FACETS-ITN (2010/2013)

FACETS-ITN: From Neuroscience to neuro-inspired computing (2010/2013)
FACETS ITN project (EU funding, grant number 237955) is a ‘Marie-Curie Initial Training Network’ involves 15 groups at European Research Universities, Research Centers and Industrial Partners in 6 countries. 22 Ph.D. Positions are funded in the FACETS-ITN project in the following scientific work areas: Neurobiology of Cells and Networks, Modelling of Neural Systems, Neuromorphic Hardware, Neuro-Electronic Interfaces, Computational Principles in Neural Architectures, Mechanisms of Learning and Plasticity.
See also:
The FACETS research project which ended on 31 August 2010.
The FACETS-ITN Marie-Curie initital training network for graduate training continues until August 2013
The BrainScaleS project builds on and extends the research done in FACETS. This 4 year project started on January 1st, 2011.