48.909953 L 549.127916 48.236864 L 549.437569 47.886857 L 549.871082 48.236864 L 549.994943 47.967628 L 550.056874 48.048399 L 550.118804 48.183017 L 550.180735 48.129169 L 550.366526 47.994551 L 550.428457 48.129169 L 550.490387 48.048399 L 550.552318 47.967628 L 550.676179 48.183017 L 550.738109 48.129169 L 551.047762 47.83301 L 551.109692 47.913781 L 551.171623 47.994551 L 551.233553 47.913781 L 551.419345 47.698392 L 551.481275 47.752239 L 551.605136 47.752239 L 551.728997 47.590698 L 551.914789 47.940704 L 552.10058 47.671468 L 552.162511 47.806086 L 552.224441 47.725316 L 552.286372 47.644545 L 552.348302 47.698392 L 552.472163 47.698392 L 553.029538 46.702219 L 553.586912 46.136824 L 554.330079 45.517581 L 554.392009 45.598352 L 554.45394 45.544505 L 554.577801 45.329116 L 554.639731 45.463734 L 554.701662 45.409887 L 554.825523 45.409887 L 555.011314 45.463734 L 555.259036 45.086804 L 555.320967 45.140651 L 555.382897 45.059881 L 555.444828 44.97911 L 555.506758 45.032957 L 555.568689 45.113728 L 555.630619 44.97911 L 555.69255 45.032957 L 555.816411 45.248346 L 555.940272 44.97911 L 556.002202 45.032957 L 556.064133 45.113728 L 556.311855 44.763721 L 556.621507 44.898339 L 556.745368 44.709874 L 556.93116 44.440638 L 557.055021 44.709874 L 557.116951 44.656027 L 557.364673 44.736797 L 557.674326 44.252173 L 557.798187 44.440638 L 558.107839 43.848319 L 558.2317 44.063708 L 558.355561 43.92909 L 558.417492 44.063708 L 558.541353 43.794472 L 558.727144 44.090631 L 559.036797 43.848319 L 559.098727 43.92909 L 559.532241 43.229077 L 559.594171 43.363695 L 559.656102 43.229077 L 559.718032 43.282924 L 559.841893 43.17523 L 559.903824 43.256 L 559.965754 43.309847 L 560.213476 43.013688 L 560.275407 43.148306 L 560.461198 42.986764 L 560.832781 42.744452 L 560.894712 42.825223 L 560.956642 42.690605 L 561.080503 42.87907 L 561.266295 42.529063 L 561.328225 42.663681 L 561.390156 42.609834 L 561.452086 42.555987 L 561.761739 43.013688 L 562.133322 42.448293 L 562.504905 42.20598 L 562.566835 42.340598 L 562.628766 42.259828 L 562.690696 42.20598 L 562.814557 42.475216 L 562.938418 42.286751 L 563.000349 42.367522 L 563.18614 42.044439 L 563.371932 42.313675 L 563.495793 42.20598 L 563.557723 42.340598 L 563.619654 42.286751 L 563.743515 42.098286 L 563.805445 42.179057 L 563.867376 42.12521 L 564.053167 41.802127 L 564.115098 41.936745 L 564.42475 41.479044 L 564.858264 41.07519 L 564.982125 41.344426 L 565.291777 40.832878 L 565.66336 41.182884 L 565.725291 41.102113 L 565.787221 40.967495 L 565.849152 41.048266 L 565.911082 41.182884 L 565.973013 41.129037 L 566.158804 40.832878 L 566.220735 40.967495 L 566.282665 41.102113 L 566.406526 40.913648 L 566.468457 41.048266 L 566.530387 40.967495 L 566.716179 40.805954 L 566.778109 40.886725 L 566.84004 40.805954 L 566.90197 40.859801 L 567.149692 40.536718 L 567.273553 40.644412 L 567.335484 40.509794 L 567.583206 40.859801 L 567.645136 40.913648 L 567.892858 40.536718 L 567.954789 40.590565 L 568.016719 40.455947 L 568.202511 40.805954 L 568.450233 40.509794 L 568.574094 40.375177 L 568.636024 40.509794 L 568.821816 40.105941 L 568.883746 40.159788 L 569.255329 39.72901 L 569.503051 39.379004 L 569.626912 39.379004 L 569.936565 38.840532 L 569.998495 38.97515 L 570.122356 38.705914 L 570.184287 38.759761 L 570.246217 38.813609 L 570.432009 38.409755 L 570.493939 38.463602 L 570.679731 38.867456 L 570.741661 38.813609 L 570.865522 38.678991 L 570.989383 38.894379 L 571.051314 38.759761 L 571.237105 38.490526 L 571.360966 38.678991 L 571.670619 38.059748 L 571.79448 38.22129 L 571.85641 38.140519 L 572.042202 37.790512 L 572.104132 37.92513 L 572.475715 37.198193 L 572.537646 37.332811 L 572.661507 37.144346 L 572.723437 37.225117 L 572.785368 37.17127 L 573.03309 36.686645 L 573.09502 36.740492 L 573.156951 36.79434 L 573.590464 36.094326 L 574.147839 35.663549 L 574.2717 35.663549 L 574.33363 35.582778 L 574.457491 35.771243 L 574.643283 35.421237 L 574.705213 35.502007 L 574.891005 35.152001 L 574.952935 35.232772 L 575.014866 35.152001 L 575.138727 35.340466 L 575.200657 35.205848 L 575.634171 34.748147 L 575.881893 34.909689 L 576.191545 34.721223 L 576.253476 34.775071 L 576.501198 34.478911 L 576.686989 34.882765 L 576.74892 34.828918 L 576.996642 34.532758 L 577.058572 34.586606 L 577.120503 34.640453 L 577.492086 34.048134 L 577.554016 34.182752 L 577.615947 34.101981 L 577.801738 33.886592 L 578.297182 33.563509 L 578.359113 33.698127 L 578.421043 33.64428 L 578.482974 33.563509 L 578.544904 33.617356 L 578.606835 33.671204 L 578.668765 33.590433 L 578.916487 33.240426 L 578.978418 33.375044 L 579.040348 33.240426 L 579.102279 33.375044 L 579.164209 33.321197 L 579.411931 32.782725 L 579.473862 32.836572 L 579.969306 32.271177 L 580.031236 32.190406 L 580.093167 32.271177 L 580.217028 32.540413 L 580.278958 32.486566 L 580.52668 32.351948 L 580.774402 32.513489 L 581.084055 32.082712 L 581.145985 32.163483 L 581.517568 31.598087 L 581.641429 31.867323 L 581.827221 31.651935 L 582.013012 31.759629 L 582.570387 31.248081 L 582.756178 31.46347 L 582.94197 31.598087 L 583.375483 30.871151 L 583.561275 31.221157 L 583.747066 30.978845 L 583.870927 31.194234 L 583.932858 31.140387 L 584.056719 31.005769 L 584.18058 31.275004 L 584.366371 31.059616 L 584.428302 31.005769 L 584.552163 31.275004 L 584.614093 31.194234 L 584.737954 31.194234 L 584.799885 31.113463 L 584.861815 31.194234 L 584.985676 31.005769 L 585.233398 30.682686 L 585.666912 30.11729 L 585.728842 30.171137 L 585.852703 30.171137 L 585.914634 30.11729 L 586.038495 30.386526 L 586.100425 30.305755 L 586.224286 30.144214 L 586.286217 30.198061 L 586.348147 30.332679 L 586.410078 30.278832 L 586.472008 30.198061 L 586.533939 30.278832 L 586.595869 30.224985 L 586.6578 30.359603 L 586.71973 30.224985 L 586.781661 30.359603 L 587.029383 30.009596 L 587.153244 30.198061 L 587.400966 29.901902 L 587.462896 29.955749 L 587.772549 29.471124 L 587.834479 29.524971 L 587.89641 29.444201 L 587.95834 29.309583 L 588.020271 29.390353 L 588.453784 28.932652 L 588.701506 28.636493 L 589.816255 27.344161 L 589.940116 27.532626 L 590.43556 26.994154 L 590.497491 26.859536 L 590.559421 26.994154 L 590.621352 26.859536 L 590.683282 26.913384 L 590.807143 26.913384 L 590.931004 26.724918 L 591.364518 25.971058 L 591.736101 26.563377 L 591.859962 26.428759 L 591.921892 26.50953 L 591.983823 26.374912 L 592.045753 26.428759 L 592.541197 25.971058 L 592.603128 26.105676 L 592.665058 25.971058 L 592.726989 26.105676 L 592.726989 26.105676 " style="fill:none;stroke:#bcbd22;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/> </g> <g id="patch_3"> <path d="M 60.090625 346.663276 L 60.090625 10.7 " style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.8;"/> </g> <g id="patch_4"> 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... mais est-ce l'agent vraiment optimal? Peut-on créer un meta-meta-agent? La question reste ouverte :-)