élasticité expansion en miroir - principes
L'installation Elasticité dynamique agit comme un filtre et génère de nouveaux espaces démultipliés, comme un empilement quasi infini d'horizons. Par principe de réflexion, la pièce absorbe l'image de l'environnement et accumule les points de vue ; le mouvement permanent requalifie continuellement ce qui est regardé et entendu.
Ce post étudie quelques principes fondamentaux relatifs à des reflections mutliples dans des mirroirs.
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import elasticite as el
import numpy as np
duration = el.get_default_args(el.EdgeGrid.render)['duration']
import sys
from scenario_line_fresnel import EdgeGrid
e = EdgeGrid(N_lame=25, grid_type='line')
Point-Line Distance--2-Dimensional¶
See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance2-Dimensional.html
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True)
particles = np.array([[.2, .3], [-.5, 1.1], [.3, .9]]).T
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
border = 0.0
ax = fig.add_axes((border, border, 1.-2*border, 1.-2*border), axisbg='w')
ax.plot(particles[0, 0], particles[1, 0], 'b+')
ax.plot(particles[0, 1:], particles[1, 1:], 'r')
ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 2])
projection du point sur la droite
particles = np.array([[.2, 1.4], [-.5, 1.], [.4, 1.]]).T
particles = np.array([[.2, 1.5], [-.5, .8], [.3, .9]]).T
P = particles[:, 0].copy()
print(np.dot(particles[:, 1:].T, np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])))
perp = np.zeros_like(P)
perp[0] = particles[1, 2] - particles[1, 1]
perp[1] = -(particles[0, 2] - particles[0, 1])
# distance to the line
d = perp[0]*(particles[0, 1] - particles[0, 0]) + perp[1]*(particles[1, 1] - particles[1, 0])
print(d, np.sqrt(perp[0]**2 + perp[1]**2), d/np.sqrt(perp[0]**2 + perp[1]**2))
# normalizing
#perp /= np.sqrt((perp**2).sum())
#perp /= np.sqrt(perp[0]**2 + perp[1]**2)
P += d * perp / (perp[0]**2 + perp[1]**2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
border = 0.0
ax = fig.add_axes((border, border, 1.-2*border, 1.-2*border), axisbg='w')
ax.plot(particles[0, 0], particles[1, 0], 'b+')
ax.plot(particles[0, 1:], particles[1, 1:], 'r')
ax.plot(P[0], P[1], 'gs')
ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 2])
shorter form
particles = np.array([[.2, 1.4], [-.5, 1.], [.4, 1.]]).T
particles = np.array([[.2, 1.5], [-.5, .8], [.3, .9]]).T
perp = np.array([particles[1, 2] - particles[1, 1], -(particles[0, 2] - particles[0, 1])])
# distance to the line
d = perp[0]*(particles[0, 1] - particles[0, 0]) + perp[1]*(particles[1, 1] - particles[1, 0])
P = particles[:, 0] + d * perp / (perp**2).sum()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
border = 0.0
ax = fig.add_axes((border, border, 1.-2*border, 1.-2*border), axisbg='w')
ax.plot(particles[0, 0], particles[1, 0], 'b+')
ax.plot(particles[0, 1:], particles[1, 1:], 'r')
ax.plot(P[0], P[1], 'gs')
ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 2])
deducing the mirror image as twice this projection
particles = np.array([[.2, 1.4], [-.5, 1.], [.4, 1.]]).T
particles = np.array([[.2, 1.5], [-.5, .8], [.3, .9]]).T
perp = np.array([particles[1, 2] - particles[1, 1], -(particles[0, 2] - particles[0, 1])])
# distance to the line
d = perp[0]*(particles[0, 1] - particles[0, 0]) + perp[1]*(particles[1, 1] - particles[1, 0])
P = particles[:, 0] + 2 *d * perp / (perp**2).sum()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
border = 0.0
ax = fig.add_axes((border, border, 1.-2*border, 1.-2*border), axisbg='w')
ax.plot(particles[0, 0], particles[1, 0], 'b+')
ax.plot(particles[0, 1:], particles[1, 1:], 'r')
ax.plot(P[0], P[1], 'gs')
ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 2])
a function
particles = np.array([[-.5, .5],[.2, 1.5], [-.5, .8], [.3, .9]]).T
particles = np.random.rand(2, 10)
segment = np.array([[-.5, .5], [.5, 1.5]]).T
def mirror(particles, segment, alpha=1.):
mirror = particles.copy()
perp = np.array([segment[1][1] - segment[1][0], -(segment[0][1] - segment[0][0])])
# distance to the line
d = perp[0]*(segment[0][1] - particles[0, :]) + perp[1]*(segment[1, 1] - particles[1, :])
mirror[:2, :] = particles[:2, :] + 2. * d[np.newaxis, :] * perp[:, np.newaxis] / (perp**2).sum()
if mirror.shape[0]>2: mirror[2, :] = alpha * particles[2, :]
#ind = 1-(d == np.zeros_like(d))
return mirror#[:, ind]
particles_mirror = mirror(particles, segment)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
border = 0.0
ax = fig.add_axes((border, border, 1.-2*border, 1.-2*border), axisbg='w')
ax.plot(particles[0, :], particles[1, :], 'b+')
ax.plot(segment[0, :], segment[1, :], 'r')
ax.plot(particles_mirror[0, :], particles_mirror[1, :], 'g+')
ax.plot(np.vstack((particles[0, :], particles_mirror[0, :])), np.vstack((particles[1, :], particles_mirror[1, :])), 'k--')
ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 2])
miroir d'une image et image d'un miroir¶
peut on simuler de façon équivalente plusieurs reflections en utilisant le miroir d'un segment
particles = np.array([[-.5, .5],[.2, 1.5], [-.5, .8], [.3, .9]]).T
particles = np.random.rand(2, 10)
segmentA = np.array([[-.5, .5], [.5, 1.5]]).T
segmentB = np.array([[-0., 0.], [.0, 2.]]).T
print(segmentA, segmentB)
particles_mirrorA = mirror(particles, segmentA)
particles_mirrorAB = mirror(particles_mirrorA, segmentB)
segmentB_mirrorA = mirror(segmentA, segmentB)
particles_mirrorAB_ = mirror(particles, segmentB_mirrorA)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
border = 0.0
ax = fig.add_axes((border, border, 1.-2*border, 1.-2*border), axisbg='w')
ax.plot(particles[0, :], particles[1, :], 'bo')
ax.plot(segmentA[0, :], segmentA[1, :], 'r')
ax.plot(segmentB[0, :], segmentB[1, :], 'b')
ax.plot(segmentB_mirrorA[0, :], segmentB_mirrorA[1, :], 'b--')
ax.plot(particles_mirrorA[0, :], particles_mirrorA[1, :], 'go')
ax.plot(particles_mirrorAB[0, :], particles_mirrorAB[1, :], 'g+')
ax.plot(particles_mirrorAB_[0, :], particles_mirrorAB_[1, :], 'gx')
ax.plot(np.vstack((particles_mirrorA[0, :], particles_mirrorAB[0, :])), np.vstack((particles_mirrorA[1, :], particles_mirrorAB[1, :])), 'k--')
ax.plot(np.vstack((particles[0, :], particles_mirrorAB_[0, :])), np.vstack((particles[1, :], particles_mirrorAB_[1, :])), 'k-.')
ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 2])
on applique maintenant à la structure¶
la structure est représentée par une liste de segments sur lesquels on a tiré des points
import elasticite as el
import numpy as np
e = el.EdgeGrid(N_lame=25, grid_type='line')
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
segments = e.structure_as_segments()
e = el.EdgeGrid(N_lame=25, grid_type='line')
alpha = .8
particles = e.particles.copy()
particles_mirror = particles.copy()
for segment in segments:
particles_mirror = np.hstack((particles_mirror, mirror(particles, segment, alpha)))
#print(particles_mirror.shape)#, mirror(e.particles, np.array(segment))).shape)
e.particles = particles_mirror
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
alpha *= .8
particles = e.particles.copy()
particles_mirror = particles.copy()
for segment in segments:
particles_mirror = np.hstack((particles_mirror, mirror(particles, np.array(segment), alpha)))
#print(particles_mirror.shape)#, mirror(e.particles, np.array(segment))).shape)
e.particles = particles_mirror
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
alpha *= .8
particles = e.particles.copy()
particles_mirror = particles.copy()
for segment in segments:
particles_mirror = np.hstack((particles_mirror, mirror(particles, np.array(segment), alpha)))
#print(particles_mirror.shape)#, mirror(e.particles, np.array(segment))).shape)
e.total_width *= 1.6
e.particles = particles_mirror
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
Summming up everything in a few functions:
e = el.EdgeGrid(N_lame=25, grid_type='line')
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
e = el.EdgeGrid(N_lame=25, grid_type='line')
e.sample_structure(N_mirror=1, alpha = .8)
e.total_width *= 1.6
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
e = el.EdgeGrid(N_lame=25, grid_type='line')
e.sample_structure(N_mirror=2, alpha = .8)
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
e = el.EdgeGrid(N_lame=25, grid_type='line')
e.sample_structure(N_mirror=3, alpha = .5)
fig, ax = e.plot_structure()
!git s
#!git add 2015-11-02\ élasticité\ expansion\ en\ m*
!git commit -am' expansion - miroir de la structure - principes'
! git push