Next-generation neural computations
Next-generation neural computations
Anna Montagnini
ANR ACES (2022/2026)
ANR PRIOSENS (2021/2025)
Humans adapt their anticipatory eye movements to the volatility of visual motion properties
Reinforcement effects in anticipatory smooth eye movements
Principles and psychophysics of Active Inference in anticipating a dynamic, switching probabilistic bias
Estimating and anticipating a dynamic probabilistic bias in visual motion direction
ANEMO: Quantitative tools for the ANalysis of Eye MOvements
Estimating and anticipating a dynamic probabilistic bias in visual motion direction
Estimating and anticipating a dynamic probabilistic bias in visual motion direction
Speed uncertainty and motion perception with naturalistic random textures
Dynamic modulation of volatility by reward contingencies: effects on anticipatory smooth eye movement
Estimating and anticipating a dynamic probabilistic bias in visual motion direction
How the dynamics of human smooth pursuit is influenced by speed uncertainty
Voluntary tracking the moving clouds : Effects of speed variability on human smooth pursuit
Reinforcement contingencies modulate anticipatory smooth eye movements
Operant reinforcement versus reward expectancy: effects on anticipatory eye movements
ANR PredictEye (2018/2020)
Effects of motion predictability on anticipatory and visually-guided eye movements: a common prior for sensory processing and motor control?
Modeling the effect of dynamic contingencies on anticipatory eye movements
Voluntary tracking the moving clouds : Effects of speed variability on human smooth pursuit
Voluntary tracking the moving clouds : Effects of speed variability on human smooth pursuit
Voluntary tracking the moving clouds : Effects of speed variability on human smooth pursuit
Visual motion processing and human tracking behavior
Anticipatory smooth eye movements and reinforcement
PACE-ITN (2015/2019)
Anticipating a moving target: role of vision and reinforcement
Anticipatory smooth eye movements as operant behavior
Eye tracking a self-moved target with complex hand-target dynamics
The characteristics of microsaccadic eye movements varied with the change of strategy in a match-to-sample task
On the nature of anticipatory eye movements and the factors affecting them
Measuring speed of moving textures: Different pooling of motion information for human ocular following and perception
Pattern discrimination for moving random textures: Richer stimuli are more difficult to recognize
Effect of image statistics on fixational eye movements
Measuring speed of moving textures: Different pooling of motion information for human ocular following and perception.
More is not always better: dissociation between perception and action explained by adaptive gain control
Pattern discrimination for moving random textures: Richer stimuli are more difficult to recognize
Pursuing motion illusions: a realistic oculomotor framework for Bayesian inference
Role of motion inertia in dynamic motion integration for smooth pursuit
A recurrent Bayesian model of dynamic motion integration for smooth pursuit
Different pooling of motion information for perceptual speed discrimination and behavioral speed estimation
Bayesian modeling of dynamic motion integration
Dynamic inference for motion tracking
Visual tracking of ambiguous moving objects: A recursive Bayesian model
Bayesian modeling of dynamic motion integration