Creating an animation using Gizeh + MoviePy

Gizeh (that is, Cairo for tourists) is a great interface to the Cairo drawing library.

I recently wished to make a small animation of a bar moving in the visual field and crossing a simple receptive field to illustrate some simple motions that could be captured in the primary visual cortex ansd experiments that could be done there.

Let's first draw a simple receptive field as a disk filled with a radial gradient:

In [1]:
!python3 -m pip install git+
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /private/var/folders/3p/m0g52j9j69z3gj8ktpgg1dm00000gn/T/pip-req-build-d26_plfz
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gizeh==0.1.11 from git+ in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: cairocffi in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from gizeh==0.1.11) (1.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from gizeh==0.1.11) (1.16.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cffi>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from cairocffi->gizeh==0.1.11) (1.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=39.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from cairocffi->gizeh==0.1.11) (40.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from cffi>=1.1.0->cairocffi->gizeh==0.1.11) (2.19)
Building wheels for collected packages: gizeh
  Building wheel for gizeh ( ... done
  Stored in directory: /private/var/folders/3p/m0g52j9j69z3gj8ktpgg1dm00000gn/T/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-_1r9oh3r/wheels/8c/cb/46/7c7b614e37b5d68c26a0fa67f07801576c470884e7983c3b37
Successfully built gizeh
In [1]:
import gizeh as gz
W, H = 500, 300
r, gray, t = 25., .3, 1.

surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) # white background
gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0,(gray, gray, gray)), (1, (1, 1, 1))],
                            xy1=[0, 0], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, r])
rf =, xy=(W/2., H/2.), fill=gradient)
#rect = gz.rectangle(lx=.3*H, ly=.02*H, xy=(W*t/duration, H/2.), fill=(0,1,0), angle=np.pi/2)

No description has been provided for this image

filling with a RadialGradient

Looks easy, however, this took a little searching and tweaking. Finally found some documentation @ about the RadialGradient class:

Extends Cairo.Gradient to create a new radial gradient between the two circles defined by (cx0, cxy0, radius0) and (cx1, cy1, radius1).

such that we should have the following equivalence between Gizeh and Cairo

xy1, xy2, xy3 = (cx0, cy0), (cx1, cy1), (radius0, radius1)

a couple of MWE (AKA Mimimum Working Example) for each different parameter should be more helpful to see what happens:

In [3]:
import gizeh as gz
import numpy as np

W, H = 500, 300
r, gray = 25., .3

surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,0)) # yellow background

N = 5
for x, radius1 in zip(np.linspace(W/8., 7*W/8., N), np.logspace(-2, 2, N, base=2)*r):
    gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0,(gray, gray, gray)), (1, (1, 1, 1))],
                                xy1=[0, 0], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, radius1]), xy=(x, H/2.), fill=gradient).draw(surface)
No description has been provided for this image
In [4]:
surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,0)) # yellow background
for x, cx0 in zip(np.linspace(W/8., 7*W/8., N), np.linspace(0, 2*r, N)):
    gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0,(gray, gray, gray)), (1, (1, 1, 1))],
                                xy1=[cx0, 0], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, r]), xy=(x, H/2.), fill=gradient).draw(surface)
No description has been provided for this image
In [5]:
surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,0)) # yellow background
for x, radius0 in zip(np.linspace(W/8., 7*W/8., N), np.logspace(-2, 2, N, base=2)*r):
    gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0,(gray, gray, gray)), (1, (1, 1, 1))],
                                xy1=[0, 0], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[radius0, r]), xy=(x, H/2.), fill=gradient).draw(surface)
No description has been provided for this image
In [6]:
surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,0)) # yellow background
for x, cy0 in zip(np.linspace(W/8., 7*W/8., N), np.linspace(0, 2*r, N)):
    gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0,(gray, gray, gray)), (1, (1, 1, 1))],
                                xy1=[0, cy0], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, r]), xy=(x, H/2.), fill=gradient).draw(surface)
No description has been provided for this image
In [7]:
surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,0)) # yellow background
for x, cy1 in zip(np.linspace(W/8., 7*W/8., N), np.linspace(0, 2*r, N)):
    gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0,(gray, gray, gray)), (1, (1, 1, 1))],
                                xy1=[0, 0], xy2=[0, cy1], xy3=[0, r]), xy=(x, H/2.), fill=gradient).draw(surface)
No description has been provided for this image

Making an animation

And now the animation for the straight trajectory of a segment with perpendicular orientation:

In [8]:
import numpy as np
import gizeh as gz
import moviepy.editor as mpy

W, H = 500, 300
duration = 3
r, color = 25., .1
figpath = '/tmp/'
fps = 25

gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors = [(0,(color,color,color)), (1,(1,1,1))],
                            xy1=[0,0], xy2=[0,0], xy3 = [0, r])
rf =, xy=(W/2., H/2.), fill=gradient)

def make_frame(t):

    surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,1))

    rect = gz.rectangle(lx=.3*H, ly=.02*H, xy=(W*t/duration, H/2.), fill=(0,1,0), angle=np.pi/2)

    return surface.get_npimage()

clip = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration)
clip.write_videofile(figpath + 'trax_0.mp4', fps=fps) # Many options...

clip.ipython_display(fps=fps, width=W, autoplay=1, loop=1)
pygame 1.9.4
Hello from the pygame community.
t:  37%|███▋      | 28/75 [00:00<00:00, 270.51it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Building video /tmp/trax_0.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video /tmp/trax_0.mp4

t:  35%|███▍      | 26/75 [00:00<00:00, 255.60it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready /tmp/trax_0.mp4
Moviepy - Building video __temp__.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video __temp__.mp4

Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready __temp__.mp4

A straight trajectory of a segment with a slanted orientation:

In [9]:
def make_frame(t):
    surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,1))
    rect = gz.rectangle(lx=.3*H, ly=.02*H, xy=(W*t/duration, H/2.), fill=(0,1,0), angle=np.pi/3)
    return surface.get_npimage()

clip = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration)
clip.write_videofile(figpath + 'trax_1.mp4', fps=fps) # Many options...

clip.ipython_display(fps=fps, width=W, autoplay=1, loop=1)
t:  36%|███▌      | 27/75 [00:00<00:00, 262.97it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Building video /tmp/trax_1.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video /tmp/trax_1.mp4

t:  35%|███▍      | 26/75 [00:00<00:00, 256.45it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready /tmp/trax_1.mp4
Moviepy - Building video __temp__.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video __temp__.mp4

Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready __temp__.mp4

A straight trajectory of a segment with an ondulating orientation:

In [10]:
def make_frame(t):
    surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,1))
    modul = 1 - .2*np.sin(2*np.pi*t/duration)
    rect = gz.rectangle(lx=.3*H, ly=.02*H, xy=(W*t/duration, H/2.), fill=(0,1,0), angle=np.pi/2*modul)
    return surface.get_npimage()

clip = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration)
clip.write_videofile(figpath + 'trax_2.mp4', fps=fps) # Many options...
clip.ipython_display(fps=fps, width=W, autoplay=1, loop=1)
t:  36%|███▌      | 27/75 [00:00<00:00, 263.41it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Building video /tmp/trax_2.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video /tmp/trax_2.mp4

t:  33%|███▎      | 25/75 [00:00<00:00, 249.89it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready /tmp/trax_2.mp4
Moviepy - Building video __temp__.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video __temp__.mp4

Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready __temp__.mp4

An ondulating trajectory of a segment with an ondulating orientation, and with the orientation always perpentdicular to the orientation:

In [11]:
def make_frame(t):
    surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,1))
    modul = 1 - .2*np.sin(2*np.pi*t/duration)
    ymodul = 1 + .2*(np.cos(2*np.pi*t/duration)+1)
    rect = gz.rectangle(lx=.3*H, ly=.02*H, xy=(W*t/duration, H/2.*ymodul), fill=(0,1,0), angle=np.pi/2*modul)
    return surface.get_npimage()

clip = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration)
clip.write_videofile(figpath + 'trax_3.mp4', fps=fps) # Many options...
clip.ipython_display(fps=fps, width=W, autoplay=1, loop=1)
t:  36%|███▌      | 27/75 [00:00<00:00, 265.60it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Building video /tmp/trax_3.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video /tmp/trax_3.mp4

t:  33%|███▎      | 25/75 [00:00<00:00, 248.44it/s, now=None]
Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready /tmp/trax_3.mp4
Moviepy - Building video __temp__.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video __temp__.mp4

Moviepy - Done !
Moviepy - video ready __temp__.mp4
