Analyser de larges volumes de données neurobiologiques, vers une approche biomimétiqueSeminar at the Emergences (PEPR AI) workshop, Autrans, FranceLaurent U Perrinet2024-03-27Cite Slides URLRelated papersPush-Pull Receptive Field Organization and Synaptic Depression: Mechanisms for Reliably Encoding Naturalistic Stimuli in V1Neurons in the primary visual cortex are known for responding vigorously but with high variability to classical stimuli such as …Jens Kremkow, Laurent U Perrinet, Cyril Monier, Jose-Manuel Alonso, Ad M Aertsen, Yves Frégnac, Guillaume S MassonCite DOI URL HALLearning heterogeneous delays in a layer of spiking neurons for fast motion detection read the paper online (paywall) or read the reprint as PDFfull code with extensive Supplementary Materialjoin the Zotero group to add and discuss more itemsthis paper is a follow-up of Antoine Grimaldi, Camille Besnainou, Hugo Ladret, Laurent U Perrinet (2022). Learning heterogeneous delays of spiking neurons for motion detection. Proceedings of ICIP 2022.PDF Cite DOI Venue URLAntoine Grimaldi, Laurent U PerrinetPDF Cite DOI URLCortical recurrence supports resilience to sensory variance in the primary visual cortexOur daily endeavors occur in a complex visual environment, whose intrinsic variability challenges the way we integrate information to …Hugo Ladret, Nelson Cortes, Lamyae Ikan, Frédéric Chavane, Christian Casanova, Laurent U PerrinetPDF Cite DOI Dataset Code URL bioRxivLaurent U PerrinetResearcher in Computational NeuroscienceMy research interests include Machine Learning and computational neuroscience applied to Vision.Cite ×