Role of dynamics in neural computations underlying visual processing

Laurent Perrinet


  • Rick Adams and Karl Friston @ UCL - Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
  • Mina Aliakbari Khoei and Anna Montagnini - FACETS-ITN Marie Curie Training
  • Frédéric CHAVANE - INT

LACONEU 2019: 5th Latin-American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience, 17/1/2019

LP (2015) "Sparse models" in Biologically Inspired Computer Vision
LP (2015) "Sparse models" in Biologically Inspired Computer Vision


  1. About Dynamics, vision and neurons
  2. Active Inference

  3. Back to the present
  4. Perspectives ?


  1. About Dynamics, vision and neurons
  2. Active Inference
  3. Back to the present

  4. Perspectives ?
Khoei, Masson and LP (2017) PLoS CB

Back to the present

Khoei, Masson and LP (2017) PLoS CB

Back to the present

Khoei, Masson and LP (2017) PLoS CB

Back to the present

Khoei, Masson and LP (2017) PLoS CB

Back to the present

Khoei, Masson and LP (2017) PLoS CB

Back to the present

Khoei, Masson and LP (2017) PLoS CB


  1. About Dynamics, vision and neurons
  2. Active Inference
  3. Back to the present
  4. Perspectives ?

Chemla, Reynaud, di Volo, Zerlaut, LP, Destexhe, Chavane (2019) in revision

Chemla, Reynaud, di Volo, Zerlaut, LP, Destexhe, Chavane (2019) in revision

Benvenuti, Taouali, LP, Chavane (in prep)

Benvenuti, Taouali, LP, Chavane (in prep)

Benvenuti, Taouali, LP, Chavane (in prep)

Muller, Chavane, Reynolds, Sejnowski (2018) Cortical travelling waves: mechanisms and computational principles Nature Reviews Neuroscience 19 (5), 255

Role of dynamics in neural computations underlying visual processing

Laurent Perrinet


  • Rick Adams and Karl Friston @ UCL - Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
  • Mina Aliakbari Khoei and Anna Montagnini - FACETS-ITN Marie Curie Training
  • Frédéric CHAVANE - INT

LACONEU 2019: 5th Latin-American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience, 17/1/2019